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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP, sorry you're still burning up, chew something like gum or chewy candy, the chewing and swallowing usually pops a blocked ear, that's what we used to tell passengers when they were flying. The other thing was to put eucalyptus oil on a tissue and breathe it in, or my special favorite, salt in boiling water. Put a towel over your head and breathe in the salty steam. It can't hurt to try, it may just clear your sinuses. That could be what the pressure feeling has been. Dickhead Dicktors should have checked that ages ago. You may have had a low grade infection bubbling away for weeks. I am pleased they are finally on to it. Careful with the nose pinching, if the infection came from your nose, or sinus, you can get more gunk in your ear canal. Take care...Hugs

    I get you now, about the Vitamix. How about Ebay? I bought mine from a woman on my shopping forum. She bought it and never  used it, I think she said she made soup, once! Her mistake was my gain, I use it every day.

    Andrea, I had every intention of getting a Tattoo on my chest, but have decided against  it now. Too freaked about LE.I found there were too many differences of opinion as to when it was "safe" to do it, so I shall do without. I have some great fake Tattoos, that I bought to get an idea of what area I wanted to cover with a real one.

    I am off to bed, I have been wrestling with Sun Catchers today! Even dreamed about them last night. I have made 20 since yesterday, had enough for now. I just spent a couple of hours going through all my beads and working out costs, not my favorite thing to do. 

    I can't remember if I went in to any detail about the problems Bec was having with a new neighbor downstairs from her apartment. This woman had just decided to claim all the common ground gardens outside for her own. She introduced concrete benches and statues everywhere. She also moved all the trash cans around to the back of the building and planted cuttings where the trash cans should be. She also got a boyfriend off the internet who is apparently quite religious, so suddenly there were Angel and religious statues appearing in the rock garden and finally a huge statue of Mary was installed by the front door of this woman's apartment. It was a particularly creepy statue, white concrete and almost 5' tall, just like one you'd see in a cemetary. Well, last night I get a call from Bec at almost midnight, I think the worst, something has happened, but Bec is laughing uncontrollably and is trying to tell me what happened. They are right on the beach in this apartment block and the wind was blowing a gale, Bec could hear a scuffle downstairs and the neighbor shrieking as the wind had blown over all her pot plants, which had been filling every space available and her 2 out door settings, had been blown out onto the street, but the cause for all the noise was that Mary had been toppled by the wind and had lost her head. Bec had a hard time trying to tell me what was happening, on the one hand she felt it was so wrong to laugh about the big statue, falling over and breaking, but she has been so crapped off with all the changes to the place she's lived for almost 7 years. This evening she got home from work and there was another call, she was in hysterics again, apparently the boyfriend had tried to fix Mary and she now has a duct tape gag and a noose to keep her upright. I know, I know it's just so wrong, but I had to tell you! I wait for the next thrilling installment, because we have gale force winds forecast for the rest of the week. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi PRB, Working that hour from home sounds like a good plan.

    Hahaah, Bobo loves to take the piss! 

    I'd love to see Zills doing Thriller too. If I remember right, Zills Avatar Name is "No zills for me", and it means the little cymbal thingys that are used in belly dancing.  

    No flu shots for me either. I get so sick from them, it isn't worth the effort. I have tried everything, even half strength, but I always end up so sick. I sure hope DP is fine with it.  

    Off to bed now, I hope you all have a good day! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    OH, M:   LOVE LOVE that story about the Mary statue!!  I, too, think it is funny that the wind has destroyed this crazy woman's crap!!  Keep us posted on more high wind stories!

    Have a good sleep.


    **waving Betty arms to all**

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    I bet that is a funny statue. More stories please. 

    Storms didn't show up last night but the kids did. Guess it's a habit. They are doing my hair now. It's the last day of fall break. Trying to be patient enough to get boy to learn to tie his shoes. 

    Thinking about either a movie or chuck e cheese for his last day. It's a pizza place with games. Great salad bar. 

    Baby said she wanted a large black dog. Found one in the neighboring county. But it's supposed to pour rain all day. 

    Sore and tired. Belly dancing is on VHS tapes:) 

    Two JS things for clogged sinus. Put your right fingers on the top of your head. Put your left fingers in the center of your chest. Should feel your nose open up immediately. 


    If it's your right ear, put your right fingertips on your right cheekbone. Put your left fingertips on your right collarbone. I usually feel gentle pulsing in my fingertips. It may take a few minutes to start. Reverse for left ear, left side. 

    Do either hold as long as you want. 

    I am also a big believer in Vicks vapor rub. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    DP, I am so sorry about your ear and your fever.  I totally agree with M.  Your idiot Dicktors were not paying close enough attention to what is probably an infection of some kind, they are idiots.

    Oooooh, that Mary story is outrageous!  What in the Sam Hill is going on over there?  I only wish she had made the common area nice; I would have been glad to let her do that for me.  As tasteful as our Bec is, she must be writhing with discomfort.

    PRB, you are so bad!!  I did NOT say M and Bill Clinton had sex.  In fact, I believe they can both convincingly say they did not have SEXUAL RELATIONS.  But, when Bill says he did not have sexual relations, it allows for an entire panoply of other activities.  Let me just leave it at that.  I am thinking of a number.

    How are you feeling, Z?  I too want to see zombie dancing. X

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    Bobo... I am sitting at my desk laughing out loud demmit!   That was funny, and of course I had to look up panoply.  Nice word.. I may have to start using it.  I have been using the word plethora a lot around DD...she hasn't asked, so I assume she gets it.  Oh...and when I looked up panoply.. I found definitions 2,3 and 4 quite amusing when referring to M and Bill's hook-up (I'm thinking #4 referred to M's flowing gowns and special fairy dust):

    1. a wide-ranging and impressive array or display: the dazzling panoply of the maharaja's procession; the panoply of European history.

    a complete suit of armor.

    a protective covering.

    full ceremonial attire or paraphernalia; special dress and equipment.


    Z - We want to see the zombie should know better than to tell us such activities are going on.  Curious minds need to know.

    Anyone else have visions of DP doing all these 'procedures' for her ear?   She's steaming in saltwater, holding her head and her chest with one hand, and a hair dryer in the other.  Might be another video we'd like to see!

    edited to say: I will not comment on the 'equipment' portion of #4.  Will need M to explain that one.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    and the wind cries Mary.....

    Between m and PRB I am cracking up over here. Literal lol. 

    My nose is pretty clear today. Ear and chest still there. Since we talk about such things, I have never seen so much snot in all my life. Seriously, where is it all coming from?  It has been going on for weeks and  aside from that, it is already abnormal quantities. I don't even know how many boxes if tissue I've been through. 

    What was the verdict on working from home?

    So tired. No one will let me sleep today. Back later. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    I recommend a Neti Pot for snot. Ooh I hate that word!! I digress....the pot filled with warm (distilled or bottles water only )and the packet (salt and baking soda) will do wonders. I have used it for years, especially since sinus surgery.

    Take care! Not to get snot out of my mind!!!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    DP, A big yawn helps my ear clear. Won't make it worse.

    M, Perhaps even Mary thought it was just too much?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    Just got out of my meeting with my supervisor...she's ok with my plan to work from home for an hour each day (except for meetings) and is going to run it by the director!   woot!!   I'd say it was one of our better meetings and she told me how much she appreciated me being in her group.   Can you say perfect timing to ask for a favor?  Damn, I should have asked for a raise!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Hooray PRB!!! That is fab.  I must say, PRB is One Of Us.  How much do I love to have a definition of 'panoply' spread before us like a little snack?

    My life has become so much better now that I have understood that our M and B Clinton are engaging in a panoply of disgusting sex acts -- rocking around and punching each other as if they are in a Louis Malle film -- while avoiding intercourse proper.  Because he is a feminist.

    DP, how is your snot?  Andrea knows what she's talking about.  I have a neti pot.  When I can get it together to have the right water I use it all the time.  Don't forget to dissolve 1/8 tsp of sea salt in the warm water.  And don't do it if it is too warm!  Let it cool a little bit.

    And now, an announcement of the day's events.  Oh, my bloody and holy angels, cherubim and seraphim.  Sweet and fretful and contemptuous gods and goddesses.  I have had a significant amount of waxing done to my vagina and other areas.  Thank god this is a locked thread.  Oh my fuck!  That was championship painful.  

    I decided to 'handle my business' for surgery -- perhaps I would be less embarrassed to display my AUS fanny during surgery.  But what ended up happening in actuality was that I displayed it for the wax technician.  She was completely grim about it.  I was less than composed, I can tell you that.  I was like,  YYYYEEEEEEOUCH!  OW!  EIIIIIIIIIIII!  OUHCH! STOP IT!

    This is not the first waxing I have had done.  But it was the first vagina waxing.  Usually I take care of that area myself. Oh my holy love of all things holy and angelic.  It is nearly the same price to laser it off.  Who is still waxing?  Fuck me!  I am going to start a 'laser hair removal' savings account pronto.  I don't care how much it costs. I already have to do my underarms because my entire area there is such a mess, am not allowed to shave it.  I cannot do that again.

    Now sitting here trying to get some work done (I am refusing to do it ) waiting for kids to come home.  Hot chicken soup on stove for their dinner.  Don't know what I will have, as DLLP has bought no veg for the week, and there is not even a carrot in the house.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    OMG, Bobo,,,, that sounds completely painful and horrible.  I have only ever waxed eyebrows,, so have NO IDEA of what it is like to wax other places,, and I don't think I want to know. Correction,,,, I'm sure I don't want to know.

    Can you make a shake for dinner?  Worried about you getting enough protein with upcoming surgery. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    Bobo you are a brave woman. Have to say that is not anything I need. My daughters took after their father and hate me for that, lol.

    Ariom, I won't tattoo on the chest or upper arm either. I am also afraid of causing LE. 

    I was thinking of the upper outer thigh on the same side as surgery though. I wonder if that would be ok. I never considered a tattoo before, but I am thinkin if getting a small one now.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    I knew I would rue the day I mentioned Bill! lol

    Panoply, I had to look it up too, should have waited and I would have seen it on PRB's post. Nice word!

    I am pleased no one was offended about the hilarity at my end over the Mary statue. I see on facebook, all Bec's friends want a photo, but she has explained that the downstairs neighbors are home so she can't do it yet, I suggested, maybe when they go to Church on Sunday!

    DP, who knew you were suffering, as a snot factory? You didn't mention that! No wonder you're miserable.

    I am another, occasional, Neti Pot user, I had a totally barbaric procedure done to me when fully awake in Singapore. You all know how I opt for no anesthesia when I have surgery, well, this was not one of those times, but I had my sinuses drained in a specialist's office at Raffles Hospital. If I said he broke through the bones in my face, up through my nose, with an ice pick, you might get an idea of what he did to me. From that day on, I have had sinus issues, which I had never had before that nasty experience! So long story short, salted water in a neti pot will clear you out. I still really like the steaming salty water too. My Mother swore by that!

    Andrea, was yours done under anesthetic? I have a girlfriend who is a Doctor and she was mortified that it was done without anesthesia, but a friend's husband had it done in Melbourne without anesthetic too. He reckons he has PTSD from it.   

    PRB, so pleased you can do the work from home. Next step is a raise!

    Wren that thought did cross my mind too! Bec said the garden changes are pretty well decimated, which you'd expect. The silly beatch has no idea how big the storms can be there, so her flimsy little pots and statues didn't stand a chance.

    Cold and wet again today, see you all later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    OMG Bobo, that was not what I expected to see, I am sorry but I am laughing, so sorry. So you had a tidy up, or did you go Brazilian? Please tell me it isn't a Brazilian. Colin is asking why I am laughing so much, I am trying to tell him you were afraid of your surgeon seeing your vagina, but you've been and had the lawn manicured instead! I hate bikini waxing in any form, always did it myself. Seems when you get older it doesn't need doing so much, or else it just gave up after all those years of wrenching it out. Everyone in my house knew to stay away from me, when the waxing session was on. It was quite the performance and it was definitely a "Do Not Disturb" time! lol

    How is it that DLLP forgets that you need veg? I am with Glennie, have a big protein shake for dinner, or order in something.

    I would say "yes" to the tattoo Andrea, if it is something you want to do. That's a good place too! I rarely see mine, unless I turn and catch it in the mirror in the bathroom. The color has faded a little and it is slightly lower than when I got it, but I still like it! M x  

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Ice pick up the nose and broken bones?  OMG,, NO!!  Sounds completely shitful!!  I cringe just thinking about it.

    My primary care doctor loves Neti pot,, but I have a thing about putting stuff in my nose.  I have deviated septum and have a really hard time with water up the nose cuz I can't blow it out. But I hear it works well.

    I would love to see a photo of the "new" garden.  **chortles**  and I love that we are expanding our vocabulary!  This is an educational site!

    Not waxing down there. No one sees it except me and various doctors. Don't really care about the doctors. I give it a trim and that's good enough.  SO not into pain. Now that I'm truly menopausal, maybe hair growth in the unwanted areas (armpits, legs) will slow down.  I can only hope.

    Local acquaintance with BC had her lumpectomy,, now starting chemo next week. Found out that she lives not too far from me (by the Millhopper library) so I can probably help out with walking her dog or something. She is also single and concerned how she will feel after chemo.  I recommended coming over here to ask questions, but she didn't seem interested.  She did tell me about a local naturopathic doctor,, didn't know we had one here in town.  Does acupuncture too.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    oh, yeah, and on the tattoo.  My LE therapist said to cut your body in half at waistline and then down the middle. The quadrant where your lymph nodes were taken out, (left side for me) is where you should definitely NOT get a tattoo.  So no left shoulder or arm or whatever for me.  So I think you are safe with hip or the opposite shoulder area.

    If I get the penguin, it will be right hip,, right above my butt, sort of,,, but still on fatty area!  **extra fat for Bobo!**  Why aren't we twins??

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    DLLP is just an idiot, she always says she will go to this particular store for veg, but doesn't go there, instead she takes herself and the kids to mochi for frozen vegan sorbet, she has time for that.  Not a good feeling for me as I go into sx.  She just does not handle her business.  I really hate it.  And then she will call, at an inopportune time, when she is expected home and I have 1,000,000 things to do, and say, do you want me to stop for veg now?  Well, no, I don't, you idiot, I need you to get home now with the kids so I can blah blah blah blah fill in the many things I do here.

    It is not a brazilian, but it is a thorough clean-up.  It is a ... oh my god I can't say it... triangle.  I must say, even in my swinginest of days, I did not do this.  I always just did that area myself.  Andrea, hating you because you don't need it!  Jealous!

    Anyway, now that it is over, I am like...  traumatized.  Because the wax therapist, whom I know, because she does my eyebrows, has seen the inside of my vagina.  Like... far inside.  Laughing, M, at the thought of you acting testy and trying to keep people away while doing your at-home waxing, ironing your hair, and wearing a mod outfit!  You are on my refrigerator in a mod outfit! XXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    I reply to myself.  That ice pick up the nose story is just horrid.  I cannot imagine.  Right now DLLP is splashing out in the kitchen, full-on making a baking project, when I have asked her to do chores with the kids.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Andrea!  'What should we get as a tattoo?' is one of my favorite games!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Well you know what I want.  What does everyone else want???

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hahah Bobo, is that picture still on your fridge? I am sorry for laughing, but you have to admit, if I was telling you that story you'd have a giggle too!

    The ice pick story is absolutely true, gross, but true! and so is the waxing one, it was like I was going to do a karate chop to a brick, I had to have complete silence and concentration while I did it!

    Colin is talking about getting a tattoo now too! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Well, I figure I should be good for a giggle, since I have been snorting away (as have many of us) at the thought of you and Bill engaging in various advanced sex acts this week.  **Don't listen, Colin!**

    Is Colin going to join our tattoo club!?  That is FAB.  Ooooh, I love Colin.  Mmmmmm.  He is so handsome.  And he likes his food spicy!  He is a real man, not one of those hairless tiny vegetarian yogis who swan around ostentatiously with yoga mat strapped on back.

    Ouch.  Still smarting.  Obviously I don't have enough pain in my life, I have to go looking for more.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    YAY! Colin is joining our tattoo club!  What does he want to get??

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    I know what I am getting.  I am going to make Vinnie do it when I go, even though he doesn't do regular tattoos anymore.  I am going to ask M to give me a script of how to push him around, she can make anyone do anything.


    Dear DP:

    I want to apologize to you.  I have 'shang-hai'ed' your thread to talk about my bald vagina.  I am sure not everyone wants to hear about my bald vagina all day long.  Visualizing my bald vagina with the porn 'landing-strip' feature has probably made you too queasy to plan your next ground-breaking recipe.  Please forgive me.

    Love XXXX


    p.s.  This apology does not include a promise to cease and desist talking about my bald vagina

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Who is Vinnie?

    You are so cracking me up tonight.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Vinnie is the nipple tatoo artist in New Orleans. 

    I can't imagine your pain. Have been told the cream used to access my port is just the thing if you're going to wax. Never been brave enough. Laser on chin didn't work:( Rads underarm didn't work:(  Chemo did:(  The only good SE. 

    Didn't make it to chuck e cheese. Kids didn't behave at store. BG threw her wellie, hit me in the ear and landed on the counter, complete with orange slug intact. I was so embarrassed.

    I vote for protein shake or order sushi. Treat yourself! 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    OMG, will you ever stop? I had my shower and now I have more catching up to do.

    Glennie, Vinnie is the Guru of tattoo 3D nips and many women travel form all over to get their niips tattooed on by him.

    I am enjoying hearing all about your bald vagina Bobo, that just sounds so wrong. I haven't laughed so much in ages, well last night about the beheading of Mary and then the repair attempt, was pretty good, but different to your vagina stories. Did anyone see Vagina Monologues? 

    Colin has some big wicked scars down his shoulders to his elbows in a zig zag pattern. He had the tendons from the front of his legs transplanted into his shoulders to give him a tricep lift. He lost the ability when he broke his neck, to lift his arms high and to the side. He wants to have a Dragon tattoo, but because of the way the body adjusts to paralysis, he is actually hyper sensitive in the areas that he can feel, which is from the nipple line up, everything else is completely dead numb. I am concerned that the pain from a fairly extensive tattoo to this hyper area could cause problems with hyperraflexia(sp), which is extreme blood pressure issues. M x 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    Bald vaginas!  M and Bill engaging in all things not sex!!  What the hell is going on here?   DP = Deviant Porn.  Oh Sorry DP.. really.. it's all Bobo's fault.  And M's fault  -  who I am so disappointed in since she didn't even mention the equipment reference discussed in the #4 panoply definition.  I think her and Bill make a cute couple.

    I'll have to give some thought to a tattoo.   I almost got a small one on my ankle when I was a youngin' vacationing in Maine.  My friend and I stood outside the tattoo shop.. then these big biker dudes came out and said "it really hurts".  We walked in, looked at the panoply of tattoos...and walked out.  No pain for me.  I'm a wuss. 

    Whee.. I used panoply in a sentence.