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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    I reply to myself. MD wrote text blast alerting everyone to the fact that her thanksgiving dinner will be served at 4 p.m. I am taking a poll: how shall I respond in the negative. Because... I am not going.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    OOO, Christmas dishes,,, do we get a pic??

    Have 2 brothers,, yes,, boys can be gross. 

    What was Princess doing to get in trouble??  Silly girl.

    Thanksgiving excuses:

    You were invited to friends' house and decided to go there. 

    Too weary from work and surgery to make the drive.

    Don't respond and have "car trouble" at last minute.

    You got second job and have to work at Kohl's. 

    Will continue to ponder.  See, working is always a good excuse for me,,, being in the medical field helps with that.

    I'm going with friends to Best Western Gateway Grand,   They have an awesome Thanksgiving buffet spread.  Been a couple of times when no one felt like cooking.  Doing it again this year.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    we have reservations in Ocala. The kids will have the flu

    Yea trifecta!!!!!!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    actually, I don't know what's going on for turkey day here. DD and the room mate don't agree on it, DH can't stand to be in the same space as the step father. I don't have a table, and the cast really limits me.

    Guess it's reservations for us too.

    Christmas looks the same way. Oh goody

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    We are having Thanksgiving buffet lunch,,, as I work 330- midnight as usual. But it is holiday pay!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    4pm, so sorry, that's when I floss my teeth!

    You're going to Australia!

    I don't like you, I won't be there!

    Naughty Princess! What was she doing?

    Dawney has the Thermomix, not a Vitamix! It does some of the same stuff and then a lot more! They are really getting popular here in Aus.

    4 weeks till next surgery, shit that comes around fast. Glad that's the last one, you've never mentioned it, but are you happy with the results so far? Or should I not ask :(

    You crack me up, poor Andrea will be blushing!

    Gotta later..M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Super trifecta! Clear MRI, nodules too small/no change (2nd opinion) so quit worrying about stage IV. Not even a follow up scheduled. But call if you have any concerns. Really nice guys.

    See mo next month for regular ct scan. Will ignore all talk about nodules and the west coast of Ireland.

    Too cold to celebrate. 10 tonight. Three dog night? Or one big dog and a little cat plus a snoring toddler and a whiny almost naked boy. He sleeps in underwear only. And no our heat isn't above 68.

    Boy is on a 2 hour delay tomorrow due to heating issues at school. Think we'll get to sleep in? Must dig out insulated coveralls to walk dog.

    It's only 7:30 but I'm worn out. Dog says she needs to go out. Trying to convince kids it's bedtime.

    Yea Glennie, Andrea, NDs friend.

    Sorry M about yours. How's colin1&2?

    I think I would play ostrich and not respond to MD. Not very nice but .... Is she paranoid about anything? Germs, lice, plague????

    Andrea I used estring with onc blessing. Also heard about olive oil and coconut oil to keep area up to snuff.

    Speaking of fannys. BG came home with acne/rash/spots both front and back. But not really in the crease, more cheeks and mound. Not sure how or why? Don't know of any virus with spots only there. Doesn't seem to bother her.

    Hi O2. Miss GrammaB too. Where's ldesim?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Lice!!!  That's a great one, Z!!!

    Z,, that is awesome news!! It is so thrilling to have a trifecta for our team!

    Estring is good choice.  It gives lower blood estrogen levels than Femring. I was researching in case I need it.

    Weird spots on BG,,, no idea about that.

    That's really cold,,,, stay warm!!  Boy sleeps in only underwear?? In this cold weather,,, he's a tough guy.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    That's fantastic Zills! Just popped back in to get lunch for Colin No1, who is still not up to speed, you can see he isn't well, but it doesn't hold him back, he's going sailing this afternoon. Just like his quadriplegia, he just ignores it, like it will just not be an issue, or prevent him from getting on with things. LOL

    Colin No2 isn't faring too well, I can't believe they sent him home and not to a rehab first. He is looking after himself, but he is so breathless when I talk to him, it's a worry. His living and kitchen is upstairs in his converted stables and the bathroom and bedroom are on the ground floor, so he cant avoid the stairs. He was super fit before this and is trying to exercise to keep his fitness level up, but it's tough on him. He still has to go to the Doctor every day for a shot and to get his bloods done, he walks, because he isn't cleared for diving yet, he sounds exhausted. We have a few friends who are calling in, but most work all day and have busy lives, so he's alone most of the time. I can't go down, because I won't leave Colin No1 while he isn't well. Can't convince Colin No2 that he could come here and recuperate, he won't leave his home.

    Decided flowers would be a waste for my friend as she is leaving tomorrow, so I just made he an aqua sun catcher for her instead. She has a beautiful big home on one of the other lakes near here and her decor is aqua inspired. That may make her smile! nd Zills, I am going to take Vanilla Slice, for afternoon tea! Did you ever find them over there?

    Back later...M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    vanilla slice! I'm drooling. Nope. Asked and they didn't know what I was talking about.

    Poor Colin's! Tell #2 to go up and down on his bum. Mason jar on 2nd floor and sleep on couch? I walk/walked. Amazed at how unfit I still am. Amazed at those who still work during treatment.

    I need Colin 1 attitude.

    I'm sure she'll love her sun catcher.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    What is vanilla slice?

    I think Mason jar is good idea,,, easier for men that way!  Poor guy.  What about a motorized scooter for getting to the doctor?  I hate to think of him walking. I hope it is not far away.

    Colin #1 has amazing attitude.  F these health issues,, I'm going sailing.  You go, Colin!!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    heat rash z? Perhaps your dressing her extra warm right now?

    Tired tired tired. I get short of breath at the smallest of movements. Cold air not helping. I think the chemo probably isn't working. My tumor markers have continued to climb. Will find out soon.

    Sorry to hear of Colin #2 struggling. Hard to be alone. He sounds very tough though.

    I was also going to make a crack about Andreas nice Kuka bobo. But I thought she might be over the joke already. Too bad if you are it seems Andrea. Lol. Just as m will never live down her moment with bill, you shall hereforth be known for your cute one. Bwahaha

    Reggie is hogging up the whole side of the bed. He is having a dream and making tiny puppy barks. Now switched to snoring. I never know if I should wake them when they are dreaming. Hard to tell if it is a good or bad one.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    bobo, what about responding with a message worded just like hers but announcing what time your dinner will be. Or any of glennies suggestions. Lol

    My mom is going to Oklahoma for thanksgiving. Don't remember if I told y'all when this happened but remember a month or two ago when the disgruntled worker in OKC beheaded his coworker? I think it made national news. Anyhow that was my moms friend, the beheaded one. And her daughter invited them up for thanksgiving. And since they are mad at GPs, they are going. I think I still have my feelings a bit hurt though.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    ForFSakes, DP, I'd be pissed, with hurt feelings too. Your Mother sure is holding that grudge with your GP's.

    Did the move happen today?

    That's a dreadful story about the disgruntled co worker what happened to the days when these people just took themselves out?

    Hahaha, well Andrea and I can take it, anything that gets a laugh is ok with me!

    Glennie, a vanilla slice is 2 pieces of pastry with custard in between and glazed icing on top, is called millefuelles (sp) in France and Tompouces in Holland.

    I don't know what will happen with Colin No 2, he is determined to get his fitness back, which is a good, but maybe he is pushing it a bit. Well we all know about overdoing it!

    I had a lovely afternoon with my friend who lost her son. Her sister and husband are there for support, lovely people and they are all hurting so much.

    I had a massage, which was fantastic. Colin went sailing and is having dinner at the club. It is just Dex and me this evening. M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Well, I wake up to 40 degrees here in North FL,,, and tomorrow it is supposed to be 24.  I hope all you Northern people have very warm places to be!!  OMG,, I can't believe it is this cold this early in the winter.  Must bring plants in,,, all of them this time, not just the delicate ones!

    DP: I think dogs only have good dreams.  Chasing squirrels and things like that.  I'm sorry about your Mom's friend, that was just unbelievable. How can people be that crazy?    But still,,, I can see that your feelings would be hurt that she is not spending Thanksgiving with you.

    Bobo:   how about just a message saying:  Sorry we can't make it.   Blunt and to the point. No excuses.  Although I still like the head lice one.  Do lice live in weather this cold?  ** have no idea **

    OH,, that's a vanilla slice.  OK,, I do love those millefuelles (Sp???)   Much harder to spell than vanilla slice!  But now I know what you mean.  Those are really yummy.  I don't know when I last had one.  Must go to bakery and look.  Or we could all go to Aus or Paris and get one!!!  Now there's a idea!  **chortles**

    Ava did not pee in the house.  YAY!!   Will talk to vet today, I hope, about just continuing her old dosage, cuz it seems she needs it. Has not peed in the house since I put her back on it.  Today is only PT appt, and then work.  Then I took 5 days off. Just for the heck of it,,, but then I ended up having a lot of appt's scheduled.  But at least I can get to bed early for 5 nights!

    Hot flashes,, please go away.   I don't know how to handle this cold weather and these sudden episodes of sweating and needing to rip my clothes off while it is this cold.  This is crazy-making.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    I had a bad sugar crash last night, 40. Sweating buckets. Just like a hot flash. Clothes all soggy, cold air, no fun. Waited to come back up, changed Jammie's, then wrapped up in blanket

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    DP, what a terrible story of the disgruntled co-worker, unbelievable what people do... sorry you are going through all this, hope the house deal gets settled soon.

    Bobo, I like Glennies idea of just saying "cant make it".. nothing else. MD does not deserve even the energy to make up an excuse. How is our Princess behaving lately?? I have to chuckle when I read your posts but know as a parent it is not funny!

    Ariom, so sorry about your friend, wish he could get some help. By the way, I got a new foob, an amoena Natura, and I really like it. I will be on Medicare the first of the year so I still could have one from my insurance and I dont know yet just what Medicare allows but will soon find out.

    Spookie.. 40 is low...our youngest son has had type 1 diabetes since age 12 and dh has type 2, so I know all about crashes and how shitty you feel for a long time after.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    ND, I've been lower, but always manage to wake up, thank Dog!!!! I hate it, but this time was my fault, over shot for a slice of cake that wasn't all that good.

    Stay warm!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    Hope you and Dex had a nice evening M.

    Yay for Ava and new foobs. Boo on hot flashes and sugar crashes.

    still working on house junk.  Ear hurts, want to sleep.


  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    Spookie, That's scary. 40 is just not high enough. I have a niece with type 1 and a daughter with type 2. Good thing you woke up. Perhaps you could train Spookie to notify you when it's going down?

    Bobo, Remember Miss Manners phrase: I'm afraid that's just impossible. And don't give reasons for her to argue with. You might want to wait to decline until it's too late for her to decide to come to you.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    My initial response to Bobos mother's email telling what time her dinner started was to reply: "We are having our dinner at 5:00" DP we think alike.

    Vanilla slices are my favorite dessert!! But only with real whipping cream. I have no idea where to find them here :(

    I deserve whatever comes my the future I will proof read (No I won't). Lol.

    DP So tragic about that incident with your mother's friend. No words.

    Sorry to hear about your markers, and your fatigue. Take Care.

    Zills, thanks for the good wishes and kind words about the shoes. Is your little girl still wearing diapers/pull ups? Itcould be a reaction to them. My grand daughter got a rash there for years. I will ask her how she treated it.

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2014


    Was watching teevee and keep seeing tommieconner sportwear and it looks like maybe there could be something by them that could help your lynphadema. I think of you every time the commercial comes on...

    Athletes use this product for injuries.

    Just sayin'.......


  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2014

    Glennie. Let me check to see if website is right


  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I think it is tommie copper. I too wondered about them for LE compression.

    It's because we are related cousin Andrea! If you want to come to thanksgiving, we will have extra spaces this year. Just not sure there will be a roof over them. Ha.

    I like wrens response a lot too. It also makes me miss getting a daily newspaper. I so enjoyed reading it each night. Miss manners was always a highlight. Stupid internet.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Thank you for the invitation DP!! What should I bring to the table? If I start driving right now I should be there in time.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Morning all! Lovely day here, birds are chirping and there is no wind.

    DP, we had a nice evening, Dex and me! I had pasta for dinner and we shared some cookies watching TV.

    Sorry your ear is bothering you again. I think you'll feel better when the Grands are settled, any news on the house yet?

    Can you sleep during the day for a while, or does that add to the waking at night?

    Colin did well in the race last night, coming in just a couple of minutes after the winner. I watched them all, heeling over in the stiff breeze. he had a problem with the electrics, so something else to have repaired.

    Not much on today, thank goodness. I hope to finish the last of the mess in my wardrobe and dressing area, maybe, just maybe, today! Who knows, you all know how I am easily distracted from the job at hand. The spa is a mozzie breeding ground with a small amount of water in the bottom that I have to bucket out and then scrub clean. I was going to go to an exercise class today, but my feet are too sore, this Rheumatoid craps me off. I may get a walk in with Dex to try to help the stiffness.

    Spookiesmom, I am so sorry to hear about the sugar crash that's scary. My Mother was diabetic and I had to learn how too manage it.

    Waving to 02, Wren and anyone else I have missed...catch you later..M x

  • OvercomingOne
    OvercomingOne Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2014

    Yea DP. Maybe Glennie you could find something there. Lmao about second job at kohl's. Bobo. Don't really know what to tell you but know that whatever you do it will be wrong. Malignant narricists suck especially at holidays. Staying away from mine. Going to friends this year. Just invited today. So will make pumpkin pie to take with.... Looking forward to it this year.

    DP. Sorry about moms friend. Be headings are why I believe in having guns........ Just saying

    Hi everyone and love all the good news!


  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Well, I am completely impressed with all the excuses. M, hoping Colin #2 is feeling better! Andrea, so glad you were able to get off that pretty vagina and comment on this urgent problem of mine :) Don't worry DP! We have got the teasing covered.

    The winner is... Wren. I am going to copy that exactly. Agree with you (and with O2) about not giving excuses. She doesn't care about them anyway. And she uses information against me. Heaven knows what she tells people about my medical situation.

    How are you today, DP! **waving** Z, so sorry about your ear. Are you going to do ear candling? DP, sorry about your mom and Thanksgiving. That sucks. Anyone who is not cooking: I'm jealous! I'm going to do a lot of Mark Bittman, try to keep it minimalist and fresh. DLLP doing two desserts: one for children, a better one for us later.

    You guys are so good to me, giving me excuses! Z -- our princess has dots on her tongue and forehead at the moment. I just made her gargle. Are you going to do Boudreau's butt cream? XXX

  • SC60
    SC60 Member Posts: 403
    edited November 2014

    Bobo-sounds like the princess has hand, foot, and mouth disease. It is caused by a virus. It is contagious so you need to have the pediatrician check her out. Waving to all and sending my love! S

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    or measles. Doc for the princess.

    M. A 1/4 cup of bleach left in the spa should take care of your critters. They don't like it and will avoid it. Same as how swimming pools are treated