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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    wtf m?! This illustrates why I avoid most teenagers. Disgusting punks. 

    PRB I actually got my current laptop which has all the bells and whistles, some of which I have not Ben set up yet, on qvc last winter. It was a hell of a deal and I couldn't pass it up. And it's purple. Ha

    Ear doesn't hurt do much today but still clogged. I felt pretty good after showering around noon and got a bit ambitious. First I was going to clean my room. Then decided to clean the living room instead. I don't think i shared that I had bond drag a twin size mattress in here the other day because I am uncomfortable everywhere I tey to sleep. Anyway it looks awful so I thought at least I could tidy up a bit. Didn't do a lot and it wore me out!  

    I did clean out my little basket under the coffee table where I keep important things. Look what was in there. You guys are pretty awesome. Now this leads to a new topic: are you a person who keeps cards or do you throw them away? Il share my thoughts on that later. 


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    oh look, you can see my bingo leg. Waving to everyone. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hahahah!  Waving my Bingo leg back at you! Awww DP, it's because we love you!

    I keep them, because I am just a sentimental old girl. I like to pull them out and look at them occasionally. I have piles of cards from Vi, he loved to give me the old fashioned floral, encrusted with glitter, with cheesy words cards, then he'd write and draw little hearts and pictures inside them, quite child like, but altogether wonderful!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    *waving bingo arms and legs at you*

    I usually keep them, although I am not as good at it as I used to be.

    When Grandma was still alive, I would send her postcards from my travels. I made sure to write her frequently. After she died, I found my whole collection of post cards, safely tucked away in a drawer. It sure brings back memories to see what I wrote to her. I still have those post cards.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    those embossed cards with glitter are my favorite. What a nice story about the postcards glennie. When my ex's grandmother passed, I found a whole box of postcards people has sent her in the 60s. I knew none of the people but had so much fun reading them all. 

    I think not being able to throw away cards shows hoarder potential. I know I clue totally be a hoarder if I don't keep myself in check. I still have things that I had since childhood. I used to say that it's just that I take really good care of things. I used to not be able to throw away cards. They would be tucked all over the place. Even Christmas cards. I knew it was a problem but just couldn't toss them. Then I read about St Jude's children's recycling cards to make the Christmas cards they sell. I gathered five years of Christmas and birthday cards and sent them to those kids. As long as they weren't being thrown in the trash, I was ok with then leaving my possession. After that I just keep the special ones. Well I do have all the ones bond ever gave me but I may just be slipping back into hoardom. It is fun to come across old cards though and remember that time. I will have to make something crafty out of this new stack I have here. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    I have all the letters and cards from DH. We met on Wed, became engaged on Mon, and Tue he left for Alaska. We wrote every day. He used to put notes in my lunch and I saved all those as well.

    Speaking of hoarding...DH kept Christmas cards from his dentist and research study. I don't keep commercial cards, only from friends and family.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Wren, what a lovely, love story! I used to put notes in my Dad's lunch, literally, inside his sandwiches! He got caught more than once, with paper, in a bite of his lunch!

    I only keep the ones from special people, I am the opposite to a hoarder, I love to give stuff away and have a clear out at least a couple of times a year. Now Colin, on the other hand, always thinks there will be a use for something down the track. I don't get that, I love to see a clear and tidy garage or shed. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Good morning, all.   How is everyone today?   Will I EVER get a solid night's sleep again????

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    what a whirlwind romance wren. 

    I switch between hoarder and minimalist m. I hoard and then have a moment where I am sick of it and go through and clear out. I also like giving things away. 

    Glennie is it drugs or because your uncomfortable?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Yes glennie. It took about a year for the hot flashes to calm down. Caffeine and chocolate bring them roaring back. 

    Didn't help kids went trick or treating last night. Chose to skip last thriller instructions and zombie makeup. They were the same time as trick or treat. Kinda lost the umph as all my friends have dropped out. Can't dance with bruised foot either. It woke me up at 2 hurting so shouldn't walk much. 

    Supposed to be nice today. Usually go to court days and look at junk but no walking for me. Local town shuts down for three days just like when the judge came to town, back in the days. Lots of junk, crafts, fair food. Everything from guns to dogs to fried pies and soup beans. 

    Boy has field trip on wed to local farm. The secretary gave me a gc to farmers mkt for filling in for her. Guess will get pumpkins this week. 

    He is writing out math problems, on his own. She is playing with my travel bag. The joys of no tv. 

    Wrenn. That is some love story. 

    I kept cards from DH. Kept all the cards from sx forward last year. Just in a pile on the hutch. Not sure what to do with them. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Birdie, that is quite a story!  You swept him off his feet!

    Weighing in on hoarding.  I am a minimalist and throw everything away.  I keep special things in a special drawer.  I love to throw away things in the kids' room.  Sometimes I just go in there with a garbage bag and it makes me feel better.

    DP, how are you feeling today? **waving bingo arms**  Glennie, my hot flashes lasted more than a year.  Z is right about caffeine and chocolate.  And spicy foods.  It was especially bad to be in an meeting, sitting in front of people, and then have a hot flash right in front of them.  They are much better now.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    It's the hot flashes, DP.  3 days after ovaries removed, they hit.  Good times.  A year, huh?  I might be psycho by then. The only caffeine I drink is tea.  Don't think I can cut out chocolate.  **today is special day at local ice cream shop. It's Chocolate Day**   all flavors have some kind of chocolate.  It's a EVENT.

    I really try to throw things out. I have some books that I just can't get rid of and a storage box of "special" things. But I try to use the library, and buy used books and donate them back now.

    Z: sucks about your food.  Amazing what kids can find to do when no TV.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited October 2014

    I have been in my little house for 23 years.  Since adopting my daughter, my house is edging closer to a hoarder.  My downstairs is full of stuff.  I lean between giving it away...and then thinking I should have a garage sale.   Since the dx, things have really gotten worse.  I  worry... I go to work... I run around for school events...I come home tired and  yearn for 'me time'.   Cleaning is not a priority, but I keep the kitchen clean, and the rest  of the upstairs is livable.  Just don't look in the closets!  When I feel overwhelmed, I just watch one of those hoarder shows and I think.. whew.. I'm not even close to that!!        

    I'm lucky I never had hot flashes during menopause or after the hysterectomy.  I suspect it's because I am overweight and still have estrogen in my body.   Of course, that's bad because of my er+ diagnosis. My supervisor has severe hot flashes...she turns red in meetings, starts fanning herself and looks miserable.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    When you live in one place for a long time, it is easy for stuff to accumulate. When I moved every couple of years, I had much less stuff!  I've been here for 11 years now,, so I definitely have to watch my collection!

    Don't beat yourself up over a not-so-clean house.  You would feel right at home with me!!  I just believe there are more important things to do than clean. Kitchen and bathrooms clean,,, it's all good. What's some dust?  Dust bunnies have to live too.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    sorry glennie. That's the pits. I was thankful mine only lasted 6 months from chemopause. I would always have a dip in the pool right before bed, sleep naked with the fan blowing on me, and put those little gel ice packs on my forehead and chest when I would wake up in the middle of the night. 

    I still want to move to zills town. Hay rides and festivals and all sorts of fun going there.  Who needs a tv?  

    I don't dust. Which is a problem when you have massive antique furniture. Add two huge dogs who shed enough in a day to create another dog. And a crazy little dog who insists on having every single toy out of the basket at one time AND pulling all the stuffings out of them. I'll just say that I need several hours notice if company is coming. It's a shame because I used to be like Martha Stewart in my early 20s. How things change. 

    Ear doesn't hurt today, still clogged. Really tired but tired of laying around. Back hurts.  Slight headache, makes me paranoid. Hunger pains but no appetite. Just another day!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Ear not hurting is good!   Bummer about headache and backache.  How's the weather?  Is it a factor?  Can you sit outside for a while if it is nice? 

    Any food sound good?  Queso? Tacos?  Other comfort foods? 

    **waving my Betty arms at you all**

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    nothing really sounds good. Except maybe makes potatoes and gravy from Popeyes. I have not has that in forever. Do y'all know the goodness of Popeyes mashed potatoes and gravy? The red beans and rice are good too. I think bond and I are going to go have Mexican on the patio at our favorite place. Don't really feel like it though

    I forgot to say earlier:  bobo are you that mom where you go to school and come back to a totally reorganized room and you have to wonder what all got gone through?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Computers are wonderful things,, they have connected us all together. They allow me to work from home so that I don't have to put up with those jerks anymore.  But that being said,,, I don't really love them.  I'm not good at maintaining them either.  My desktop which is 7 years old, did the BLUE SCREEN OF DEATH to me on Thurs. I managed to recover, but I know the end is near with it.  I really need to look into a replacement and I really prefer the big keyboard.  Which is why I generally don't use my netbook, but I took it out today, thinking I may need a backup quickly,,, I haven't used it in a while,,,, and Windows is doing 36 updates on it !!   So I guess it's really really been a while.   It's taking forever,, LOL!!   Fortunately, I use the work computer for checking over here,, while I'm working,,, *bad me**

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Swing by Popeyes on the way back from Mexican restaurant for some mash potatoes and gravy to go.  That is good comfort food.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Yes, DP, I am that mommy!  Except I don't really snoop and look over the things with interest.  Everything is disgusting in there.  Sometimes I use rubber gloves as I throw things away.

    I am glad you have no ear ache.  Your mashed potatoes idea sounds like a good one.  I am supposed to have 100 GRAMS OF PROTEIN a day, which is an outrageous number.  DLLP forgot to get protein powder at Trader Joes.  She has had the kids all day -- took them to grocery store and to her office -- and they have been driving her crazy.  Our princess pesters her like mad in stores until DLLP gives in.  She doesn't do that to me.

    Last night, during the game, our princess acted like she and DLLP were having a date.  She made DLLP sit by her, on floor, and pat her back.  If DLLP got up, she pointed and said, Sit!  At one point, she held out her cup and said, Water!  Obviously she cannot talk to DLLP that way.  But DLLP got many hugs and kisses!  And then she asked DLLP, which of my features do you love the most?  DLLP and I were gobsmacked!  She answered, Your brain.  She didn't ask me, but I love her big meat legs and her neck, which has extra skin on it and little white stripes where the sun doesn't get to it.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    The Princess is too cute!! 

    Do you need Trader Joe's run tomorrow?  Let me know. I have some free time after go to lab for bloodwork.  It is a lot of protein,,,,, I wonder why no surgeon ever told me that I needed to eat extra protein after my surgeries???? What is up with that?  Why is it that I have learned so much more over here on this forum?

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    DP, how is the ear now? Mashed potatoes and gravy, aren't they the best? Had them tonight at a smorgasbord in Canada, every year they have the best food, taters, gravy, cooked carrots, turnips, roast beef, ham, meatballs, and a luscious salad and dessert bar, all homemade of course , we try to never miss if possible and all for $12.00!  Wish I could send you some..sorry to all the vegans, but it was yummy,

    Well more disturbing news on my 17 year old cousin fighting leukemia, genetics found she has a Philadelphia chromosome which will make remission harder, she will have 4rounds of chemo and than a blast and then blood stem cell transplant! My heart is aching for her, just praying she can endure the treatments and will recover. I have never heard of this, but then why would I?  So hate this disease so much right now well always really but my anger and sadness is overwhelming right now! Sorry but I needed to rant and vent!

    Hey Bobo, how are you doing? Thinking of you.

    Glennie, did you stay awake for work?, how nice you can work from home,

    Hi to all bc sisters!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I so want to go to Canada with you!

    Really sorry to hear about your cousin. Cancer is just a shitful thing.

    I did stay awake for work. I'm mostly back on my usual routine now.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    mmmmm Popeyes biscuits! 

    Do you have an appt tomorrow? Ask about labs? Scans? Ear? Have you been checked for anemia? Don't let them give you grief about stopping early. Did you call for a 2nd opinion? 

    ND. Sorry about your cousin. Rant away. That's what we are here for. 

    Stay awake Glennie! 

    Boy said he has to DO math. Just has to! He dug out a big book for preschoolers. DH said if he completed it, he would take him to Wally World. I told him he needed to go to sleep. Toys could wait. He agreed! But he needs to do math! 

    BG rotten. Nose running. Won't nap. Won't stay in bed. Throws fits. Argh. What will I do when she's a teenager? 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    interesting about hot flashes. I haven't really had any that I know of. Started Tamoxifen end of May. Should I be worried the hot flashes mean it isn't working.  On the other hand I am overweight so might also have enough estrogen in me. But thankfully no periods since June!!!

    Love hearing about everyone's kiddies and fur babies! Had a three day weekend with kids and back at school tomorrow. 

    Hope everyone has a good night!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I think some people are just lucky with the hot flashes.  I have one friend who has had them for years!! Natural menopause but still flashing for at least 5 years. Go figure. Then others who have barely a hot flash.  Weird.

    Mmmmmm, biscuits,,,,,,

    How cute that Boy NEEDS to do math. Baby must not feel good, runny nose and all that.  Needs rest.  Benadryl?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    I started the flashes at 38 and all done by 45, I do have the odd one now and again, even now.

    I love that boy Zills, has to do Math! oh and the BG isn't well, I hope she feels better.

    I love mashed potato and gravy too!

    NDgirl, the smorgasboard sounds fantastic. I would love to do that! I still want to walk to Canada!

    I am so terribly sorry to hear your news about the young cousin, it is just never ending isn't it? I don't think I have ever heard of so many people with different Dx before. 

    Bobo,lots of nuts and pulses, beans and lentils, Mushrooms, I don't know if you eat Tofu, my Doctor said I could still eat it. I love silken Tofu with sweet ginger sauce, yum it's good for the added protein, you can do it.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    ND, So sorry about your cousin. That's just too young to have to deal with cancer.

    Add me to the mashed potato and gravy list.

    I'm one of the lucky ones with no hot flashes. None with menopause and none with Arimidex.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Birdie, you are just too sweet to have hot flashes. :)

    Laughing because M will not acknowledge that BG is rotten!  She is doting grandma.  I know she is rotten punk princess because I have one too.  Mine will not stay in bed either.  I don't know what I will do when she is a teenager either.  

    Andrea, I have a fur baby who is also human!  Our princess' hairline grows down into her eyebrows!  She is so unique and beautiful.

    ND, I am so sorry about your young cousin.  It is just awful.  I know you will lend her all your support.  It's terrible.  I see you are galavanting to Canada, as usual!  Mashed potatoes and gravy sound good.  But I would have to make from scratch, so it is too much work.

    G, I got (yucky) protein powder at a store closer to home, so no worries. DLLP did best she could this weekend, but it was the fumble Olympics.  She cooked last night and the kitchen looked like a bomb hit it.  She did not do any cleaning all weekend long.  Thank god I have a cleaning service coming.

    I am not feeling good at all this morning.  My ears are ringing.  I think this whole thing has taken a lot out of me.  And I had no day off from the kids: Thursday sx, and kids came home at same time as me.  Friday was holiday for our town: kids went to parade, but they were not at school all day.  And then the weekend.  I am pretty beat from having to feign cheer and pop up and down all day.  The baby stubbed her toe pretty hard and came to me for a cuddle, and I just cuddled and cuddled her and snuggled her.  Sweet thing.  She just heaved a huge sigh of relief.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    sorry you don't feel good bobo. Is everyone back to school today so maybe you can get a rest?  Turn on qvc and you'll be out like a light. 

    Sorry about your cousin nd. That just sucks. Too young to deal with this shit. I hope she powers through treatments. I have heard good things about the stem cell transplants. 

    BG is going to be a handful z. Perhaps you should start shoppong boarding schools now, so you will be prepared. Lol. 

    No appts until Wednesday. Ear still clogged. Back hurts. I guess I have to start sleeping standing up. Felt miserable last night. Don't think I should have nausea this far out. I just noticed a lump in the center of my neck. Wtf?  That wasn't there before. There's always something. 

    Oh glennie - this came to me last night when I was trying to go to sleep. You know you can connect your regular keyboard to your netbook. You can actually hook up the monitor and everything too. Way better that way.