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  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Happy anniversary dllp and bobo!  Wren, love the story of your gkids and axioms  love for her son. My boss is married to an Asian lady and they have the most beautiful little girl named Sydney, just love her.

    Hi DP, how is the ear? Worried about you,

    Andrea, so agreed about how much each one of you gals mean to me, we have our own little coffee/tea clatch here don't we? And also an occasional glass of wine, love you all.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Happy Anniversary Bobo and DLLP!!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    happy anniversary bobo. Did she mind that you got knocked up making sweet love to a brown man?  Bahahaha

    Ear somewhat better. First day I have felt close to human in a while. He said there shouldn't be any discomfort, he lied. I do have a hole in my ear drum.  He sucked some crap out of my ear then put some poison powder in it. Owww. Then next week I have to put some other drops in it. The ones I should have had from the beginning. Told me to do chemo Friday instead of weds to maybe let it work some first. I have been off a long time now. Wouldn't know it from my SEs though. Still can't stand eating. Something not right there. 

    Andrea those shoes are just too great. You are so talented. Glad your friend is still there. That's great. 

    There is some kind of buzzy bee in my living room. He kept charging at me earlier. I let him stay inside and took my computer outside. Charger and all. Was working on the wretched house hunting project. Which I give up btw. Stayed until I couldn't take the chill any more. Now I'm back inside and on edge for the little monster. It's all bonds fault anyway because he has been cooking chicken in the NuWave every morning with some noxious concoction of spices that would take your breath away. So I was forced to leave the kitchen door open all day to air the whole house out. Toby won't let me lay down on the couch either. He doesn't understand the time change so he knows dad should be getting home now. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Oh Bobo, what a great experience! That made me smile and gave me goosebumps, I love that and will tell Bec tonight when I speak to her.

    Happy Anniversary!!!! give my love to DLLP too, that's a long time together!

    Hi everyone else, waving Betty arms and legs to you all!

    DP, sorry, but I am a nag too, I hope you can find another Doctor who will look out for you. I can imagine how hard it is to separate these symptoms from the ca, and the se's from the drugs, but if you can get on top of this infection, you may just find you feel completely different. I only nag about this, because I know Colin has been "off" for a couple of months, but certainly not as bad as you have been. Well, the difference in him, since he has been on these "super lV antibiotics is just incredible and he still has the stones to deal with, but getting on top of the infection is such a turnaround. I know I am being a pest, but I just want to see you feeling better, than you have been. M x

    Glennie, I agree about our blended families, it can't happen soon enough for me! M x

    Well. I just spoke to Colin and he may be transported today, I will believe it when I see it! It is Melbourne Cup Day, so I would be surprised, but I am hoping he does get there, so he can have this procedure done and be on the way to recovery and home again!

    I am going in to see him this morning, so will catch you all later...M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hey DP, posting at the same time! My Mother had menieres disease very badly, it was a problem with the inner ear, which had spinning as its worst symptom, but even when the attack was over, she had trouble eating. The Doctors all said that it was just a symptom of the issue with the ear, so I am hoping if you can get on top of the ear thing, it may bring you back to a place where eating is a pleasure again. Fingers crossed for you! M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Oh Menieres is terrible! My grandfather had it, as do two of my cousins.

    Perforated eardrums hurt like a bitch! Don't know anything about ear powder...but hope it improves soon.

    Hope buzzy has left the building!

    Thanks for the compliment about the shoes.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    I hate the time change! Why can't it be left alone? Spookie woke me up early, Kris wants dinner early. He doesn't understand why we can't go to dog park. Cause it's dark!

    Happy anniversary, hugs to Colin 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hello everyone, just posted on the other thread, Andrea, every time I took my Mother to her specialist, I would ask him to reassure me that it wasn't hereditary, I was so paranoid about being Dx with that and since I have mirrored a lot of her ailments.  I gave Colin your best S Mom......catch you later. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    DP: is the buzzy bee gone??  How you feeling today?

    Ava is confused with the time change too. She expects dinner an hour earlier.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    no sign of the bee but I know he's over there somewhere. It's raining today. Feeling kind of ok today. It's a strange feeling. Don't know what to do. Lol

    I will work on finding a pcp. It's so hard to just pick people at random. 

    Maybe I'll call MetLife back today since im feeling ok. I'm thinking of filing a complaint with te state. Do yall think that will make my chances of getting paid better or worse?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    I think it would make it better. Have you called about SSDI? You've felt so bad for so long, I bet it does feel funny. 

    I saw the RO. Need to see my PCP for fatigue and anything non cancer related. Duh. All SEs are cancer related. This came from the student not the RO. They were trying to whittle down my list of questions. 

    Anyhow. Everything looks good. Has new procedure for lungs if it does come back. Scheduled a brain scan to rule out any other issues. Promised I would see him immediately afterwards before I got to my car. Bless his heart. It's probably just stress but he doesn't want to add to it. 

    Yes beautiful shoes and beautiful pix. Wish I could do something like that would keep me occupied. Idle hands are the devils workshop. Plus a good excuse not to clean. 

    Dog settling in. Not trying to chase cats while on leash. Kept staring at cat on bed last night. Finally had to kick her out. Then here comes BG. 

    Snores. Has another cold/allergy/infection. Poor baby. Even asked me to rock her but she kept saying she's not a baby. 

    Going to take a nap. Kids have haircuts this afternoon. Need to vote.  Eany meany miney mo. 

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2014

    DP, nothing worse than ears or teeth.. very painful stuff...  glad you are having a good day.. hope it lasts for you... I'm laughing over the buzzy bee... I do similar when I see centipedes.. you say on edge for a couple of days too.. I HATE that.   I think complaining might make your chances better.

    Spookie, same problem with my cats.. they are swarming all over me an hour early.. feel mean making them wait an hour... it is SO depressing with the sun going down at 4:00... I just can't stand it.. there is no reason to have daylight savings anymore.  Harley doesn't understand why he can't go out.. poor thing looks forward to his little runaround when I get home from work.

    Happy Anniversary Bobo & DLLP!!!!  You should have told us the whole story of the night you met... I am laughing over you teasing the construction workers.

    Andrea, you are gorgeous!  omg you painted those? I am so impressed... you should open an Etsy shop.. especially now with Xmas around the corner.

    Zils, no sh1t.. fatigue is the #1 SE for everything.. that's great news about the new procedure for the lungs.. hopefully you will never need it,  but nice to know something is there.   

    M, so happy to here the news on your friend Colin, but I am cringing over the bone marrow biopsy.. that's a horrible test to have to go through. Is it very quiet for you with Colin gone?  Does Dex act weird or anything with him not around?

    Ndgirl, you are such a great friend

    Glennie, I love the paintings... so cheerful.

    Wren, not sure I've ever seen you that angry before.. loving it!

    Ok, that's about as caught up as I am going to get.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Morning all! Just had a call from Colin. Surgery is today some time, he has been on nil by mouth since midnight, so could be a long hungry day for him. The surgeon said they would put stent in one side and try to blast the other side. Not sure how long he will be thee, but will likely be flown back again. We have quite a lot of flight service because we are such a big place and can be a long distance from the major city Hospitals. There is also the Flying Doctor Service which takes care of the remote areas. It isn't unusual to hear of people being flown or choppered to Hospital here. I would say that Colin's Dx and the fact that he's a quad was the reason they decided a 4 hour ride in an ambulance wouldn't do him any good.

    Zills, I am glad you have empathetic medicos, wish we could get some for DP. So pleased there is a procedure for lungs, should it ever be needed!

    DP, I am glad you are feeling a bit better today. I am a big believer in putting experiences in writing, especially bad ones, but I do good ones too. I don't know about over there, but if you put in a complaint here in writing, it has to be acted upon. I believe that people who are not performing their duties to the charter of their company, be it medical, or just general, must be held accountable for their actions. You've had a really bad run and they do need to be made aware, or it just keeps happening and getting worse. I wish you had an advocate to go in for you. I'd do it in a heartbeat, if I was there!   

    ldesim, I am so happy that you have stuck around! I need more coffee table, dinner action! lol

    Funny, but when I asked Colin No2, about the bone marrow biopsy, he said he was out to it and he awoke 5 hours later and no pain. I am glad there is a story of a painful procedure with anesthetic! Although, I have to say, the way he is sounding now, I don't know how they could put him through it at all. It is possible he will nedd to have another chest surgery, he has bubbles of air in his chest and they think the seal along the edge of his lung is leaking, that it may have been sealed on some area that has emphesema and the seal is failing. Poor guy, he is so short of breath now and his  once lovely voice with the timbre of a singer is weak and reedy. 

    Be back later, Colin No 1 on phone...M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Glad Colin is getting his surgery done today... checking in to see how the "Colins" are! give my ND best to both please. Hi everybody, busy day and week, check in later.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Hello Idesim! I don't think anyone has ever called me gorgeous before, lol. That made me smile. Thank you.

    I really like painting the shoes, but I am always worried about copyright infringement issues (that's why I deleted the post with pics after a few days). 

    I just finished four more pairs; just one more pair to go before I ship them off to my daughter across the country. I may have to do another quick show and tell... But fear it might seem like I am showing off,!which is truly not the case. Trust me, no one is more surprised than me when the shoe actualy resembles the character.

    Anyway, you are very sweet  Idesim, thank you again.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Zills, thank you also for the kind words. I am not sure whether being crafty is a blessing or a curse at times. 

    I suck at housework, and budgeting, and exercise, I am a poor cook, and I can't dance worth a lick... But I am good with crafts. Oh well, I guess you can't have it all.

    DP you actually sound like you are feeling better. I hope each day is better than the last. 

    Zills, that is really cool about the new treatment for lungs...which hopefully none of us will need. I wish the people who are so smart and innovative could get the attention and funds needed to get on with finding a cure or at least treatment for cancer in our lifetime. Too much energy is being spent trying to fight each other in this world. How about dominance over illness and poverty instead of each other.

    Getting down off my soapbox now....

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Hurray for Colin's procedures today!! I hope all goes well for the poor dear, and he gets back where he belongs soon.

    Bobo, how are you feeling? How is your recovery this week? Did you go anywhere special for your anniversary?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I don't think medical marijuana is going to pass in FL.  It has to get 60%,, and it's only at 57%.  I am SO BUMMED.  Damn it.  Stupid people.  Obviously they have never been in pain, or had a loved one in pain.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    That is so close Glennie!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    i know it is close,,   but no cigar.  I really had hope.   Pipe dream.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    LOL Glennie.. Or how about.. they have never smoked pot to know how it really effects people.  If they would do their own damn experiment, they'd vote to make alcohol illegal, and let all the peaceful people of the world smoke pot.  I have read more than once, that if alcohol were discovered today, it would be a Schedule II narcotic... like morphine. 

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Alcohol does more damage. Drunk driving too.





  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    I have never smoked pot, or cigarettes and hardly drink .... But completely support medicinal marajuana. 

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Colin rang me as soon as he was out of recovery. All went well, still don't know what's happening and when he will be home, but all he wanted was something to eat! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    ThumbsUpZills, so pleased you got a good report!  

    Andrea..agree with you, and if they spent the crazy amounts of money on a cure as they do on elections maybe we could get it done! It is outlandish how they buy elections now...grrr.

    I am all for medical  pot! Never happen in my state, or I will never see it anyway.

    How is everyone doing? Bobo? JS? DP,Thinking of all

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    I'm okay.  Currently being hounded by brother while trying to get ready for work.  Didn't go anywhere special -- didn't really remember anniversary until the day of anniversary!  I'm soldiering through, but the five surgeries I've had so far this year (!) are starting to take a toll on me. 

    How is your Colin, M?  So glad the sx is done.  It's such a good sign that he's hungry, I think. 

    Trying to gear up to go to work.  Getting ready feels hard.  Once I see the students, all will be well.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    Don't feel bad about the anniversary.  I have NO idea when mine is.

    Story. DH & I got married in April. 29 years later we got divorced. A few years later like dummies, we married again.  When? All I know is it was a Thurs in March. I know the license, if I could find it, has the wrong date, cause nobody could remember it that day.

    So if somebody asks how long we're married, I just say too damn long.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    oh lots of posts. Yay for good news z. Fatigue is cancer related FUCKTARDS. Sorry. Get tired of radiation people denying SEs. Thank you for the green stuff. I will try it tonight. I will be out of the house today and am a little scared of what will happen. Especially with the start slow warming. 

    Hope colins sx went well and he got sowmthing good to eat. M you will need a week long nap when he gets home. 

    House hunting nightmare continues. Closing on Monday. Still no where to go. The whole debacle has been ridiculous. Going out again today. It literally makes me sick. Every time I go look at houses or spend five hours searching online, I end up with a fever. Ugh. 

    My palms are peeling from the hand foot syndrome. It's really gross.  Ear feels loads better. Still coughing like crazy. About to head out into the cold and rainy. That should help. Back later. Hope everyone has a good day. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    DP you sound more like yourself. Yea!

    I had severe allergic reaction to Taxotere peeled ALL over my body. From soles of feet to my bald head. Awful. Almost at the end of it I found a lotion call Amalactin.  That REALLY helped. In pharmacy, may be behind counter with pharmacist. Good stuff!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Morning all, just about to jump into shower, Colin called and he will be coming home today! I don't really understand the process of this stent thing, but he is going to be flown back today, with stent in and then goes back in 6 weeks to have the stones removed along with the stent. So I think all that has happened so far, is that the stent is in place to widen the valve for the surgeon to be able to get to the stones next time. I may know more later!

    I have the people who help with the garden arriving soon to help get the gardening finished and I want to change the bed linen and get to the supermarket to stock up on stuff before Colin gets here this afternoon. Whew, rest over! lol M x

    DP it is good to see you sounding more like yourself again! Are you saying your Grandparents have to move on Monday, and they haven't got a place to go to? Not even packed yet? Oh dear, no wonder you're stressed! M x

    Bobo, I can't even imagine what 5 surgeries in one year, with the schedule you keep, would be like. I can't wait for it all to be over and you can have a breather. The kids are getting to an age where they can do for themselves more, so hopefully you can have a little more "me" time. Hugs to you!  Must run, love to everyone else.....M x