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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited September 2014

    DP!!! You won?  OMG, that's amazing.  Can't wait to hear about the recipe.

    We are so proud.  Go Bond!

    Yes, I have seen that man David in the commercials.  Bless his heart.  I think he would look quite handsome with his natural hair, whatever that is!  Perhaps he is worried about looking older?

    What was that dipping sauce you served with the peppers?  So proud!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    WTG DP!  All in the family.  That's kind of amazing actually. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Way to go DP and family! They must be so proud! If you can win while recovering from all the SEs what will you be able to do when you feel good?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    imageThis is what some guy did with his mask at the hospital. Everything is natural except the paint because it wouldn't adhere. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014


  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    DP, wow congrats to all! Zills, that is really something. hope you both can get some rest! Thanks for posting pics, I love them all.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    wow I concur. 

    No this was not spam. There are hundreds of cooking contests during the fair.  Today was tex-mex which had several categories. Grandma and I were in the entrees. Mom won for the dessert category. Spam was last Sunday and no one won anything. The next one I hope to enter is bisquick next Tuesday. Grandma made mexi-lasagna that was really good  and mom made ponq

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    wow I concur. 

    No this was not spam. There are hundreds of cooking contests during the fair.  Today was tex-mex which had several categories. Grandma and I were in the entrees. Mom won for the dessert category. Spam was last Sunday and no one won anything. The next one I hope to enter is bisquick next Tuesday. Grandma made mexi-lasagna that was really good  and mom made pineapple coconut tamales. It's just sour cream bobo. 

    Rough evening. Was trying not to take steroid today. Head got te swelling feeling and I was real tired but couldn't sleep. I just gave in and took 1 mg right now because I dozed off and woke up feeling like I wasn't breathing. Have labs tomorrow and see NP. 

    M I don't like soaps either. Traditional soaps that is. Because I think that's all shows are kind of soaps aren't they? Just with a different theme. Like true blood. Which I love. Iwe don't watch for the vampires we watch for the juicy plot line. Also like walking dead. Aside from that I'm all history shows and forensic files. Especially since I don't have much concentration. Been trying to watch the leftovers on hbo. Is anyone else watching that?  I think I'm about half through and still don't know what the hell is going on.but I have always had a girl crush on lib Tyler and the star cop guy is pretty hot. I just can't manage to get through an episode now though. How about that? Tv life beyond qvc. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hey DP, I am sorry, I didn't realize the Spam comp was over. I must have missed that post! I am so blown away at your Grandmother, Mother and you pulling this off, it is really amazing. 

    I loved the plot line of True Blood too, but I must admit, I like all the gory stuff too,mmost days you'll find me watching something on forensics, on the CI channel.

    I just looked to see if we are getting The Leftovers, I love Liv Tyler too, she's gorgeous! can't find it, but will do a proper search to see if it is coming on our cable, this year.

    I am looking forward to hearing how you get on at the next competition. How long does this Fair go for? It is Melbourne Show time here too, that's on for just 10 days and I grew up just across the road from the Showgrounds. I used to go every day, after school when I was a kid, I loved the Horses and the Carnival Rides, I wasn't much into the food competitions, but would look at all the winners at the end, some of the entries were spectacular. I was allowed to buy a few Show Bags, which were full of neat stuff from different manufacturers. I always bought the Pharmacy one because it had samples of perfume, cosmetics and hand cream. The other kids thought I was nuts, they always bought the ones with all the candy.

    In your pocket tomorrow for your labs and appointment, I hope you get some good news.

    I just left Dexter, shaking at the groomer. He really doesn't like anything out of his normal routine, he really does have doggie OCD. It is amazing, the ritual he has to go through, just to have the harness put on and then before he gets in the car, he has to get in a certain way. He will be fine by the time I go to pick him up, but it is such a production to get him to go. If Bobo is reading this, I have to tell the groomer that we want him to keep his "Rod Stewart Do!" Also trying to explain that his nick name is Houdini, if there is  way to get out, he will find it and do it!  

    I have another hour to finish packing the bag for the Beauty Day on Friday, there is so much stuff to take. I hope there is a good turnout, because I don't want to be bringing any home if I can help it.  

    Well, that's all for now, I hope you had a rest, catch you later...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    In the bag DP!  Thinking of you all day.  Agree with Z.  When you feel better, you will probably take over the cooking world and replace In the kitchen with David!

    M, smiling to read about Dex's OCD!  He is such a sweet love.  I know how he feels.  It's so hard to have a wrench thrown into the works.  I imagine you give him Rescue Remedy or some aromatherapy treatment before he goes.  But, you know, natural remedies can only do so much, right Dex?  In the bag, Dex!

    That Aztec mask was amazing. XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    poor dex. I always winder what the boys are thinking when we leave them places like that. My boy Black Dog used to pun is me when we got home. He wouldn't stay in the same room with me. It was kinda funny because I could make him move from room to room back and forth. But it made me sad too. Not fair I always had to be the bad guy. 

    That fair sounds lovely. Here in tx, you are either a fair person or your not. It's in your blood. I went every year as a child. There is so much to see and do. My favorite when I was little were the pig races and bmx bike shows. There are buildings full of gadgets and pretty things to buy and demonstrations. Like a real live qvc. Lol. The dog shows are fun. And do you know about big tex?  It runs 24 days and it always seems so short. I have not been further than the creative arts building, where the kitchen is yet this year. Hoping to be able to see some things in another day with bond. He is not a fair person but seemed in awe of all the things the other day so I'm thinking I can concert him. 

    M of you like the gore, did you try the walking dead?  It was a really really good show. I still have not watched the final episodes if it or true blood.  One day I'll tell you about my adventures at the Horror And sci fi conventions we have here. Do you have those?

    Slept more last night. Still in bed. Better get up now and do something. 

    How you feeling glennie?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    In the bag DP. Hopefully the xoleda kicked some ass! You know that you feel better quickly once you stop so maybe 7/7 is what you need. 

    I wouldn't worry about that tiny dose of steroid. It takes awhile for your body to heal and to be strong enough to drop it. Take it if you need it. You've been through the wringer! 

    How's your face? Silva dyne working its magic? You know M is a sucker for a facial peel.  

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    funny z, I thought of m yesterday while trying to moisturize my plastic forehead. Thought this is the ultimate exfoliating peel treatment. My forehead is still pretty bad. Top is burnt and smooth and wrinkles like plastic. Bottom portion still full of skin that wants to peel. Like caked on skin pieces. It's truly gross. I started putting the Udderly smooth on it because it hurts when it's dry. I should get my working hand and working feet in the mail today. And gloves. Tops of my hands are still really burned. Feet not red or anything but the bottoms are real sore which I have seen as a common problem people have. 

    So I came back to say,  Ebola wtf?  Have you seen us on the news?  The whole city isI in terror. I tend to think we will be ok but Omgosh everyone is freaking out. It's almost like a movie. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I saw about the Ebola, DP.  Scary stuff!

    The Texas Fair sounds so awesome. I'm so excited that y'all won! Can't wait to hear about the Bisquick contest too.

    Z: that mask was really cool.

    Day 2 postop:  not feeling too bad. Have to remind myself to not do too much. People bringing food and walking Ava. Must focus on the pooping today.

    And BOBO was here. She met Ava and they had a nice cuddle. And I have SOUP.  Looking forward to lunch. She ran off to work, (boo) and report in later.

    **waving Betty arms at all**

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    DP - working hand and working feet?  You mean O'Keeffe's working hands cream?   OMG I love that stuff and have turned so many people on to how awesome it is.  I had severe cuts and cracking on my hands.  It was so painful that I'd run my hands under hot water just to relieve the stinging.  The  skin was so damaged that the cuts wouldn't heal and my hands would just keep splitting in other places.  I was desperate and tried every cream imaginable...seriously, my storage closet looked like some kind of drugstore lotion shelf.   Anyhow, I finally found O'keeffe's Working Hands cream, and my hands healed in 3 or 4  days and have stayed healed for almost 3 years.   You know how Bobo an M love their Vitamix?  Well..I would do a commercial for this company...that's how great I think it is.   I buy 6 at a time thru Amazon.   

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    yay for bobo taking care of glennie. Glad your feeling good enough to be doing too much. 

    Yes PRB okeefes. Good testimonial I hope it does the same for me. I'm just burnt and peely no cracking yet. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    That cream sounds like something I need to try. I suffer greatly from dry cracked skin especially when the weather cools down and the humidity drops.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    Can you get it at drugstores? I try not to use Amazon because I think Jeff Bezos wants to take over the world.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    When I googled it, it popped up at WalMart, Target, Walgreens, Home Depot and Lowe's!  Not sure if that means online sales or in-store,, but when I'm up to shopping again, I'll be looking for it.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    it's usually at the checkout counter at lowes. Looks like a green hockey puck. DH uses it. Never tried it anywhere except hands. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Ok, ok, ok, I am on to this already! If PRB recommends it that highly, I ned to get some! Can't get it in Aus, but great testimonials about it. I want both hands and feet. I can get it at iHerb when I buy my Vegan Smart! Will be trying it!

    Glennie I am so pleased you feel good enough to overdo! Yay, for Bobo and the soup, what kind is it? 

    PRB, I have every cream known to man too! I do like one specific Gardeners Hand cream and soap, they work well on my hands after gardening, I don't always use gloves.

    DP, your description of your forehead sounds really tender and sore. I am not familiar with it at all, I haven't seen after rads skin. I guess it will just slough off and then heal like a burn. The upside may well be that you have a face like a soft babies bottom after the process of peeling is finished.

    Zills, I am so glad you said that small dose of steroid would be ok. I felt the same, but didn't know for sure, in this situation. I know I am on a different one, but I am so sensitive to it, that I only have to miss 1 dose or as occasionally happens, drop one of the 1mg tablets on the floor when I am taking the 4 and not see it, within a couple of hours I can feel the RA moving and stiffening everything inside, it is quite peculiar.

    EBOLA in Tx, give me a break, now I have to go news googling!!!!

    DP, I had to laugh at our story of your dog punishing you, I have had other sogs that have done that to me, but our Dex comes home after something he hasn't liked and he will stretch out on the couch on his belly, back to me with his legs out straight behind him and he has this over the shoulder, withering look, that he gives me, through his messy Rod Stewart do. It is hysterical, but he forgives easily, or has a short attention span! lol

    I haven't seen Walking Dead, Colin said it started here and went off again, really fast. I will check it out!

    I haven't been to a horror or Sci Fi convention, we have them, because they turn up on the news, but I have never seen one advertised. Colin is the Sci Fi buff, in this house. I am not a fan. I like the real stuff, forensics and Police reconstruction of crimes etc, autopsy shows and I find watching operations amazing. I know Bobo, you think I am weird! I also have a great interest in Horror makeup, for film and TV, always have, even considered it as a career at one time, but would have had to move away, to do it well, but didn't want to leave my Mum and Dad alone.  

    When you feel like it, I'd like to hear about your interest in the conventions DP.

    Bobo, you're so sweet about Dex's little issues! You should see the ritual, just to get out of the house for a walk! I really don't have the patience for it, but I let him do it! It's funny you mention the rescue remedy, I haven't tried that for him, because I am so ultra sensitive to it, that it has the opposite effect on me.  It revs me up and makes me anxious, not the desired effect! I am ultra sensitive to drugs and alcohol too, so all in all, a cheap stone:) 

    I got an email yesterday asking if I would go in for a Spa Pedi at the beauty school today, so that's where I am off to at 1pm, I am loving this free stuff! Hoping for an invitation for another Microdermabrasion, this month, but if not, I'll just pay for it! 

    I hope everyone has had a good day, mine is just starting, catch you all later! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    OMG!  One microdermabrasion per month is too soon!  You are addicted, M!  **intervention**  Cannot wait for groomer pics.

    Hi DP!  **waving**  How is your skin doing?  Hmm... new miracle cream.  I am tempted.  I am just looking for a new moisturizer.  But for the face.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Ha ha, Bobo, I am taking this slow! If I was a few years younger and not on steroids, I would be doing it weekly for a month and then monthly for another 10 or so treatments. My skin is a little thinner, because of the steroids and being over 60. I have pretty much exfoliated every day, since I was 16, so this is just a jump start, booster, for my face. No question, I am addicted to this stuff!

    Haven't taken any groomer pics yet, Colin wants to take one of Dex and me with the matching hair do! I don't want a picture because I have another of the "Blood Eye". remember I had one last year? This is a beauty, no white showing at all, very gory! M x


  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    I'm back... after a long day at work and then an away game for volleyball.  Damn I am tired and the house is a mess.    Anyhow, yes I love Okeefe's cream.   I did want to mention that it has paraffin wax in it and some people think paraffin is bad for us.  I haven't researched that, but I know I've read it along the way.

    M - I love Gardeners handcream by Crabtree & Evelyn.  I should say I love the smell and the feel, but it never healed my hands.   My hands were so messed up that I honestly thought I'd be living with all that pain for the rest of my life.  Sorry about your eye... do those hurt?  I remember when it happened to you last year, but don't remember what caused it?

    Not sure which thread O2 posts on.. but has anyone heard from her after her surgery?   I think it was yesterday  Hope she is ok.

    Just reading about the Ebola patient in Texas.  Seems strange that the ER personnel didn't put 2 & 2 together.  I mean, the couple of times I was at an E.R., it seemed like tons of people asked the same questions over and over.  Surely you'd think that a lightbulb would have gone off with one of them when the man said he was just in Africa.  When they say a breakout could never occur in the states... I guess they're envisioning a world where all the right questions get asked.  We are all so naive and crazy to trust the CDC.  Speaking of naive, I'll never forget Dennis Miller (comedian) doing a bit on bottled water years ago and how stupid we all were to buy it... and then he pointed out that the popular bottled water "Evian"  is naive spelled backwards.  That's your trivia for today girls!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    wren I have been thinking a lot about bezos lately. Nearly every day because it seems that every single thing I touch had been affected by amazon. They were talking about him on a show about the mega wealthy and how their goal is to dominate the world.  I find him really quite frightening. I staffed temps for them last Christmas and can tell you the way their company operates is really off kilter. 

    Dialing the intervention show about microderm right now. Wonder if they will travel to Australia. 

    Yes PRB. We are baffled why they sent him away the first time. It's so scary that we have to put our faith and lives in the hands if people who are just guessing as to what is wrong with us. How many times have you been to an er and they send you away acting like your crazy or drug seeking, because they can't find anything wrong with you ? Today they said that he was in contact with four different children over the weekend. So in turn, parents ran to the schools in drives pulling out their kids.  It's really crazy. 

    Skin slightly better. Just noticed a couple if bumps have popped up. Don't know what that's about. Just one more thing I guess. My BP was really low today. I knew something was wrong at labs when my blood was barely trickling out. Was super tired all day. Got copies of scans. Don't like them. Dr wants me to go to dermatologist. They can't explain the burns on my hands. I know that it is sunburn on top of the steroid rash I had. But wiould like to have a dermatologist anyway as jacked as my skin is anyway. 

    Just used the okeefes. Soothing going on. Will report on the overnight results. Hoping they are as good as PRB. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Really must get some of this cream and try it out. Is it greasy?  I really hate greasy creams.  DP: how is it doing on your skin?

    M:  Bloody eye??? what??? 

    Had post op appt and all is well. Uterus only weighed 294 gm.  *shocked* was sure it weighed more than that.  No pressure on bladder now, so peeing less often and with no urgency. That alone is worth it.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    it's not greasy, more waxy. My fingertips are so smooth I don think I hVe fingerprints. Lol. Very nice. I have not  checked on my feet yet. Wearing my new moisturizing magic socks. Which I am a fan of so far. Have not tried magic gloves yet. 

    I have slept an slept all morning. Normally I would think that was a bad thing but it's almost glorious.  Now I'm torn between getting off te couch and doing something and going back to sleep. 

    Glad for good appt and god results so far glennie!  Keep up the healing. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I vote for going back to sleep!  Glad that the magic socks are doing their magic.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    What are magic socks?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    I agree, sleep if you can. Then you will be well rested.