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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    I didn't realize that Thanksgiving was a Thursday, so you have a holiday on the Friday, is the Thursday a holiday too, making it a 4 day weekend?

    I worked for a big department store when Bec was small and we used to be open at ridiculous times too. One night in the lead up to Christmas, every year, I had to work all night, because the store was open for 24 hours. It was a bit of a novelty for people up till about 1am, then it was dead quiet till around 6.30am, it took us all our energy to stay awake. We would give each other facials and paint our nails, when there was no one around and run around with no shoes on, it was a real pain in the butt! M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    I really respect the stores that close so their staff and celebrate with their families. I'm old enough to remember stores being closed on Sundays and only staying open late one day a week.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    No Glennie, he doesn't look well at all. He is so rarely sick, that it is very noticeable. It stands to reason though, apart from putting in the stent, nothing else has changed, he still has the same issue he was in Hosptal for and was sent to Melbourne for. He had to go back to our local Doctor yesterday, after calling the Surgeon, because I was worried about blood loss. It doesn't seem to be an issue for the Doctor, but it worries me. I will be glad whe he goes back too have this all resolved. I just wish they didn't want 6 weeks for the stent to stretch the tube. I'd like it done asap.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Yes, our Thanksgiving is always on a Thurs so for many people, it is a 4 day weekend.  Then there are the rest of us,,,


    Yeah, Kohl's is especially bad.  They are already staying open until midnight, and my SIL says no one is shopping that late at this point.  As it gets closer to Christmas, they do stay open 24 hours. It's really crazy.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    M: we post at the same time.    Well this sucks!!  I don't think he should have to wait that long. Why didn't they blast the stone to break it up?  Crap on a Chapstick.   I thought he was feeling better,,, crap! 

    Are you getting out the power suit???  6 weeks, is like Christmas,,,,

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    poor Colin. Get on them m. Does he at least have good pain meds I hope? Black Friday isn't actually a holiday but some companies close that day. Being that I've serviced retail distribution clients for the last 10 years, my holiday schedule has been jacked. Don't even get me started on kohls. Thanksgiving day is the busiest day for e-fulfillment at kohls and amazon, so you know what that means. I have to say that jc Penney was always very respectful of their own employees holiday time and was family oriented. Oh and m it's called Black Friday because traditionally that would be the first day of the year that a stores books would be in the black for the year. I haven't go bed the last few years because the deals just aren't there anymore. Not worth it. I used to always go to jcp to get the free snow globe while on my shopping frenzy. Deals were good back then. Remember all the free by rebate stuff at the office stores? I think the last globe I got was 2011. People are just so crazy now. I can't deal with them.

    I hope DH decides to be sociable for thanksgiving Andrea. Hate that you are so far away from family.

    It's actually freezing tonight. Brrrr. Watching Alice Cooper 2011 Halloween concert. I love Alice cooper. Bond doesn't get it. That is one thing ex and I had a connection with. Lots of fun at the horror shows. Even met Alice at one. And loads of other awesome people. Good times. The 12 foot Frankenstein just came out. Back later.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    awaiting m's story of how she partied backstage with Alice cooper in the 70s. Poison!! Best stripper song ever!!!! Rocking out....

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Ha, just saw your Alice Post, I never did party, but I did go to several of the shows, my ex interviewed him lot of times for the TV and radio. I love Alice! Sounds to me, you may have some great stories DP, come on tell us some!

    Had to laugh, Bec called me to say her Uncle, the BIL, I spoke of yesterday, is playing in Melbourne tonight and he dropped by her work, to take her out to lunch today. I told her about you girls revving me up about him, she had the standard response of your children, when something like this comes up....."ewwww, you and Jon, don't make me go there!" lol

    Thanks DP, now I get why it is Back Friday!

    Glennie, the way it was explained to us was, some stones can be blasted and turn to powder, but others are made of a different substance and have to be physically removed, there was even a mention of laser, but I can't recall exactly what was said.. Apparently, the instrument that they will retrieve this 9mm stone with, has a grabber, as well as a blaster attachment so they can do both. The reason it is 6 weeks, is that is how long it takes this stent to stretch the tube and valve, so the rest of the stones can be retrieved. It isn't that they are just keeping him waiting, it takes this long for the stent to do what it has to do. I hate that it takes so long, but there is nothing we can do.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I still say UGH on waiting.  Poor Colin. Maybe some Vitamix soup will perk him up. 

    I'm laughing at Bec's reaction!!

    Good morning all!!  It's my day off and I'm going to the derm in a little while and get my moles looked at.  How exciting is that???  Hopefully after that I'll find something more entertaining to do.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Poor Colin. He just does not feel good. Of course he does not. I know M will get right on it and get those Dicktors moving if she needs to. And poor Andrea.

    Andrea, I am nearly totally out of fat. PS saved the inside of thighs. But after that I am out. Maybe they could get some fat out of my head.. Or, wait! My Betty arms. They won't do those.

    Laughing at everyone educating M, head shopper, about Black Friday. I don't know why anyone goes. I don't really like those things that are on sale. We have old TV. Plus, now they have Black Friday sales online, if you want them.

    We are going to scale back for Christmas this year with the children. They have every toy. And they don't even play with them. They just spread the parts around and roll on the floor. Still.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    blasters and grabber attachments, this Is starting to sound like Star Trek. Poor Colin. Six weeks over the holidays too. Tht stinks.

    No wild stories from me. I think far too much to do anything really crazy. That's why I admire people like you who strike up conversations with strangers and do wild fun things. My head always gets in my way. I've met lots of celebs and done fun things but my book wouldn't be very exciting. Now the book I could write on the crazy ass shit that temps do is another story.

    I forgot to answer about the beading. It is just jewelry that isn't very great. But it gives me something to do. I had the tote out because I was repairing something for bond ages ago and I suddenly got inspired with something. I should be working on putting stuff on eBay instead but that's so much work. Lol.

    Glennie I hope your moles are very boring to look at.

    Hope everyone is having a good day.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    A friend asked me to go to the mall with her many, many years ago on a Black Friday. I was young and naive and didn't realize what I was in for. Never again.

    My 12 year old still believes in Santa. How in the hell can this be? Her friends have told her for years, but she insists that "if you just believe" ... then Santa is real. I think she is just afraid to give it up for fear that she won't get any gifts otherwise. I really, really, really don't like Christmas. The stress really gets to me. I suppose there is some lifetime theme going on here... I always rebel against anyone trying to 'make' me do something. My sister and I butt heads all the time because she needs to know 3 weeks in advance if I'm coming for a visit. She tries to 'make' me commit, and that just brings out the ugly in me and I just decline the invitation.

    I loved the "Killer" album of Alice Coopers. Oh M.. don't disappoint us now.. we want to hear how you were on the tour bus for a week and did Alice's make-up before the concerts! Just remembered, yesterday a vendor called me at work. The company is in Australia and man I loved his accent! Thought of you M and wonder how twangy your voice might be. We should all do a Google hang out some day and hear/see each other.

    Hah.. my sister MADE me turn on HSN last night to view this stupid purse that had a charger in it for a phone. I'm like.. what? So you have to charge the charger? Neither of us has a smart phone, so we were laughing at that nonsense. It baffles me how people are so connected to their phones and are willing to pay significant amounts of cash each month to use them. I really don't get it. It's really bad here on campus. Kind of sad actually. Kids walking around campus glued to their phones. They can't walk 5 minutes to class without checking it? Man, they must have some important stuff going on... you know.. like their friends texting them about the tacos they're about to eat.

    I have the afternoon off today. Wheeee. Friend from work is coming over to finish working on the 'let's fix up the snow blower on our lunch hour' project that has turned into a 3 or 4 lunch hours event (I have lost count). The snow is on it's way. Heard that the Upper Peninsula of Michigan got something like 24 inches!! Not sure I'll be able to survive another winter like last year.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    My moles were very boring!  YAY!!

    My pharmacist friends think we should write a book about the crazy things that happen at work. No one would believe it.  I would love to hear what the temps do.

    PRB: I think it's sweet that she still believes!!  Don't let sister stress you out. Why have holidays if they are all about stress?  That's why I decided I'm never going to Miami again for Thanksgiving!  Too much stress.  Tell your sister "no" now,, and remove stress and have a nice Christmas at home!  Start a new tradition. Play monopoly or something. Sing Carols. Serve lunch at homeless shelter.  My synagogue is going to have people baking/buying cookies and taking them to fire fighters/police who are working on Christmas.  **I am working on Christmas!** Maybe I get some too. **chortle**  I don't bake, but I can buy and maybe deliver before work time. Must find out more details.

    And if too much snow,, come to FL.  I have two couches that open into beds and a inflatable mattress. And 2 bathrooms!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    OH, forgot to mention. Neighbor just got a 3 month old Maltese/poodle puppy. He is so adorable. We are chatting and Ava sits and patiently waits for us to finish.  The pup climbs on her back over and over again. She totally ignores him! It is so cute!! The pup is smaller than Ava's head, yet he is mounting her from behind!  **hysterical**

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    Post a pic of this daddy wannabe

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    I agree Glennie! When I first moved to the US I thought it was so wonderful that most people had Thanksgiving day off to spend with their family, then everything changed. Everyone is just getting too obsessed with things, and accumulating them. Funny thing when I was told I had cancer none of my stuff mattered!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Clapping hands for boring moles, good for you Glennie! Mental note to have my skin check, I have had a couple of nasties removed too. One blasted off my upper lip with freezing gas which left me looking like I had a cornflake stuck to me for a couple of weeks, not a good look!

    The maltese poodle would be gorgeous! Sweet Ava. We have a new puppy that visits with the people who help out with the garden named Fletcher, he is a Red Kelpie and OMG is he fast and agile. He gives Dex a workout, but I couldn't keep up with one like this.

    PRB, I love that your Daughter still believes, I was a bit that way too, my Dad was the most amazing storyteller, who could weave wonderful tales of fairies and even Santa into real life experiences. I miss sitting at the fire with him, hearing about his fabulous adventures all over the world, when he was on the big ships. The other thing about your Daughter is that she isn't afraid to talk about it, that shows something special about her too!

    Hahaha, a charger in your purse to charge your phone that has to be charged as well, now that's really silly!

    I hate cell phones, they are treated like a new body part over here. I can't believe how people can be so totally distracted from reality. I refuse to have a "smart" one. I went to the shop to buy a new phone when we moved here. I concede that I do need to have one, more for emergencies, than anything else. When I went to buy one I said I wanted an actual phone with a qwerty keyboard, none of this swiping shit for me, I hate that. They had 2 phones, just 2 phones, that met that criteria, one that was large numbers etc for sight impaired and the other, which I bought is like a Blackberry. It takes pictures and has never been connected to Bluetooth or the internet and never will be. What nonsense, there have been more fatalities in cars from people sending bloody text messages, than anything else in the past few years. Phone rant over!

    DP, I understand exactly what you're saying. I can't help myself, I talk to everyone and always have. My Dad was the same, we could go out for a meal and we would end up at another table or with people joining us and he'd have people in raptures with his great experiences. Even Bec, is the same, when she was little I remember stopping to talk to a neighbor when we were out shopping, I turned around and she had cozied up on a bench with a homeless man, telling him some kind of story. It was really hard to teach her not to be too friendly to strangers, but not to squash her natural friendliness.

    I love beading DP, I am obsessed with finding antique glass beads, that I can incorporate into the designs. I have th ladies at the opp shops keeping anything interesting for me.

    Hi Bobo, you know I love to shop, Black Friday is just another excuse! I get it, about the kids having so much, I got to that stage too, enough is enough with all the toys.

    Going to be "HOT" here today, so I am going to get moving early so I can be home by midday. Catch you later...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    I used to love Black Friday. GF and I would plan our routes. Get up a little earlier than normal and be eating breakfast by 8 and be done!

    My Black Friday story involves a flat screen tv. Lusted after one for several years. Didn't feel like I could pass up the deal thanksgiving night. Measured the Mini, stood in line. DH home with the baby (boy).

    Bought it at a not so nice neighborhood. TV wouldn't fit in mini. Arghh. What to do? Unpacked the sucker in the parking lot. Left the debris in the shopping cart. Lots of cops around. No one asked questions or offered to help.

    BG is screaming her head off. Installed a baby gate. She got out of her room last night and bit the dogs ear! She is sporting a couple scrapes on her forehead and temple. Today was pix day.

    The dog was provoked but I'm a little worried. BG not afraid of her.

    Off to a parent teacher mtg. Attendees kids can dress out of uniform on Friday. It's "g" week so he can wear his Grand Canyon tshirt!

    It's cold and dark. Just want to curl up in bed.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    Ohhhh I want a puppy. Well not really but one I could give back would be great. It is true about Santa PRB. If you don't believe, he won't bring you anything. I learned that young and I still get gifts from Santa. Omg ! That stupid charger! Ivevalwaysvthiught it was so stupid. If we can't manage to keep our phones charged, how the hell will we remember to charge the charger?

    Of course m was doing the makeup. Why didnt I think if that?!

    Those are great ideas for thanksgiving glennie. Glad the moles were boring.

    Love little bec telling homeless man a story. You get to live a much more interesting life that way.

    Oh no z. I wonder who won that fight? Good news is that sasafire could have done a lot more damage if she wanted to but didn't. That restraint is a good sign. Bad news that bg isn't afraid. Baby gate good call. Pic days like that make great stories years from now. Good luck at teacher conference.

    I will give you a real good story later but for now, a surprisingly common thing temps do is build false walls out of boxes and sleep behind them. Both in the racks and on trucks. A couple of guys got shut into a trailer once and were almost on their way to the highway. Luckily they woke up and we had an extra security check at the exit gate.

    Favorite thing ever said to me by a temp: "I ain't afraid to go back to jail!"

    She had inadvertently selected for her check to be mailed to her home. So she was going to come kick my ass because I didn't have her check. Use that line next time someone pisses you off. Ha

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I forgot to say, forget google. I think we should meet up on Vegas. Package deals are cheap right now...

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Agree, Andrea, people are way too obsessed with things.  Especially their stupid phones!!  OK, so Friend and I are heading out. I get the green arrow to turn, and person in the opposite side goes thru her red light.  She was on her phone!!  Friend said I bet she was texting!!  Could have caused an accident!!  I'm with you, M,,, I don't want a smart phone. I still have a dumb one,, it's 4 years old, but I love the real keyboard!  It is great for texting! Call and text,, that's what I do.  I save the internet for my other devices in Wifi areas. 

    Z: I imagine those cops have seen it all. You unpacking a TV did not phase them in the least!  But oh dear about Dog and BG!! Why would she bite his ear?  Silly thing.  She is fearless.  YAY for boy to wear his Grand Canyon shirt.

    DP: that is hysterical about building walls with boxes and going to sleep behind them. Geeeez.  And meeting in Vegas would be awesome.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    I want to come to Vegas! Ahhhhh, Big Hotels, Shopping, Great Food, Cabana Boys, no, not really, just checking if you're reading! DP, that's hysterical, building places to sleep on the job, indeed! Not afraid to go back to jail! Hahaha I am going to use that one!

    Zills, it can be as hard to train the kids, about the animals, as it is to train the animals. I have always had rescue dogs, so had to take extra care, when Bec was younger, you can never be sure what has been done to them in the past. That was good restraint by Sasafire!

    I can just see you, stripping that television out of the box in the carpark and shoving it into the back f a mini! Cold and dark for you, hot and sunny here and I am chasing a blowfly around the house Dex is phobic about flies and won't rest till I have slain the fly dragon, for him!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    I have a smart phone. *ducking bricks*. I don't have a working computer, so if I want to post, this is it. It does have the regular key board. I just recently changed my plan, so now I can text. Still don't see what's so great about it.

    But I do love all the stuff one gadget can do, alarm clock, calculator, I really suck at math. I'll always have one. Oh yeah, talk on it too.

    Cut the landline years ago

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    installment 2: at kohls they don't have doors on the bathrooms. You can see into the sink area when walking by. Anyhow, first year we were there, two girls were caught having sex in te bathroom. I don't I I all the details because thank goodness, they were not my employees. But all I can say is ewwww. That bathroom was disgusting. I didn't even like peeing it. Can't imagine what germs they were picking up.

    While on topic of the demon kohls temps. Last year one of my employees was smoking pot on the enclosed patio smoking area. It was common place for hem to smoke it in their cars before coming in but seriously in the designated smokig area? They had balls. Last year was he scariest group of employees ie ever had. Ever.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hahahaha DP, and they were the ones that got the job, what were the ones like, who didn't match the hiring criteria? Yuck, doing it in a dirty bathroom....gross!

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    Spookie, I'm with you. I love my phone. That said, I don't use it on the internet unless I'm out of town. I do like being able to text, since people can look when they have a chance and it's not ringing repeatedly. I use it for photos too. I send them to my email to save on my computer.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    More temp stories! More temp stories!
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I like texting, because then the person can see the message whenever, and like you said, is not disturbed by the phone ringing.

    Love the temp stories, DP!! Sex in gross bathroom and smoking pot on the job! Woot!! Way to go, temps!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    m when they give you 4 hours notice to hire and start 400 people, there aren't a lot of people who don't get hired. That was truly the worst group of employees I've ever had in 15 years. The first two years weren't that way because we were able to plan ahead at least a little. But corporate geniuses are continually trying to "improve" their costs on contingent labor. That most always means saying you are not going to use temps. Then when orders still come in (shocking) ordering hundreds of temps at the last minute to get the work done.

    Grandma is trying to get the hang of texting. She started texting me "r u up" to try to avoid calling and waking me in case im napping. So I call her when she does this because I know that is what she wants. On the other hand, I don't know how to tell her that she is missing the concept of texting when I send her a text. For example, if I'm very tired and about to go to bed, I may text her to say "check your email I sent you somethig". Then my phone immediately rings and I have to stand by while she opens and reads the email. This type of exchange has happened several times but I don't have the heart to tell her that sometimes texting is because I don't want to talk.

    When you work on-site, you kind of become a mother to all of your employees. When asked why I didn't have kids I would always say that I had 1200. And when you have that many it is like every minute your turn around someone jerking on your dress screaming mama mama mama. It is exhausting. But anyhow, in this capacity, I have had to notify two people that their dogs had died and one girl tht her husband had died. I am not exaggerating that both employees whose dogs died were infinitely more upset than the girl who lost her husband.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Wow, DP,,, what a burden on you to have to tell your employees such sad news.

     At least Grandma is trying!! I remember my Grandma trying to get the hang of answering machines:   "Hello, hello,, are you there? It's Grandma."    If she could only see the technology we have now,,,,

    She had her first plane ride at age 86!!  She was such a pistol.  I miss her still.