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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    DP, you'll be the first to know if anything sprouts! I actually managed to get rid of my beautiful bras because I always wore balconette style, so there was no way I would be able to wear that style again. I held onto my fabulous La Perlas for a while, but had to let them go. Isn't it funny how I really couldn't care less about having one breast, but I miss wearing that beautiful lingerie, go figure.

    DP, I can hear just how exhausted you are. I hope you can find another pro active Doctor who an help you with this. It just shouldn't be like this.

    I have a friend going in to have half his lung out on Wednesday, he's been calling me each time he has another appointment and another Dx, now they think he may have Leukemia as well. I have known him since I was 18 and I took my GF to see "Hair" for her 18th birthday. We got up on the stage to dance at the finale of the show and that's where I met my friend. He was playing Berger, in the show and we have been friends ever since, that's 43 years! He introduced me to my first husband, when they were in JC Superstar together. He has never married, lives alone and I am worried about him doing this all on his own. He has a couple who are very dear, old friends of his, who have a business and live here. in the same street as us. We have both tried to get him to come and stay with us, but he doesn't want to leave his home.

    Sorry to be a downer, girls. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    M, I am so sad for your friend. I wish he were closer to you. I'm glad you talk to him frequently.

    DP:  I haven't hired a cleaning lady cuz my house is so messy that I wouldn't want her to see it. So I can relate. I think I got rid of most of my old bras. There might be one or two faves left,,, why I don't know. Maybe my excess skin will sprout a new breast.   I am hoping that you find a more proactive doctor to help you out!  You should not be this miserable.  Is there anything you can take for the cough and for the back pain?

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    DP, so sorry you are so uncomfortable... I so wish you had excellent Dicktor who would actually look at your SEs and feelings for what they are and actually treat them!  I know there is something they can do.

    Despite tight budget, have hired cleaning lady who will come again this Friday.  Don't fool yourself -- house is still a mess.  She will just come for one hour -- poor lady, I know she must need more time.  Hmm.  Bobo loves her.  I am not supposed to do this, not supposed to do that, not supposed to lift anything heavier than this, etc etc and my whole body is red and purple bruises -- from area down to below my knees.  PT massage today -- my nice therapist is from Canada and she is probably going to bust out crying when she sees me!

    I love the new doggie.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    Ariom, so sorry about your dear friend, you will be a great support for his well being. So hard to leave a home isnt it? But you and the other friends would be grateful if he was closer.. hugs to you.

    DP, sorry how you are feeling, a new dr. is in order. Do you live far from a Cancer Center of America? Thought maybe one was in OK, I have heard good things about them and how they treat cancer patients in all respects.

    Bobo, a Canadian massage therapist!!ThumbsUp and no way will she burst out crying, the bruises will be gone soon. Take care of yourself, dont overdue.. wait a minute... I know you will but please take it cool!

    Zills, love the picture, looks like our dog named Dakota, she was a sweetie after she grew up.. she belonged to our kids and when they left for Germany she couldnt go and became our dog. She dug up my tulips, ate solar lites, broke gazing balls and lawn decors... grr, but after puppy stage she was just the best and with all kids too. Miss her now but we wont have another dog as we will be going away from home more that dh is retiring next month. your kids will love her.

    Hello to all... an anxious day today waiting to hear from a friend worried about ovarian cancer tests.... it never ends does it?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    UGH, ND,, it never ends. Hope your friend has good results.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    bobo glad you are getting a massage and cleaning person. Yuck on the bruises. 

    There is a cancer treatment centers of America in Tulsa which is about five hours away. Not sure how that would work for treatment?

    M that stinks about your friend. Lung surgery is brutal. He will need a lot of checking in on. I stayed by myself during the day. Don't remember eating but maybe you all could stop by with meals or make some ahead. The first week and a half that I was home, I was so doped up that I just remember everything being really "pleasant". That's what I kept telling bond anyway. It will likely be at least a week long hospital stay,  which is good because he will be stronger by the time he gets home. Hope they are wrong about the leukemia. 

    Going to go try to find something I can manage to eat. Stomach is still pissed. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    Bobo, bitch slap won't work with MD.  If she wants ice, TELL her to get it herself. Had to do that with DH, it finally sunk in, I wasn't his maid. Parenting skills? Well, you were my example mom. My kids, my style. I could say a lot to my DD about GS#1, but can't. Not my kid.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    DP, so sorry you're feeling so bad. Is it possible to get a palliative care doctor involved? You can still get treatment and they're probably much wiser about pain management. Hugs.

    Zills, love the new dog. Great addition to the family.

    Bobo, Perhaps you're going to have to tell MD she can't come unless she can be positive. It will cause a rift, but you would be in better shape imo.

    Ariom, So sorry about your friend. Does he have friends where he lives who will help care for him?

    ND, Hope your friend gets good news.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Morning all! Woke up to a lovely sunny morning, but the bad wind is supposed to come again today, so no sailing this afternoon.

    I am almost 4 hours away from my friend, but I have offered to come and look after him for a short time. I can't leave Colin too long, even though we have a great team of carers here. He has a small group of friends he knows from the dog park, who have remained close even though his dear little dog passed away last year. I just don't know if they are in a position to help out. I just got an email from the husband of one of the ladies in my group, she just had the lung op too and he was letting me know she's home and they are waiting on the pathology results. 

    Wren and Spookiesmom, you know what, you're right! I would find it difficult to do, to my Mother, but MD does need to be told that her behavior is not going to be tolerated. I don't know if Bobo could execute that, but it may just be the wake up call MD needs, but who knows, she's so unpredictable, in a predictable way that it may just turn into WW3. 

    DP, I knew that lung surgery was brutal, but I didn't mention any of that, when I told my friend about you having it done, just that you handled it really well, as you did. I am too far away to do meals, unless I can go and stay. I did tell him to load up on good quality, frozen meals that need only to be nuked, in the microwave. I will call him today and go through what he has in the fridge and the pantry, so he can get more today if he needs to. I thought I would call some of our mutual friends and make sure they can be available for him if he needs them. The trouble is, he hasn't told many people about what is going on with him and has kind of glossed it over as being nothing, so they are not really understanding what's going on. I am the only one who knows about the possible Leukemia, the spots on his liver and spine, so I can't mention any of that. What to do, what to do?

    I was wondering about your lack of appetite, can you stomach shakes at all? There are some really high nutrition shakes that you can have with different types of milks. I put yogurt in mine and, or  LSA (linseed, sunflower and almond) or coconut oil, lots of frozen fruit, just a thought, or some frozen Chinese broth with Wontons that only takes a few minutes to heat up. Just stuff to keep your strength up, till you can find someone to help improve the se's and the infection. That's got to be dragging you down, big time. Don't want to sound pushy, just concerned. 

    ndgirl, I am so sorry you've got another friend going through the waiting game too. Hugs to you and her!

    Bobo, thank goodness you have a cleaning lady coming! Stuff the budget, this is more important at the moment. All the best for the massage today, can she do much, with the bruising? M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    M:  Good morning!!  popping in quick,,, if his friends don't know everything,, at least they know he is having surgery, right?  So with that knowledge, they could help with meals and transportation,, house cleaning, perhaps??  Hopefully they know about the surgery,, if not the whole story,,,,

    Working, back later. 


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Dear M, your poor friend!  You have such good advice for him, and for our DP.  Hi DP!  **waving**  Does Chinese broth sound good?  I am so sorry your stomach is not well.

    Yes, have actually done all that with MD before and have taken a four-year 'break' from her at the urging of a therapist, which was excellent.  But M is right about WWIII, and now I have kids, and they do love their nannie, so it's tough.  I will tell some on this thread so DP does not have to move over.

    Each time she comes now she tells some story about her teaching and an F kid.  I am an adoptive mother.  I think you know what I mean by F.  Well, our princess is not F, and there is not anything wrong with F for adoption, but I have told md, We do not say that word in my house.  The last two times she has come, the minute the kids leave the room she tells a story about this F child she knows and the 'mother' and what the 'mother' did and why the child cannot learn, blah blah blah.  By 'mother' she means the person who is not me.

    I believe this is a way of her to tell me that I am not my children's mother.  Really, you couldn't do anything more painful to me.  I have tried several times to stop her, to redirect, to say, We don't say that in my house.  Nothing has worked.

    Okay, one more.  I have a biological father.  I am not in touch with him, he was severely abusive.  I have been raised by my dad -- you know the one, you sent him cookie bomb.  Lately MD has been dropping my bio dad into convo in front of the kids.  This time she said, your father, you know, your real father, he liked to open the jar of peanut butter first.  And then our princess said, Who?  And MD said, no one.  Just some man I used to know.  And our princess said, Have you been divorced?  And MD said, No.  Which is a lie.

    Here comes the princess herself.  I am not meaning to hijack the thread, just wanted you to know what I am dealing with. XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    m I was doing shakes last cycle but stopped because I read this giant list of vitamins that make the SEs worse. 

    You have home nurses there, right?  He needs to tell them at the hospital that he is alone. I recall now that I had to have grandma come change my bandages a few times the first week. 

    I slept all day on the couch. It's like I have no will to do anything. Couple of calls I need to make and I just can't talk myself into doing it. Bond was just rattling off a list of things asking if he could get me for dinner and I just burst into tears. Spazzo. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Poor DP.  You are not a spazzo.  We love you.  Bond will choose a gentle dinner for you. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    posting at the same time bobo. I'm sorry you have to deal with having a psychotic narcissist for a mom. It is easier to humor them but that stinks about her dropping little comments around the kids. 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    DP, I wish we were together at the moment ordering takeout.  We could order from multiple restaurants and bond could pick it all up.  I would like Thai noodles.  And I would like sticky rice with coconut milk wrapped in a banana leaf.  And should we have something creamy like a milkshake? XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Mean psycho MD needs choking!!  I'm so mad at her saying such things!!!

    DP:  Bond will help you with dinner.  You are not spazzo.

    M: where are you??  Much fairy dust is required!  Sprinkle away!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    skeletons doing a selfie


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Geez Bobo, I apologize for this, but, MD is a fucking, mean bitch. I cannot believe she would say or do these dreadful things to you. I understand the children need a Grandmother, but does she keep her toxic attitudes to herself, when she is with your children? I can't believe she's, "your" Mother and I can't believe I am saying this, about your Mother, but she just makes me boil. How did you turn out to be such a compassionate, lovely person? Your Dad?

    Oh DP, I can imagine you bursting into tears and it breaks my heart! No, not spazzo at all!

    I haven't seen anything on vitamins making se's worse, that's scary! The only data I have seen during my search for stuff for Rheumatoid, which I know is very different, but I have always had the compromised immune system, from the Methotrexate and the Steroids, I was told if it is an "actual food", not a synthesized lab vitamin, it is safe. That's why I use the Green Vibrance and the Vegansmart as my Vitamin intake, instead of bottled MultiVitamins etc. Same with Vitamix soups etc, dense nutrition with the fiber intact. Pro and Pre biotics and digestive enzymes are in the Vegetable Protein powder too.  

    I worry about you, running on empty and dealing with all this stress. Wish I had some answers for you.

    You were on the same page as me when I spoke to my friend this morning. I reminded him to be sure to ask about the services available. I had the visiting nurses, right through Christmas and if I had wanted them I could have had meals on wheels, (Colin had them for a few days) I also had a cleaning lady every week for 2 hrs, for a month. I hope he gets all that. He lives in the most beautiful place, just minutes from the middle of the Central Business District, but it is an old Dairy. Behind high walls there is a house, which he has rented out, the stables, where he lives and a recording studio, which is his business. The area is all bluestone cobbles, where the horses and carts would enter and go around a central area and load up to go back out. He bought this place many years ago, after it was redundant as a dairy, but I wonder how he will manage it, after this. Fortunately the people renting the house on the property are friends and they are going to help out when he gets home.


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Good evening M and Dawny,, and good morning to the rest of you.

    DP:  I hope you were able to eat something last night. Did Bond find you something yummy?

    M:  I can't believe the post op services you have available in Aus!!  Visiting nurses, cleaners, meals on wheels??? Wow.  I do hope your friend takes advantage of those.

    Agree with you about MD!!  She is mean. Karma will bite her in the ass one day.

    Must mail some bills to flex company and get some reimbursement and VOTE!! 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP!  What did you have for dinner?  I wish you had a Vitamix.  You could steam up some vegetables, keep them in the fridge, then bond could whiz them up in the Vitamix and make you some soup!  You could put a little miso in it.  Does that sound good?

    M, don't feel bad about saying angry things -- I like it when you are mad!  Agree about toxicity and the children.  DLLP and I have agreed that they can't stay over at MDs house for weekends anymore -- not that she invites them  much.  We just can't trust what she would say around them.  I don't know why she acts that way except to say she is narcissist borderline personality and leave it at that.  

    Working.  DP, I taped Isaac and will watch it as a reward! XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    that sounds like a lovely place your friend has m. Hopefully it is just this surgery he will be dealing with and not the other stuff. I bounced back quickly after two weeks at home. Once the awful nerve pain subsides, your good to go. Thinking back on it, I was so mad that no one told me about how bad the nerve pain would be, but now, I can't imagine telling someone about it who was about to have the sx. Hoping he does take on all the services available. 

    Nothing sounds good to eat. Had a grilled cheese begrudgingly. I asked for cheese and crackers. They came with a side of grilled cheese. 

    Specifically with the xeloda, I should avoid B vitamins and folic acid. And of course everyone on chemo should avoid vitamin c. During my first cycle I was taking 100mg of b12 a day. So I stopped that. I think it did make a difference. 

    Toby had a bath on Sunday but his feet smell. He needs to go to the groomer, they are so hairy. That reminds me of something really silly I used to do with one of my dogs, Black Dog. You can try it at home kids. Have you ever smelled the pads of a dogs feet? They smell just like stinky people feet. But why??? Our feet smell because of sweat, right? I don't think dogs feet sweat. 

    I discovered by accident that Black Dogs feet were stinky but then it became a game where when he would lay on his back and put his feet in the air, I would smell them and tell him how stinky they were. Mind you, I've never owned a dog under fifty pounds. Lol. Stupid I know. I sure miss that dog. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I love big dogs too. My childhood dog was a small guy, but all my other dogs have been at least 70 pounds.

    For some reason, I thought dogs did sweat thru their foot pads?  no?? Spookie or Z?? 

    I did not know about people on chemo avoiding Vit C.  I know about Xeloda and folic acid.  But does that mean only supplements?  Can you still have shake with vitamins in it? Vegan Smart protein powder has only 200 mcg of folic acid (not even the minimum daily requirement)  and only 30mg of Vitamin C.  Not a huge amount so wondering if it would be ok for you to drink.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    it's the only way they can sweat, is through their pads. 

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    I'm in the big dog club also.  All ours have been shepherd mixes: shepherd/border collie, shepherd/coyote, and shepherd/yellow lab. The shep/coyote died of cancer, no doubt from eating candy bars shared by the students at the archeology dig where he lived. I swear he could tell candy bars apart by their wrappers. He also ate cherries and spit out the seeds.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    I was in the big dog club, untill I lost my Aussie,.  I was 60, he had severe spine problems, couldn't get up without help. My back Isnt so great either.  He was 14 1/2.  If my next big dog lived that long, I'd be 75.  Couldn't handle big dog problems at that age.

    Spookie is chunky at 8 .4#, but I can pick her up.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    I thought they sweated by panting?  Interestingly, when Reggie comes in from a walk, he smells sweaty like a person.  

    They told me way back when, before I was a lost cause, that you should avoid all antioxidents while on chemo - counterproductive. Not sure of the method of consumption on the folic acid. It seems to be in about everything. When I was still eating, if it was listed as the last one or two ingredients, I would eat whatever it was. 

    I have full blown LE now. Crap it hurts. It was only truncal before. Now it's in my arm and hand to. Scar tissue has tightened back up and it's all just a mess. I've been neglecting my exercises the last couple of months. Careless. 

    I grew up with a toy poodle that was my grandmas. She thought I was her baby and according to stories guarded my crib. I have pictures of us riding my strawberry shortcake tricycle together. She would stand on the back with her front paws tucked into my waistband. Grandma had to put her down when I was 15. She did it while I was at school. It just occurred to me that I've only ever had boy dogs after that too. Interesting. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Oh no DP!!   Not LE too!  Do you have an LE therapist?  Can you wrap or put on compression?  Call the Dicktor?  I don't want you to have this pain.

    Dogs do sweat by panting,, but I think they have sweat glands in the pads of their feet too, but that's it.  Not like us who have sweat glands everywhere. **hot flashing**

    My Grandma had a poodle too. Friskie.  Have mostly had boy dogs.  Had Lucy the boxer for a while in NYC, but she and Rocco had issues, so we found her another home. Now Ava.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Morning all! Dogs with BO,how funny. Dex smells like corn chips, or boiled white rice! Very weird. Especially his feet!

    DP, I am so sorry to hear about the LE now. It just isn't fair. I knew you had terrible pain after that op and I will never forget you telling us of th garden hose that you had in your back. Did I tell my friend any of this? Noooooooo!

    I actually had a stouch on another thread last night over one of my pet hates, which is people posting the over the top descriptions of the pain associated with the SNB. I was terrified, by the descriptions of two women and went into mine absolutely terrified, only to find I didn't feel a thing.  I get it that some have a bad experience, some a really bad experience, but I have seen descriptions like "I'd rather go through my 8 natural childbirths again, rather than that test!" or "It was like they were injecting broken glass and sticking a red hot poker into my breast at the same time!" Really? Really? is that a productive thing to say on a forum for newbies to see, who are going to be having this test done? I don't fucking think so! I hate the thought of anyone being so afraid of a procedure that they can't think straight. Rant over! 

    Glennie, my Aunt had a Spaniel named Friskie, I loved that dog,still have a pic of me with him when I was about 3 years old.

    I was thinking of Vegansmart for DP too. I don't know anything about what to eat and not eat during chemo. Z would know about this stuff.  

    We have to have small dogs, just in case they jump and knock Colin out of his wheelchair. Dex is a boof headed boy who takes a run at Colin to jump in his lap, but he has ever knocked him over.

    Colin not well again back later. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    yea M, those are things best learned while on serious pain meds. I know what you mean about those threads especially the SNB. I remember reading those and thinking I'm sure glad I'm not doing that. Lol. 

    Insurance cut off my LE therapy in the early summer. I have a sleeve that I wore once while flying. It made my hand swell so I didn't wear it in the way back. I blew off going to get the fifty other things she wanted me to have because I was too busy working. The hospital was going to pay for them. Bet it's too late for that. 

    How is Ava now glennie?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    look at this scary puppy that jumped out if my mailbox today. Happy Halloween!
