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  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Goodness,, I don't get here until 3PM and there are many posts!!

    Andrea: I LOVE the shoes.  Tempted to ask you to paint penguin ones for me!  ** I am so bad**  Sorry you are still having the itch.  Did you try the OTC yeast cream like Monistat?  It could be dryness from the Tamox lowering your estrogen levels too. Fissures???  Holy Moley. Call the dicktor tomorrow and ask if you can use estrogen vaginal cream. A little there could go a long way,,,  Or there are OTC vaginal itch creams too with hydrocortisone.  You might have to play around with different stuff to find what works.  BUt that is an awful feeling.

    Z:  did you make chili or beef stew?  How are the little penguins doing?  And Sasafire?  Can one grandparent take one kid and the other one take the other kid?  Or is that just too silly?  Can't wait to see pics.

    PRB:  green recycling!  I love that!!  You dont have to take it anyway. I think that's awesome.  Tomorrow I have diagnostic mammo with the new radiologist. 9:15, so I really have to get up early.

    M is cleaning,  Dawny is making soup and Bobo is,,,,, probably grading papers???  Mouring our football loss yesterday. Wondering how W boy liked going to the game.

    Ava did NOT pee in the house.  And we took a really good walk this afternoon. She is completely exhausted now, sprawled out on the floor, sleeping.

    Must get ready to start work,, back later!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Missed post from DP.  Hi DP!!!

    Glad Bond went today and left you home. Get some rest.  He is a good guy.  Kiss him for me.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Trust you DP! I read that and figured no one would notice. Once again I underestimate people!! Lol.

    THE ICE PACK IS CUTE!!! Just to make it clear. I wouldn't know how the other thing looks...not that flexible and don't' have a mirror. image

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hahahaha! DP, I thought the same thing about the cute one! Sorry Andrea but that was funny! Those shoes are so good, you're really talented.

    DP, so glad Bond wouldn't let you go, he's a good man! I hope the Grands are settled in the Motel and they can take their time to find a place.

    You made me feel my age, DP, Bec had that Penguin toy too!

    Glennie, so glad Ava didn't pee in the house!

    Zills, good luck with finding a babysitter and getting a great result from your tests. I like the idea of a celebratory drink too! Loving the pair of Penguins and the dog has found the right seat to sit in!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    PRB, they call it "Hard Rubbish" collection over here, where a whole suburb can put its garbage out on the sidewalk for a collection. It is a hoot, because there are people cruising around in cars checking out the rubbish. I have been known to jump out of the car and grab something, much to Bec's horror! lol

    Going into town today to do some shopping, it isn't warm and looks like rain again. Nearly got through the clear out, but got tired of it and left it, but will get it all done this week.

    Waving to everyone, be back later...M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    yay Ava!

    The house was utter chaos yesterday. Only maybe 15% packed when we all thought it was mostly packed. Cold windy and rainy. Great moving weather. Everyone stressed and bickering. Just a huge mess. On the upside (hopefully) I had alerts of two houses that just went on te market yesterday when I got home. Caused a big fight today when I was trying to schedule them to go see them. So I told the realtor to just go and make decision for them. She likes te one I was leaning towards so we are making a bid. Fingers crossed again.

    They are insisting in staying in the house tonight which is causing another debacle. Glad I'm not there. I've been in bed all day. Get winded just from walking to the bathroom and back. Ho hum.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Oh crap, DP that sounds awful, only 15% that's a lot of work! When we moved here it was like a military exercise, I started packing a month before and was still in a mess at the end. It gets out of control, but glad you're not in the middle of it. I hope this house works out.

    I am not understanding how there is still the option, for them to stay in the house, if it has been sold. I think if we did that over here after settlement, we could be evicted! Yikes!

    Hope it gets better DP, I feel for you! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    oh my gosh, DP,, what chaos!!  Glad you stayed home!!  I hope this other house works out. 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    no joke spookie!

    They don't close on the sale until tomorrow morning m. I guess they want to stay until the last minute but it is going to cause more work because of the items they need to keep to stay the night.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Gotcha DP! Oh dear, I know what you mean, they will be trying to get the bed out as the new owners are trying to move in! M x

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2014

    hey y'all

    Ariom your place is so beautiful!!!!! And the studio is so wonderful!!! When can we all visit??? You truly live in paradise!!

    Wren would love to see pic of new car!!! Sounds like that is wonderful!

    Prp. I love living in a condo. Maintenance free living. Have lived in one most of my life and live in one now. Any amenities??

    Y'all sound likeyou are doing good! Yay !!

    Bobo that wasa terrible thing for lisa robertson to be stalked like that!! I hope she stays safe wherever she goes. I will miss her on qVC for sure. Have fun at the girls night out party. Sounds fun. Wish I had a mom like you.

    DP. Hope you are sleeping better!!!

    Glennie. Thanks for being our medical advisor... I really have no idea about most of this and I am truly cancer stupid. Learning everyday!!

    Zills. Is the soup on. Has the storm hit? Are the kids feeling better?? Hope all is well your way!!

    Me n pups doing fine. Gotta feed Taterbug. ( I cook for her every night :-(. Spoiled I know!

    More later


    Waving hi to everyone!! 8-D

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    So this is weird,, suddenly there are multiple posts on Paget's all over the forum. Trying to keep track but I think I counted 5 women concerned about their nipple. One is only 16, one is 23 and one is 27.  Can't remember the others,, the young ones really get me.   I hate this stupid disease.  I'm trying to post and tell them what happened to me, so they can be pro-active and follow up,,, not let the doctors tell them it is nothing,, especially the younger ones. The 16 year old said, her mother said it was a rash and it was normal for girls to get that. Really?  On one nipple? 

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Blushing!!!! Lol.

    DP: moving sucks! I hope the moving gods give them a break!

    All my shoes, and Xmas gifts for my grand kids are packed into a box I cannot lift, ready to Fedex it tomorrow to my DD in Montana (she will take it back up to Canada with her).

    Then I better tidy up the house. I wish I could have a yard sale. We have too much stuff! I guess when I clear up I will start some boxes in the basement for a garage sale in the spring.

    Such a busy week coming up. Good luck to everyone having tests this week.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Exciting news. Mammo is good!  No biopsy needed!  New radiologist says mammo & U/S look the same as 2012 &2013. Wants to recheck in 6 months. I am down with that!

    In the middle of the U/S, DR comes into the room. "Fire Dept is next door. There is smoke. We have to evacuate!"  Throw shirt on over gelled up breast  *yuck*  and run outside.   Stand around for 10 mins,, get all clear and go back. Exciting Monday morning.

    Hoping Z has good report!!!   In the bag!! 

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Way to go Glennie! LOL@throwing your shirt on and running outside. Be darn thankful you don't live in Michigan cause you'd be trying to grab more than a shirt! Gel would probably ice up and they'd have to thaw you out to continue.

    Hoping for a good report from Z. Been thinking about her this morning.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    PRB so funny!

    Yay Glennie! Happy for you. I had good check up with RO.

    Waiting to hear about Zills.lets keep the good news rolling!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    YAY, Andrea!!!  Good to hear!!

    I think Z's appt was 1030 and the RO (or MO at 130),,,,     Hope to hear soon. 

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Happy dance for Glennie and Andrea.. now waiting for good report from Zills! hate the waiting dont we?

    Hoping DP is doing ok, I am still exhausted from my trip to Mayo with friend, but so glad to help her, glad we arent going now, just heard on news 6 have been killed on MN roads this weekend.. damn winter. Yea, running outside with or without gel here would brind you frostbite for sure!!!

    Been reading but just pooped for awhile. Hi all!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    ND, how is friend??  Did everything turn out ok?    Stay inside, winter is brutal!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    yay for glennie and for Andrea and for Z!

    Today is a good day.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    yay for glennie and for Andrea and for Z! She got the all clear. Today is a good day!

    And o2 is a QVCer, sweet!

    I'm wiped out still. GPs wearing me out. But I did spend my day in bed yesterday working a deal on a house I've never stepped foot in. Looks like it's going though. Back later.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    It's a trifecta!!!    YAY!!

    Good luck on the house, DP!


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Yay to Glennie, Andrea, DP for swinging that deal, nd for being a great friend. Thanks 02, come on down! waving to everyone, just need to hear how Zills is doing and Bobo, how was that girl power day?

    It is nice here today, I have a lot on, the main thing is a dear friend form my BC group has invited me around to see her. Last week I got a shock when she told me her youngest son was being flown to the City, that he was gravely ill. She and her husband had to drive the 4 hours not knowing what they'd find. It turned out, when they arrived, the son's condition was not stable enough to fly him to the Hospital, so they waited and waited. Finally their boy arrived, in critical condition and was on life support, but he passed a few days ago. They have arrived back here for a few days, before having to go again, to the remote area where he lived, which is more than 10 hours drive from here. They are in such pain, it is so hard to see.

    I have a massage later today and can't wait to see my friend, who has met someone after many, many years on her own. I was urging her to go to a conference, which she did and she saw the man she had been corresponding with for some months. It seems they both hit it off and enjoyed each others company, it's early days, if nothing else, a great friendship will likely come out of it. Also my other GF is arriving back home this week after being in Sydney for a couple of months for her radiotherapy treatment, I can't wait to see her. She was similar to me, in that, she moved here from the city and was Dx. She had a worse Dx than I and had to have Chemo and radiation. She has done it all, while being on her own. I admire her do much, I met her through my massage therapist, who told her about my group, which she knew nothing about.She has a sister who lives nearby on a farm, but she knew no one here. She called me to touch base and we have become great firm friends. We have been in touch the whole time she has been away and we are looking forward to getting back into having catch ups, Opp Shopping and her first Summer here in our little town. I am hoping she will get a kayak too! She may even get me motivated to go to the gym, who knows! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Wow, M,, you have a lot going on.  Your poor friends, losing their son. How awful for them.  Glad other friend has finished rads, and that massage therapist has a new friend!!

    Hope to hear from Z and Bobo soon.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    M - DP said Zills got the all clear too.. so big cheers for everyone! Glad your friend is back so the socializing can begin. I really miss having a best friend around to share stuff with. Sorry to hear about your friends son. That has to be a nightmare, but she has you to guide her. I am still kind of in shock over my friend Rosie's passing. I was all tense yesterday and couldn't figure out why... finally it dawned on me that I had been thinking about her off and on all day.

    It is so bitterly cold here today. That kind of wind that just goes right through you and chills you to the bone. It's only November and we are already under a winter storm advisory until tomorrow night. Hard to believe Christmas is right around the corner, but with this cold, it seems fitting.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Yippee for Zills, posted before congrats to Glennie and Andrea. a trifecta for sure! So sorry for your friend Ariom, heartaches for them.

    Glennie, my friend had surgery to remove her ovaries and the mass but thankfully it was not cancer. She had the lapsx, so much easier for her but still very sore and just so tired out. Her son lives in the same town and is very good to her... daughter in California and just seems to be too busy to even call!! grrrrr she finally did the day after we got home, but I could not believe she didnt call before surgery etc. even my boys emailed and called to see how she was doing. our kids grew up together so they knew her well. She is the lady that lost her dh in a farm accident and just last August found her grandson after he comitted suicide, she has been thru the meat grinder, then this mass appeared and we were so afraid of ovarion cancer and so were the drs, but nope for once cancer didnt show up.

    I hope Zills is going to clelebrate!!!

    Damn cold here!! I feel your pain prb! Miss GrammaB, she would always tell me what nasty weather was heading my way! Where is she?

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    PRB, thank you! I missed that in DP's post! Yay for Z!

    Sorry you are feeling the loss of your friend, it is really tough and so hard to get through, I hate that feeling in my heart, like there's actually a hole, or it's broken. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    ND:  glad it was not cancer!!  That lady needs some good news!!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Hi DP! **waving** You must be exhausted. So much stress! I am so hoping your GPs get that house.

    ND and M, so sorry for your friends, it is just awful. I know how bad family news like that can physically affect a person. I think they are all lucky to have the two of you.

    It's a trifecta! Hooray! So happy for that good news. Hope there will be celebrating...

    Andrea, those shoes are professional. I swear, I can't open my computer without having to read about you talking about your pretty AUS fanny. I have to watch you every minute! Andrea will NOT stop talking about her pretty vagina! I am making myself laugh out loud, I think I am so funny. Andrea is naughty and a fitting addition to our little group.

    Dawny! I have missed you. You have a Vitamix! How were you making the mashed potatoes? Were you just pulsing them? I love to make sorbet and hot soup. Ahhh, the Vitamix! I have not been making meals in mine lately, just dressings and smoothies. Major overhaul of my office yesterday; turned it into a room for W boy. Now I have no space of my own. However, it needed to be done. He needs his own space to be disgusting in! Yuck. Mothers of sons, OMG, angels, cherubim and seraphim. How do you all do it?

    I am so excited to get ready for Christmas. Must start early because I have surgery in four weeks. My productivity will be seriously down right after that. So I've got to get everything ready beforehand. Rather than having special hors d'oeuvres on Christmas Eve for me and DLLP, like I usually do, I am going to order Chinese.

    Bought Christmas dishes at a discount store! I have always wanted them. It's just four place settings, but that's all we need here. Oh, I have always wanted Christmas dishes. I am super happy about that.

    Working myself silly and then went to our princess' school to help with the play. DLLP wrote it. Teacher wrote email asking us to come help. It is a train wreck. Our princess was kicked off the play for the second time today due to her poor and attention-stealing behavior. Also, when I arrived at the office, our princess was already sitting in there because she had been booted out of dance class.