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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    hi ladies. I'm pooped. Haha I said poop. Did second round if antibiotics today. Hoping it's the antibiotics making me feel wonky. Head doesn't feel right. It was the same last night. It scares the heck out of me when I have pains in my head. Chemo nurse checked on my X-rays for me. They only showed the pleural effusion. 

    Wish Colin could come home m. I am picturing dex standing at the front door with his lunch bag, waiting to go to school. Glad other Colin could do the keyhole and is feeling well. I had a video assisted procedure but I have an incision from under my arm to the center of my back.  Combined with my bmx scars, it looks like someone used a can opener on me. All the scars are right in line. If they had not been able to do the video assist, he would have had to crack my chest open. Yay for video. 

    Did you figure out kids costumes yet z? 

    Hi glennie, bobo, idesim and everyone. My brain is tired. 

    Tear jerker alert. Dog Hero Awards on hallmark channel tonight. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    forgot to say I can't decide between chapsticks and Popsicles, but must know what book this is glennie

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Skink No Surrender by Carl Hiaasen.

    Hi all,, working,,, back later,,   M: hope Colin is better.  Both Colin's.  Dex with his little lunch bag,, so cute!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    M is going to need a vacation once the Colin's get well. 

    Boy has two costumes both from How to train your dragon. He lost one wing from the dragon so??? I've looked everywhere except the clean laundry. BG has a habit of carting stuff away. 

    She has a shopping cart piled full of her treasures. I just peeked in her room. She's sleeping with a phone and empty boot box. She's either a magpie or a homeless person reincarnated. 

    She's going to be a zebra butterfly. I knew better than to get her anything fancy. She already tore up the tutu. Wings still in good shape. Wally World doesn't have solid girl sweats. Had zebra print and cheetah or leopard print. Zebra was in her size. It's going to be chilly. Even my car said low temp warning! 

    Dog will wear an orange bandana. Guessing between her and my foot, I'll be stuck handing out candy. She can slip out of her collar and not sure she's ready for all the hullabaloo. I don't want to lose her or traumatize her. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited October 2014

    Z can you confine dog in house, behind several closed doors? Bed room or bathroom? It's a rough night for dogs, try to keep her away from candy doir

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    my dogs Hate Halloween! We have to put them in a kennel in the garage or basement.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Ava wants to greet everyone at the door. And then a lot of people are afraid of her.   **big scary pit bull**

    One day I'll get her a costume.  I want to get her a tutu. Think that would be cute.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Hi goils!!!! just got back, am pooped...I said it too! lol

    Well, so pleased I was there when the Doctor came to see Colin, she is a gorgeous young lady, we both like her. The team had consulted with the spinal unit in Melbourne and had decided to send Colin down there to have a stent put in. As soon as she said it, we both said "Nooooooooo, not the spinal unit, please, anything but that." I have done so many dances of the humpyback spider in there. I hate the place. Colin has had to suffer it, for 37 years and hardly ever with good and positive memory. Anyhooo, I begged, he pleaded and the call was put in to see if he could have this done here. It seems our dual attack may have worked, but we won't know till next week and Colin will have to remain in Hospital till then. Colin didn't want to do the 4 hour Ambulance ride each way, either. 

    It is the same time of year, as my biopsy was done 2 years ago. The country stops for the next 4 days, with Tuesday being the Melbourne Cup Horse race. We are big into our horse racing over here. I wanted to scream when I found out that the Race that Stops a Nation was the reason I didn't get my biopsy results, for 11 looooong days!  You can imagine neither of us are thrilled about this one either! It isn't consideered emergency surgery, so even though Colin is unwell with it, it can wait. 

    Zills, invest in a harness for Safafire, that's the only thing I could contain Dex aka Houdini. Given enough wiggle time he can make it out of the harness, just like the Houdini straightjacket trick, but it is rare. I think Dex can dislocate his broad shoulders to get out too! lol 

    I hope tonight is great fun. I saw the outfits the kids of Colin's carer are wearing and even the new baby has a cute costume and is going Trick or Treating with them!

    I am going to have a cup of tea now and put up my aching feet. It is really hot today. My lovely neighbor is here at the moment spraying the garden for mozzies and sand flies. 

    Oh meant to say my car was ready and guess what? Nocharge to fix the stuck down electric window, it was just the bolt from the housing that had come off and jammed mechanism. They had done the service and washed the car for me too and it was about half the cost it would have been in the city...I know I keep saying it..I love the country!

    DP, so glad there wasn't anything else, on that xray. I hope it is the Antibiotics, Colin is feeling pretty wonky from this lot that he's on. He never has headaches and he has a doozy from this one, and dizzy too. May be from the infection too, but these are very strong drugs.

    Poor DEx, this morning when I went to drop him off, the lady who looks after him is a little, shall we say, eccentric! She asks me "Dex gets on with other males, doesn't he?"  I say "So far so good, no trouble so far" she struggles to open the door and holds back a huge pit bull cross, that I was even a tad wary of. I told her to just put Dex in with the girls that he's used to, and separate the boys and I'll get back soon. Well I raced back and here is Dex playing with the big boy and she tells me that Dex is definitely the boss...go figure!

    Dex schmoozed her into thinking he never gets fed, while she was cooking for the little dogs. She got suckered in and gave him a meal, as well as his little snack. He's too cute for his own good!

    Catch up later....M x


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Oh, Poor Colin!  he has to wait to get this done??? Poop on a Popsicle!!  That sucks that you have to wait until next week! 

    Hahaha, Dex has that lady suckered!  Got extra food. Good boy. That's what Ava would have done.  She acts like she is starving in front of all the neighbors and they give her cookies.

    You must be so exhausted with all this running around.  Nice about the car and no charge for fixing the window.

    Work is over, and I'm off to bed.   Will catch everyone tomorrow.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited October 2014

    We've been getting wasps in our bedroom and could hear them buzzing at the wall. DH got 6 yesterday morning. We weren't sure if they were wasps or bees, but he got a couple alive and took them down to the pest control company to be identified. They were wasps, so they came today to spray. Poor man had to crawl into the attic and said the nest was quite large. Our bedrooms are actually in an attic. The middle part is boxed in and there's storage space where the slant makes the wall very low. I had to take everything out of my closet to allow access, so all the clothes are piled on the spare bed. We were happy they were yellow jackets instead of bees. If they had been the latter we would have had to wait until May when they could be removed and expected to survive. Plus, I guess walls would have to be taken down to get rid of the honey. We're grateful they're wasps.

    Do keep pets away from the halloween activity. Most don't care for it and they can also escape when the door is opened for trick or treaters. Mine will be in the basement. Too bad really since Squeakers is black and would be perfect for halloween. He's an escape artist and we might never see him again if he weren't locked up.

    M, I hope the Colins improve rapidly and your Colin can have his procedure done locally.

    DP, Hugs. I wish you didn't feel so rotten. Are you losing weight because you're not eating?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    heck no wren! Wtf?  It was one of my thoughts, oh at least I'll lose weight. Only four pounds since last week. Probably because the things I am managing to eat are like grilled cheeses. How terrifying to have anything living in your walls. Much less wasps!  Yikes. 

    Big scary pit bull Ava! Grrrr. I've never had a child scared of any if my dogs, just silly patents. I would always lock them away for Halloween though. It is the second worst holiday to Fourth of July. THAT is a traumatic holiday. 

    Boy is flying in a circle with his one wing. BG is a mini hoarder. Lol. I do love that she sleeps with these things. Will you dress up to hand out candy? Be a zombie and drag your bruised foot behind. 

    Stinks Colin has to stay in hospital. But good that you were there to handle the diktors. Poor little dex knows what he's doing. 

    Are there steroids in these damn antibiotics? Second night in a row I've woken up and not been able to go back to sleep. At least last night it was 3 am. Tonight I awoke, back to clock and television, listened to the end of the golden girls, thinking it must be at least 2:30. Hear another episode start, roll over to see it was 11:30. Ugh. 

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    oh and now I'll never get back to sleep because in laying here stewing. I have made bond sausage mummies every single Halloween that I've known him. I meant to go to the store after dr today (I hav been sneaking a short drive here or there, shhhh) but I took a three hour nap instead. Kroger doesn't open until six which is too late. I could go to Walmart now but it's too far to risk driving. Very sad :-(

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    I hate to ask, what are sausage mummies?

    A 3 hour nap should have done you some good. Do you feel any better for it?

    I always thought Bec would be a bit of a shoe whore, like me, because when she was little and she got a new pair of shoes, she had to sleep with them, on her pillow. She isn't into shoes at all now!

    Wren, that would freak me out, I don't like the bees that are living in the wall of the house next door, but wasps can just keep stinging, not like bees, that sting once and die. I had a wasp fly into my car once and it landed on my drivers seat. I leaned back on it and it stung me through my shirt, just once, thank goodness. M x


  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited October 2014

    I woke up hurting. Knees from that d@mn step machine. My fault. Wanted to see if I could do 100 steps in a min. Wasn't sore on Monday from it. Almost begged DH to get my meds but had to pee. Also have UTI and yeast. Double crap on a Chapstick! 

    Magpie in our bed. I'm in hers. Sasafire gone back to her bed in our room. 

    Poor Colin! Hope you stay local. Can't believe you stop for a horse race. Have you ever been? Breeders Cup is this weekend. Will be in Lexington next year. First time! 

    Yes what are sausage mummies? I miss Irish sausages. We usually have fun Halloween foods. Pepperoni pizza faces, hot dog octopod in a lake of beans, hot dog mummies. Left my sister in charge so we'll see. 

    Dog is black, in a strange place, escape artist. Maybe I should take the crate. Then she'd have to ride with kids or up front. She's a big girl. No roof rack on my car. I don't think the hatch would close if I left it assembled and her in it. Hmmmm. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited October 2014

    Oh yuck Zills, UTI and yeast, buy a lottery ticket, what are the chances if having both at the same time!

    Isn't looking good for Colin staying here, the Urologist that operates here, isn't back till the end of November, but there isn't a bed available, at the Hospital, so I think he will just be stuck here till there is a bed available next week.

    Yes, sad isn't it, everything stops for this damn race.  We love a long weekend over here and even though the race is on Tuesday, just about everyone tries to get the Monday off, so they can have a 4 day weekend. I have been to the race many times, when I was younger. It is a huge social event here, but I couldn't really give a crap about all that stuff any more.

    No kids came tonight for Halloween, so I am about to break out the candy!  M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    poor Zills! I wouldn't like to choose between them; they are both horrid. I hope your meds kick in soon.

    I used to get bladder infections a lot in my twenties and early thirties. Turned out my husband had something wonky with his prostate and would infect me exactly three days after sex.  Got rid of him and the infections stopped!!!!

    Mummy sausages??? Sounds yummy!

    Wren, we are battling wasps this year too. Had three in house other day, then a couple the next day and one yesterday.

    Not yellow jackets this time. More like black wasps. At our last house in Michigan we would get 9 wasps a day. They flew in our fireplace. I think the same is happening here.

    I am allergic to wasps so I carry my epi -pen with me.

    It would be my luck to survive cancer and die from a wasp sting!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    geez zills your luck is about like mine. Sausage mummies ate like hot dog mummies butane with the little breKfDt links. I like the eckrich ones with cheese inside cuz I don't really like sausage. 

    Is that the only dr in town m?  I know you can get it worked out. 

    Starting my Halloween out in the hospital. The pains and pressure persisted all night and were really bad this morning. Something not right. They have me morphine and fentinyl (sp?) so I feel just fine now. Waiting on ct results to be reviewed with my MO. I was so busy sleep of and being nauseous yesterday that I didn't eat hardly anything. My stomach hurt this morning but I was too nauseous to eat. My stomach was growling so loud you could hear it down the hall. My nurse hurt the hell out of me with my IV but bless hi heart, he brought me a turkey sandwich and apple juice. Easiest eating I've done in ages. I'll take some morphine To go please. 

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited October 2014

    Oh, DP, I am so bummed that you are in the hospital again, but yeah, that morphine is some seriously good juice. LOL. You might even feel so good you go on another online shopping spree.  Fingers crossed they find out what's causing all this misery soon!!

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited October 2014

    Hi DP!  Sorry things got so bad that you had to go to the hospital, but glad you now have some relief! Your dicktors need to take better care of you!  Sorry about the IV,!  We're you dehydrated? Thank goodness you got to eat! Hooray for a sandwich and apple juice!  I hope you continue to feel better!  {{{gentle hugs}}} S

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    UGH, DP.  Sorry you are in the hospital!  I hope they figure out what's going on, and tell you you want some morphine pills to go!  Keep the pain under control at home.  Hugs to you and Bond.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited October 2014

    DP!  So sorry you are in the hospital, but so glad, in a way!  Allergic to morphine, but Fentanyl is the BEST.  I am so glad your turkey sandwich tastes good to you!

    Don't feel badly about the sausage mummies.  They will taste just as good to Bond when you get around to making them.  You spoil him!

    I love these Dex stories.  He is like W boy, bilking people out of additional food with his looks!  Except I think Dex is cute when he does it, and I don't like it when W boy does it.  Love magpie stories too!  Our princess is also a hoarder.  I swear they have so much in common.  I just love my Halloween picture of you guys with Sassafras!

    Bobo hates Halloween.  We have no basement.  We have to turn off the lights and not accept trick or treaters.  The kids are going to a party tonight with DLLP.  They are already going to be a couple of tweaked-out wrecks -- they were up at 5:30 a.m. and they are going to party all day at school.  We have sent candy with our princess, who is allergic to everything.  Yikes.  I always worry about her getting something at Halloween that she will be allergic to.

    I taught an early class -- 7:20 a.m. -- and then taught three more without a break.  Exhausted.  Feel better, DP!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    I only have Reese's peanut butter cups at my house. I'd love to see the Princess, but I know she can't eat my candy.

    Poor Bobo. 

    You feeling better, DP??  Getting good drugs, I hope!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited October 2014

    I hope they are taking good care of you DP.  Gentle hugs also!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited October 2014

    hi guys. They said all that's wrong is that I likely have a perforated eat drum and this yuck infection. Guy pulled this giant gross hunk of gunk out of my ear. Said my mri showed some improvement. Was buyik all this until a couple hours later when my head aches in all those spots again, not just ear area. And I am havif balance and vision issues. Bah. 

    Got I'm big trouble with grandpa for not telling him right away where i was. Kept plans to go look at houses to convince them I was really ok. Phone and I both pooped. Back later. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited October 2014

    Who needs a hug?image

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    DP, gosh you do it tough my lovely! I am so sorry you have this pain, but I am glad they got you the good drugs. I reckon this ear drum thing and infection is affecting you even more than you know. Those fucking Dicktors let it go for too long and it really got a hold on you. It will take some time for it to be destroyed by the meds. If your MRI was looking better, just maybe the head pain is coming from sinus that could be infected too. The sinus always takes longer to respond to antibiotics, it is a hard area to treat. I know you think it is from your head, but it can cause dizziness and vision issues too. Just thinkin'......  

    When I was younger I was the Cystitis Queen, I had it more often than not. I found a great Urologist who did a scraping of the bladder called a Cystotomy (sp) or something similar. It was magic, I have had a few bladder infections since, but they pretty much stopped right after that.M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    I have dizziness and vision changes with just a little fluid build up. I wouldn't be upright with the infection you have. Don't forget the yogurt with all those antibiotics! 

    Cold rain, traffic. Took forever to get here. Rain stopped for a little while. Long enough to get lots of illegal chocolate. 

    Kids finally asleep. Dog too. She's doesn't like little dog here. Having to keep them separated. 

    Nighty night. Sleep tight. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Phew Zills, glad you made it ok in the rain. Have a good time! M x

    Glennie, I love that bunny and a hug would be nice too! I had to share that pic of the dogs in costume to Bec. I just cracked up at the fries costume!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Zills, glad you arrived safe and sound. How long are you staying in Ohio? Hope you have a relaxing and fun time.

    I was remembering when my second daughter was young. She wouldn't sit on the potty or toilet and would hide behind a chair to poop. Then one weekend I was away with some friends and my husband watched their son who was slightly older. Everytime the boy sat on the toilet my daughter would push him off and sit down herself and go to the bathroom. When I came back two days later she was toilet trained and never looked back. I guess the competitive nature showed itself early.