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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Thank you Andrea! We moved here after 4 months of extensive renovations and then 4 months after we moved in I was Dx, so we put the rest of the work on hold and I was only able to get the tradesmen and painters back recently for the final push to finish it all. The doors had been heavily painted and badly scratched by a big dog at some time. We were nervous about trying to restore the cedar, because we weren't sure just how bad it was underneath, but the painters did a great job. It took over 3 days to do and then 4 coats of oil to get the sheen. All worth it. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    Really lovely. I would love to live in a house like that. It's great that you two found it and love it so much.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    It's beautiful!!   I love that door!  They did a great job!

    Can I move it?   **packing**    hmmmm,,, how hard is it to emmigrate with a dog?  Must research.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Good Morning ladies! Thank you! I can't believe it is finally all done!

    It has been a lovely day today. I had fun learning how to use the new camera. It is supposed to be about 27c tomorrow. Dex will be getting a bath and a haircut, I had put it off while the paint was drying because I didn't want to risk his fine white hair getting stuck on everything.

    What are you dong for the weekend? M x 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    OH, waking up to pictures!! yippee, Zills, the kids are so creative, just love all, thanks for posting them.

    Ariom, I so love your house, just lovely!  one question tho... who washes all those windows??  ours need to be done here but dh does them so have to wait a bit before he is ready.

    DP, hope today is better for you, always sending hugs and smiles your way!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited September 2014

    Bee u tee ful!!!!! You must have someone who does ALL that glass!! I have enough trouble doing the few I have!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    M - your home is beautiful.  We are all moving in, so you better start the addition soon.  Those doors are simply gorgeous.  Strange that someone would paint them, isn't it?

    Glennie - thinking of you and your upcoming freedom from periods and pain!  Woohoo.

    DP - Sending good thoughts your way. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    Hey DP. Not waving anything. Sore from Zumba. I didn't eat enough breakfast and ran out of umph but still sore. I hate those mirrors but love the music! Send some of your breakfast ideas this way! 

    Yes beautiful house M. 

    Actually the pumpkins are from Montessori thru 5th grade. Very creative. My fav was gone. It was a hedgehog.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Beautiful pictures!  M, house beautiful!  I can just see you swanning around in your dressing gown, directing the workers...  :)

    Hi DP!  ***waving*** I like a savory breakfast.  I think you do too, right?  Thinking of you! XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Thank you ladies! DP wanted to see them, finished, but she hasn't been on again. I hope you are OK DP. I know you said things were not good.

    You're all right! Simon does the windows! We were amazed at how these windows stay so clean, considering the environment of salty water and high winds, but the glass is all tinted and for some reason it doesn't show the dirt. We were put on to Simon, right after we arrived and he has been doing the windows 3x a year ever since. He cleans the inside and the outside and all the fly screens, it takes about 3 hours to get around the whole house and he charges next to nothing  My arthritis wouldn't allow me to do all that, so Simon is a gift!

    PRB we were amazed that the previous owners had painted most of the cedar. We had all the interior windows brought back to original, but it would have been a massive job to undertake all the exterior timber, so we decided just to focus on the front doors and have the rest repainted, which was a big job, but not a complete timber restoration. There is actually another beautiful door, right next to the restored ones in the picture, the interior is still cedar. That was the original entry into the house before the second much larger addition was built on. So the original owners found they spent so much time at the house, which was originally a Vacation home, they trebled the size 3 years after building the first part.

    When we were looking to move down here, our first intention was to downsize, but the view and the house, changed our minds. Now that it is all finished, it is actually a very low maintenance house.

    Glennie, I know you were kidding, but we have brutal laws about bringing animals in to Aus, we don't have most of the diseases that are in other countries, no rabies, so our quarantine is awful, 6 months, I believe, for dogs. 

    Zills, you're still doing Zumba, I never got around to it. There is a Sunday morning class in town, maybe now the weather is getting better!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    DP, If you're reading, I just want to send hugs and lots of love. I hope you'll feel well enough soon to post again.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited September 2014

    I texted DP.

    "Hi. Real bad night and today. Counts so low. So very weak and shaky. Lots if muscle pain too. Stopping xeloda cycle eaely. NP told me not to take any more steroids either."

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited September 2014

    Thanks Zills for letting us know.

    DP, sorry you are feeling so bad, I wish there was something we could do to help.  Is Bond home with you?  Is is ok for you just to stop taking the steroids cold turkey?  Hope you can get some rest.  Hugs to you xxxxx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    M: your dog laws sound like Hawaii. They don't have rabies either. Guess Ava and I won't be moving.  :(

    DP:   ((((HUGS))) Sorry you feel so crappy.  Wish we could do something.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Thanks so much for that Zills.

    I am thinking of you DP, I hope you get some relief, by stopping the steroids. I think you were about due to stop now, weren't you?

    Lots of love and hugs from me too! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited September 2014

    Oh darn it Glennie, I was looking forward to that! lol

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    I'm sad about it too, M.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    thanks Zills for info from our precious DP !  So terribly sorry of all you are going through right now and I wish I could do something to make it better, just know you are never far from my thoughts! Hope Bond is with you to help. Hugs to you both! Cancer sucks!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited September 2014

    Zills, Thanks for the info.

    DP, So sorry you're having such a rough time. Wish we were there to do something to help. Hugs.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited September 2014

    DP -  I hate that you are feeling so shitty.   I hope your NP knows what she's talking about...seems like during rough times like this you should get to talk to the oncologist.   Feel better...and thanks for texting Zills to update us.    *hugs*

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited September 2014


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    {{{{DP}}}}  We love you and we hope you are feeling better after dropping those sh1tful steroids!  Standing by to do anything you need. XXXXOOOO

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Checking in.  


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    hi. Good day so far.waiting at the great American spam contest. Bond got his entry in with 1 minute left.  These are everywhere. 


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    Go Bond!!!   **cheering**

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    Come on Bond!  You can do it!  Put a little SPAM to it!

    Goooooo Bond!


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited September 2014

    well it was a "take your shit and go home" day for spam. There were double the amount of entries this year over last year. Lots of good things, stuff competition. My moms and grandmas were both really good. So it goes. Mom did win 2nd place for "play with your food". Which has to be an all edible art piece. She made it for me. Will show you later. I think I also have a couple days worth of posts to catch up on. Yesterday was the worst day ever but today is good. I didn't even realize the xeloda was having such an effect on me. Getting my new fridge installed right now. Back later

  • MillieJ
    MillieJ Member Posts: 3
    edited September 2014

    For some reason the site changed my Logon to MillieJ.  It was pattycake. 

    I bought a camisole with little pockets in it that held soft "pillows" that worked like breast forms, and the surgeon said they were OK to wear in the hospital as well as after I got home.  In fact, I used them for several months.  The camisole came from a store that sells only items for use after breast surgery, and my insurance paid for it.  My insurance also pays for 4 bras per year and a pair of prosthetics every 2 years.  The store where they are purchased has to file the claim, but the money comes to me.

    Just a few weeks after my double mastectomy on April 1. my oncologist referred me to an occupational therapist who showed me some stretches to do at home, and I continue to see her twice weekly.  Because of her massages, stretches, and the hevimet (sp?) machine my scars healed quickly and the soreness in my shoulder where lymph nodes were removed has greatly decreased.  My insurance pays for seeing her.  In fact, my insurance pays for everything, and I haven't had to pay one cent.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited September 2014

    YAY:  DP's MOM !!!  2nd place for playing with food!  You go, Mom!!

    Glad you are having a better day, DP,, and getting new refrig!!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited September 2014

    So glad to hear you are having a better day, hoping they continue to get some better each day. Good for DP's mom!!