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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    DP I am so sorry you are going through all this crap! I am sure it is difficult for you to stay positive when you have been knocked down at every corner. 

    But you are one of the strongest people I know, and it's about time you got a break!

    On a totally different subject: I don't know what MD stands for. Is it Medical Doctor?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    MD is mother dearest,, Bobo's Mom.  

    I must start watching QVC, so I know who these people are that you are talking about DP. 

    Cancer is the shits. Who knows why we get it?  I do think poisons in the enviroment play a part. It just sucks. DP, I wish you would get a break from all of this crap.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    Ahhhh! That makes sense now. Thanks Glennie

    This morning I have my first mammogram. Not worried about it.  I woke up yeaterday morning with a large tender lump just above incision. Probably scar tissue or seroma. Could be from radiation. So this mammogram could be uncomfortable. Oh well.

    I came so close to getting a mastectomy (3rd time in they got clean margins), so I try not to complain; I know I have it easier than many.

    Well I better get to sleep or I won't wake up in time for my appt tomorrow

    Sweet dreams everyone!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    In the bag, Andrea!! Hope all goes well.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    thank you Glennie! Everything looks fine. Yay!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    in the bag for Andrea and ND. 

    Poor DP. If you get your fungal infection cleared up, that will help. Can you do the green vibrance? It may help getting you back to prime. 

    I know we shouldn't ask why and just deal with it and go on. We've all thought about why. I handled a lot of hormones for the horses, then invitro plus I was a nervous nelly. I did expect cancer when I was in my declining years. Grannies lived 90+. I figured you didn't live that long without something. Never dreamed in my 40s or late stage. Didn't even know about stages. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    glad everything looks good Andrea. That's a wild story about you talking to god. Would totally freak me out. Can you ask for none if us to have cancer and to win the lottery? :-)

    When I was a teenager I had this psychotic boyfriend. He was obsessed with thinking he knew what age he was going to die. So he would play this game if asking people what's your number. I gave it a lot of thought and my answer was always 34. I had completely forgotten about all that nonsense until a couple of months ago. It's spooky. 

    The green what z? What's that?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    DP : done deal! I requested that no one has cancer.

    Spooky indeed. There is this thing on Facebook where you can see when and how you will die. I know it isn't real, but I don't like it, and won't try it.

    Zills, I totally get how you feel. My grandma lived to be 94.  And both my parents are doing well in their 80's. so WTH????

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Green Vibrance. Some powdered green stuff with probiotics. It's best mixed in cranberry juice and drank like a shot, one gulp. I only take a tsp at a time but I feel better. 

    M and bobo can explain better. Plus the probiotics would help with your fungal infection. Did they change your meds for your ear? I have a friend that has a yeast infection in her lining of lungs. Maybe that's why you're sore? Chemo knocks out the good, bad and ugly. 

    Are you eating yogurt? BG loves kefier and I like it better than yogurt because it's not so sweet. It's a drink. Full of protein and probiotics. I prefer peach, mango or pomegranite. Also comes in blueberry and strawberry. Ours is in with the milk at local Wally World. 

    M. Aldi has a steam mop cheap. Any thoughts? My floors are nasty. BG is drinking without a lid.  Preschool wants her to come in panties! Somebody keeps tracking in mud. 

    Dog has adoption appt tomorrow. If she's meant to be, it will fall thru. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I put the Green Vibrance in my shakes. M told me about it. Lots of veggies and good stuff in it.  Yogurt and kefir would be good too for all the good bacteria.  Dr Z knows!!

    Andrea:  congrats on good mammo!!

    DP that is spooky about the age thing.  I keep saying 88 cuz my beloved grandma lived to that age. She was a spunky bad ass and I aspire to be like her. All of her siblings had cancer except her.  Go figure. 2 with breast, 1 with ovarian and brother with leukemia.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Now ladies, don't get me going on the age thing. Both my parents died at exactly the same age, 10 years apart! 78 and just 4 months from their next birthday, come on, if I live till then, can you imagine how that year is going to feel for me? 

    Green Vibrance, I can vouch for it. It is packed with superfoods. No one is going to eat enough in a day to get the nutrition you can get from a small dose of this stuff, plus, it has the pro biotics, pre biotics and the enzymes you need for digestion too. I am the biggest devotee of pro biotics ever! I have been on them for almost  20 years and have them to thank for curing my nasty stomach ulcers caused by anti inflammatories for RA and steroids. My morning shake has pro biotics too, it's called VganSmart and worht a look if you want something that is easy to take. I blend it in the Vitamix with frozen mango, frozen banana and coconut yogurt. 

    Ok so all this didn't prevent me from being here, but I think it has helped me in a lot of other ways including not having to stay on the chemo drugs for the RA, all my life. There are other  ways to get the probiotics too, if you like fermented foods, they are perfect, but there is also some fermented drinks at the health food stores. I take one called CocoFlora which is great. I often mix the Green Vibrance into it, as a shot.

    Zills, I had a steam mop at the last house, but I gave it away, it wasn't easy to use, but it wasn't an Aldi model that I had. I have lots of oiled timber floors here, so couldn't use one, unless just on the slate. I find I really like the spin mop I have now. It comes with a bucket that has a foot lever on the side that you pump up and down a few times and the mop gets spinned around in the bucket till it's almost dry and the microfiber mop cleans everything really well. The kids would love the mop bucket!

    Just saw an ad on tv for "pull ups" kids diaper, in a pull up panty, would that help for BG?

    Everything good Andrea? I hope so! 

    Have a great weekend! M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    Oh yes M, everything is great. They didn't say what the big sore lump is, but it appears to be scar tissue and fluid. I had a recall for my right (good) breast that had LCIS removed last Feb. But after a closer look at the dense tissue they sent me on my way. I will gladly take that....although the part of me that is always waiting for the other shoe to drop is remembering exactly a year ago when they told me my mammo was clear....then called me back for more testing.

    I wanted to celebrate by going out for supper  but my husband decided to work late, so that won't happen. I think I will go play with the guinea pig instead.

    Any plans for the weekend? 

    Hubby just got home...too late for going out for dinner tonight. He says we will celebrate tomorrow.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I don't use my steam mop either. I find it easier to just use those wet Swiffers.  The spin bucket sounds interesting.

    Have to look for CocoFlora.  Researching vitamins/minerals for sleep.  Calcium and magnesium, I think.

    It's almost 4 weeks since surgery,,, I am thinking of going back to the gym this weekend.  just some light cardio. Dinner with friend tomorrow night.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    Trying to go look at a dog. 

    Thriller is tonight. Foot still hurts. Have to be there two hours early. Haven't washed my hair for several days. Trying to get that zombie look and it's still dry from all that powder! 

    Chucky cheese tomorrow with friends if children behave. 

    Laundry, dishes, the usual stuff. Need to mop floor. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    I don't use my steam mop either. It works great but it's a pain to drag it all out and fill it, etc. then five minutes later Reggie comes in and drools all over the floor anyway. I saw the spin mop on tv. Looks very cool. 

    HVe fun celebrating tonight Andrea. Good luck with puppy z. Hi all. Hope bobo can get some rest this weekend. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Ava has been really mopey and just not herself. So I took her to the vet today.  Running bloodwork.  It could be her arthritis flaring up, so going to give her tramadol and a very short course of Pred.  See if she feels better by Tues when she calls back with bloodwork. She is on the really potent med for the  Cushing's so I'm concerned it could be affecting her liver or kidneys. So we will find that out with the blood work and see if her thyroid dose is ok too.

    Ava loves the vet. And she didn't even stand up to greet her or beg cookies. That is SO not like her.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    poor Ava dog. Hopefully the vet will have some answers soon. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    Poor baby. Spookies sending nose licks.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Andrea, I hoe you had a nice dinner!

    Hi DP, seems the steam mops are another "must have" that gets put away and not used. My spin mop gets used all the time and I buy extra heads for the mop when they are on sale. I seem to have got the cleaning accoutrements, right at last. I bought a new vacuum when we moved here, but it is useless, so I invested in a Dyson. Best thing ever, Dex doesn't really shed a lot. but I have a black and cream rug in the family room that seems to be a fur magnet. The Dyson is the only thing that moves it. I love microfiber stuff, even though I don't like the way it feels in the hand, you know, like you have super rough hands, when you don't! Anyway, I have finally found the stuff that works the best for this house. I don't use any chemicals, but I will say that I won't ever do black stone counter tops again, too labor intensive!

    I can't believe I just did a whole paragraph on cleaning, I hate cleaning!

    Zills, I hope you got to do Thriller and you had fun! The kids would have loved it! Good luck with the dog, ! hope it works out. Floors always need washing, they'll wait! Just make sure there is enough underwear washed and dried!

    Glennie, I am sorry about Ava not being 100%, it's an awful feeling, just like when the kids were small and they couldn't tell what was wrong. Our Dex is suffering with the allergies at the moment too. I have him back on steroids again he will come and sit in my lap for me to hold cold compresses on his red sore eyes. It breaks my heart to see him rubbing his eyes with his paws or rubbing his face, on a rug.

    Hi Spookiesmom, I hope Bobo has had some rest and not too much grief from MD. Has anyone heard how the surgery actually went? Did it do what it was supposed to do? 

    Waving to everyone else. It is quiet here today! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Hi, all.  I'm back from dinner.  

    Reporting on the trip to the vet:  Ava was so mopey!!  She LOVES the vet and didn't even get up when she came in the room!  Vet noticed right away!  All kinds of bloodwork has been drawn and sent off, back on Tues.  Nothing noticed on physical exam.  In the meantime, we are going to use tramadol for pain and a very short course of prednisone, and hold the Cushing's medication.  (she has hypothyroidism, Cushings and bad hips, arthritis.)

    So i came home and gave her a tramadol right away.  2 hours later the mail lady drives into the circle. Ava is at the door!!  So, no one is around, I open the door to see what she will do. She RUNS to the mail truck! Ava has not wanted to walk anywhere for days,, and she RAN to the mail truck.  So I'm very excited!  Not that I want her to be in pain, but if this lethargy is an arthritis pain flare up, we can deal with this.  Much better than the Cushing's acting up or something else.  And she was much perkier for the rest of the day. Friend came over to pick me up for dinner. Ava was all playful with her. When we got back, Ava climbed on the couch!  All good things that she has not done in days, so I really think she was in pain. **poor baby, bad mama**

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    poor baby, glad she's feeling better

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    glad Ava has a little spunk back. Hopefully it is just the arthritis. Oddly enough, I decided today that maybe I have cushings. It is highly possible with the dosage and length of time I was on the steroids. Will talk to dr about it on weds. I'm sure they'll blow it off. I can't believe I feel this bad this far out from my last cycle. Something is definitely wrong with my stomach. Can't eat or drink much. Zero appetite. The fatigue is crushing. Didn't manage to leave house, or bed, today to look for green stuff. 

    M is a cleaning machine. It's ok to admit!

    Wondering about puppy and thriller. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP, sorry you're feeling so bloody crappy, not fair! I wish you could find a Doctor who really focused on what you're experiencing. I just don't believe it is all from the ca. You're run down and the stress makes you ill.

    I am laughing at you calling me a cleaning machine, nope, not me. I hate cleaning. Used to be really OCD because Bec was such a chronic asthmatic and dust mites were her nemesis. I used to vacuum the walls in her bedroom every day! Now, I will put it off and gladly take the help the carers give. There was a time when I had a cleaning lady that I liked so much, I would clean before she got there so make it easier for her! I know, nuts aren't I?  

    Today I have made a mess everywhere I have gone! It's all started and not finished. I promised a fiend I would take pictures of my decor, with flameless  candles, so I turned everything upside down to do it. What is the prize, you ask, more flameless candles, of course! I must admit I do love these ones, they have 3 LED globes inside them and the flicker like a real candle. I have them everywhere and they are timed, to come on and go off. I really don't need more, but I will take them, if I get them as a prize!

    I have also been helping Colin with his new model yacht, teeny, weeny, tiny screws  and fine cord for the sails, I am going cross eyed from the close work. I can see how frustrated he gets that he can't do it himself, so I never whine about helping him.

    I am also in the middle of doing the yearly changeover of my wardrobes, from Winter to Summer. I am so over it, I hate doing it. I just wish I could get motivated to sell it on Ebay. I give away bags of it, but some is just too good. Since I have been living here, I seem to wear yoga pants, Mx camisoles and jackets most of the time, so I don't know why I am still overrun with clothes. I let the last of my, "can't give away" low necks. I kept them just in case! Just in case what? Just in case I woke up one day and had 2 boobs again????? Bahahah  Anyhoo, they are now in the bag, with all the other stuff I know I won't wear. Colin's carer got one giant bag this morning and she'll have another tomorrow! 

    Woo Hoo to Ava! I know what she's feeling if it is the Arthritis, bloody shitful thing it is. I don't run around and greet people when I have a flare up either! lol  M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    My friend loves her spin mop. I found my sister's steam mop a pain because you had to keep pumping it. 

    Brought Sapphire home. Boy calls her Sasafire. BG a little leary but fascinated with poop. She's a big girl, sweet. Has long toenails (we have wood floors -clack, clack, clack) and can be hardheaded. Escaped from her collar this am. Boy loves to walk her.

    Didn't make it to thriller. Foot hurt. Iced it when I got to sit. Still have zombie hair. Too tired to get into shower. Would love a cup of coffee and the paper. Both require a trip into town. Still need to get dog stuff too. It's only 8:30. Hope I haven't bitten off more than I can chew with this dog. 

    Going to Chucky cheese for lunch. Need to finish laundry so boy's uniform ready for tomorrow. 

    Glad Ava is better. It's so hard to tell what they need. 

    DP are you ready for that second opinion?  I hate that you're still feeling bad. Fungal infections are nasty and can zap you. 


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    awwwww, nice pic!!!! Labs are nice pups, prone to overeating!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    What a beautful dog!! BG fascinated by poop!  heeheeeheee..  Boy looks thrilled!!

    Sorry about Thriller and foot. Sucks!

    Ava slept on couch the whole night. Would not get up for last walk, so I just went to bed. Figured if she really needed to go, she has her doggie door. When I got up, she was still on couch, but facing the other direction. Refused to tell me if she got up during the night and then back on couch. Went out,, had big pee and poop and then right back inside. Maybe she doesn't want to walk cuz she wants breakfast?

    DP, I'm sorry you feel so bad!!  They need to figure something out!

    I am not cleaning machine. Never have been. Never will be. **I blame dog for dirt!** But even w/o dog, I'm not a cleaning person.

    M:  I'm sad to tell you that you will not suddenly wake up with 2 breasts again. I won't get mine either, although at this point, I'm rather have my ovaries back.  Good you were able to put the clothes in the bag!

    I look and feel like I haven't slept in a year,,,, Tomorrow will be 4 weeks since surgery. **sigh**

    **waving to all **

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    Quote from vet yesterday: "You just have to realize that everything is supposed to have a coating of cat hair, even coming out of the dryer." I think she's seen my house.

    I actually dusted for my book club yesterday - and it's not even Christmas yet!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Wren, I like your Vet! Wow, dusting and it isn't Christmas yet lol 

    Aww Glennie, really? That will never happen???? I'm Not at all, just kidding. Colin's carer arrived today and the first thing she did was hug me and say "Oh, my goodness, thank you, I can't believe how beautiful all those clothes are, I just love every one of them!" Couldn't get better than that, I am so pleased that they have gone to a new home and are appreciated. I wonder what's up with Ava, is it chilly or wet and she doesn't want to go out?

    Zills I just love that picture! You look so happy! I see BG is still wearing her wellies! LOL That's a big dog, but don't start doubting that you've done the right thing, she'll fit right in and you'll get used to having her around really quickly. I am so sorry you missed Thriller, you were so looking forward to it.

    It has rained all night and our friends were coming to help in the garden today, so that won't be happening. You won't be able to find your way to the gate soon, the grass is out of control. I mowed it myself, just a couple of weeks ago, but Colin has been telling me to leave it and now it looks like nobody lives here. Hmmm may be good for Halloween, but we don't get any kids coming to the door anyway. I always buy candy, just in case, but Colin gets that candy! 

    Don't know what I will get up today, maybe finish the wardrobe...have a good evening everyone...M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP!  **waving bruised bingo arms**

    Too tired for full update.  MD update on the other thread.  DP, I'm so sorry you feel so poorly.  Agree with M.  I want you to have an ace doctor who deals with all your symptoms and focuses on getting you well.  I don't think you have someone on your side looking at the whole person.

    So happy for the Z family!  That sweet dog looks like the best dog ever! XX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    hi bobo. Good to see you around. Will go seek md update. 

    M I can totally relate to cleaning before the cleaning lady comes. Ha. If it makes you feel any better,  all my old bras are in there waiting for my two boobs to sprout. And your one ahead of me so it will happen for you first for sure. 

    Z I love that pic. She looks a little like a silly girl. I think I like the name sasafire better. Good that boy likes to walk her. Maybe he could be her primary caregiver. 

    Yes ready for different dr. So miserable. It's overwhelming though. Cough got pretty bad over weekend. Exhausted all the time. Stomach hurts from hunger right now but can't eat. Just want to sleep all day so I don't feel anything. But sleeping makes my back hurt. Lol

    Wren that is a great quote and so true. Except at my house it's dog hair. And it DOES come out of the dryer.