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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    here is Toby waiting for dad to come home  .  There were only about 7 more hours to go at this point. 


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Awww poor Toby, that's quite a wait!

    Dexter had, had a really rough time. He was found covered in car oil, with his fur matted to his skin and fly blown. He was terrified of boys in hoodies, among other things. To this day, he will not go too bed, if there is a fly in the house. Picture me, running around with a can of spray and a fly swat at midnight, that's a common thing in our house. M x

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    Hmmm.  I was also wondering what Bobo's favorite movie is.   She strikes me as someone who would like those old movies like Philadelphia Story or Casablanca (I have seen neither).   Or could it be one of the kids favorites that she has watched 50 times and still likes... like Shrek, Toy Story or Lion King?   

    Sorry about the ear DP.   As a kid, my mom would put some kind of warm oil in my ear, but I have no idea what it was.  Wish you could take some kind of anti-inflammatory like Advil to calm it down.  

    I am up and not sleeping at 1 in the morning.   Long day ahead for sure.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    sorry PRB.  I'm up too. So is bobo. 

    It's called sweet oil and my pharmacy had it. DP you may want to call. I would think you should have some relief by now. Earaches suck. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014
  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Poor Dex. I hate flies too. I usually catch them in the laundry room or bathroom. I had two kamikaze ones. Got in the fridge. Yuck.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Poor Toby! He looks so sad waiting for Dad to come home.

    DP:  agree with Z,  seems like you should have some relief by now. Call before the weekend and let them know.

    Poor Dex!  What a horrible thing to happen.  People are SO MEAN!   I just don't understand it.

    Maybe a funny movie?  Or sappy romance?   Four Weddings and a Funeral?  Galaxy Quest?  **never give up, never surrender**

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    Kris doesn't like kids. When the grands come here he hides under a table and growls.  At the dog park he barks and lunges at them. He was rescued off the streets here, from the way he acts there was mean kids in his former life. And I think if kids come in the dog park they should be on leashes. Dogs aren't allowed in the kids parks, why should the brats be in the dogs park? Kris isn't the only one there not liking kids. I can think of 3 that leave when kids come in. Not fair!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Exactly, Spooks!  Hardly any dog parks and then the kids come and spoil it. 

    I don't take Ava, she is not really good with other dogs, especially with bigger dogs. She is very fearful of them. Who knows what happened to her in her earlier life?  

    My last dog Rocco had really bad experiences in dog parks. I swore off of them because of that.  He would get attacked and fight back, and then he was always to blame cuz he was a pit bull.  But on every single occasion, the other dog did the attacking so he would grab them by the scruff of the neck and throw them to the ground and hold them there.  It's like he was trying to get them to say "uncle".  But he never hurt them, I swear it was like he was trying to teach them a lesson,,, don't attack me! He would be bleeding from the other dog's attack, and the other dog would be unharmed. Yet the owner would be screaming at us.  Not fun at all.   Stopped going. 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014


    We have a nice set up here, small for 30# and under, big for all the rest.  I'm constantly hearing fights on the big dog side.  The regulars don't put up with crap for the small ones. Spookie and Kris shut down and want to leave if certain dogs are there. If I see the owners car I just turn around. That's Kris cooling his feet in the pool, and below


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    that isn't fair about the kids. Especially since if one of them got in a dogs face and got bit, you know who's fault it would be. You wouldn't think patents would want their kids in with other strange dogs. That's how Reggie is glennie. He could easily eat the other pesky dogs but instead he very calmly and gently tells them who is in charge. The vet made is switch him to senior food last week. Very sad day :-(

    Thinking bobos favorite movie would be a comedy. Unless it's somethig really shocking like Beaches or something. Lol

    I felt so wretched last night. I went rogue again and refused to take my xeloda today. I just couldn't. Hell I was barely able to roll my butt off the couch to eat a banana so I could take my antibiotic. Does anyone know what organ is just below your ribs on the left?  Mine hurts whatever it is. Been telling them that for weeks too, but since we've opened a clinic here....

    Poor dex. At lea the ended up in the best place ever. 

    Funny about the ear oil PRB and z. I was telling bond on Sunday before I was sure it was an infection. About how when I was little and didn't want to be in bed at bedtime, I would say my ear hurt. So the. I got to get up and watch tv on the couch while she heated this stuff in a cup of hot water.  Then ii could lay with my head in her lap while she put in the drops and for a while after. Even though I didn't really have an earache, it felt so good. Told him I've been looking for whatever that was for years. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Nice pics, Spooks!!  And I agree,, if a kid got bit,, who's fault would that be?  The dog owner's.  DAMN IT!  That is why we have special off leash areas!!  Ava is very calm around kids, but when she has had enough, she walks away.  She will tolerate petting for a little while and then she walks.  **ok, I'm done now**  unless the kid has food!  Then all bets are off.

    DP:  can you ask Grandma what she used to use?  I bet it was the sweet oil.

    Reggie:  you are not old. Don't let the vet call you a senior.  I hope the new food tastes good.

    Love and kisses to all the dogs.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    The spleen sits under your rib cage in the upper left part of your abdomen toward your back. It is an organ that is part of the lymph system and works as a drainage network that defends your body against infection.

    I wouldn't think they'd want you to take it if you are sick. I know your circumstances are different. How many days did you make it this time? 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    hmm dr z. I have cancer in my lymph system and an infection. Maybe that would make my spleen hurt. It feels like it's in my back sometimes. 

    I think Ava and Reggie are a lot alike. Picturing her saying "yea I'm done now bye".  

    I was calling Reggie over to pet him last night and after ignoring me for five minutes, he came barreling over and climbed into my lap. He has lost some weight but he is still over 110 lbs.  then the scary part is bracing yourself for him to jump down. It's always two hind find right in the stomach. He's such a weirdo dog. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    He's a big boy to be in your lap.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Morning all! I don't know about the US and Canada, but it was always warmed up Olive Oil for earache. My MOther would warm it in a small saucer and use cotton wool dipped in it and squeezed to put it in the ear drop by drop. I know of som people who would put a few drops of fresh garlic oil in with it as an antibacterial. My Mother would put the plug of cotton wool in my ear to hold it in. 

    Great pics of Kris! I don't take Dex to the dog park. He isn't a dog that I can actually let off the leash when he's out. He takes off and has no road sense at all. Even when we go walking he will attempt to cross the road when there is a car coming. I can make him sit at the edge of the road and wait for a car to pass, but he will still try to keep crossing if there is one coming the other way. I love him dearly, but he sure has some issues, from his days on the streets. I was terrified of having some kids around with Dex as I had only ever seen his fear of teens in hoodies, but one of Colin's carers brings her 2 over and Dex loves them. The boy plays rough, but Dex just goes along with it and has a great time with him. I never take my eyes off them though. Poor Dex gets snapped at when we go to the markets on Sundays. He just takes it and looks up at me through those cute Rod Stewart spikes and seems to say, WTF!

    DP I am so sorry you are having this rough time with being sick on top of all this shitful medication. Is there anything else that can replace this one that's kicking your butt? I am wondering if the antibiotics have helped at all, or are you still a snot factory? Having this infection on top of all the other se's from the drugs must be just wearing you out. What did you decide about the Vitamix? I wonder if you could just Vitamix everything and get some really high density nutrition into you. I know you aren't hungry, but maybe liquid food could help for a while. Don't mean to sound pushy, just genuinely worried about you.

    Well it is a beautiful Saurday morning with the water looking like glass and the sun shining,hopefully we are in for a beautiful weekend. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    these drugs are preferable for the brain mets since they may stand a chance if working there. I just wish I could get a fair start instead if kicking me when in already down. 

    Poor little dex is a trooper. I think this should be a children's stiry book. The adventures of Dex and Madame M. And we follow all of your wandering a around town. Hilarity and fairy dust ensues 

    Watching the Lisa Ribertson show and Friday Night Beauty for bobo tonight. So much temptation. On that note, I decided against the vitamix since I may get screwed by MetLife and not have any income at all. Better save. 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    Very shitty day today. My house was broken into. I'm doing ok and
    DD was pretty shook up. They really damaged the door, but a friend's
    husband came over and banged it back into shape and put a dead bolt on
    for tonight. A friend is coming over tomorrow to see if he can replace
    the door for me. 

    So..the thieves took both
    computers, some jewelry (thankfully, not much of DD's if any at all),
    the Wii and all the games, and DD's great camera and all the pictures on
    it. Not sure what to think or how to feel. Most vivid memory is
    police going into my house with guns. I have been wanting to move to
    DD's school district which is 20 minutes away, but its expensive and I
    like my little house here. I have lived here for 23 years without a
    problem.. then last month my car was broken into and now this. I
    suppose it's time to really make an effort to get out of here. DD
    feels like she can't tell her friends because they are already afraid to
    come to the city. One of the worst things was no computer.... no way
    to look up phone numbers of my insurance company, or anything... then I
    remembered I had this old beat up laptop that is literally falling apart
    (screen is completely off the base and held on by the display wires).. windows xp..
    slow as molasses... but it works!! It was under my bed.

    other thing that really got me was that DD started crying and couldn't
    seem to stop. I feel like I have failed her.. that I should have moved
    from here. I shouldn't have waited for something to happen.  We were going to go stay at a friend's house tonight, but after we settled down I realized..  strong door or weak door (it's in bad shape)  doesn't really matter much....they kicked down the strong door... so whats the point in leaving.

    Anyhow,  it's been a long and tiring day.  Going to try and get some sleep.  DP - sorry you are still not feeling better.  Did I miss if they started you on another antibiotic?   Did you try the oil?   As much as this freaked me out... it still does not compare to the crap you're going through DP... or Bobo's damn surgeries, or JLS's chemo.. or any of the shit we have all endured with this crappy disease.   I guess that's why I am not as shook up as I would have expected myself to be in this situation.  Cancer trumps most of this stuff.  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    PRB, I am so sorry you've had this happen and your Daughter has had such a shake up. I know the feeling, it happened to me once, in Sydney many, many years ago. The little bastards broke in while we were in bed and had the audacity to come up the stairs and steal my husband's watch from the nightstand right beside him. It was right on Christmas and they took all the gifts downstairs too. I had never felt so violated. It takes a while, to get over that awful feeling

    Don't be beating yourself up about it, could have happened anywhere. Sending you a hug, I hope you get a good rest. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP, I don't know Lisa Robertson, but I know how tempting the beauty shows can be! You know what a sucker I am for a cool new product.

    I will keep fingers crossed, that you get this bloody insurance issue worked out. I am so sorry you have this stress going on. 

    How are your Grandparents doing on the house search, have they seen anything else they like?


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    oh PRB.  I'm so sorry!   That sucks!  That is so upsetting.  

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    PRB. A well placed kick or two will take down most doors. You need a bolt about a foot from the bottom. I learned it the hard way too. Chances are they won't be back since you were cleaned out, but it's hard to shake that feeling and you have your dd to consider. 

    DP hope you're feeling better. Good luck with the ins co. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Z:  What kind of bolt? You mean a dead bolt down near the bottom of the door, or some other kind of bolt?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Oh, poor PRB, I just feel terrible for you!  Your avatar says MI -- what city?  I was born in Michigan, East Lansing.

    Please don't blame yourself.  You poor sweet thing. I only wish the real bobo had been there.  When we lived in Philly, I was positive that Bobo kept the house from getting broken into.  He has a loud bark!  And robbers do not like bobo.

    You poor baby!  I am going to say something stupid now.  You are safe and healthy, and so is DD.  That is what matters.

    Um, DP, you are the sweetest girl in the world to watch L Robertson for me.  What in the F is going on there?  Mother F!  She is a tragic figure.

    I must say I have our Glennie all in an uproar because I have been running 101 fevers.  101.3, 101.4, 101.9... I swear to god I will jump off a bridge before I go to the ER.  Dr. G said I should take Motrin - even if there is bleeding risk -- and I took one and fever is down to 100.3

    It is no wonder I have a fever.  PS made 1,000,000 holes in me this time -- they say you could have low-grade fever as your body absorbs trauma.  And I've had some trauma, alright!  Hmm.  Did not take Dilaudid -- just Motrin this morning -- and I feel so much better.  I've got to get off the junk.  Looked up my sx report (they didn't have a written one, but did have a list of meds they gave me) and you would not believe how many drugs were on that list.  Block has worn off -- ouch.

    M, I saw a commercial for an air fryer!  Air fryers are coming to america!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    so sorry PRB. It is such a feeling of violation. But they are right, you can't hear yourself up. And remember houses in "good" neighborhoods get broken into too. z is also right, as always, about the deadbolt at the bottom too. Grandpa put one on at the bottom 25 years ago, after a couple of break ins, and you still do not leave that house without all three locks locked. Btw, they live less than 3 miles from George bush. But if you have been wanting to move anyway, this could be a good motivator to get on it. Don't be a procrastinator like me :-)

    M that is scary that they came right into your bedroom!  

    Grandparents search is incredibly frustrating. I'll have to get into that later. 

    Bobo glad your feeling a bit better but damn those idiots for jacking you up. Your better than me. I hate taking pain meds but I sure like dilaudid. Lol. Hope the fever stays down. Just having that constant low grade fever wears you out. Lisa had all kinds if goodies last night. Just go take a look at the Advent Calendar. Omg what goodies. I wonder if they are punishing her because after Friday night beauty, she stayed over for the TSV at midnight. It is that awesome hologram light thingy but anyway, I don't ever recall her staying over at midnight for a non beauty TSV. Y'all can be proud of me too because I have wanted some if those lights for two years but can never justify paying $150 for Christmas lights, no matter how awesome. So today only they are $89!!!  But I didn't get any :-( yay me. 

    Bobo you've never seen the NuWave air fryer on qvc before?  I bought one from my hospital bed after lung surgery. Hehe, I'm sure i was on dilaudid at the time. 

    Hope everyone has a better day today. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I need to watch QVC and see who Lisa is. And what an air fryer is. I feel so out of touch.  It's working evenings that does it.  I'm working when everyone else is watching TV and doing fun stuff.

    DP:  good on you for resisting! Hope Grandparents search gets better.

    Text from Bobo:  she is a bad ass. Fever is down. Yay for Motrin.   *not her exact words*  but she is feeling better.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    PRB, How scary! You weren't home at the time were you? I hope your insurance pays to replace the computers.

    Glennie, I don't have cable so am completely in the dark about the shopping channel and Lisa. I don't have any business ordering things, so not having QVC is probably a good thing.

    I hallucinate on dilaudid and hope never to have it again.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    PRB, wow that is just terrible. How scary, but sure glad you and dd were not hurt. It seems like it happens in any neighbor hood anymore. Ariom, to be in the house and they were in your room.. OMG.. that is unbelievable! our peaceful small state is no longer safe like it used to be because of the oil patch in western ND. Along with the good comes the bad, crime is up so much I can not imagine. We dont live close to that area, but guess close enough. And it sure could happen in rural areas too, never let our guard down. Bobo  dog should have been with you. our kids used to live in East Lansing too.

    Hi Bobo, hoping things are going ok today, try not to overdue!! I know, I know, you are a mover and shaker and down time isnt your style.. but try anyway.

    Wren, I dont watch much QVC but my bf does because she cant sleep at night so she orders.. we tease her that she and the UPS man are having an affair as he is in their yard everyday.. her husband just grits his teeth when he sees that truck.

    Hi DP, how is today going for you? better I hope. Hugs!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    Hey all.. thank you for the encouraging words.  I feel good that dd said "I feel like nothing has happened".   Good sign.  Friend came over and we went door shopping.  It kind of sucks to not have a 32 or 36 inch door - that's all they keep in stock.  I called a local place I used years ago and told my story of 'whoa'...she said she'd put a rush on it and it should be in by Tues or Wed (instead of the 2 weeks from the big box stores).  Got ahold of my handy man friend and he is juggling his schedule to get it installed for me.  My door shopping friend also worked on my existing door to make it a bit more secure, so thats good.  New renters moving in today next door.  What's that saying.. a day late and a dollar short?  I really think that had a factor in all this.. punks could see the place was empty so no neighbors to worry about..  

    OK now for the "omg" moment.  I was cleaning up the house this morning and realized they took my extra set of car keys!  That shook me up.  Called the dealership..told my story of 'whoa' again..and was told to bring it in.. they would re-program the key, make me a new one and disable the old one.  YES!!  Kind of expensive, but worth it.  Then I thought.. the punks will come back to steal my won't work.. they'll get pissed and knock down my door again.  

    Oh QVC - my QVC addicted sister (who remembers the cable channel # on my network cause I never can) told me to put it on last night.  She loves those lights DP!   I admit, they are pretty sweet and she was shocked they were down to $89 too!  She said she wants them for inside her house.  lol  I told her what you guys said about Lisa leaving...and she was like nooooooooooo.   Cracks me up, you guys and your QVC loves.   And.. today at the car dealership this woman started talking to me about qvc.  It's everywhere!!!

    Bobo -  woohoo on the fever being down.  You are a badass :)    I live in Lansing and work at that big college in East Lansing.    Lansing has become a mini Flint since the auto industry moved out.  My area is very active and kind of secluded, but we are not far from all the rift raft.  I know crime happens everywhere, but it's not as prevalent in the burbs.  I just hate coughing up the down payment to move, and selling my house will be difficult ... and retirement will be never.

    Zills -  thanks for that dead bolt tip. I just might do that.   Simple enough to do, and I see the logic in that.

    This beat up laptop is a pain to type on and I can't lie on my bed and be comfy.   Might be time for a Best Buy visit.. or I can just wait for an electronics show on QVC - right?  

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Morning all! Glad your Daughter is feeling better PRB, but sorry to hear about your car keys, bloody wankers with such a sense of entitlement! 

    Just recently I had a call from the bank, asking if I had made a purchase at a store in the US at 5am. I knew I hadn't been shopping at 5am, Apparently a scam is to put a $5.00 refund onto a credit card to see if the card is live and if that goes through, they then empty the card. Fortunatey my bank has software that picks that crap up. You know what, if all these scammers and crooks, put their minds and energy into doing good, instead of evil, things could be awesome! 

    Bobo, I am glad you've managed to get that fever down. Have they got you tied up in Spanx? I knew a serial lipo freak, in the city and she always had to wear Spanx, after the sessions. I could never understand the logic of doing this, instead of dieting or exercise, but I guess if you have a willing Doctor, and the cash, you can do anything.

    I haven't seen the Nu Wave Air Fryer, but I would have thought they were in the US before we got them, we are usually behind you in most appliances. I still love my Air Fryer and use it most days, between it and the Vitamix and my Microwave, I rarely use anything else, including the stove.

    DP, are you feeling any better yet? I am hoping the Antibiotic was the right one for the infection. 

    The fact that they came into our bedroom and stole the watch still gives me chills, but the part I didn't mention was when I got up and went downstairs they had actually defecated in my living room, ewwwwww, the Police said it would have been from the fright of us being there, when they expected the house to be empty and that they were likely youngsters. Makes me shudder even though it was 40 years ago.

    Gorgeous day here, so Dex will have a big walk today! 

    Waving to everyone and hoping you're having a nice weekend....M x