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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    oh gosh, a lot of posts to read,, work is busy,, will read later.  Just reporting in:  Ava peed on the porch just as I was going to leash her up to take her out.  She couldn't wait another 30 seconds??   So big pee spot on indoor outdoor carpet.   Now she took herself to bed!!  Not in office with me as I work.  What is up with that?

    I'm stressed out,, they changed the time of the deposition to 9am.  I work until midnight, people, Why does no one understand that?  I have to be up, dressed nicely, dog fed and walked and drive downtown, and find a place to park by 9?   I dont know if I can do it.   There is not enough Valium,,,,,

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Oh Glennie, I can feel how stressed you are. I hope it all goes well for you and you haven't been up all night worrying about getting up so early.

    Spookiesmom, thank you! Great idea, I didn't think of it, but will do it tomorow. I don't use bleach, but will get some.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    In the bag glennie!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    I am also in the bag.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    breathe glennie breathe

    Ava probably went to bed because she was embarrassed. Poor girl.

    M does your RA effect your back/hips? They say my back pain is due to arthritis. But I think it's the other kind that I can't remember the name. At least that's what they said last year. Back is hurting really bad this morning. Took a hydrocodone and came back to bed. But I have to do something. Can't do this every day.

    Sounds like you and dex had a good date. Yay for Colin racing so well.

    Andrea your making a very long trip. Just grab some rolls on the way. Be sure to dress warm because it looks like we will be outdoors. The home owners agreed to make repairs suggested by inspector. Grandparents had not seen house due to moving. Said it was fine if we liked it. They decided to go yesterday. I knew it would be disaster. Grandpa has a thing lately with being oppositional. No matter how irrational. Sure enough he called with all sorts of nonsense issues with the house. They went to see another. Have now cancelled this contract and put a bid on that one. First one they could have moved in next week. They think I'm mad because they don't like the house I picked. I couldn't care less. I didn't build it ! I just have a problem with them being HOMELESS, wasting money, and jacking around. Now the poor homeowners have already made repairs and begun packing. Omg whatever. I have to stop thinking about it. Stewed on it all night last night.

    So I could have thanksgiving here.BUT now I'm mad at my uncle for how he handled the move. Mad at GPs for acting like goldilocks. House really not equipped for so many people. It would be only 12 with my mom not coming. I think I would be too sad if we end up doing nothing though. But I'm also not feeling up to dealing with it. I don't know what to do. Argh.

    Ok vent/whine over. Meds kicked in and my eyes are closing. Maybe it will all seem better after a nap. Or wren will have some fabulous piece of advice on what to do. Hi everyone. Hope it's a good day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    I say go out for dinner. One year we went to the Hilton (only place left that would take us). It was delicious and gracious and no work at all. Make it no host of course. Our waiter that day earned a special tip. When DIL's persnickety uncle wanted to know if the turkey was free range, he responded definitely, and the uncle decided to eat it. He's rather famous for sending food back so we were all holding our breath.

    As requested, photo of new car. I'm making a thumbs up gesture.


  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    Ohhhh nice! Like the color, but can't tell what model? You look good too!!!!

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Beautiful gal and nice car!! love the pic. car looks just great! nice color.

    ewww, DP, you have alot on your plate, big hugs!! hope things soon get settled!!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Great picture, Wren!!  You look great and the car is nice.

    I'm calmer today.  The deposition is Dec 1.  I got the boss to change my schedule the night before so that i work 130-10, instead of 330-midnight. So I can go to bed two hours earlier. I think that will help.  I have meeting with lawyer people tomorrow, and a mock deposition on Nov 24, so I get an idea of what it is like. I think I've watched too many Law & Order type shows, and feel like I'll be attacked on the stand.  So still worried, but I'm not as worked up as I was last night.

    Ava has not peed inside yet today.

    Went to lymphedema therapy and she says I look great. It is staying under control.  Yay!  Tried to go to gym but there was a bomb scare at Gainesville High School and they had the staging for parent pick up in the shopping center where my gym is.  It was total madness!! Just left.

    DP:  I'm sorry that the GP's are making you nuts. I hope they will not be homeless soon.  Why don't you eat out? Much less stress.  We are going to a nice buffet at the Best Western here. Awesome food, all you can eat, and no cooking or clean up.  I'm also getting Publix (grocery store) to make me a turkey breast. I'll make some sides and have that over the weekend so I won't have to plan food while I'm working,, (and right before the Deposition)   I do love me some turkey and gravy and pumpkin pie. Stove top stuffing. Little green peas. I'm set.

    Thank you all for being in the bag for me.  It is greatly appreciated!!

    Have you started driving yet Andrea?

    **waving to all **


  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Lovely car, I like that color, nice to see you too!

    I am with you Wren, going out for dinner would be my choice too!

    First thing I thought, this morning, was how did Glennie do today? I hope all went well.

    Hi DP, farking heck, arthritis too? I am so sorry honey! Yep, mine is just about everywhere, I think you may mean Osteoarthritis, mine is Rheumatoid, which is an autoimmune disease. I have been able to stabalise mine, over the years, with mainly cortisone and lots of alternative stuff. The best relief for me, is actually cortisone shots into the joints. I have had my shoulders elbows and hips done many times and even the smaller joints in hands and feet, before I had surgery to repair my hands and one wrist. My spine isn't too bad, I think the massage I have regularly really helps, but I am -3 osteoporosis in the spine! Pain killers never really helped me, which is why I rarely take anything for pain now. I think I have a pretty high tolerance, because arthritis hurts like the devil. My feet are giving me some grief, but they are better than they were a few months ago.There are a lot of natural anti-inflammatory products around now, but the nsaids, probably do more for the actual pain, but they rip your stomach. I have been taking Gren Lipped Mussel Extract for many years and swear by it. If I run out and have a break, I can feel it getting kicking up again. Lyprinol, is the brand I use and it also helps with resperitory issues too. Glennie may have the name of something that isn't too brutal that you could ask your Doctors about. I got into the pro biotics when I developed a pair of stomach ulcers, from all the drugs, I called them Hekel and Jekel, because they were so bloody irritating! I managed to avoid the 3 antibiotics for 6 months treatment, that they wanted me to take. When I went back for a second gastroscopy the little buggers had healed up!

    I can't believe what's going on around you with the house stuff. I remember my parents when they were getting on in years were pretty cantankerous and hard to deal with. I don't envy you that! I'd be going out for the meal, too bad, so sad, as Bec says, if anyone doesn't like that idea!

    I hope you got a little shut eye DP and things are working out, phew, you have a lot on your plate! M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi Glennie! I got it wrong, sorry, I thought it was today! Glad to hear you are a bit calmer about it. Great idea to get some breast and sides that you don't have to cook and going out would be my choice too! M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    glad they are working with your schedule glennie. Especially since it is work related. You're going to do fine. I promise that it's nothing like law and order. I've done loads of hearings and depos over the years. The most important thing is to listen to the question being asked and answer only the question being asked. You would be amazed at peoples inability to do this and that is usually when things get ugly.

    Yes m, osteoarthritis. The pills don't really take a away the pain. They take te edge off a bit but mainly they help me sleep. I'm thinking it is the cold weather making it worse. My side isn't helping matters though. I think it might be nasty scar tissue issues from lung surgery. And LE in same region too. You know how I like to pile on. Shots in your joints? Ouch!

    I'm glad someone called to confirm my CTs and bone scan because I thought they were Friday and it is tomorrow at 8am! Ugh. Still awaiting brain mri to be scheduled. Then I have to go back tomorrow for labs and NP appointment. Blah.

    The hotel I booked didn't suit goldilocks. They left and had me book another. Then I overhear gpa telling my mom on te phone that he thought about it and they are long to stay with my great aunt whose husband recently passed. Great idea. But there went a other $50 to cancel to other booking.

    Laying down again!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Poor DP. In the bag for tomorrow. Good luck with the grands. I vote for eating out also. You'll be off chemo next week right?

    What did you do for so many depositions? Inquiring minds want to know.

    I'm all for leftover turkey and pumpkin pie. I prefer my grandmas pie recipe so I have to make it. Even though we gather at my sisters house, I still make dinner for us. I like green bean casserole and DH has roasted potatoes and bread sauce. Same for Christmas. I cheat with stove top stuffing and Bob Evans mashed potatoes and macaroni and cheese. My sisters are very plain.

    Boy had basketball practice tonight. Came home hungry. Didn't like the taco soup I made. Wants to try Brussel sprouts. Anyone have a good recipe? Decided he would have Brussel sprouts and pickles. Gave him bread and butter.

    Nice car Wrenn. Color not bad at all. Thumbs up!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    DP, in the bag for tomorrow! Appointments suck! Will be thinking of you.

    Birdie, your car is lovely, and your are so beautiful and tiny! XX
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I think the cold weather is making the arthritis worse too. My hip decided to act up today and I blame it on the cold.

    8AM, tomorrow, DP?  UGH!  In the bag.   Thank you for the advice on the depo's.  I guess that is what the practice sessions are for,, so that I learn to answer the question,, and only the question being asked. Everyone is trying to keep me calm,, I just make myself a nervous wreck. Need to learn to stop doing that.

    I think someone bought the mold townhome next door. The sign is down and the realtor lock box is gone. I might have a new neighbor soon.  Hope they are nice.  And Quiet.

    Ava has not peed in the house all day!!  I wonder how she would be in the snow.  Rocco loved the snow.  He would get as playful as a puppy in it. Just run and bounce around.  It was so cute.

    M:  did you find anything at the Opp Shop today?  How was your friend??

    **waving to all**

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi again, I am in the bag for you DP! Oh my giddy Aunt! Those Grands of yours are a fun pair, aren't they! Sounds like they are just not taking on board, all the drama they are causing around them, gotta smile at the antics! I know it's driving you insane, I hope it is over soon and they get somewhere they like and they can settle.

    Glennie, I got a brand new wet and dry vacuum at the Opp Shop today, it is perfect for cleaning the brick paving, which is hard to sweep, bargain at $15.00 brand new. Also found some sealed Emirates First Class amenities bags, filled with Bulgari products, fragrance and body lotion, nice size for in my bag $3.00 for 3!

    Looks like rain, should really make a start on the rest of that clear out, it is so close to being done, an hour would probably knock it over. Then the rest of the wardrobe! I know I am a bore, but I just can't get it together! Next time I bring it up, I promise it will be to say I finally got it done! M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Come to my house M. My closets are atrocious. Have to get crackin as the decorations are in there. Plus don't want any more dumpster diving. DH making noises about the mess/toys. She is a magpie and he is a hoarder.

    Boy scolded me for no Brussel sprouts this am. Guess will have to drag out the frozen ones tonight. Saw fresh in store.

    Hope everyone has a good day. 46 today. Heat wave! Lunch with BG and dog class tonight.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Geez DP.. I wish your family would get it together so you wouldn't have all this extra crap to deal with. Don't they understand that you have a lot going on??? Good luck today on your scans. Hoping for good news.

    Wren, that is a nice looking car! Right about now I want a 4 wheel drive...but no complaining about snow since what we have is so little compared to New York. I feel for everyone out there.

    Z - M has to come to my place first to clean out my downstairs! Upstairs is fairly presentable (except for my closet) but the downstairs is really bad. I have a futon downstairs that you can see from the landing when you come in...I make sure that whole area is clear of junk so it looks 'ok' from the top of the stairs .. but don't go down and peek around the corner!

    Daughter woke up with a low fever and her body hurts. I can handle colds, but fevers freak me out. She used to get a lot of high fevers when she was younger. Hope this isn't the case today.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    Feel better, PRB's daughter! Our princess was sick yesterday: I picked her up early.

    This is my last peaceful work from home day. Next Tuesday will be Thanksgiving madness at school, then Thursday holiday. Wed - Sunday with the kids. Yikes.

    In the bag, DP! **waving**
  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    High fevers bother me too. BG usually runs a 103+ for no apparent reason. I think you feel worse with a low grade fever. Tis the season.

    Hang in there dp.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    PRB:  hope daughter is better!! There was some kind of bad virus going around down here, my LE therapist's daughter had fever of 105! Scary stuff.

    M: I could use a wet and dry vac for my back porch.  Wonder if any of my neighbors have one I can borrow?  Now that the plants are inside, I could give it a good clean before putting them back.   32 here when I woke up,, supposed to warm up today. 

    Z:  incredible that Boy loves Brussel Spouts.  I think this is something to be indulged while it lasts.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    sitting in cancer center parking lot. I have two hours until my bone scan. It is an hour round trip if I went home. Guess I'll stay. Feeling very tired. Coughed so hard last night that I threw up my muscle milk, which was all I could stomach for dinner. I have never vomited in the history if my cancer treatment. Not cool. Discovered on the way in tht I can't walk five steps without being completely winded. Had to find a seat several times and catch my breath between the various offices. Rads nurse whom I've never met before grabbed me up to do vitals. BP is super low again. She looked dismayed that he couldn't help me. Told me to drink more water. I should've gone upstairs to te chemo room and taken a nap. I would've gone home but since I'm not supposed to be driving at all, didn't figure I should make four trips.

    When I was 14 I had to decide what I wanted I do with my life. I decided I should be a lawyer. So I went to a magnet school for law an government. Junior and senior years, we got to do internships. Since I was such an overachiever (and had a car) I got the good, paying jobs. Sat in on lots of depos. At my last job, I had to go to court several times for workers comp cases. The first one made me nervous but after I saw how things worked it was fine and the cases were always so ridiculous that I actually looked forward to the hearings. Then there we're the constant unemployment hearings you have when you have 2000 rotating temps. This suck the life right out of you!

    M seems you have a busy schedule ahead with all this cleaning everyone needs you to do.

    Hope princess and PRB daughter feel better.

    No, GPs are completely oblivious to the havoc this is wreaking on everyone. They are starting to know there is a problem but they think it's because they don't like the houses we've found.

    I don't think I've ever had Brussels sprouts. Taco soup sounds better to me. But good for boy! I will be on chemo next week this Saturday until Friday. I can't remember when the next infusion is. I imagine it will all change after I get these results on Monday. Hope you have a nice lunch with bg.

    Hour and a half to go. It is times like this that make me miss smoking. It's always something to do.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    I had to do a deposition once. Dumbest lawsuit in history, I wasn't being sued.nor was my company. But the lawyers really hammered on the one thing I wasn't real confidant about. The whole thing took about an hour. Wasn't awful, just say what YOU know. I guess this case never went to court, never heard from them again. Maybe you will be lucky too and have the case dismissed

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Oh DP. Hate that you are going through all of this. Can you put your seat back and take a nap in your car? I have done that before.. just set an alarm on your phone to make sure you make it to the appointment. Hopefully it is warm enough in Texas. No way I'd be sitting in my car here in Michigan. Going to be a very long winter if this shit keeps up.

    Glennie - I would advocate for getting your thoughts in order before the deposition. Think of the questions they might ask and practice your answers - outloud. I do this all the time before an important meeting (ie.. with my supervisor) and it really helps..those words just flow out confidently.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Thanks for the support on my legal problem! I do appreciate it. Have meeting with lawyer at 3pm.

    DP: it sucks that you are so winded.  Is there a place inside the cancer center where you could lay down as you wait for your appt?

    OMG, Ava just went out the doggie door and peed outside!  I'm so excited!!

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    I am with you DP! QVC update: kicking myself, for first time ever, that I did not get the Josie Maran TSV. I have never gotten a TSV. But it was really so great. I am out of Argan oil.

    Can you go back up to chemo lounge? Nurses there will give you a cup of tea and let you nap? In the bag. XXX

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I took a nap in the car. It has warmed up today finally. More cold and rain coming tomorrow and Saturday. My mom wanted me to go up to Oklahoma with her to the casino tomorrow night for my birthday but I don't think it's a good idea after being so short of breath today.

    Bobo you have never had a TSV? Oh my. I didn't see Josie's. I got one last year and didn't really like the products. But before that I bought the giant argan oil and I still have lots.

    Yay Ava! Glad she seems to be back on track.

    Gotta go back in now. Not happy that I have to put my winter coat back on but I isn't wear any foobs today and I need it to hide my Buddha belly.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DP, Ask them for a wheelchair. Save your energy for things you want to do.

    Hope the kiddos get better fast. No fun to be sick on holidays.

    What's a TSV?

    Glennie, Yay for Ava.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    That is excellent advice, Wren. TSV is qvc language: today's special value! I have never had one. To be truthful, I haven't really ordered much aside from the Vitamix, but I watch anyway! Oh, and I got some Wen for our princess.

    In the bag, DP!

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Off to first legal meeting.  Let's see if Ava can hold it while I'm gone,,, or use the doggie door.  Will take her out now too. 

    I must check out QVC,, I know I say this all the time, but I just forget to put on the TV.