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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hahah Andrea, that's funny! I used to be a gadget whore! Now I am just a cosmetic slut! :)

    You're ight DP about how much we discuss pooping here! I love prunes, but never have any trouble in the poop area, so only have them if I feel like them.

    I haven't made those cake pop things, in fact I couldn't tell you the last time I made a cake. I like the instant gratification of just buying a single serve one, because if I was to bake a whole one, I would eat it all!

    Watching Aerosmith Concert, boy does Liv Tyler look like her Dad!

    Off to bed, clocks all changed for daylight saving and tomorrow is an early start for the big garage/yard sale! Take care an have a lovely Saturday! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    great job M. Apparently it's the gift that keeps on giving. Couldn't see the red eye. 

    Baby cakes. Yum. Hope it's not hard. Wonder if you can do bisquick. I love fried biscuits. 

    Our time change isn't until November. 

    Had a dog that passed away before BG was born. Said we would get another one. Would like some unconditional love. It's mainly for me but kids have to like her. 

    BG woke up with a 102.7. Virus? No other symptoms. Just finished an antibiotic and had a follow up on Tuesday. 

    Firebob the cat is sick. Has an abcess on his shoulder and limps on that leg. Just lays by the step in the garage by the back door. Doesn't try to come in. 

    Vet looked at it. Said to watch him. Put on antibiotic ointment. He's still eating. Afraid he's using up one of his nine lives. Vet out of town. Switched to silver. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    poor bg and poor kitty. :-( 

    What about a hound dog z?  They are lazy and lovey. 

    I want to go to Aldi today. This afternoon we are going to look at a house with my grandparents. Can't remember if I shared before but they got an offer on their house from the builder who has been building McMansions in their neighborhood. Which is a blessing because they need te money. They got really screwed when the market crashed right after grandpa retired and lost like $400k. Anyway they are looking for a house in the country near my mom. 

    I figured since we will be halfway to Oklahoma that we should go on and spend the night at the casino. 

    I keep having bumps pop up. I don't know what that's about. I assume my forehead is just breaking out from all the goop ie been putting on it. This morning I have one pop up on the roof of my mouth. Oh and there is also one down there on my kuka. 

    Thinking about cake pops. Hmmm

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    Hah. I have a red quesadilla maker too.   I use it every so often, but find it takes to long to really heat/melt I usually heat the ingredients in the microwave first, and then all that's left to do is fill the tortillas and let them crisp up inside the maker.  I can't say that mine have ever tasted as good as restaurant ones - which might explain why there are so many in the Thrift shops.   When it comes to second hand stores,  I have a hard time with other people's germs (mine are just fine, tyvm - as witnessed by my messy house).  However,  I did buy a few things at my friend's moving sale a few years ago.  She told me months later that the toaster oven I bought had been stored in her garage.  Hmm.. mice crawling all over it, perhaps?   Yuck.  Good thing I was already using it, or I probably would have thrown it out.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    I would guess the bumps are a late SE of all the meds you had. Or maybe a stubborn hair that doesn't want to be bald. 

    A night away sounds wonderful. Do your grandparents like to play? 

    Whats at Aldi? 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP! I do not like cake pops.  Most of them are pieces of cake and icing smooshed together and dipped in fondant.  Yuck.  I feel it's not sanitary, and it's too sweet for me.  How are your bumps at the moment?

    Yay, Z, for unconditional love!  Hound dog is a pretty good idea actually.  Or how about a rescued greyhound?  I hear those are the loveliest couch potatoes.  Either one.  A nice beagle would cuddle with you in bed... I love beagles, they are so soft.  Don't let the kids decide based on if the puppy plays with them.  You decide if it's a love match!  So glad it's going to be your dog. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Zills, BG has a temp, maybe the rest of her teeth?

    Do you have your heart set on a Lab? Each time I have gotten a new dog, we have gone to the pound and wait till one clicks with us. 

    I hope Firebob is feeling better.

    DP what are you looking for at Aldi. I ran in there today after we went to the big garage sale, but they were out of Colin's favorite Chilli Dark Chocolate, gosh it is hard to get. They don't ever order enough. If I get there when there are 10, I buy them all, but mostly I go through the whole chocolate rack and there isn't any.

    The garage sale was good, but not as good as the last one. I did a report of what we bought over on the other thread. I am absolutely exhausted from 4 1/2 hours of jusmping in and out of the car and running down long driveways.

    Hi PRB, even though I am a thrift shop, garage sale whore, I get what you mean about the stuff that may have been stored out in the garage!

    I hope everyone is having a good weekend...Take it easy M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Piper wasn't interested in me. Too busy sniffing at the dog park. You could tell she's bonded with the rescue family. Might try a home visit. However they are on vacation (fall break) and someone else has inquired about her. I don't want her to lose out on a home because I'm so wishy washy. I never used to be this way. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    It could be the last two molars pushing through. She's snoring and says her head hurts so maybe sinus. Once the Tylenol kicks in, she's jumping off the couch. Not really eating or drinking much. Refused a chocolate chip cookie fresh from the oven! 

    This is the third time since we've got back from Ireland, that she's had a fever.  It's making me paranoid. I hate her being on so many antibiotics. I'm sure they'll put her on another one. There goes Mondays plans. 

    Firebob has light greenish goop draining from shoulder. He's not wild about me cleaning it. He did leave the garage and lay on the deck so that is an improvement.  He has a good appetite. I believe in colloidal silver! Even though he thinks he's our cat, our landlord would be upset if something happened to him. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Zills, does she have bad breath? Possibly sinus, are her gums firey red at the back and do her ears ache? Usually molars. I know what you mean about the antibiotics. Do you give her any kiddie probiotics? they can help a lot after a run of antibiotics in kids.

    I believe in Colloidal Silver too. The woman who makes my Essential Oils massage Oil also makes Colloidal Silver. I use silver band aids too.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    What are silver band aids?  Must google.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Good morning M and G! 

    She points to her head where she bumped it in a trolley Friday night. One check is bright red. Breath doesn't knock you down.  Had her ears flushed in dr office on Tuesday. Wonder if water got in her ears but not dizzy. She goes around saying I'm sick and wants me to rock her. Has chills. 

    Glennie. Checkout chimera animals on google. Interesting and beautiful.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    oooo, lovely!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi Z and G, Silver band aids are hypoallergenic with silver particles which are antibacterial. I find they heal anything really fast without needing anything else on the wound. 

    Z, it does sound more like a virus doesn't it?

    Just having late dinner, adjusting to daylight savings! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Good to know about silver bandaids.

    Making breakfast at 5AM,,,,,

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    Bobo I am with you on cake pops. Too sweet for me too. That is why I like the baby cakes machine; uses only cake batter, so basically a round mini cupcake. So fast, and you don't have to roll anything in your hands.

    I would love a greyhound! But would worry if it got out that it would run away too fast to catch it, lol!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    I forgot to take my phone charger to the casino. Then I have just been so tired. I want to sleep and sleep. I stayed up til midnight last night cooking bacon croquettes and working on other recipes for the bacon and eggs contest today but I couldn't talk myself out of bed this morning. But I really want to rest today and need to make a final decision on bisquick because that is tomorrow. 

    Poor bg. Doesn't the dr have any ideas? Oh right, the drs just guess like the rest of us. Hopefully it is just sinus. It is that time of year. 

    Where do you get silver bandaids?  Not sure if I ever told about my awful day at the cancer center when I was just supposed I be erring labs last week. But my port surgery incision had opened up. Had to go over to BS, which was an ordeal in itself. She wouldn't do anything To it but did say she was afraid it wouldn't heal. Told me to keep antibiotic ointment and keep it covered until it heals. Maybe silver bandaids would help?

    Just wanted to explore Aldi. Was wanting some veggies and cake mixes for the babycakes experiment. Didnt make it though. I slept in and took too long to get ready. Went to estate sales instead. 

    The house was adorable. But now they are looking at a different place that is priced scary cheap. Waiting to hear from agent what is wrong with it. It is a HUD. 

    Z when I was looking for a dog before Toby came. I told bond that te next stray we saw was coming home with us.  I saw two but couldn't get either one. One was wandering around a freeway exit. He ran when some kids walked by. We both looked for him for an hour.  The we had one we called Kohl because he was living in the field by kohls warehouse. Had my heart set on him but he was never around when either of is were leaving work, only when we were going in or in the middle of te day. Anyway, maybe keep an eye out and you might find a dog that really NEEDS you and those are the ones that love you most. 

    How you feelin glennie?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP:  I'm doing pretty good. I took a walk today and then drove myself to my lymphedema therapy appt. Belly still sore, but all in all, for one week post-op, I think I'm doing pretty good.

    What are you going to make for Bisquick contest?  Can't wait to hear about your recipe.

    Sounds like you are catching up on sleep from all those sleepless nights you had.

    Regarding HUD house,,, don't rely just on agent for answers. Talk to the neighbors.  The townhome next to me is HUD and people, including realtors who come there have NO IDEA that the place had been infested with mold. I'm more than willing to warn them if they ask me.  It might be cheap, just cuz it's HUD, and they want to get rid of it. But it could be something more. Find out how long it has been abandoned and then find a neighbor who knows the gossip.

    Silver bandaids sound like they have antibiotic property. Hopefully someone who has used them can tell you more.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    Hi all, I have seen silver bandaids in Walmart, I bought my first box at a Dollar Store. I like silver too but dont take too much of it, dil used it on the kid's cats all the time if they had icky eyes, cleared right up.

    Glad you are doing good Glennie, DP you are amazing! Cooking contests good for you. How did the casino treat you? hope you had some wins. Wishing you a good day.

    Zills, how is bg? hopefully it is teeth.. boy I hated when my babies were teething! How are you holding up?

    Take care all.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Morning all!

    Hi DP glad to see you're catching up on some sleep. I can't wait to see pics and hear about the recipes too. I use the silver band aids all the time, have done for years. I use them on the terrible abrasions Colin can get from his wheelcharr tires and they really help in the healing. I get splits on my fingers, from gardening without gloves and a week of silver band aids and I am as good as new. I haven't heard any downside to them, I use Elastoplast brand. There are actual wound dressings with silver too. Manuka Honey is another great healing agent, it is used for lots of things over here like ulcers on the skin and stuff.

    I don't know what HUD is? I remember seeing houses over there when I was staying for a while that were being auctioned for what the bank was owed and they were dirt cheap, but that doesn't sound like this one. Abandoned? They sell abandoned houses cheap? I saw a show once, on a house that had a mold problem, omg that was scary! I hope they find something that suits them with no problems.

    Waving at ndgirl, Andrea and Glennie! I hope you're all well! Mx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    M:  HUD is Housing and Urban Development,, it is a government agency.  Basically when the bank gives up on a house, the gov't, via HUD, takes it over. That is usually not a good thing.   What happened with the place next door to me is that the woman bought it at the height of the market, and then the housing market tanked.  She decided that she could no longer afford it and walked away from it. It was 2 years before the bank even looked at the place. (there were just sooooo many foreclosures)  in the meanwhile,,, there was a leak in a pipe.  Why the water was never cut off, I'll never know.  So this pipe was leaking for two years,, and no electric on,,, no AC!!   Water soaked the bottom floor and mold grew like crazy in that hot damp environment.  I was there when people went in for the first time. OMG,, the stink from the mold was just horrible!!!  When they pulled up the carpet, it was dripping wet. They loaded it onto a trailer and the puddle that dripped off that trailer was so huge,,,,, that someone called and reported that the water main must have broken!!  Cuz it had not rained,, and where did this puddle come from?   I saw the men out there working and went to see what was going on,,, and told them where the puddle came from.   Saved them from digging!!

    So the place has been "fixed up".  The mold is "cleaned up".  Bank put it up for auction, but they wanted too much money and did not accept the top auction price. So now HUD has it and it trying to sell for a rather low price. It will hurt our property values for it to sell that low, but nothing we can do about it. 

    I'm doing well. Drove myself to PT today. Then went to dinner with one of my friends. Her dad is in town for a couple of days so we went out to dinner.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Glennie, thanks for that explanation. We have nothing like that here. I have never heard of someone abandoning a house, unless they were a bit nutty and owned it outright. That happened with the original house that stood where we built our last house. Colin bought it after the son of the owner, who passed away, inherited it. He painted everything including the walls in black, lived there for a while and then took off and left it for 12 years. Someone managed to find him and convince him to sell, so Colin managed to get it. So I guess abandoning houses happens, but the houses still get sold for the same price, no discounts, ever!

    Colin had the place done up a bit and rented it out for years, then we decided to build our home there. We demolished and built, what was to be our last home, we were there for 14 years and always said we would never move, then we decided to find another "Dream Home" never say never! lol

    We have a government system that will buy houses or apartments and then let them out to low income earners. I found a great one for Bec recently, but she earns too much to rent it. 

    I couldn't believe you were talking about that house with the mold problem I have a gf who just old her own house and is looking to buy again on her own, splitting up with partner. She found a place, not far from where she is now, but the tenant is a friend of her daughter and he told her there is an issue in one of the bathrooms where the grouting has had to be replaced 4 times because of movement in the floor and the house is only 18 months old. It was a red flag to me, then she just happened to call when I was looking at your post, so I read it to her  and told her that this house may have mold in between the upper and lower floors. Thank goodness she is going to have it checked out before the Auction next weekend, it will go at around $850k, so how would that be, if you found that surprise!

    Most houses are auctioned over here and we obviously have areas that are a lot cheaper than others, but in general, our real estate is very pricey. Interest rates are really low at the moment at just under 5%.   M x   

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I hope that house your friend is looking at does not have mold. OMG,, it is awful!!  It was growing on the window blinds!! It was everywhere.  I took pictures of it. The neighbor on the other side of that apt. (Brenda, the one who took care of Ava for me while I was at surgery) was teaching overseas at the time, so I emailed them to her. She was just appalled!! We had them come out and inspect to be sure it was not affecting our townhomes,,, I was afraid it would somehow seep over to my side or hers.  Her side was actually where the leak was, so the mold growth was much worse on their common wall.  We were told since there were concrete fire walls that it was not possible for the mold to get to us. Then we also had someone come and inspect our places too.

    We have had a lot of people abandon their homes here in this country. They bought when the market was high, and then it lost value. They couldn't sell, cuz they could not get a price to pay off their own loan. So they would just walk away. Yes, it affects their credit rating, but I guess somehow they figure it is for the best. My neighbor bought hers at $164,000.  Two years later, it was valued at $100,000   Yet, she owned much more for the place. She would not have been able to sell it for what she owed, so she walked away and rented an apartment about 2 miles away.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Wow! Glennie, that's terrible! A lot of us were affected by your downturn too, some of our Superannuation companies had bought into US mortgages, so when they went down, so did our retirement funds. I went to a meeting where the company was trying to keep us from rolling over into another fund. There were people who had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars, I was lucky, I had mine spread over a lot of different investments, so although it went down 18% in that specific mortgage area, I was pretty lucky, compared to many. I still stuck it to them and rolled over to another fund! I had no idea they had bought into o/s mortgages.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP!  **waving** Can't wait to hear about your recipes. XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    I left my phone at home this morning. That is the third time I have done that now. Would have NEVER happened before. Just call me dingbat. 

    For the first time I experienced take your shit and go home. There were a lot of entries today.  The judges also seemed like they liked sweets today. It is all so subjective. All the bisquick winners were sweets. I thought my Buffalo Chicjen Bake and bonds Jalepeno Popper Cakes were pretty good, but I guess they had a sweet tooth today. I also entered the speedy dishes contest in the appetizer, main dish, snack and dessert categories. I was really pleased with the main dish, Easy Breezy Caprese Lasagna Rolls. And the appetizer, Mexi Chicken Taco Pockets. But again, they weren't feeling it. There are a group of people who always win and win multiples. I always question if it's rigged, even before I started competing myself. 

    I am not a fan of the HUD homes. It is such a hassle dealing with them. On the upside, their inspectors are very thorough. The whole point of HUD is to rehab the homes at the same time as helping lower income people find affordable housing. You have to fix all the things wrong with the home before the sale is totally complete. 

    That's good glennie jealous of you driving!  Lol. I miss my car, I love my car and I love driving. 

    Casino was a bust. Had a nice time but lost lost lost. I can't afford that anymore!  

    Did bec get that apt m? Or what is happening with the crazy tenants these days?

    Maybe they have silver bandaids at wal mart. Ugh wal mart. 

    Super tired. Cooked til 2 am them got up at 5 am to start again. Konked out sitting in the chair for an hour. About to try for a real nap. 

    Today is national crime watch day ior simething.  Big meeting later down at weird neighbors that bond wants to go to. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    We don't have a tv so not sure if other states were hit. This is what hit us this afternoon while at school with Lego club for boy. Spent time in the basement. Power still out. Lots of hail. Some damage. More worried about gas leak downtown. Tornados supposed to be in April. 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    WOW Zills!!! Scarey!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014


    They just keeping rolling thru. Hail as big as golf balls. Kids finally asleep. Already wondering if we'll have school. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    Yikes zills. Tornadoes are so scary to me. We have them nearly all year long. Glad you are all ok and hope power is back soon. do you have any hail damage?