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  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    good morning. Think I got and hour or so. Had to take. Xeloda early bcuz the ct today. Going to try a little nap now. Iiced knees for a while. Doesn't seem to have helped. Standing up really hurts. 

    That movie was crazy wasn't it? Esp the part at the end where they shoes the French fries that would mold. Wow. Wendy's always has good salads but they are expensive! Of course all fast food is crazy prices these days. 

    Yesterday was real rough. When I went for neupogen  the chemo nurse was so shocked by appearance that she called the NP. To be fair, it's the first time I had no makeup on. So number one, they hadn't seen my face getting progressively worse because I've been covering t. And two, you know it's bad that left the house with no makeup. My whole forehead is peeling off and all red and gross arums my eyes. And of course all the swelling. She listened to my chest and said it sounds ok. I think she is just humors. me sometimes. But it could be some congestion. I was so worn out yesterday from no sleep and the low courts I guess. But came home from dr ate dinner, took xeloda and promptly zonked out on the couch for two hours. It was great. I've noticed the neupogen has a counter effect on my steroid head. NP told me to skip a day of weaning. So I go to 2mg  on e a day starting today instead of tomorrow. Eyes still blurry going to have to start doing this in the computer instead of my phone. Boo. 

    Hope everyone has a great day. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Hi DP!  Sooo glad to see you!  **waving betty arms**

    You have done us an excellent service bringing back the term Fucktard.  I have missed it.  I actually like it better than Dicktor.  I am so glad you have had a tiny bit of rest.  Agree about the X -- maybe at night?  I am so sorry about the peeling -- it sounds so uncomfortable.  Dr Z is right about Silvadene.  I use so much of it for my "area" that the PA has prescribed a giant tub of it.  I am not reading about the SEs of Silvadene because I want to enjoy it.  It has absolutely saved my area from my situation of many surgeries and experimentation.

    You guys are making me hungry from all your talk!  I cannot eat any of that because I am allergic to everything.  So cute about BG and the tip!

    M, it seems that you guys walk newborn babies all around town 24 hours after they are born?  You are brave.  I did not do that at all.  I kept our princess away from people -- even people we know well -- for something like six weeks.  I didn't take her to crowded areas.  Because I did not want her to catch anything.  **over-protective helicopter mother**

    DP, sleep sounds like a really good idea.  I wish you could get more than two hours at a time!  What do you think about Dr Z's suggestion of George Winston sleep machine and X!  Sending you hugs.  In the bag. XXXXXX

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Waving Betty arms too!

    Sorry about the peeling DP, must be driving you crazy.  I think chocolate would help tho, it must.  In the bag for the ct.

    Z, up before he kiddos?

    Bobo, what are you allergic to? If you don't mind me asking  

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Hi Dawny!  It's funny, I was just on the other thread and thinking of you.  I was thinking, I need more Dawny.  But I did not put it into words :)  Hi Betty! **waving**

    Dawny, I have a whole stack of magazines that I have not been able to read because I am grading so much.  I hate looking at that stack!  I have no spare time.  Somehow I know you will understand!

    I am allergic to


    all dairy, really

    some drugs

    preservatives of any kind (hives)




    corn (yikes!)

    I feel like I am missing a big one

    Oh!  And now it looks like... gluten.  Haven't been officially tested, but have been off it for a while, and last weekend I had some rye volkenbrot (like the norwegian bread), and had some wheat flour something, and... it was not good.  Had been mainly avoiding it because it made me feel better (more able to keep going), but now it looks as if it is really something.  So I've pulled all gluten out this week -- absolutely all -- and, yes, all SEs cleared up immediately.  I may or may not get tested.  I do not think I am celiac.  But, really, I may not want to officially know.  I am already eating pretty clean, and I've got so much to deal with right now.

    Hi DP!  ***waving*** I am going to put a lot of Silvadene on right now.

    Dawny, will you come to my house?  :)

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Bobo, I will be there in a few minutes!  If only.  I would help you grade those papers, I know nothing about grading papers, so I think I will give them all a "B"' unless you say they are lousy students, then they may just fail.  You will then sit back and read magazines, then off with DLLP for a weekend away whilst I look after the kiddos.  When you get back we shall have lots of laughs and go and visit Glennie .  How does that sound?  I hate that you have so many allergies, do you need an epipen?  Interesting that all is well off gluten.  That is a bunch of hard work.  Xx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    **waving Betty arms to all**

    DP:   peeling sucks!!  I hope they gave you some Silvadene for it.  Have you tried the Xanax to help you sleep?  Maybe try 1/2 one tonight?

    Bobo:  I feel your allergy pain, although you have a more extensive list than I do. I am also doing better w/o gluten. ESPECIALLY gluten with sugar,,, like cake.  For some reason,, that's the worst. And I instantly lose weight when I eat clean. It is so weird. I ate huge yesterday,, but it was all clean food and I'm down a pound today.  Go figure.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Oh goodie,, I get a visit too!   It will be awesome to see you, Dawny!! The Science community really needs to get busy on those Star Trek transporters, don't you think??

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    ha Glennie, that would be stinking awesome!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Shit DP, I am sorry about the peeling and the sore eyes. I hope you can find something to settle that down. I had a look at a study of that med and a small percentage did report that they had swollen knees and ankles as a SE.

    Bobo, I was more careful with Bec as a baby, but it seems now, they just take the baby wherever they go. They seem to think exposing them to general life, is better than hiding them away. I don't know that I agree, but not my call.

    I have always had issues with dairy too. I didn't have any for about 30 years, but I can tolerate small amounts now in cooked things.

    I want to come over too!

    Off to bed now...catch you later..goodnight Dawny! M x

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Sorry M, will pick you up first!  Xx

    I want to walk to Canada too.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Oooh Dawny, that sounds so fun!  You are sweet to look after the kids for a minute.  **they will run you ragged**

    Really want to have fun slumber party instead of going to work today.  DP, will you come too!  We will make a list of Fucktards.  I am ready with my contributions!

    G, you weigh yourself everyday?  I would never!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Guilty confession:  I'm very OCD about my weight. Yes, I weigh myself everyday.

    Slumber party sounds awesome. 

    Haircut--done.  Now back to Publix to pick up RX's and final grocery supplies.  Start cleaning later.  Did make appt with the other radiologist for November. 6 weeks after HX per MO recommendation.  Another thing ticked off the list.

    I have contributions for the Fucktard list too.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    But you are so little!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    **ideally** I should weigh less.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    my Aldi has lots if gluten free products in with the regular stuff. I think I've only known one true celiac but several that feel better without it. 

    DP what is neupogen? Is that the same as a nuestula shot to bring up white counts? Heard Claritin helps with the SEs of that. What is your xeoleda schedule? 

    Had breakfast with my dad and uncle. Uncle said he flushed my aunts port. Why am I going to bc ctr? He's an accountant. DH gives horses meds, live on a vets farm. Be one less headache. 

    Off to get kids. Will try to get pumpkin pix from book fair. Very creative! 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    yikes bobo that's a long list. What a lot to keep up with. Just back from extravaganza.  Tired and fuzzy brain. Lots of unexpected today and. None of it good. Back later. Waving bingo legs. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


    Boy's airplane

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014


  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited September 2014

    Oh Zills the pumpkins are wonderful!  What a wonderfully creative activity!  I think I knew all the books from which the pumpkin characters came!  I love your boy's airplane!  So jealous I never thought to do this in all my years of teaching!  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Zills, I love your pics, how fantastic. We never did that here, but I would have loved making those with Bec. The plane is wonderful and I especially liked the caterpillar!

    You're right, I had forgotten about the Aldi gluten free, it is there all the time, unlike the great things like vanilla slice packs that only happen during Dutch Food week.

    Morning and waving bingo arms to SGC.

    DP I'm sorry today didn't go well. I hope you got something to help with the swelling and the sleeping. Hugs to you.

    Hi Glennie, cross those things off the list now and the count down is really on. Thinking about you!

    Dawny, that sounds like a plan, I'll meet you at Tulla! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    The pumpkin pics are very cute!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    Those pumpkins are great, and they were done by 4th graders?  Wow.   The caterpillar was pure genius, and I liked the cow because that was one of my favorite books - Click Clack Moo and that mean farmer Brown.   

    DP - I'm sure you're exhausted from today.  Hope you are getting some much needed rest.  *hugs*

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    DP, here are the pics of the finished doors, you asked to see! I have been playing with the new camera Colin bought and these are my first attempt. The weather is gorgeous today and because it is school vacation there are a lot of boats on the water.

    I have just taken about 50 shots of the finished (finally), renovation and garden, for Bec. She hasn't been here since March and a lot has changed.

    The shot in the middle, is the house from the other side, which is where you are looking to, in the first open door shot. You can see now how I was hanging out for all the painting and the render to be finished. Hugs to you, I hope you are feeling better after a rest. M x




  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014

    Ariom, what a gorgeous home! Love the doors!!