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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Colin not well??  Oh no, give him a kiss on the top of the head for me.  Make him your magic Vitamix soup.  I too hate it when people tell you all the bad stuff about a procedure. I thought it was painful, and if asked, I would say that, but one does not need to be that descriptive about the pain.  I read all these terrible things about HX and then mine turned out not too bad. Everyone is different.

    I think Ava smells like corn chips too. So did Rocco.  The vet called about her labs. Some thing is up at the lab place.  They did the CBC,, which is fine. But the other labs are still "pending". And the lab tech said she was going to talk to the supervisor about it. So that means I won't know until Thurs. I do hope we dont have to draw them again. Ava doesn't like that. She is somewhat better. Perkier, but not quite her old self. She is on 3rd day of prednisone and very hungry and very thirsty and has to pee a lot.  It's such a lovely med.

    DP: can you call and tell them you are having a terrible flareup?  Get the Dicktor on the case!!   M: put on the suit and Skype!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    DP that is a Merle australian Shepherd, M just calls them sheepdogs.  My Aussie was a black Tri.

    I remember once in agility class a few dogs were really hot from training. The facility had a/c, they left paw prints on the floor. They were sweating

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    hello ladies. Look at all the posts I missed the last few days. 

    Dear DP, I hope help is on it's way for you. You are not a lost cause!  And we love you! Just wish things would turn around for you already!!!

    So sick if hearing about new cases is cancer. Nd and M I am sorry about your friends. And also about Colin.

    Glennie I hope Ava get feeling better soon. 

    M, I a sorry about your friend . I hope it is easier than he expects.

    Bobo...I have no words about your mother. I admire you so much, and you seem like such a good mom (how old are your kids?

    Hope I didn't leave anyone out...falling asleep while writing this.

    Sweet dreams ladies.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi all, just spoke to the Hospital and my friend is not out of surgery yet, but spoke to his ICU nurse and she asked me to call in a few hours.

    Colin is in Hospital too. I had to get an Ambulance this morning, as he was really not well and his blood pressure was low and temperature was high, he had a raging headache, unusual for him. I wasn't confident trying to get him in and out of the car, in case he blacked out. He has been in the ER all day, but has just been admitted and has had an lV of antibiotics. and will have another later tonight and again in the morning. Hoping for an ultrasound of his kidneys. Getting the suit out of the wardrobe!!!! This infection has been hanging around, going up and down for a while now.

    Will be back later..M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    oh dear M, I am so sorry to hear about Colin. I hope that he gets better soon. Kidneys are funny things. 

    When I had a spinal X-ray last month they noticed a kidney stone. I have had pain for over a year but in front instead if back so didn't think it was a stone. Now I am going next Wedneaaday for a CT scan and then they might have to blast the bugger out (1cm) because it is too big for ureters.

    I hope your friend gets out of surgery soon and all went well.

    Take care,


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    hugs for Colin!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    UGH, M!!   Hope all will be well!   Hugs to you both.

    Andrea: Kidney stones are no fun. Crap on a chapstick tha you have had it this long and no one figured it out!  Hope you get relief soon.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited October 2014

    So sorry to hear about Colin in the hospital, praying for the best for him and you. Andrea, kidney stones are tough.. hugs to you as well as our dear Colin.

    Be back later on update on friend with possible ovarian cancer.

    Hello to all

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    it isn't that painful. More like annoying. If it blocked a ureter that would hurt. But it's too big to pass. Apparently if I leave it alone and it keeps growing surgery will be necessary. So have to address it now.

    Others have far more pressing matters now. 

    DP I hope you had a good night!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    we all have our dang issues!!  Magic wand needed for fixing stuff!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    crap on a Chapstick for everyone!  I hope Colin is ok. He is lucky to have our m looking out for him. Oh Andrea I hope they can get the kidney stones taken care of before it becomes more serious. 

    I get a chemo break this week, which was my intention. I may have hammed it up a bit. Especially considering that I felt the best I have in ages while sitting in the room waiting for her. Go figure. My punishment is that instead of just getting to go home, I have to have an hour infusion of antibiotics, plus another tomorrow. After this I have to go down and get some special kind of X-rays to rule out pneumonia. My xray last week showed fluid but I guess im the only one that sees it is in the spot where my pleural effusion is. Duh. Oh well. I was expecting to be here all day anyway. 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited October 2014

    omg.. I hope Colin is ok.. how scary.

    M and Ndgirl, I hope you all hear good news about your friends.

    Bobogirl, I am glad to hear that you are being a bit more kind to yourself... but I am laughing over you having a cleaner for I have a feeling that you will sit the cleaner down while you whip her up something in your vitamix.

    Z... omg your kids are gorgeous!!!  What a beautiful dog too... I may have missed it.. but what's his name?

    Hi DP, seems like you've been through hell and back from the little I've read.. but damn.. you have a great sense of humor... love it.

    Glennie, that's a good idea.. I think we should each get a sparkly wand and wave it around.. somebody has to get lucky don't they?

    That's all I've caught up on.. not sure I'm up for reading 76 pages.

    I'm worried about M & Colin, I so hope everything is ok.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Idesim:  i wanted to read the entire HOT FLASH thread,,, it was 51 pages,, took me 3 days. Insane.

    Reporting in:  my day is ok.  Rotating sleep meds seems to be helping. I wake up starting at 3am  but the sleep meds help me go back to sleep. So I seem to be managing and not as zombie like as I was last week. However, I will make a point of always going to bed early when I'm off work.  Ava seems MUCH perkier today. We actually had a real walk this AM for the first time in days.  She was just trotting along like she had somewhere important to go! It was great to see.

    M:  hope to hear from you soon.  Hope Colin is doing OK!!

    DP: what kind of x-ray?  did you get result??

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Had a text from Z that Colin was in the ER while at work, so popping in to see how he is doing.  Popping in for everyone's updates, including M's friend and ND's friend.  So much going on right now!  M, is Colin feeling better?

    DP, I'm glad you are getting antibiotics!  I want you to feel better.  I know they don't always do the trick, but I like to think of the Dicktors taking care of you better.  As we have said, I think there are many things they could be doing to simply make you feel much better.  You should not have to be doctoring yourself all on your own!

    Standing by for word.  Idesim, that scenario in which a cleaning person sat while I made Vitamix shake actually happened after my mx surgery last year!  You are psychic.  What's on the coffee table?  Us: homemade Indian food. xx

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi all, just up and getting ready to go to the Hospital. I have to drop Dex at bloody Doggie Day Care, can't be trusted, not to bark if left alone, before I take my car in to get fixed. Electric Window is stuck down in the door and won't slide up again, needs a service too. Will do Hospital first, drop off car, will get picked up by a friend and driven home. Will then wait to hear if I have to go back, to pick up Colin this afternoon. Also, make mental note not to reverse Colin's car into gate as I leave, like I did the last time! Whew!

    I just called about my friend, who is actually another Colin, which is why I don't use his name here and he seems to have had an ok night, but is still in ICU. Ahhh, I feel better now! Sorrry I don't have time to read everything right now, but will attempt to catch up later. Love to everyone....M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Oh, M, what a morning!  Thinking of you and your Colins.  Let us know when your Colin gets home, when you can!  You must be exhausted. XXX

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    UGH, M!!  So much going on !!  Keep us posted on both Colin's.  Hope yours gets to come home today.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    yes that is a lot and poor little dex can't be trusted. Aww. Hope Colin is home tonight and other Colin doing well and in lots of meds. 

    Hi idesim. I have often started in to read a thread from beginning and have to leave it halfway through. Then when you go back, you can only slip two pages at a time. Wtf?

    Yay for Ava being perkier!

    I am so sad right now. I haven't been on Facebook in a while and I just logged in and saw that Christina Newman died on Monday. I know I have mentioned her before. I have followed her on YouTube for almost two years. With the daily vlogs she did this summer, it really felt like she was part of the family. She was doing fine and then got really ill right about the time I started wbr. She has touched so many people with her videos. So so sad for her family. Remembering Christina Newman

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    so sad. I'm sorry for you, me, her family, her daughter. 

    What did the X-ray show?  Glad you're skipping a week. I was told no supplements but could eat whatever except salad, grapes and strawberries due to contamination. Hopefully you'll feel better so you can make those phone calls. And pallative care is an option and you can still have treatment. It's not hospice. 

    The boy is listening to Irish Christmas music. BG not staying in her room. Both lost privileges due to not listening. Boy has an attitude. Not sure what's that about. 

    BG and Sasafire bonded over cream cheese wrappers in the trash:) I made a cheesecake for DHs bday. Apparently I now have two cheese hounds. 

    Dog adjusting well. Obedience class tomorrow. Kids love her but can't hold on if she wants to chase the cats. Doesn't mind the crate when I'm out. Will be better once I can walk her properly. Toes turning black as bruise moves down. 

    M. How's Colin? You? 

    Nd. Your friend? 

    So ready for bed but kitchen dirty. Have computer stuff to do. Plus get ready for trick or treating in Ohio. No appts for Thursday or Friday.  Yea! 

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP!  Our Z has good advice.  Z, what did you do to your foot exactly?  We both have bruises moving down.  

    You have two cheese hounds!  My two have lost privileges too.  Our princess attitude too.  My two have lost Halloween store.  Next up: gator party.  W boy has one strike toward that.  Sometimes I wonder 'What's it all for?'

    I am so sorry for you guys' loss of your friend.  So sad.  Thinking of you both.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi girls, just home for a while, got everythoing done except forgot 1 pill that Colin needs and the Hospital doesn't have, so have to go all the way back with it.

    I managed to be there when the Doctor did his rounds, so managed to get in my concerns about not having the testing done there. The Doctor yesterday was a bit Zombiesque! I didn't get a chance to meet him, probably a good thing. Anyhoo, this morning I explained how difficult it can be to get Colin in and out of the car and into an imaging facility, then for me to get him onto the table by myself because staff at these places don't "lift" any more and then off again and back into the wheel chair , outside and back into the car. Whew! Must have worked, I got home and Colin rang to say he is having a ct scan at the Hospital today! I was only asking for a U/S Yay!  I love the country! 

    DP I am so sorry to hear about the loss of Christina, I can imagine it was a shock for you, having kept up withher progress for so long. 

    Oh my, all these children in trouble. I love how BG bonded with Sasafire! I used to sterilize Bec's stuff, till I caught her eating dry dog food with the dog and dirt, from under our apricot tree.

    Thank you for all your concerns, I am fine, just look like I have a bad tattoo on my hand where I have written all the notes for me to remember where I have to be, and when. I am not used to this much running around, it is like being back in the city, and I don't like it! catch you all later...M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited October 2014

    Awww DP, that was heartbreaking.. what a beautiful video and what a beautiful woman.

    M, wish I was closer to lend a hand... I feel so bad that you're going through all this.

    Glennie, glad that Ava is feeling better.

    I wonder if its the time of year that have the kids acting up?  Zils, I'm glad the pup is settling in and bonding with BG (Can't get used to that.. still think of her as poopy pants lol)

    No coffee table tonight, we both got home late and neither were too hungry.. I'll probably have a yogurt or something small before bed.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    That is so sad about Christina.

    I'm reading a book that used the phrase:  "poop on a Popsicle".   What do you think?  Better than Crap on a Chapstick? Worse? Equal?   I have to say I was amused to see it. MIght be better for kids if you don't want them saying "crap". 

    Watched Ink Masters.  One of my reality show guilty pleasures.  Those guys can play really dirty.

    Off to early bedtime.  See you all in the AM.   

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    DP, Hugs. That video was beautiful. It's just not fair that young women get this crap.

    M, Hope Colin is much better soon. Good work getting them to do the test there.

    Glennie, Glad Ava is perking up some.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    DP thank you for letting us know about Christina. I have been following her since you posted about her many months ago. She was weighing heavy on my heart this past week. Damn cancer!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    leggings are not pants

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited October 2014

    I think kids would pick up on the word poop in a heartbeat... might not be the best phrase around them.... I do however think poop on a popsicle... or POAP (pronounced pope) has a nice ring to it.

    DP.. Agreed.. they are also not comparable to yoga pants, which a lot of ppl try to do.

    Glennie, my reality show guilty pleasure is big brother... I watch US, AU & UK... it's shameful.

    Our mayor of 20+ years just passed away this morning from cancer... very sad.. so sick of hearing loss of life from this crap.

    Not much else going on for me... I'm so friggin tired lately.. no clue what's up with that.

    Not sure what is on the coffee table tonight.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Morning everyone, just woke up after a great sleep, boy was I tired last night.

    Hi DP, now, that's something I must have missed, funny though, I agree! I did a quick scan of ebay yesterday for Lysse leggings, they look pretty good, but way too expensive on my shopping channel. How are you doing tonight? Did you get the xray results yet?

    I spoke to my Colin last night and he was still not feeling good, so hope we will have some news today regarding the treatment options. I spoke to the other Colin and I couldn't believe how great he sounded. His voice was slightly changed, but he feels good. Apparently they did the biopsy and had it checked while he was under, it came back positive for malignancy, so they removed the whole top lobe, but it was done by keyhole surgery. I wasn't sure if you had an incision, or keyhole DP. He'll be in for a week  and they are going to do a bone marrow biopsy too because they still think he has leukemia too.  

    I have another crazy morning, with doggie daycare, pick up my car, go to the Hospital,  but fortunately, I have one of Colin's carers coming to pick me up, to drive me in to town for that, so I don't have to take the bus. She wants to visit Colin in the Hospital too. I cancelled a couple of other things I was doing today, so the afternoon is free.

    Glennie, I am glad Ava is feeling more perky! We like those tattoo competitions too, I was also partial to LA Ink, years ago, I liked Kat Von D's work.

    Poop on a popsicle, crap on a chapstick, I dunno, maybe equal? lol

    ldesim, thank you for the offer of help, that's so sweet of you. Truth is, I'd love to just hang out with you! I can manage this shit! LOL

    Zills, I am sorry you missed out on the Thriller evening. I just saw that one of the small towns near us is having a big Halloween night tonight and they are going for the most people dancing to Thriller too. They have also done up an old house in their town as a haunted house, I saw it all on the local news, they have really put a lot into it.

    Bobo, I wonder if you are turning shades of green and yellow yet? How are you feeling? I did read the long post you wrote about the family and I do "get it". I agree with the comment someone made about MD getting a big dose of Karma!

    Well, I need to jump in the shower and get this show on the road. Dex is going to run himself ragged again, with the other dogs, I have to give him his little snack bag to take with him, I swear it is like having a kid in kindergarten! 

    Be back later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Posting together ldesim! I was thinking about you when the latest "Block was on. Did you see it? This one was called the Glasshouse and was a series of huge apartments in an old building. It was a mammoth task to renovate.

    I though Big Brother was over forever, but we have one going again. I don't watch it at all, so couldn't tell you who they are this time.

    It would have to be the drugs, that are making you feel so tired, wouldn't it? I hate taking drugs, so much. I seem to get every bloody se there is.

    Well, I am very happy to see you, I hope something nice turns up on your coffee table!!!! hugs...M x

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited October 2014

    I did watch some of the big brother, but I have not watched the latest block.  I have the episodes saved and will probably watch it through the winter after big brother.

    You should go on the block.. you're obviously a wiz at home decorating.   Tell you what.. I'll go over there and go on it with you... I am the exact opposite of a home decorating wiz, but I'd do whatever you told me lol.  

    Yes, the Herceptin and Tamoxifen both have fatigue as their side effects.. I think I am used to that fatigue.. it's the change of weather I think is the cause of this additional fatigue.

    My heart goes out to both Colins.. bone marrow biopsy.. that just gives me the shivers :(