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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Nash54
    Nash54 Member Posts: 699
    edited October 2014

    Thanks AndreaJ50....I'm having internal radiation 10/25 - 10/31.  It's given 2xday for 5 days so I don't think it will have any affect on monthly least that's what I'm telling myself.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    Andrea that was cash price with no insurance. Also, they charge you differently when they know your paying cash. The same mammo probably costs the insurance company twice as much. I was actually relieved that it was only that much. A core needle biopsy only costs $450. Some things I wish I didn't know. 

    Slept in real bed last night. Tired of living room slumber party. Woke hind up at 3am crying in pain from my back. Refusing to go back to the living room, I switched to his side of the bed and it was slightly better, though I have no idea why. Still laying here. The real pain comes when I stand up. Not looking forward. 

    How's the foot z?  Is bg still snotting?

    Going to look at a couple houses today. Grandpa coming to get me at 10:30. Our appt is at 2pm. I live on the way to the small town we are going to. But he wants to come pick me up (45minutes each way) and bring me back to their house, so we can leave straight from there. I miss driving. This also means I need to get up now. Grrr

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    poor DP. Sucks that you can't get some good rest. I know the feeling but mine are small children, a cat and stupid thoughts. Have you called for a second opinion? In the bag for tomorrow. 

    Andrea. MRI cash price is $1100 payable up front or no scan. My hospital also send you to internal collections after 90 days. Ridiculous! Insurance hasn't even paid in 90 days. Doesn't matter if you've called, sent in partial payment or have a credit balance. 

    Going to girls night out with Mamie McCullough, red wine and chocolate plus bc discussion and door prizes. 

    Wish I wasn't so sleepy. 

    Pumpkin patch field trip tomorrow with boy. Asked if I was bringing BG. Not after the wellie throwing incident. Are meeting gfs next week after work at pumpkin patch. Will have help:)

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    hope your having fun on your night out z. Didn't call for secod opinion yet. Kind of waiting on appt tomorrow to see tumor markers in hopes that this is working. But I am not too confident now with the appearance of this lump on my neck. So tired of feeling miserable. 

    About to go to bed. This is the longest I have been awake in ages. Since 8:30 this morning. Been on the phone with mom for last 4 hours discussin all the woes of this crap with my grandparents. So frustrating. I also feel so helpless right now because I am far from being on top of my game. Wish I was in a position to do more and help more. 

    Quiet tonight. Hope tht means everyone is getting laid. Or at least watching a good movie or something. :-P


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP, I hope you get a good rest. I'm sorry you're having the extra stress of the lump on your neck. Wish I could do something.

    Getting laid? I don't think so! LOL I have just spent over an hour being bitten alive by Mozzies, packing up  a model yacht for Colin to send to a new buyer.  It was a really big job for a 1meter yacht. It has been so hot here today too. I went back into town to return stuff I bought yesterday, but couldn't be bothered trying on, big mistake, I should either not buy or force myself to try on, because I usually end up having to go back.

    One of the big pharmacies, I don't know what you call them, but they sell makeup and healthy stuff perfumes etc has a clearance store that just opened for a week, so I bought heaps of stuff for Bec for Christmas. She has really sensitive skin and they had the French Avene range for the best prices I have ever seen, so I got her the whole range. They even had the meal replacement Protein shake that she has for breakfast reduced from $60.00 a tub to $10.00 so I stocked up on that too. I love a clearance!!!!!

    Just rang to book my pap smear test, uggggh the nurse said, "would you like to come in tomorrow?" I said "Hell no, but I will!" It has taken me back to my last one, which I had done while I was waiting for the results of my first BC Biopsy, I was terrified I may have something there too, wouldn't be the first time! So I am almost at the 2 year mark now, for all this BC shit. 

    It is beginning to cool down, I am scratching my bites and have to go out and water the Veggies, catch you later! M x 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Zills, did we have fun?

    Poor BG, that wellie incident isn't going away. I can see that story being thrown at her, pardon the pun, in a birthday speech.

    I used Bec's embarrassing moment at the fishmongers, when she was about 6. I asked the shopkeeper to pick up a huge Octopus he had in the glass showcase to show to Bec and she pipes up and yells out "Mummy, look at all its testicles!" The shop was packed on a Saturday morning and everyone fell about laughing, poor Bec had no idea what she'd said and she never lived that one down! M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    poor Bec!!!! Too funny!!!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Getting laid??   Hahaha, not here, I was working.  And then trying to sleep. Which was not very productive.  Don't know what I'm going to do about that.

    How was girls' night,Z? 

    That is a good story about the octopus and Becs. 

    Good morning all !!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Me neither. Sleeping or laid. Big part of my problem. 

    Night was ok. Speaker kinda kooky but sent us home with her book. Had a dr panel. Said they like to deal with it in the early stages so take your anti-hormonals when you get the rx. No waiting. I know I was guilty of that. Cream de menthe brownie was to die for. Met the girls early and had zatar. Pita bread with spices and seeds. 

    Does everyone get blood work except me? I only got it during chemo. I know they don't check tumor markers where I am. But feeling a little like I'm a lost cause to them. I get the std P questions. Pain? poop? weight and bp plus the pat down and listen. 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    Hello all, Ariom I am going in for my pap test on Friday morn. I thought I was old enough to not have them any longer but guess this bc has changed that too! Thought 65 was the end of them, I have never had a bad test but better safe than sorry I guess. Zills, they dont do blood on me but maybe different dx too. I am to get my cholesterol checked but dont want to take the meds for it anyway so why do it?? I was watching Dr. Oz yesterday because he had Joan Lunden on with her battle of bc and there was a lady that said she was a 10 year survivor with mets... thought that is what our Zills will do and more because she is real trooper!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Aww. Thanks ND. Going to ask my ro the nitty, gritty questions in two weeks about my "nodules". 

    Off to the pumpkin patch for the boy's field trip. 

    Cross your fingers I found a dog. 3 yr old black lab from a guide dog place in Ohio. Should be able to trust her around kids and not pull on my arm. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Zills:  Have fun on pumpkin field trip.  And good luck with the dog. She sounds great.  I only got the estrogen level done, cuz we wanted to make sure it dropped from over 500 !!  I'm sure it has since I'm hot flashing!

    ND:  I wouldn't take the cholesterol meds either. Too many problems with them.  My BFF took max dose of Lipitor and could only lower her cholesterol so much.  Then she went on low carb diet (Paleo) and it dropped 100 points in 3 months. Just from diet, no meds.  She has inherited form of high cholesterol so really hard to get it down.

    Off to Target!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    omg m. I am sitting in the waiting room to do my labs and laughing out loud about the octopus. That's hilarious. 

    I get blood work every week now z. But don't worry, in a list cause too. No one looks at it or tells me the results. The markers I mentioned are from two weeks ago and I forgot to ask last time. They also have not given me results of femur X-rays from three weeks ago. 

    Lab backed up like crazy today. Never seen it like this. Back later to find out why no one is getting laid. I thought it was just me. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Not getting laid cuz no man in my life.  It's been so long, I probably forgot how.

    GYN office called. My estrogen level is undetectable!  I guess that is below zero???   Decided I will try melatonin tonight for sleep.

    Ava dog is feeling punk. We are going to vet on Saturday.  She is not herself.

    Edit:  got furry slippers at Target. My toes are ready for the cooler weather now.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    aww poor Ava dog. Maybe the weather change making her down? I like fuzzy socks. Slippers are such a commitment. 

    Back to the subject z brought up of being a lost cause. Which I have felt from my med team since I left the hospital. NP says I still have fungus in my ear. Referring me to ENT, which she should have done to start with. Showed her lump on my neck. She says it is soft, doesn't feel like a lymph node. She brings in MO. MO feels it and says I don't think this is anything. Just a fat deposit from the steroids. I do have a lot of those. However, this came up overnight, weeks after I have been off steroids. And never once in my life has any of my fat HURT. what a crock. Also told NP how since last night that I can't lay on my left side without choking coughing and being short of breath. Cough is bad today too. She did send me for a chest x ray. Don't know what that will show. Tumors markers increased between first and second chemo. He SAYS that it can sometimes spike up at the first treatment. Wish I could believe her. Will have to see what happens after next week. 

    Hope you had fun at the pumpkin patch z. I love pumpkin patches. I bet you have a real one too. Do you see an MO or just the RO?  That could explain no blood work.  

    Hi everyone. Waving bingo legs. 

    Is bobo ok?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    so you have a yeast infection in your ear like dogs? I bet you are miserable. I know how Katie would get. 

    I don't like the sound of cough and can't lay on side. 

    I see both an RO and MO. I have to ask my PCP to run blood work. My bc gf from Livestrong get their blood checked. I don't understand the difference. 

    DH wouldn't touch me last year during treatment. Has now decided he's not in love with me and it wouldn't be fair. It would give me false expectations. WTF? I thought men didn't need to be in love. I keep hoping he'll change his mind. That's my pathetic sad story. I'm a fool. 

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited October 2014

    Oh Zills, you are not a fool!  You are hoping that your relationship will work, not foolish in any way.  Hope you can have fun in the pumpkin patch.  When I was on chemo, I had blood work done once a week, but on Herceptin alone, it is just whenever, every few months.

    I also am not getting laid.  Just don't feel like it anymore.  Dx really changed things.  Don't know if it is related to hormonal stuff, or just feeling diseased  :(   Cancer sucks.

    I don't like the sound of the cough and can't lay on side either DP.

    Just heard of a shooting in a pharmacy in Texas.  Hope you are safe and sound DP.

    Ok, gotta get outa bed, waving bingo legs at everyone!  Xx

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    that stinks z. I'm sorry. It's possible that's just a lame mans excuse because he doesn't know how to deal. Not that that is any excuse. Not foolish. We all just have to deal with what we are dealt as it comes. 

    I haven't had any since Hawaii. And a ant remember before that. It's likely as much my fault because I don't initiate for fear of rejection. And I have not felt like it in a couple months obviously. My first boss who taught me so much about life, she is 83 now, has beat cancer 6 times. When I was first diagnosed, she told me the secret to beating cancer was to watch funny movies, laugh a lot, and have lots of sex. No wonder I find myself here. Ha. 

    Perhaps m is the closest of us to getting laid since she went to the gyn today. Lol. Hope it all went well. 

    Did you get pics at the pumpkin patch z?

    Glennie what's going on with bobo?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    in have not had the tv on today dawny. Will have to see where that was. How hilarious that you would think of me because it was at a pharmacy. Hahaha. I do spend an abnormal amount of time atthe pharmacy. 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    Fine! I got laid!!!! But between you and me....and my husband would kill me.... This sentence lasted longer than the event! Lol. I keep telling him that's what happens when you do it so rarely.

    Can't believe I wrote that!!! 

    Zills I am so sad about your husband. Men sometimes can't handle seeing their wives go through illness. They are powerless and that is tough on them.

    When I was diagnosed last year they gave my husband a book on how to be a good husband when your wife has BC. My husband hasn't even opened it yet. He has been good. But he has pulled away physically. I really would like him to hold me, or put his arm around me or something. But he just gets irritated if I bring it up.

    Oh, and right after our roll in the hay (that sentence was longer too) I had to have a urine test for kidney function. I sat there wondering if they were going to tell me what else they found in my sample...luckily not. Lol.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    That sucks, Z.  Most men can't deal with things go rough. Bond, Colin and Sailman are exceptions here. Women are way tougher.

    Well, I better start watching funny movies and laughing a lot, cuz I'm sure not getting any sex, DP.  Your first boss sounds like a hoot.

    Bobo had to go back to work today. I think it wore her out.  Hope to hear more soon.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    So tragic about the shootings at the Canadian Parliament today. Stupid terrorists!! 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Bloody crap, on a chapstick Zills, I am so sorry to hear that. You are not pathetic or a fool, not ever, but you do have the patience of Jobe. I think I would have hauled off and belted him one, across the head for saying that.  I hate how you are having to deal with this shit. I know I shouldn't say it, but he's the pathetic one in this scenario, wtf, doesn't want to give you false expectations, what a dreadful thing to say to you.

    A single girlfriend of mine has a great line, "I am not looking for Romeo, just jump my bones!"  I am sorry to make light of it, Zills, but it just shouldn't be like this for you.  

    DP, Fungus infection in your ear? could be reason for lump in neck, perhaps? Chest infection too? 

    Glad you got a laugh out of the Bec story! I was telling you last week about how Mary, the statue got blown over outside Bec's neighbors place and she had been resurrected the next day with duct tape to keep her head on and a noose to hold her upright. Well we thought she would disappear after that, but no, either there has been a miracle, not likely, or they managed find another Mary, who is exactly the same, to replace her. Poor Bec now has another Mary, plus all the other statues and junk to deal with again and she has just signed another 1 year lease.Poor Bec!

    Waving Bingo legs, oh, must shave legs today for pap test. Must do it now...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    OMG Andrea, I was about to hit the shower and I saw that post of yours, I am still laughing, that's so funny!

    I haven't been yet DP, just going to get ready now it is at 10am, it's 9am now. I doubt there's going to be any "did the earth move for you?" with this test! but I'll let you know.

    I haven't seen any news this morning, so not aware of the shootings, will no doubt see plenty later.

    Glennie, good to know I am doing something right, I love funny movies and we do laugh a lot around here!

    You're so right about men not usually doing well when things turn rough. I think I am so lucky with Colin, because of his situation, he took this as a way to thank me, for being there for him, all these years. It has actually been a positive, for us. 

    Must be off to prepare.....M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    I would have said he was one of the good ones. We've been thru a lot. He does hold me every night, kisses me and says he loves me. He wants to take care of me and is a great daddy. I keep hoping he'll wake up and change his mind before it's too late. 

    I am so sore from walking and standing at the pumpkin patch. I just want to go to bed. Would love a good book or TV!  BG says she wants to poop so I have to get up. She's moved to the next class. Only one other was born in 2012. Everyone else 2011. But she's motivated and I have to get up! 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    DP. If you feel up to it, go for it. Take one for the team! I'm sure he's just as scared but it would do you both some good. 

    Yes bobo is exhausted physically and mentally. MD up to old tricks again. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Oh no! Not MD on top of everything else??!!   Sucks!  Bobo needs a vacay.

    Did BG poop?  She is becoming a big girl.

    Humidity a little down, and hands are splitting open already. Found some of that O'keefe's hand cream you all recommended.  Trying it out. 

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014




  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    no you're not seeing things. Boy has pink glo in the dark dots on his face. Leftovers from pumpkin decorating. BG getting ready to flash you. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    oh my gosh. Love the pics!!  Adorable and I was right. It's a REAL pumpkin patch. You know z, In a selfish way, he may be trying to protect himself from the pain of losing you. Maybe thinking that f he steels himself to you now, if something bad were to happen, it wouldn't be as devastating. But if course it still would be. Shitty for you, but again men don't know how to deal. Sorry you have to deal with that. 

    Poop! Yay!  That is worth getting up for. 

    M I think bec should have some fun with Mary. Perhaps she could dress her up in differnt outfits at night. Or put clever statements above her head like Charlottes Web. Or wrap her in pink scented toilet paper. 

    Hope bobo is resting. What a drain to have to deal with MD. Any new plans of attack?

    Let us know how you like the okeefes glennie. 

    Score Andrea! Lol. You are cracking me up though. Sorry it was so brief but apparently your doing better than the rest of us. You may need to give us some pointers. 

    M are we going to have more bald vagina stories coming soon? Since you are preparing for the gyn. That's what I always did to get ready for an appt. lol. 
