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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    First photo of my fosters together. Goldie is in the window. Squeakers wants to be in the window (only sunny spot).


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    Goldie looks like she is gloating about being in the window

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Squeakers is thinking about pushing Goldie out of the sunny spot.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    Goldie looks like an angel in that window! I must say, Squeakers does not have a chance for that spot. I love you, Squeakers!
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Today's frustration.  I wanted to get another swell spot,, so that I have a spare,, that way I would have one to wear while the other is being washed.  So here's the picture,,, see any difference between the two of them?

    The new one is the top one.  It doesn't cover the exact same areas as before,, and there is a HUGE seam in it!  It can't be flipped over as it has to lay a certain way,,, and it's totally different.  After months of trying things,, I finally found something that worked for me,, and they changed it,,,, I am so over this whole lymphedema shit.   Just so over it.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Morning all!

    Glennie, I hate that, why do they change stuff, just when you find what you want. That thing is totally different tot he first one. I hope you can send it back. Could you get someone to make one the same as the first, or ring the company to ask who would have old stock of the first type?

    Wren, I can see tears before bedtime, on that window ledge!

    DP, I love those stories, but what a terrible responsibility to have to pass on that news, to employees. I don't envy you that.

    Poor Grandma with the texting, she is trying. I think about how my Mother would have coped, and she just, well, wouldn't have! Technology was not her friend and she didn't like change, one bit. She and I were really like chalk and cheese, in lots of ways, we couldn't be more different.

    Warm here again today. I decided to empty the spa and clean it yesterday. Well today, I have a mess to clean up! Still haven't finished the wardrobe and the laundry is a mess. Not even slightly motivated too do any of it. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    wow glennie that's way different. I was thinking like m. Can you get a seamstress to recreate for you?

    Should we take bets on the squeakers Goldie showdown?

    Stayed in bed most of day again. Back and side aching again. Head doesn't feel so good either. My eye is aching all the time now and im having more frequent episodes of not being able to see out of left eye. Cough is out of control. Will tell NP tomorrow. I'm sure she'll get right on it. *eyeroll*

    I think we have a house. Bid accepted and inspection happening tomorrow. Cross fingers for good report.

    Would anyone like to comment on Kim k's ass crack? Holy crap! Wtf?

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I just remembered the several of you without televisions. Lucky you!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    i have done my best to NOT look at Kim K. 

    I called the company I ordered it from,, and I emailed them that picture. She was like,, WOW, that's different.  So I can return it,, no prob,, it's just getting another one like my old one.  The nice lady at LE products said she would contact the company,, and I also emailed the picture to them too.  So we'll see if I hear anything.  She also suggested that I try JOVI pak brand for compression.  But those cost twice as much as the swell spots.  Crap on a chapstick.  It's a pain ordering everything by mail,, seeing if it will work, and sending back the stuff that doesn't. I need a Lymphedema product store.

    I don't know if a seamstress can make these. I have to talk to my LE therapist, she said she could make me something.  She has not been the most helpful therapist,,, still really thinking about seeing that LE doctor in Orlando. 

    DP:  glad there is a house in the lineup !!   WOOT!!!  But this head hurting and cough and now eye hurting??? WTF?? They need to take care of you!!   GRRRRR!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    glennie my PT made me one out if this foam with grooves in it that she said costs like $100 a foot or something. Mail order for that stuff does stink. For bras too!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    She cancelled my last appt, cuz her daughter was sick.  Hopefully I'll see her next week and see what we can do. 

    $100 a foot,, geeeeez,,,,,,

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    I hate medical equipment stuff, it is a bit like boat stuff as soon as it becomes "Yacht" gear, you can add a zero to the cost. I always have a fit when I see what Colin's wheelchairs cost. You know how you can buy a really top of the range far out racing bike with all the bells and whistles, gears and brakes etc for about $3 or $4,000.00 His wheelchairs are about $7,000.00, it isn't like he has to buy them too often, but that's a lot for a chair, which doesn't have all the gear a bike has. The government rebate here is minimal too, just $1250.00 so, very out of pocket! Rant over!

    The wind has just picked up and is howling, but it is cool and coming off the water. It was so hot when I first went out I could hardly breathe, so this is a welcome change, early in the day. I need to get out and clean that spa, just don't want to! M x

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    hi all, just checking in from Mayo Clinic and boy is it cold in southern Minnesota...brrr wish I had some of your warmth Ariom. My friend is having surgery in the morning to remove the mass and her ovaries, but the good news is there has been no evidence of any cancer with the tests so far and they aren't expecting bad news but they also warn that nothing is certain until it is looked at under a microscope! So glad for her and her family, I was expecting the worst.

    Hello to all, just checking in, I need to catch up later.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Hi ND!!!  Glad to hear the good news.  Hope the pathology continues to be good!!  **fingers crossed**

    I bet you are cold,,, eeeek!!  Hang in there.

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2014

    Hey there y'all

    Is this the new meeting place????? Just found it. Just checking in to say hi. It is getting cold here in alabama. Freeze warning tonite. Puppies buried under covers. Cute

    K will check in later


  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    We are hanging out on both threads, i think.  It will be cold here tomorrow night. You are getting it first.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    that lip!! image

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    ndgirl: you are such a good friend! I hope all goes well with the surgery!

    DP: yay on the house finding! And I also love the Temp stories. I will think of that story everytime I use a washroom in Kohls!!!

    Ariom: can you see the ocean from your home? Do you ever see crocodiles in your neighborhood? Just ridiculous what they charge for a necessity like a wheelchair.

    I am cranky tonight...probably due to the yeast infection I got from the antibiotics for my UTI. Thank god for ice packs!!! Lol.

    Glennie: do you know how soon Diflucan starts to work by chance??

    Hope everyone has a great night! Me and my ice pack are going to bed now. Geez, hope I don't get frost bite!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Awwww, sweetie Ava! Lovely shot, Glenniie!

    Hi 02, yes we are jumping from one to the other, good to see you! Sorry it is getting so cold. I am sitting under the overhead fan watching TV this afternoon .

    ndgirl, I have been wondering how it was going in Minnesota. I am so pleased to hear that the news is looking good for your friend, I am sending positive thoughts, from way over here, give her a hug from me. I will be keeping fingers crossed for the final path report too! You take care of you, keep warm and let us know how it goes, if you have a chance. M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    NDgirl, I really hope the good news continues for your friend. Yes, stay warm and drive carefully.

    Update: Squeakers was a gentleman and gave up after about 20 minutes. Clearly Goldie doesn't know how to share. That really is the longest they've been that close without hissing.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi Andrea, posting at the same time! I am sorry about the yeast infection, that really can make you go mad. I hope the Diflucan kicks in fast. Yikes, be careful of that frostbite, you'd have some explaining to do at the Doctor! LOL

    We are overlooking Lake Victoria, which is part of the Lakes District, which comes from the Ocean, at a place called Lakes Entrance. The water is salt and we have fish and Dolphins, but no, no crocs in this neck of the woods! They are in the far north of Australia. We do have occasional Kangaroos, Echidnas, Koalas, Wombats and the odd Fox. We have lots of lizards and a huge number of fantastic birds, including Sea Eagles and Cockatoos, but my favorites are the 100 or so Pelicans that I often see, as I get up in the morning.

    If you google East Gippsland, you'd see the network of Lakes that surround us and the Ocean, which is just on the other side of the Dunes. We have an Island to the left and to the right of us, is an arm that curves around, with a beach and a boat ramp. Straight ahead, we have the Dunes that separate us from the Ocean and the 90 Mile beach. If you went straight ahead from where we are, you would eventually end up in Tasmania, which is the Island at the bottom of Australia. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Andrea, this is a picture taken from my bed on a beautiful morning when there was no wind and water was just like glass. You can see the Island on the left, which has a ferry that takes people and cars across the Straights and the land on the right is the beach, which has a lovely half moon of water inside there, with a boat ramp. The line you can see in the distance is the dunes and the open ocean is on the other side. We get the storms and the weather that comes from the Ocean, but we have this lovely body of water right in front of us.


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Ahhh Wren so they are beginning to tolerate each other better. That's good!

    Just discovered the posting of pics has changed, that was hard!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    oh Andrea you can't catch a break! Hope the meds kick in fast. Lol don't think the bathroom was near as clean as a store bathroom, this was in the nasty warehouse. Ha.

    That sounds just lovely m but I can't see your picture. I was just looking at a house in Australia that is very strictly feng shui. It didn't look as pretty as yours. Waiting room tv on hgtv lately.

    Hope the good news continues for your friend nd. She's lucky to have you as a friend.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Any exciting weekend plans?

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    define exciting? Tomorrow is Dogtoberfest Fest at a local park. Parking benefits an animal welfare place. They do puppy mill busts and rescue. Then a lot of breed rescue groups will be ther, with all kinds of doggy vendors.

    My idea of a great day

  • jennie93
    jennie93 Member Posts: 263
    edited November 2014

    Sounds like a great day to me too, Spooky!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Dogtoberfest sounds like fun! Hope you have good weather for it.

    DP: oooh, warehouse bathrooms are just nasty! Although the idea of any kind of hanky panky in a bathroom doesn't appeal to me.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Andrea: the Diflucan usually kicks in after a day or two.  In the meantime,, you could use some over the counter vaginal cream, like Monistat for a couple of nights until it feels better.

    M!!!  What a lovely view!!!   WOW!!!!

    I work all weekend,, so nothing exciting here. Dog fest sounds like fun, though.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Morning ladies! DP, so you don't see the photo at all? That's weird, I did have to reduce it down, I don't know what has changed, but it isn't as easy to add a picture now. I think Andrea must not have seen it either, or the post. I will try another one. M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014


    Can you see it this time? Top picture, is what you can see to the left, in the inside house shot, with the Island behind the Jetty.
