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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Welcome home, Colin!!  I'm sure it's great to be back!

    DP:  what's up with your grandparents?  Did they find a place yet?  This sounds really stressful.

    Bobo:  all these surgeries are so stressful.  It's been a long damn year for you.  I hope you all can have a vacation when this is through!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    yes m, they have to be out Monday. They have packed some but the main problem is they have not found a house. The housing market has seemed to explode here in the last month. Things are literally going off the market between the time I see it online and call the realtor. They have lost three bids. The homes leftover are overpriced junk. I don't know what they will do. 

    Not feeling so good tonight. The nights are hard. I've only been able to sleep a couple hours at night. And then I'm having wacky scary dreams. Hating the time change which I usually like. Blah

    On the humorous side, amazon, who was not going to use temps this year, called and ordered 1000 people yesterday, with te first 25 to start tonight. I think it's hilarious. Bahahahaha guess how many they got? Bahahahaha

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    yay Colin gets to come home. Wish the whole ordeal was over for him though. Ugh

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DP, Assuming your grandparents are senior citizens, they might check into renting at  a senior housing place until they find a house. That's what my coworker at the senior center did. They put most of their stuff in storage and lived in a small unit for a few months until they found what they wanted. Once the urgency is gone, the right house will probably turn up.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    That's good advice from Wren, DP.  I'm sorry the nights are so long.  

    M, Colin is coming home!  Hooray!  I am so happy.  I know you will be busy when he comes home.  But hopefully things will settle down right away.  I can't believe how you've been running around!  I bet Dex is going to be thrilled.

    Poor Colin.  Hope he feels better.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Just checking in.  I hope Colin is home now!   

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hello , thank you for the concern, yep, he's home! He got home last night around 7pm. So I had run about to get everything ready, including fave food etc. He was pretty worn out because in their infinite wisdom, they sent him by road, in an Ambulance which took over 4 hours to get here. He is up and about today and looking much better. He has a beard, which he thinks he may keep for a while and I just cut his hair and nails. He has to go back in December for the rest of the procedure.

    I had my Pink Ladies meeting today with the lovely Amoena rep to show us new bras and clothing which was interesting. Some nice new active wear tops.I had lunch with the rep, and our regional breast care nurse, so I am home now and feeling pretty sleepy. I may just have a little snooze!

    Nothing else to report, I hope everyone iis OK, I will be back later...M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Hi Colin!!  Welcome home!!  Hugs and kisses!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Welcome home Colin. Ouch. A four hour ride. Yuck!  He deserves some spoiling and M deserves several naps and Dex a belly rub. 

    DP. I think renting is most excellent advice. They don't want to rush.  I hope you can convince them. 

    Slept for six hours! Thanks to X and no naps all week. Didn't hear BG get in bed with me (every night this week). Had to kick cat out but dog stayed. 

    She's still asleep! Had our first obedience class last night. She got tired/bored. Tried to slip out her collar and chew on her leash. Was switched to a harness;)

    She is a strange lab. Doesn't seem to like her food and it's one of those high dollar, all meat. Was told she didn't like the water. She doesn't fetch or play. Poor baby has a lot of catching up to do! 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    yea Colin!

    Z dogs need carbs, go to Dog Food Advisor and check out the foods. My 2 get either Science Diet, or Purina. My last 2 dogs lived to almost 15 on those. These 2 have no health issues at 4 & 5.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Ava eats Canidae no grain. She does well on it.  Poor doggie doesn't know how to play. I hope he will learn.  Sleeping for 6 hours!!  Sweet!!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    my last poodle was a rescue who was badly abused. Poor boy never learned how to play.  He did like chew sticks, and going to dog park.  Kris is a rescue too. He lived with kids who were mean. Spookie won't share toys, so he doesn't get to play much.  But he will grab a toy and take it to my bed and wrestle with it. That drives her crazy.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I've been trying to convince them but my grandfather is being so stubborn about everything. Getting my ixempra infusion. NP first told me to hold off another week on xeloda then she told me not to when she was looking at my brain mri which is supposed to show marked improvement. Tumor markers went up again, so I don't think it was just a flare. Will find out after ct on the 21st. 

    Glad Colin is home. Hope you are both resting. 

    Sasafire is bored at school. Lol. Poor baby. I saw the most beautiful girl on the news this morning. I wanted her so bad. She has been on twice and no one will adopt her. Presumably because she is big and black they said. But she was precious and had the same white marking on her chest as Reggie. I know. There is no way I could handle that right now. 

    I slept for three hours here. Can't believe it and even with decadron in my premeds. NP poopoo'ed my numb chin. Gave me meds to mask headaches. Perfect. At this point I will take it though. Maybe they might help my back too. 

    Back later

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Hi DP!  Reporting in from your infusion!  I too cannot handle another dog.  Welcome home Colin!  M, I hope you will spoil yourself too.  You must be so tired after all the running around and work and worry!  I hope you get lots of rest.

    No rest for the wicked, however.  My brother coming in an hour.  With new GF and his two boys.  He says he is bringing take-out?? That will be nice, if true.  He said he wants to introduce us to GF (even though he is not really speaking to us).  But really he wants us to watch the boys until their mother picks them up so he can go on a date.  I don't need to be manipulated in any way. I would love to see my nephews.  I just love them.

    And THEN... I am going to MD's on Sunday for the afternoon.  OMG.  I am going to be exhausted this week.  We have all been summoned by my sister.  Her son has just had a baby, and we are all to see the baby.  Oh -- yikes.  I just realized I have forgotten to get a present for the new baby!

    Z, your sweet Sassifire will play in her own way.  She sleeps in the bed!  I am so happy.  Maybe that's part of the reason you are having a good sleep?  She is doing her job.  Good girl!  I just love her already.

    Bobo doesn't like water either.  He is also very picky about food.  Sassifire is probably used to junky-type foods!  You might have to experiment a little until you find one that is healthy(ish) but tastes good to her.  Have you tried mixing a spoonful or two of wet food in with the dry, then adding 1/2 cup or so of warm water (mine is from tea kettle), then mixing it all up to make gravy?  That's what I do with Bo.  Perhaps Bird will have some good advice in this area?

    DP, I hate to hear of anyone poo-pooing your SEs or symptoms of any kind.  That makes me pissed.  I am going to come over there and start smacking some people around. XXX

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Heloooooo ladies, just posted on other thread but wanted to see how DP and the Grands were doing. Yikes, DP, you must be stressed by Grandad, what is he thinking? It is nearly Monday, no time to be stubborn, I'd be a wreck. I hope you are staying calm.

    Bpbp, I am going with you in tandem! I want to slap these bloody Dicktors of DP's too! I am so pissed by the attitude.

    Dex was a rescue too, he is OCD and has rules for everything. He plays differently with Colin as he has worked out Colin's limitations. He loves to play, but it has to be his way or the highway. Ho won't fetch a ball and just bring it back, he has to fetch come sort of near you and roll over with the ball in his mouth and he lets you take it. It can be tiresome playing with Dex! LOL

    Dex was on Science diet after his surgery, but one day he just decided he didn't like it any more. The Vet told me that dogs will eat whatever you give them, I don't think so! So I managed to find another food with pre and pro biotics, a natural meat with veg and oats or rice, I mix the two and he loves it, for now, anyway!

    Must get into the shower, talk later...M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    Can't help with dog food. Ours never turned down a meal, ever. Cats are different. Squeakers likes dry food - not so much wet. One day he walked to Goldie's dish, sniffed her wet food and started covering it up. Very funny.

    Kiko, our crazed frisbee dog wouldn't give up the frisbee until she saw you had another one ready to throw. She was so cute with our neighbor's toddler. The toddler would throw the frisbee about 3 feet. Kiko would put on the show like it was 30 feet. Clearly training the toddler who was mightily impressed.

    Bobo, Your brother and MD in one weekend? Don't forget to wrap your ego in bubble wrap.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    z hVe you started actually calling her sasafire yet? Lol. Glad she is fitting in. I had a couple of boys who turned their nose up at all the fancy food. One day I tried ol Roy's brand of kibbles and bits and they loved it. They were strays after all guess they didn't have caviar taste.

    Good luck with all that bobo. Perhaps you need a mouth guard for all the tongue biting you will be doing. You know we will all await a full report.

    Wren you always have the cutest pet stories.

    GPs pushed closing back by one week. I am looking at one last house tomorrow tht I saw tonight. They have a bid in on another house that I don't like. Te best thing about it was tht they could move in this weekend but then that changed and I don't really like anything else about it. So I'm giving one last hurrah and hopefully this could be it. Have not told them about it. If it looks good im just going to put my foot down!

    Yes m you better have some spa treatments scheduled for his week.

    I had forgotten about the ixempra chest pain. Ugh. Not too bad so far this time though. Starting xeloda cycle in the morning. more ugh.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi all, just about to go to bed. It has been so hot here today, but when the cool change came I opened all the sliding doors and let the wind blow through the house. It is quite pleasant now.

    I am watching Con Air! Haven't seen it for a while, but love it! Just put the bunny back in the box! bahahahaha

    Tomorrow is big market day, so there will be organic Vitamix soup tomorrow night and Dex will get a big walk around the market.

    I hope you all have a lovely later.... M x

    DP, I am in the bag for your appointment!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Bobo:  your sister is a grandmother, and that makes MD a great grandmother???  Holy Crap!  We are expecting a full report after this weekend. How was visit with nephews?

    I have no dog food advice. Ava eats anything, including rocks.  I'm sure she was starved in her early life. Rocco would eat anything too except shrimp and zucchini.  Ava loves zucchini.

    DP:  hope the house hunting goes well. And UGH on all that chemo. Can't you have meds for that pain?  I hate to see you in pain.

    Cool here this morning and every part of my body aches. Fibro is such a wonderful thing. Off to get groceries to make chili and then I will walk for my day's cardio. 

    **waving at all**

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I took a hydrocodone when I went to bed last night. It finally kicked in I think a few hours later. I slept for four hours, one hour at time.

    The house was decent. The kitchen was a bummer and why in the heck when you are remodeling a house would you leave a washing machine in the kitchen and the dryer outside? And no real space for the fridge? It was very bizarre.

    For some inexplicable reason, I'm having the nerve pain in my back and side that I had after my lung surgery. Wtf? I never found a pain pill that helped with that.

    I watched conair last week m. Bond had never seen it. It's just a good movie and nic was so buffed up for it.

    M is hot and glennie is making chili. Ha. I'm sure my stomach would disagree but chili does sound good. It's cold again tonight. Too much chill in the house. Want to light fireplace and hibernate in bedroom.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    anyone have a good story tonight? Really long night starting already. Damn time change.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Short story:   One of my friends came over for a 4 episode Graham Norton marathon. Had Pizza. Now watching Pit Bulls and Parolees.

    Graham Norton had awesome guests as always.  U2! Robert Downey Jr.  Robert Duvall. Taylor Swift. John Cleese. Lenny Kravitz. Hugh Grant. Emma Thompson,,, and I can't remember who else.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Hey DP. I don't have a good story, but I did get out of the house. Went to the new Disney movie Big Hero 6. It was ok.. girls loved it. Went out to an Asian place afterwards and was expecting greatness since 90% of the people there were Asian. The broccoli was so hard I just about broke my teeth off. They must have cooked it 10 seconds or something.

    It's very cold here - windchill is 33. Big game here today - MSU vs Ohio State. Stadium looks to be filled... crazy people sitting out in this cold. At least it's not raining/snowing.....yet.

    All this talk about cleaning has somewhat inspired me. I have most of my laundry done, the upstairs is fairly clean, dishes are done, and this morning I cleaned out the pantry. I even recycled all my laundry jugs and bleach not like me. Maybe I better check for a fever! Downstairs still looks like a hoarder-wanna-be lives plenty left to do.

    Sorry about your house hunting. I've been looking for a new house for quite some time. There's just always something wrong...and most times it's the too small kitchen or the 1970's bathroom with pink tile and fixtures. I hope your grandparents find something soon.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi ladies! I went to the Market this morning and on my way back I discovered a new shop in the group of shops has opened. It is called "Angels on Lake Victoria" , my kind of store! I took Dex home and came back to take a look. I got talking to the lady who owns it and I asked her if she was interested in Sun Catchers. I went home to get some to show her and on the way back, I called into the Craft Center where I recently started selling them. The craft center had sold 6 of them and the lady from the Angel store took 7, on consignment!

    DP, I hope this house may work out for your Grandparents. That layout sounds a bit strange. I have my washing machine in the laundry, but I have the dryer outside in a room beside the garage, simply because we have a flat roof and there wasn't an easy way to vent the dryer in the laundry. It isn't a problem, having it out there because there is also a washing line right near the room.

    I had a really nasty neck injury caused by a Chiropractor back in 1999, he manipulated my neck and caused a disk to bulge out and touch a nerve. It was shitful and put me in the acute neurological ward of one of the big Hospitals for a week. There were a lot of different nerve drugs like Gabapentin, but I found Valium suited me better for the nerve pain, it relaxed the muscles in the neck. Neurofen is a drug lots swear by for nerve pain. I did make the mistake of going off the Valium without reducing the dose and suffered most of the long list of withdrawal symptoms, for having done that. Another shitful time! lol

    Glennie, that was a good evening with your friend. I promised Colin I'd make Pizza this week. I cooked a big steak dinner last night, with steamed vegetables and potato wedges with chilli.

    Waving PRB! I have had a couple of houses with that pink tiled bathroom! I am a serial renovator, I don't think I have ever bought a house, that I could leave alone.

    I have a girlfriend who is looking for a house, she sold the one she's in, and has to be out of there in January. She is hunting for a house that is walk in ready, but there is always something wrong in the houses she sees. I can't convince her to try something with good bones and renovate, to what she wants. I understand that renovating isn't for everyone.

    DP, I hope you are getting a rest...catch you later! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    PRB you have been busy!! Sounds like a lot of progress. Sorry dinner was disappointing. I personally like my broccoli with every possible nutrient cooked out if it. Nothing against the nutrients, just like it falling apart.

    Gosh m, with things like that happening to you, it's no wonder you've coined the term shitful! I took gabapentin for a while for my feet. Didn't do much. Hoping this reoccurrence of pain has to do with me being sick or something? Look at you peddling more sun catchers. Next thing you will be international. That's awesome!

    Glennie those are great guests. I never think to watch him. Not sure if it's up anyone's alley, but is anyone watching the foo fighters sonic highways series on hbo? I've never been a fan of Dave grohl at all but the series is quite interesting. Especially the Nashville episode so far.

    Earlier Lisa Robertson convinced me I needed a humidifier. Then I fell asleep for twenty minutes because I already have a clarisonic. Now I'm watching hunger games catching fire. Meanwhile, poor Reggie actually is catching fire. He wanted to get in bed the last few nights and the poor baby gets so hot. I've had to get out from under the covers because it is so claustrophobic between he and bond. he is just laying panting, moving the whole bed. Sometimes I have to kick him out for his own sake.

    More pain pills did not equal more sleep. At least I shouldn't get hooked that way!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    wow. PRB. Must be the full moon. My laundry is caught up too. Need to put away BG's clothes. It's a sin how many she has.

    Boy going to match socks! He loves to and is earning pennies for a new library. He even swept the whole house yesterday. That $20 dirt buster on a stick has really paid off. Still need to get that mop you all rave about.

    Crashed early. Flu shot Friday. Both kids wound up in bed with me. I know the sandwich feeling well. Put on a new duvet and was sweating. Went to sleep in boys bed. BG followed me and went back to snoring.

    Do you love your clarisonic?

    Trying to decide what to make for dinner. DH finally getting home tonight. Been gone a week.

    BG has unbraided waves in her hair, soggy diaper, pjs that are saggy, baggy, runny nose and a bikini. Topped with either pink "Uggs" or Peppa Pig slippers. Homeless poster child.

    Need coffee and a sausage biscuit. But first everyone needs a bath. Boy playing boats.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    DP:  I love Graham Norton and got my friend hooked on him.  She doesn't get the channel that he comes on, so I recored them all and save them up for when we can get together and have a marathon.  It is the funniest show. NEVER fails to make me laugh. U2 !!   Can you imagine the audience when they found out??? That was so amazing. OH, and Neal Diamond was also there. Forgot him. 41 albums and that man's voice still sounds the same!

    I like my broccoli kind of medium cooked. Not too hard not too soft. Like baby bear,, just right!

    M: exciting news about the suncatchers!!  New business for you. Angels really watch out for you!!

    PRB:  Pink tile??  oh well. My mom's house is really old, I think it was built in 1948 and one bathroom has pink tile. And that is the good bathroom!  The other one has a pink toilet, and blue and yellow tile in the shower!!  I think that did that one from the bargain basement tile store!! So weird!!  My kitchen here has lemon yellow cabinets. I didn't really like them at first but I've learned to live with them and embrace the yellow! Good job on cleaning.

    Ava did not pee in the office last night. Will see what happens when Sharon and I go to the art show.

    **waving to all**

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    M. Sun catcher in my car. The sun was shining on it, I need to shorten that chain so it's higher. When this cast comes off!image

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    That pink tile sure was a hit back in the day! Both of my daughter's elementary schools had it in the bathrooms too. I suppose it was maybe the 50's and not the 70's. The 70's was more of a harvest gold theme, wasn't it?

    Maybe it is a full moon Z, because I am contemplating doing a closet or 2 today. I think I have just reached the point where I can't take it anymore. 23 years in a small house...something has to give. I can't imagine a world where my whole house is clean and the feeling it must bring knowing you can really relax...and not think " I should go clean xyz".

    Tomorrow is the 4 year anniversary of my hysterectomy and the finding of endo cancer. Wonder what has happened to all my intestines now that there's no uterus to support them.. Do they all fall down into the void? Can I use that as my excuse for my big gut? Had some jabbing pains in that area last night. I have never really worried too much about recurrence with the endo cancer. I mean, I think about it occasionally, but it doesn't compare to the worry bc has given me. I suppose I need to try taking Armidex again...first time turned my brain to mush in 5 days.

    M - you need to get on QVC with your sun catchers. You'd probably sell 100,000 on your first appearance! You'd have to employ us all to keep up with demand. I really do like mine. Hey, maybe your angels are here helping me get energy to clean! I didn't notice the fairy dust when I unpacked it :) Oh.. and thank you to Glennie for shipping it to me. I appreciate the time and effort both of you put into that.

    Time for some breakfast... looking at the sun catcher and making a wish for eggs and bacon ;)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    M on QVC!!!!  That would be so awesome!!!  OMG!!!

    PRB:  I wonder about my intestines too now that they have more room to spread out!!  Congrats on your 4 year anniversary.


    Must dash!!  Back later