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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    pink bathrooms are from the 50s. Out house was built in 52 and I somehow ended up with a green bathroom. All te other houses we looked at in the neighborhood had pink. I was very disappointed. I wanted pink and black. There's a website dedicated to pink bathroom love. I think it's called save the pink bathrooms or something. They help people get replacement peices.

    Bond got the remodeled in the 80s bathroom. It has a black toilet and diamond patterned black tile. He replaced the vanity with a black pedestal sink and we embraced the gaudyness of it all. It's actually pretty elegant now. I embrace my green bathroom and decorate it with dragon flies.

    Z, I think bg has a future in fashion design. Her outit choices always sound fabulous. I do like the clarisonic. I have the full size one that comes with a body brush. It was great durin the summer for exfoliating before self tanner. Haven't been able to use it since halfway through rads. Will try this week. Something has given me horrible acne, which I haven't had since I was a teen. Ordered Spot Remover from origins today.

    Perhaps we can get m to replace Lisa Robertson when she retires next month. That would be awesome!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014
  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    I love origins! Spot remover is the best. I've had some acne too. My nose is the worst. But the boy is getting some too.

    I don't want him to have scars. He has a few. Thought he might be more inclined if he had a gadget or disposable cloth. Don't buy them for me but whatever for the kids!

    Yes PRB I would love it! I don't want my legacy to be clutter, yelling and microwave food. But right now that's me, I'm ashamed to say.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Oh my! I just took a trip down memory lane at the Save the Pink Bathroom site, DP, that's amazing! My parents had the same bathroom, in "Avacado" , which I hated, except for the bath which was so big and deep, I loved it! Then something terrible happened, my Father's 96 year old cousin passed away in that bath, it was a dreadful day, because it was my 9 year old Bec, who found her. I could never even go in, to that bathroom again, without being creeped out! Bec actually handled it very well, better than I did.

    I love doing up bathrooms, the 2 in this house, are my favorites. We had all the fittings and tiles transported up here by truck, so I put them all together in Melbourne, fortunately there weren't any mistakes and just a few tiles left over!

    Zills, don't you be giving yourself a hard time about yelling, mess and microwave food, we've all been there, with little kids! It does get better, I promise!

    Does the boy drink much water Z? there really isn't anything that works better, for flushing out toxins that can end up as blemishes on the face.

    QVC, now that would be great fun. I have a girlfriend who is a presenter on our shopping channel, she used to work on one of them in England, not sure if it was QVC.

    I have the beauty day for the younger BC ladies today. I don't know how this one will be, but will be back later to let you know how it went. Have a good evening...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    DP, you would love my Mom's pink bathroom. There are a few black accents, but there is also gray on the vanity.  The other bathroom is a complete disaster.

    Busy day.  Went to art festival with Sharon. It's really a beautiful day here, blue sky and perfect weather.  Then she helped me divide up my cardemon plants that had gotten too huge for the pots. The roots are really thick, and she brought the Sawzall to cut them! Worked like a charm. So now I have 3 and she took one home. Then we went to the movies and saw St Vincent with Bill Murray and Melissa McCartney. It was funny and sweet.  Now I'm off for Mexican dinner.  I feel like I've lived it up today!!

    Let's start a petition to get M on QVC when Lisa retires. That would be so awesome.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Spookiesmom, I am so glad you are happy with the Sun Catcher for the car! I did make the loop long enough for the bauble to fit inside it, to hang over the fitting on the mirror. I wasn't sure what fitting the mirror would have, but you could try to just slip it through and see if it hangs right.

    PRB, I know that feeling of too much stuff. I love to do a clear out, it makes me feel great, but I have a bad habit of just filling up again! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    a gadget is probably a good idea to keep a boys interest in skin care. Chemo brain is blocking the name of the huge acne treatment company with Juliana hough and Adam Levine as spokespeople. Holy crap. Anyway, they have been advertising a cleansing brush with their latest package. Omg what's it called.

    Gosh glennie what a busy day. Hope you have a good dinner. Was wondering ifthat movie would be any good.

    That does sound traumatizing m. It would totally creep me out. Of course it didn't phase little bec the badass. Lol

    I slept all day today. What a waste of a beautiful day. Was feeling funny though. Only 5.5 more days of xeloda. Weeee.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    good luck at beauty day m. I'm sure it will be perfect.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014


  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Z - I hope the time passes quickly for you and you get good results. After that you'll be able to move forward and... clean that house! lol sorry.. I just wanted to add some humor to lighten the stress I know you're feeling. Big hugs to you. All this stuff simply sucks.

    I'm currently being serenaded by the violin...second time today DD has practiced. Wouldn't it be nice if I actually liked the violin? It is getting better as the years go on. We seem to have moved past the hillbilly music. I think she is secretly torturing me because she was upset with me earlier. I was cleaning out the closet (yes.. I did try to do one)..and there was a lot of her school stuff in there from the last couple of years. I don't know why, but I hate throwing her stuff out. I guess I'm fearful I will accidentally throw away a drawing or something cute that she I insist on going through it all. She wants to toss it all and gets pissed that I want to hold onto it because she knows I will just shove it back in the closet...which of course is exactly what I did. The amount I put back in seems much less than what I originally hauled I suspect some paperwork took a hike while I was downstairs. What was unusual was all the damn candy I found. Three bags of chocolate that expired in 2013. Apparently an after Easter candy sale that seemed like a good idea at the time? Speaking of candy, I am happy to see the Ghirardelli Pepperment Bark on the shelves for Christmas. Yum.

    Oh.. and I even washed a couple of rugs today. Now before you all think I'm getting all Suzy Homemaker here... I have to remind you all that my downstairs is a complete disaster and if someone were to peek down there.. I would have to crawl and hide. One of these days I will just have to bite the bullet and get down there. Again... tons of toys and books and..and.. basically her childhood staring me in the face. Makes me sad and I don't know what to do about it. None of my friends seem to have this problem of giving it all away.

    OMG... she is starting up for a 3rd time on the violin!! I may have to break into that expired chocolate.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    I don't know that violin practice is worse than bagpipes! Her dad asked her how she knew if she played the wrong note. She learned, and got good on them. Flutetoo. Yours will too.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    PRB you are putting us all to shame with this cleaning. An idea to help with the memory clutter. Take digital photos of artwork and favorite toys and things like that. You can make photo books online and preserve all those memories in much less space.

    Z have you had a brain mri before? Is sowmthing going in or is this just routine? Ice cream is the recommended premed of course.

    Long night begins...

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014


    Graeters mint chocolate chip sounds good

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    YAY for only 5.5 more days of Xeloda!!  I couldn't remember that name either. Glad you did.

    I had carne asada tacos. New place for me.  Pretty good.

    GO, PRB!!  Good job with house cleaning. I am rarely in the mood, but I can do a good clean out when it happens. It's just very rare.

    Wonder how Bobo is doing this weekend??  Hope she reports in soon.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    Viking mice am I the only one who thinks this is greatness? Bond didn't laugh as much as I wanted him to.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I do not need today's special value. I do not need today's special value. I do not need today's special value.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hey girls, just got home form Beauty Day, what a great success it was! We were really expecting 6 women, but I made up 14 goodie bags and guess what? 14 turned up!

    They were a great group of girls, who all had a great time. I did 4 makeovers, two of whom, had no lashes, or hair and they loved the shaded eyeliner and reverse contouring which was so natural, they felt like there was no makeup, but they looked so different. That was a buzz!!!!

    I liked the Viking Mice! DP

    Hi Glennie, Spookiesmom and PRB, catch you all later..I haven't had lunch and I am starving...M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    that's great ariom. I knew it would be a hit. They are lucky to have you.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    HiDP, Thank you! How are you doing? Did you get any sleep? Did you cave and buy anything? I hope the Grandparents are sorted and you can relax without having to search for real estate.

    I am so tired, I am just about to head off to get organized for bed, it was a busy day today. I have another half hour before Colin's carer leaves and I can hit that bed. I will catch you tomorrow..still wondering where Bobo is? .M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Good Monday Morning all.  Good evening to my Aussie friends.

    M: sounds like beauty day was a big hit!! You are so good at this!!  I bet they had a blast.

    Just having breakfast and then I'll start making my chili.  Was so busy this weekend, I never got to it!

    Also waiting for Bobo report.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    m shouldn't you get to restwhile the carer is there? GPs put a bid on the weird kitchen house. Waiting for response. Gosh I hope it goes through. Gma will like it because it is five minutes from me. If somethig happens to me, they don't know it but I have left them ample insurance money to buy a house near my mom. Of course with jackass MetLife, they may never see te money.

    Still doing my one hour sleep pattern at night. Ooh how I was tempted last night but I was good. I will have to avoid tv today. It's not jusr the TSV that I was drooling over. So many lovely tarte items at great prices. Seriously though, if anyone has girly girls on their Xmas list, you should check out qvc today. The TSV is $287 worth of full size tarte products for $60. And you can break it down into several gifts if you want with the included boxes. Tarte is good for your skin cosmetics. All natural ingredients and awesome packaging. Ok tarte commercial over.

    Laying down with wretched ear drops in. They hurt! And they taste awful. Maybe I'll catch a little nap while I'm here.

    Yes bobo where are you? When we don't hear from you after a MD weekend, I always think jail or hospital?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Can you suck on a piece of candy? Lemon drops or cinnamon drops is what I use to get my port flushed.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    text from Bobo:  I'm alive.  @work


    Hopefully full report later. She is not in jail or hospital, so YAY!!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    yay bobo survived. Zills your such a genius. No nap. Getting up to clean something. Can't stand it anymore.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    taking break from cleaning kitchen because clueless is grilling me about an aircard they can't find. Of course, she is checking on me too. Ok I'll zip it and be nice. I really don't have the aircard. Someone must have swiped it out of my desk after I left.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Can't believe clueless is calling you!!  ARGH!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    I'm alive! PRB, you're making me laugh about your DD and the violin. And DP, you are making me laugh too! 'I do not need today's special value..' And ND, you are so sweet to 'have my back' while I am at MD's. I only went because my sister asked me to and because (in my mind) it cemented the idea that I do not have to go for Thanksgiving. I just cannot handle it. DP, your GPs put a bid on a place?

    Hmm. I am completely beat. I know you want report, and I have come to DP's thread to comply. I must also mention that I have the kids on my own tomorrow because of the holiday. Yikes. Z, your description of BG and her outfit sounded exactly like our princess. I was embarrassed of her while she was trick-or-treating in her thrown-together beat-girl ensemble. I was embarrassed of her hair yesterday, which she insisted on doing herself. Yikes.

    MD is really a crazy piece of work. My uncle is in the hospital: extreme cirrhosis. He lives with MD, boozing it up, and she buys the wine. Yikes. Anyway, that's a mess. The party was nice in that as soon as everyone showed up, MD was sort of neutralized. And she loved the baby. She forced me to hold it while she took a picture. It felt creepy to me to do that. I feel very' Hey, Bobo, hold this baby without your breasts, so everyone can see you, as a ca survivor, holding a newborn baby, even though you are sterile.' But she doesn't care how I might feel about it.

    It was very fun to see one of my little nephews who I have not seen in years, who is the (illegitimate) son of my (other) brother (who is very very macho), and who has turned out to be (my nephew) VERY gay. And you know what? DLLP and I knew even when he was a little boy! Anyway, we fawned over him. HE was the baby to us! Oh, he was so sweet.

    MD doing crazy hysterical displacement activities. Also openly preferring W boy to our princess, as she has always done. My brother (here) did not show up. No one in the family (the brothers and sisters) likes him right now because he is an asshole.

    He did this crazy thing on Friday, bringing my nephews over (which was lovely) and then involving me in his hysterical psycho-drama of his ex-marriage. His new GF was incredibly sweet. She was a very small, 90-pound, extremely tan, tough-as-nails New Yorker -- from Long Island -- with a thick accent, and she was of a certain age, and dressed to kill! And she has two sons, one is seventeen! She is hanging on to my brother with both hands. Yikes. But she tried so hard to get us to like her. DLLP and I are a sucker for hard-working and earnest aging chippies like that. My real family is so mean to me -- anyone who tries to be nice? We give them the benefit of the doubt. She is a cougar! But I believe she is slightly younger then my brother.

    Oy. After being used like that all weekend, and stepped on, I am exhausted. I have just made spaghetti sauce. Ramping up for pre-op appts. DLLP will come with me to PS to try and convince him to actually do what I say. I am worried he will go rogue as usual. I am actually getting quite nervous about it.

    Was this a good enough update? M should not sell her own things on QVC. That is tacky. How is Colin? M should be the host, just like DP says, she should be the next Lisa Robertson. Really, she would be perfect. DP, I am off tarte. I am now onto RMS. Have you heard of it? I have just ordered some. It is natural and reasonably priced. Oh! M! I have found a wedding dress! For...twenty-three dollars! And I ordered a similar dress, at a similar price -- actually I think hers was a few dollars more -- for our princess. I had bought her this beautiful chiffon sleeveless 60's dress, with panels in all the colors of the rainbow, a year ago and I was saving it for the wedding. But when my darling saw it, she turned up her nose at it. And it is a beautiful dress! I know what she wants. She wants to wear a white dress, and be the bride.

    Z, she has so many clothes, it is a sin! XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    DP, Clueless, still can't get on without you! Bahahahah

    I hope the sale goes through and you have the Grands close to you. What a wonderful girl you are, to have that in store for them, should it happen that way.

    All I can say DP, is I am lucky I can't purchase on your shopping channel from here, because you always tantalize me with these super specials! You know what a sucker I am for A. Cosmetics and B. A bargain!

    Did you do anything about selling your stuff on Ebay? I am still thinking about it, but haven't made any headway.

    I am with Zills, I am a lozenge person too. I like the really potent ones that have lots of Eucalyptis, to clear the sinus.

    I do get a rest when the carer is here at night, twice a week, but I can't actually go to bed, till she's finished at 10.30pm. For some reason, I am always more tired, on the nights when they are here, than the other 5 when I can try to get Colin to go to bed early. lol

    I was beginning to wonder if we were going to have to bail Bobo out! I love MD stories, as cruel as they are, I am just so amazed that anyone can be like she is and still have a daughter who is willing to see her. I would have kicked her to the kerb long ago, that's how Aussies spell "curb", which is something totally different, over here.

    Waving to everyone! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hey Bobo, what a great post, I will read it again, just to take it all in!

    I have never stopped looking for a dress for the Princess, but never found anything like what I had in mind. I wanted to find something in paper taffetta, or silk, but there never was anything like that. It sounds like you may have found just what I would have bought! I can't wait to hear about what you bought, for you!

    Your family stuff sounds like a tv show! I love to hear about it, but don't envy you, having to put up with it all. I am constantly reminded how good it has been for me, with my teeny, tiny, family! lol

    Oh dear, the macho brother has the Gay son, doesn't that happen often! I am so glad your nephew has you and your little family, as relatives! I like the sound of the cougar! Before I met Colin, when I worked for United, I was going out with a gorgeous flight attendant, not Gay, lol from Qantas, he was 11 years younger than me and from Mauritius, spoke perfect French and we had a great time together. It was never anything serious, but we'd meet up in Bangkok or Singapore or somewhere exotic, when he was doing long haul from Britain and go shopping and eat the local foods. I guess I was the cougar, but it was lots of fun, he was a hoot! He has a business now in Melbourne selling very high end bathroom fittings that he sourced while he was a flight attendant traveling the world. We are still in touch occasionally and sometimes reminisce about the old days! lol

    I meant to mention the Violin too PRB, Bec wasnever gifted in the instrument department and had to do all her Recorder practice in the back yard because I feared I would take it from her and either hit her with it, or break it across my knee. Poor neighbors never complained, but I bet they wanted to! She can, however carry a tune in song, which is a good thing considering her family background, on her Father's side, that would have been an embarrassment, if she had taken after me and not them!

    Well, I have to get going and start the day, I have been here for nearly 2 hours! Yikes! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    M! Don't go yet! Our princess has written you a letter on the home thread!

    How like our M to knock around Singapore and Bangkok with her toyboy, sampling the local delicacies, and now he has gone into 'special bathroom fittings'... it all sounds so advanced and exotic! M, are you sure you are not the secret author of 'Fifty Shades of Gray'?

    DP, don't you think M could shop on QVC? She could totally get on the internet, and then 'watch it live' on the internet, and then buy it with her 'app.' Right? I think she could. Taping Isaac tonight. XXX