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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi girls, well it's 8pm and I have just made another 10 Sun Catchers. I still havent cleaned out that spa, the mozzies will be breeding in it soon, maybe tomorrow. I have done lots of laundry today but the house is a mess and the high winds have brought in the neighbors leaves, so the garden looks tragic too. Such is life! There was a time, not so long ago that I'd go nuts over this, not now! LOL

    DP, I am so sorry you have so much stress around you right now. I wish there was something I could do too help you. What a shame about the house, but better now, than after they buy it..yikes A storage place and a Motel, that won't be much fun for them. I hope something comes up fast.

    Wren I'd love to have you all, down here! Poor Goldie, I hope that passes quickly too. The car sounds wonderful! Colin is anti green, his Mother told me when he was a little boy he told her it was a shame that grass was green, because it wasn't a nice color! I like grey green and the extras on the car sound terrific. I don't know what I'll do when my car needs replacing. I ordered it from Japan, new, in 2000 and it has become my fave car, ever. I love it. It is like a Tardis, I can get anything in it, even managed a 6' pantry for Bec, once.

    PRB, I don't envy you, having to decide where to move to. I have a bit of a Condo fantasy! I figure, if ever this place gets to be too much, we could go to a condo, not that I ever want to have to do another move, but never, say never!

    How rude is that tenant, not letting you in. I hope the agent grows some and makes it possible for you to inspect. It is a bit like that agent where Bec is, the downstairs neighbor continues to add more and more garden paraphernalia around the perimeter of Bec's place.

    Z, I am in the bag for you, anytime! I know those things are a worry for you, but stress will do that to you, and the meds on top of that just exacerbates it.

    I was thinking about Dawny yesterday, she hasn't been around for a while. I sent her a message, but haven't heard anything back yet. M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Sure, I go to sleep and then the party starts! Lol.

    DP and Bobo: no promises about the ice. Gosh I hope meds kick in soon!

    Thanks for the sympathy Zills. I am amazed and envy anyone who has not ever had a YI. Mental note: eat more yogurt!!

    I remember trying to look at a house but everytime we went to see it there was a big nasty sounding dog barking inside. It sounded downright vicious when we tried to unlock the door so we gave up.That tenant definitely was in for the long haul.

    Missing Dawny too. Hope she is ok.

    PRB:I love town houses. I have lived in a few over the years and liked the friendships that I made with the neighbors. Although one time we lived beside an ex-con who had a hate on for my exhusband. But maybe he was onto something! Lol. Anyway he was always nice to me...albeit a little creepy. Oh I forgot, he was mean to my puppy. When I let her out to pee in the winter he would lean out his window and spray vinegar and water into her eyes. She kept coming in smelling of vinegar and her eyes got red. But when I called the animal control officer she told me I could press charges...but she didn't recommend it because he had been charged with firearm we moved.

    Wren: I Love the Ford Focus! I used my son-in-laws Focus one summer and said it would be my next car. So fun to drive and so economical!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    love that studio, and Mr Photogenic!

    Check out the low for Tues nIte. I did not move far enough south. Glennie, Bobo, let's get outta here!image

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Wow, the party started after I went to bed. I hardly know where to start!!

    Ava peed in the kitchen over night. I stepped in it. In my socks.  Good times.  She was right in my face, wagging her tail as I mopped it up, but I told her that I was displeased and made her wait for breakfast. Now she is sitting with her back to me, so I think she's mad at me now!! At least peeing on tile is better than peeing on the wood.

    PRB:  I live in a townhome.  One thing you want to find out are the Homeowner association rules. Do you have assigned parking spots? Are pets allowed?  What size? How does the insurance work?  I have two insurance bills,,, mine for the interior and my stuff and then then shared insurance for the outside part of the buildings.  Clarify what maintainence you are responsible for, and what they are resp for.  If I get a roof leak,, it's their problem, etc.   Check how sound proof the walls are. Have those nice neighbors blast their TV's and see if you can hear them.  Believe me on this!!

    Wren, congrats on green car.  Green is a healing color so maybe that's the answer to no cancer. I had a light green Honday Accord for 19 years, then I got this Honda Fit (silver) which I love. Now I have cancer, so I blame the car. Should have kept the green one.  Hope Goldie feels better soon.

    Let me go read the rest of the posts.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    M: I can get just about anything in my Honda Fit.  I put down the seats and put in a large 4 drawer filling cabinet that I was taking to donation.  It was awesome.  And 10 more suncatchers!  Wow,, you are amazing!!

    Spooks, it's cold.  Not much we can do except move to Hawaii.   I would do that, but they quarrantine dogs for 6 months. So never mind.

    **waving to all**

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Hey Glennie. I know most of those answers because a co-worker has lived there for over 25 years (he is far away from me though.. it's a big development). The one thing I don't know is how sound proof the walls are, but the lady I talked to said the renters in there now have 2 kids and they were afraid of that...but have not heard them. I'm thinking a couple of retired women won't be blasting their stereo too often .. well unless they're hard of hearing! I really don't know what to do. I would certainly miss my house ... but not the fear we have now since the break-in, or the constant driving I do to take my daughter to school etc. A part of me wants a fresh start... get rid of the clutter I have accumulated for 23 years and the baggage I've held on to (both emotional and physical). Maybe time to start spending part of my savings and start doing a few things for my daughter and me (like joining an expensive gym with indoor tennis courts). The practical side of me says.."no".. save that money for her education and my retirement years, the other side of my brain says "hey, we don't know how long we'll live... so live for today".

    Well, that's enough soul searching for me today. Need to get my hair cut, go to the condo showing, and then out to dinner tonight with a good friend. It's so damn cold here.. I just want to stay in bed.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    It's good to get a fresh start. And you listed a lot of good reasons for looking for a condo. And you can get rid of clutter and not have to deal with outside work, like lawn and snow!! 

     My townhome is on a cul-de-sac of 15 townhomes and I know most of my neighbors.  It's really nice. We socialize, borrow stuff, help each other out.   Ava knows which neighbors have cookies and she will march to their door, hoping it will open and reward her.   The only reason I mentioned the noise is that I had a problem,,, when the older neighbor was next door,  (In the now abandoned, mold home)  she used to blast her TV upstairs in her bedroom, and I could hear it downstairs in my bedroom!!  (i have a one story, but next door is a 2 story)  So that's why I brought it up,,, we have never been able to figure out the problem as to why I could hear it.  But it has been abandoned for 3 years now,, so it's nice and quiet. LOL!

    On Thurs, I keep hearing a beep,,, like when the battery in your smoke detector is dying,,,but it was not mine.  I discovered it was louder in the bedroom and figured it had to be coming from next door!  So I called the emergency number on the door (it is now a HUD property) and they sent someone out to take care of it.  It was quite annoying!

    Report in on the viewing!!  We want to know.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Morning ladies, cold and wet here today, definitely a stay at home day. I might get some stuff done that I have been putting off. It has rained all night, came down in buckets for hours. This morning Colin's carer came with an umbrella for the rain, but had to dodge the watering system, which had gone off just as she arrived. So it's back to the drawing board to set up the times, for the system to go off earlier. The control panel is in my little studio, but I am not good at setting up these things. Too scared to turn it off this morning, in case I couldn't program it again. lol

    PRB, I am all for the fresh start too. It may be just what you need after that awful experience. I am all for the clear out, it always makes me feel better! I know it isn't for everyone, Bec isn't one who embraces change or purging stuff! I know she wasn't always on board with my love of change and New Beginnings! let us know how the showing goes.

    Glennie, we don't have that Honda model here, I looked it up. It is like our Honda Jazz. I love Honda cars and I can see you'd get heaps in there too. Mine is a HRV sports which is a small HRV with 2 doors and a hatch back. They came out here at the same time as the CRV which is a more traditional HRV style with the spare, on the rear door. The CRV became the car of the "Ladies Who Lunch", in my town, but mine is the one that you can throw lots of shit in the back and not worry about it! lol When I was in the city, my girlfriends who have foofy little sports cars, mercs and bmw's, but who did they call to pick up the stuff they had bought, to get it home?????? Too funny! Love my old Honda.

    Glnnie, we have the 6 month quarantine for animals too!

    Spookiesmom, I didn't know there was a Dunedin in the US I thought you were showing the weather in Dunedin New Zealand. That's a beautiful place which was settled in the 1800's by the Scottish Free Church, I believe!

    Andrea, I am hoping your meds have kicked in and you're over that infection.

    DP, I am thinking of you and wondering if you've spent the day packing boxes and moving your GP's to a Motel? I hope you're ok. Is Bond helping too? I hope you can get some real rest tonight.

    Waving Betty everything to everyone else... back later..M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Yes, I love my little Honda.  I can fit a lot in it.  And I really love that the back seat bottom's flip UP.  That gives extra floor space. Ava needs that with her short legs.  I keep the right back seat permanently flipped up and a dog bed there for her. That is her spot. It's hard for her to climb into the car,,, it's low, but she can barely make it, and sometimes needs help. She would never fit in a regular size floor bottom without the seat flipped up.  I say that I bought the car for her!!  I'll have to take a picture of her in the car and post it here. I have some on my desktop,,,, I think,, will have to look.

    BOOOO on 6 month Quarantine.  Ava is not happy about that at all. NO moving to Aus, she says.

    The Gators lost in overtime,,, **sigh**  Poor Princess.  I hope she enjoyed the girl football party anyway.  They were winning for a while,,,,

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    This Dunedin was started by 2 Scott's in the 1800's. They took the names Dundee and Edinbourgh and combined them. That's the reason we have such strong Scottish roots here

    I've seen another poster around BCO from Dunedin NZ. Her name is Moria too!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi Spookiesmom. I have seen the other Moira on the boards too, but I don't know if I noticed Dunedin. That's interesting, I didn't know how the name came about. Would you believe, I have just turned the heating on. It is really cold and still raining, everything is gray like winter. At least the gardens have had a good deep soaking of rain, mine more than most!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    How crazy is that?  It's cold here and I was thinking about the heat too!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    The condo was nice. Seemed small though. Not sure all my crap would fit. DD really liked it. It had a very strong room deodorizer smell, but I don't think it was covering anything. The house was really clean. Maybe they have a cat. The layout seemed a bit odd to me, and its hard to explain..but to me if felt 'flipped'... like things should have flowed to the left, but they went to the right...if that makes sense. Area was super quiet and there's a stream out back. Nice and pretty, but it's small and not moving much... could be mosquito heaven. All kinds of nature trails around there.. so I suppose insects are to be expected. I didn't love it.. didn't hate it. When I finally got home, after being out and about all day, (and remember it's fricking cold) it just felt so nice to be home. Not sure I could ever feel that warm feeling in that condo...but I have lived here 23 years, so that's probably not a fair comparison. Realtor was really nice and said she'd see what the going price was for the units around there.

    After the condo showing, I went and got my hair cut. My stylist told me some very sad news. A mutual friend of ours (she grew up with her in a town 50 miles away, and I met her in my neighborhood years ago as she was walking her dog). Anyhow, she told me that Rosie had passed away. I was shocked. I hadn't seen her in several years, but thought she had just moved back to take care of her elderly mom. She died from... you guessed it ... fucking bc. She was always so full of life and so funny. Makes me want to cry...and really hit it home for me. Wonder what my daughter was thinking when she heard that. She really liked Rosie. Everyone liked Rosie. Strange.. makes me want to try taking Arimidex again. I am tired of feeling scared. My hair stylist is scared too. She has had stabbing pains for over a year now. Her mammo was normal, and every time I see her I tell her to insist on an ultrasound. Hope she will finally do it.

    After the hair cut, (yes I ventured out afterwards which is not like me cause it usually looks bad after a cut), we met a friend and her 30 year old daughter. I hate socializing..really I do.. but once I'm out I'm good. Really enjoyed it..even had a beer! Stupid waitress staff came over and sang Happy Birthday to me. I wanted to crawl under the table, but DD enjoyed the brownie and ice cream!

    So there you have it.. my condo review, my haircut review, and my OMG that beer tasted good review. :)

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    It's your birthday????   HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!    **I didn't know**  YAY for birthday beer!!

    Glad you got out. Sometimes it is hard to get out the door, but then you have fun when you get there. That happens to me.

    So you weren't thrilled with the condo,, it's the first place you looked.  If you keep looking, I bet you'll find something that you do like. 

    I'm sorry about your friend Rosie.  That sucks big time. I hope your hair dresser looks into her pain issue more closely.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Happy Birthday PRB, awww, that was sweet of the waitress. I think we all have that "Don't wanna go!" in us, I am a shocker, but then I'll be the last to leave! lol

    I am so sorry about your friends passing. I hate this disease so much.

    Like Glennie says, this was just the first place you have looked at and you didn't hate it! The right one is out there waiting for you to find it! M x

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Thanks. My birthday was on Wednesday. I took the afternoon off .. without waiting for approval from my supervisor. Apparently, I missed the pie they brought in to celebrate....but no matter, this new dept. I'm in is big on food... there were doughnuts there the next day for me...and the whole group singing Happy Birthday. I worked 26 years in Technical Support before this, and birthdays were never mentioned.

    There are a lot of condos out there..I just never really considered them. Maybe I'll find one before the snow flies. Oh wait.. the snow is already flying!

  • dawny
    dawny Member Posts: 588
    edited November 2014

    Hi everyone! Waving Betty bits. Sorry I was MIA, nothing wrong or going on, just super busy. I even went 24 hours without reading here, that never happens.

    Happy belated birthday PRB! You could always just look at a few places, that may help you make your decision. Either you definitely want to stay, or look ata some more.

    In the bag for Zills and Glennie this week. Hope DP is getting some attention from the dicktors, and helping GP's isn't wearing you out too much. Andrea, I hope you are on top of the infection now, the ice pack sounds like torture

    Very excited to have my new Thermomix delivered yesterday! I am loving it. I have made, not all at one meal, so far: bread and rolls, fresh orange juice, mango sorbet, vegetable stock, porridge with Apple and sultanas, minestrone soup, stewed rhubarb with orange and strawberries, and mashed potatoes. Phew! DD and I, are like, what shall we make next. Lol. Starting on the easiest things first. Xx

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Hi Dawny!!  No wonder you have been MIA!  You have new toy to play with.  Wow,, you have made a lot!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    crap! Lost my super long post. I'm so exhausted and phone about to die. Will have to start over tomorrow. Hi everyone and good to see you dawny.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Oh no DP! I hate when that happens. I hope you had a good day though.

    Dawny, nice to see you. You were missed, lol. Holy moly!! That is a lot of food...and such a variety. I am so mad at myself for missing out on the big sale on Vitamix on QVC a few weeks ago.

    PRB, I forget where you lived in Michigan. I lived there for five years (moved to Maryland 15 months ago). I lived in Shelby Twp. Right at the bottom of the thumb (a Michigan thing). I sure miss the shopping there!!

    Meds are not doing what I had expected. I am starting to wonder if I have something else wrong. Like maybe a different UTI. They ran a urine culture last week and I haven't heard anything. Thinking I have fissures instead. Could be from infections, antibiotics or Low Estrogen!!! Yep. Hello menopause! Or maybe fromTamoxifen.

    Now where did I leave my ice pack???

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi Dawny, I am on my way! That food sounds fantastic! Good to see you back!

    DP, sorry you lost your post, happens a lot. I want to know where they go. Is there a lost post box somewhere in cyberspace!

    I managed to get stuck into the clear out of the dressing room that has been getting junkier and junkier. I have been doing the classic hoarder thing of opening the door, and throwing stuff in. Can't be doing that any more. It has a guest bed in there that needs to be available for people who are putting out feelers, about coming to stay. I still have way too much of that makeup and the big raffle boxes I made are in there too, thank goodness I am going to draw that raffle and get rid of them at the next big Farmers Market in December. Did I mention I have a bit of Marika clothing? Oh, my goodness, what was I thinking? I have tubs full of it, tags on, never worn, even though there is barely a day goes by that I am not wearing Marika yoga pants with a Valletta and a jacket or a T shirt with a sports bra.

    Anyhooo, back into it, before it gets dark. I hope you have all had a nice evening and are tucked up in bed...sleep tight!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi Andrea, not to freak you out, I know this is driving you mad, but my Mother was on Tamox and had trouble with the itching and burning, like a Yeast Infection, which we were pretty sure came from that medication. She did find an anti itch cream that helped, but it was too long ago for me to remember the name of it. I hope it passes quickly for you! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Drag out the long johns. Teens on Tuesday. Snow on Monday. Inches! Need NDs fireplace.

    Can't decide if I'll make chili or beef stew. Maybe cookies. Desperately want Christmas cookies or pumpkin pie. Need Dawnys new toy. Sounds awesome.

    Trying to decide what to do with kids if roads bad. Both grandmothers live on our road but not sure if they're up for all day. Scan at 10, RO at 1:30.

    Going to have Christmas pix made this am. Everyone has new something to wear. Scored a black 3/4 top with polka dot trim on clearance with additional 1/2 off! Matches BG polka dot trim.

    Ready for a nap or coffee and something sweet. Kids have mattress half off and are penguins rolling down. Dog in DHs chair.

    Happy belated PRB! Hope you like your hair cut.

    Mines at the in between stage. Would love to chop it but I've waited so long for it to grow. Hope it cooperates for pix.

    Stay warm everybody.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Good morning everyone. It is snowing big ass flakes here. I don't mind it until it starts to accumulate. Actually, to be honest, now that my snowblower is in tip top shape with new paddles, I'm kind of excited to see how well it performs. For the last couple of years it hasn't thrown the snow very far. I expect big streams of snow now!

    Dawny, I had to look up that contraption you bought. It's an interesting machine! Sounds like you'll get a lot of use out of it. It's always great when you buy something that you actually use. Like me and my Ninja, and Bobo and M with their Vitamix machines.

    Z - Hope tomorrow is uneventful for you. Easy scan, good news and a celebration afterwards! After having that beer yesterday, I'm thinking we should all start drinking to toast good news.

    Andrea, yuck to your UTI. I am one of those lucky people who have never had one.. and never had a yeast infection either. Years ago, I took my roommate to urgent care, she was in so much pain she could barely walk. Turned out to be a yeast infection.

    Glennie, what are you having done this week?

    M - will you come clean out my downstairs, please? The city I live in is starting up a new program next month. They will actually collect clothes/toys/shoes right at the curb. Special 'recycle' green bags. How cool is that? Now I will have absolutely NO excuse to clear out all those clothes. I may try to clean out my closet today. "try" being the key word there. lol

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Zills I think your hair is lovely! Days like these I wish I had a wood stove. We have a fireplace but it doesn't put out as much heat as a stove would. Lol about your penguins! Best wishes for tomorrow!

    I have a routine check up with my RO. Not sure exactly why; guess it's protocol. I will be interested to chat with him about his wife though. Just after I started radiation last spring his wife was DX with BC. She was stage 0 DCISand opted for MX because it was multi foci. Then she found out she was pregnant. So I am wondering how she is doing.

    Happy belated birthday PRB! If I was in Michigan I would go to Meijers (lordy, how I miss that store)!!

    M, I think you might be onto something with the Tamoxifen. Damn it! But I will have to cope because I can't quit a med that is keeping the cancer at bay. Trying hydrocortisone cream today. And of course my trusty ice pack!! But I got a cute one at least!

    How is Bobo?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited January 2015


  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    I had to share these shoes I painted for my granddaughter for Xmas because I am so stinking happy with how they turned out!! And you are my friends, so you have to see. Lol

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    VERY cute! Do you do dogs?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    What a good idea! I never thought about that. I did think about guinea pigs for some reason.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    laughing because Andrea said she has a cute one. Tehehe. Yea it's cute, it's just cold and itchy right now. Those shoes are awesome. Bonds ex wife use to paint custom dog portraits on scrap pieces of marble and stone that he would have, or tiles, and sell them to the rich people at the lake. A thought if you can do animals. Those would make great gift items.

    Happy belated PRB. I think you should do the spoiling and splurging for you and dd in moderation. It will make those moments more special and not make you feel so guilty for the spending. Don't give up after the first condo. Take your time an see what all is out there.

    Z you just reminded me of one of my favorite childhood toys that I had forgotten all about. It was this tall set of plastic steps that had a big slide. These little penguin guys would climb the steps (cuz they had pegs sticking out of the sides of their butts) and when they would get all the way to the top- weeeee, down the slide they would go, and back to the steps again. Man I loved that thing. Picturing boy and bg doing it- weeeee. Good luck tomorrow. Take the headphones that they offer. It's better than the ear plugs and makes the time pass faster. You could have the grandmothers do a midday switch.

    Good luck with the cleaning out m.

    I can't detail my moving experience yet. Still exhausted. Bond forbade me from going today. He went on his own.