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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    I love roasted Brussell sprouts! I just cut fresh ones in have, toss with olive oil and balsamic vinegar and place on baking sheet. Cook untill tender (varies) at 375.

    But I saw on TV where you can boil them first for a few minutes and then roast them. Sometimes mine aren't cookedenough. After boiling you can also pan fry with bacon.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    Wen is soooooo expensive if you have a Sally's Beauty Supply in town, they have generic product for a fraction of cost! I like it.called Hair One

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    If anyone would like to be put on a mailing list to exchange Xmas cards please PM me with your address. I will send you the competed list. You don't have to send a card to everyone on the list...except me of course, lol.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Andrea needs two cards. One for her, one for her AUS fanny :)

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Thanks Bobo. My family keeps asking what I am laughing at....but I can't tell them can I?!

    Please everyone DO NOT send my diminishing vagina any's in denial.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    You poor vagina.   I think cards would cheer her up!!

    So here's what happened today:  I get dressed up (for me) to go to legal meeting. Black slacks, nice blouse, black cardigan sweater and black clogs.  I get to parking garage, park and start walking to the hospital (where the meeting is).  As I'm walking,, my left foot seems funny. I'm really walking funny.  Finally I stop next to a handrail, hold on and look at my foot. The heel of my clog is disintegrating!!!  I am leaving a trail of black rubber bits as I walk,, like a trail of bread crumbs.  I cannot go home and get new shoes!  Must go forward. So I get to the office and I have to stand at desk waiting for someone to show up.  My shoe keeps flaking rubber.  There is a little pile of black rubber on the white tile floor. It is very obvious. And embarassing. Go into conference room, we have planning meeting about what deposition will be like. (still nervous!)  By the time we are done,, 2 hours later,, there is a HUGE pile of black rubber on the floor. Everyone seemed to think it was rather humorous. By the time I got home, there was basically nothing left of my heel, except the actual sole. And the right heel was falling apart too,,, the left one was completely gone.  I showed my neighbor. She was shocked,, never seen a shoe fall apart that way!  Wonder why the rubber disintegrated like that???

    And Ava did not pee in the house while I was gone. YAY.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    Who knows? Took your mind off the deposition!!!!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Glennie you are so funny!! That is bizarre about your shoe!

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    that's what I was thinking spookie. Lol

    Had you not worn them in a while? I think rubber does that when it gets old and dried out. I alwYs have at least three pairs of shoes in my car at any given time. You never know what the day could bring, well when I left the house anyway. They saved me in many a shoe emergency. I applaud you for keeping your cool. How was the actual questioning? See it did completely distract you. Yay Ava!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Glennie, glad the meeting went well, but the shoe thing was weird, I have never seen that either. Yay ,for Ava, for holding on, or using the doggie door!

    Just got back from town, had to do lots of errands for Colin and finally remembered to pick up my gate opener that went missing, when my car was serviced.

    When I was a kid, the only thing, apart from Tripe, yuck, that I refused to eat, was Brussels Sprouts. My Mother used to give me 4 on my plate and even though I ate everything else, she would insist that I eat the 4 of them. I would swallow them whole, because I hated the bitter aftertaste. Imagine swallowing four of them in a row, I remember how the choking feeling felt!!! I love them now, but I steam them and either toss them in a little oil with bacon and fry them, or bake them in some oil in the oven. I haven't tried them in the Air Fryer, but that may be nice too.

    Andrea, I am sorry your VaJJ is the joke, but it sure beats me getting stirred about Bill!

    I am going to be on the list! I don't send Christmas cards here, but I will send them to you! LOL M x

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    if I find fresh ones today, I'll roast them tonight. He loves roasted asparagus. My mom said I ate them with sour cream when little, back when all veg were boiled to death.

    Going to try and do big shopping today. That would leave Monday free to do paperwork :(

    Had to take kids to dog school last night. Ate cheese sandwiches in the car. Thank goodness no homework tonight.

    Swim lessons this afternoon. Gymnastics tomorrow. Basketball Sunday. I'm a glutton for punishment. But those are none homework nights.

    DH said clutter was killing him. I ran around and hid stuff in closets. Don't want him picking up. Have Christmas presents and thanksgiving stuff. Need a holiday room. My gf has a wrapping room. Lucky dog!

    Seems like I make a trip to goodwill/opp shop weekly to drop off. BG's clothes wear me out. Cousins send shoes that don't have mates. Keep hoping they'll show up. Believe I "donated" my LE sleeve by mistake last trip. Can't find it anywhere.

    Must shower, do payroll, keep BG from eating boy's breakfast. She's already eaten and will eat again at 8:30 at daycare. She wants whatever she sees. Have a good one!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    I'm tired just reading your post Zills. You go girl. I'm hungry, can I have some breakfast? :) I have never eaten a brussel sprout. An old college roommate of mine used to make them in the dorm...never cared for the smell of that.

    Glennie- apart from the bizarre shoe incident (which did keep your mind occupied!), how did the questioning go? Was it easier or harder than you thought? When is the real deal?

    Daughter is still sick, fever was down last night and now up again this morning. Now she has congestion and a headache. Going to make a doctor's appointment even though I know they won't do much. I worry when she is sick.

    Watching the news...glad I am not home to see this crap usually. Nothing but doom and gloom...and that's not helping me since I am already stressed over daughter's illness. I wish I could be one of those calm moms who handle their kids being sick with no problem.

    Great.. just called the doctor's office and they are booked. Why do I have a doctor when they tell me to go to Urgent Care?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I had not worn that pair in a while. It did distract me a bit. Some of the questions are really hard. We will have a more intense practice session on Monday. and then the real deposition is Monday Dec 1, right after Thanksgiving weekend.  Thinking I will keep a spare pair in car for these future meetings just in case.

    Z:  I'm exhausted reading your day.  Naturally the house is cluttered with Thanksgiving and Christmas preparations!! Glad there are many non homework nights. BG must be growing, eating everything in sight. I think it is so cute that Boy likes veggies. When I was a kid, all we had were veggies out of the can, like peas and carrots. We did have fresh tomatoes slices, and probably carrot sticks, but I don't remember any other fresh veggies. And OH CRAP about the LE sleeve!  I hope it turns up!

    PRB: sorry that DD is still sick. Hope it is only a bad cold. Vitamin C, soup??

    M:  what's up with Colin 1 & 2?  HOw are they doing?

    DP: how are you feeling?  You made it thru the day OK?

    **waving at everyone**  back later.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    PRB, as a mom I understand how you feel when your dd is sick, sure hope she turns the corner soon. Are you getting any of the snow? heard something about Grand Rapids MI. think maybe you are close to there, what a mess in the east!! now they are predicting floods as it is warming. YUCK. no snow here yet and not missing it either.

    Glennie, your shoe story was a dandy!! never heard of such a thing! Yay for Ava!

    Zills, whew, you are a busy gal, hope you dont get too played out for the holiday. Loving that your boy likes veggies, as a child I always ate the wierdest veggies and loved them.. rutabagas, parsnips, swiss chard,, etc. usually not what kids like. I like brussell sprouts roasted too also asparagus.

    Ariom, hope Colin gets better real soon.

    Andrea, you are a good sport.. all the teasing about your vaJJ, makes these boards fun!! Thanks for doing the Christmas card list.

    Hi DP, sending you good thoughts and hoping your day is a good one. BTW/ I think my brother and wife stop at the casino you like to go to, on the OK/TX border when they head south for winter. They say it is so big they could get lost!

    Waving to everyone!!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Hi all. Well, ibuprofen has kicked in and daughter's temp is close to normal, and head/body aches are better. She came out of her bedroom looking completely normal. Cough seems better too...might insist on her doing the inhaler to keep it loose since she has a touch of asthma. Mama is feeling relieved too.

    ND - Thank goodness we did not get much snow. Maybe 3 inches total and it's supposed to rain on Sunday, so ours will be gone. My sister lives up north and they got dumped on a few days ago.. around 2-3 feet. She said school has been closed all week. So early to be having snow days... if this keeps up there will be days to be made up for sure. Brother lives close to Grand Rapids, but said GR got the brunt of it.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DH cooks brussels sprouts in lite cocoanut milk. Really good that way and looks a little fancy. I love them. The only vegetables I dislike are beets and turnips.

    I feel for the people in Buffalo. They really have to get their roofs shoveled before the rain starts. We had snow followed by rain here and lost our deck roof. Marinas lost roofs to the weight and crashed down on boats. It was interesting to read that houses have to be built to withstand 50lb per square foot in Buffalo.

    Glennie, I shared your experience of canned veggies boiled to death. Only fresh was corn on the cob, carrot sticks, tomatoes and lettuce. Nothing worse than canned spinach.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    z you always amaze me with the amount of activity going on.

    Reason I can't breathe is a significant pleural effusion. They are trying to schedule me for Monday to have it drained. Chemo not working. Chest nodes larger and new spots on liver. She didn't mention the lung nodules but obviously my lung isn't doing well. Guess this explains while I feel like total crap the last couple of days.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DP, Sorry about the bad news. I hope the draining helps you breath a lot better. You'll get more energy back with more oxygen IMO. Do they have another chemo in mind to try?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Hey! What's wrong with canned beans! :) I kind of prefer them to them with rice / butter / salt. I know they are not good for us, but it is what it is. Half of what I eat is not good for me. I am really embracing this quality of life thing versus 'doing the right thing'. I'd rather die happy then live an extra 10 years eating artichokes and spinach. Sorry.. I only like spinach iand artichokes if they are disguised in some creamy, bad for you dip/sauce.

    Speaking of food, I am cooking a pot roast in the slow cooker and it's starting to smell good. Proud of myself for getting out of the house today and getting to the store. Sun is out and it's a damn heatwave at 26 degrees! I should go get some gas for the snowblower on this 'summer' day. lol So.. something caught my eye in the garage today.. looks like some animal perhaps was trapped in there? 12 inch slithers of wood lying near the back corner. I don't even want to think about it. Probably up in the storage area ready to jump on my head. I suppose I should be happy I can see the back corner...this was not the case 2 years ago. I paid my neighbor $$ to clean it out and tear down all the insulation on the walls. Stupid mice thought they had a garage full of cotton candy. Apparently they like to chew on it. Kept finding it packed on top of my car engine. Visions of little critters all nestled into their individual cylinder blocks on top of the engine all tucked in with their insulation! .

    Where is DP today?

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Oh shit DP. I was typing away and didn't see your post. Damn damn damn. Do they have another plan? Any trials going on that you could get in? I wish we all lived closer and could just come over and hang out with you.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    no plan yet. See MO on Monday to get the results that NP just have me over phone. I could tell she felt bad when she realized the liver mets were a new diagnosis. Doesn't matter to me if it's in person or not. I'm imagining the horrible carboplatin may be next. Don't know if this cocktail was doing anything for my brain. Still waiting for mri. These were only known drugs thought to cross blood brain barrier. Oh well. Onward I suppose.

    PRB your critter story reminded me of a time I got so mad at my ex. We were redecorating and doing some work in his sons room. Well crap I'll have to continue later. They want me to Go to hospital ASAP.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Well, crap, DP!!    Poop on a popsicle!  This sucks. They better have a good plan for you.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    PRB: there is nothing wrong with canned veggies. They probably lose a few nutrients, but what the heck. I eat fresh when I can, but Thanksgiving isn't Thanksgiving without the little green LeSuer peas, in my opinion. At my house, it was the only green thing on the table.  Good for you making pot roast.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Crap on a chapstick DP, hope you can update us on the hospital run... you should feel better after they drain things. Damn this cancer to hell! Hope there is a new plan in mind. (((HUGS)))

    PRB, Roast beef in crockpot is a favorite here, I almost have it tonight too, round steak, onions, little garden potatoes, beans, tomato soup, garlic in crockpot, one of dh's favorite, I use canned french sliced beans when run out of garden frozen. so easy and all in one pot, not much clean up either. Real heat-wave here 36!!

    I just had a big rant on the other thread, not enough energy to do it again... will be on Medicare 2015, they have really stupid people answering their phones!!Devil

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    nd:  can I have your crockpot recipe??  Am always looking for new ones.  Do you brown the meat first?  How long in crockpot?  Low or high? 

    Will check back later,, Hoping for DP update.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    ok before it slips my mind or they kill me in here, I will finish my story. In waiting room for procedure. And man is a long walk from parking to admissions.

    So stepsons closet was a real place to just keep junk piled up. After taking all the clothes out, I sat down in the floor to clean out the bottom. I start finding used condoms. Several used condoms. We never used condoms. So I am seething. I think he had gone to Home Depot or something, so I keep cleaning out.

    I don't know if any of you have ever been to planned parenthood, but when your 15 and want birth control without adult supervision, you do what you gotta do. Anyhow, after spending 2-3 hours there getting prodded, they hand you a brown paper bag full of one year supply of pills. They always ask if you want condoms. I always said no. They always put in a giant handful anyway, as well as spermicidal foam.

    As I keep cleaning I start finding the wrappers and this is just really too much to handle. I finally get to the back corner of the closet and find the brown paper bag chewed to pieces and more chewed on condoms still in their wrappers. Luckily I clean fast when I am mad and I put the whole thing together in my mind before he got home and I started world war 3.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    imagedidn't get to post that before they brought me back. All done now. Guess what that pain in my back and side that I thought was nerve pain? Yea pleural effusion. They only drained one liter because some think it is dangerous to do more than that. I wonder how much is in there? I think you may all be moms so you can probably stomach it, but I took a far away shot so it's hopefully not too gross. Looking at it, no wonder I've felt like shit. Oh that and (borrowing a line from the fault in our stars) the fact that my body is basically made of cancer.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    in addendum to the condom story, I should add that the paper bag must have been in some old box of mine that got stored in his junk collector closet. Don't want you to think I kept my birth control in 7 yo step sons closet. Bahahahaha

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    DP! I still have to clean out my closet.... there better not be any mice in there! What procedure are you having done? Taking out the fluid? When my mom was in the hospital years ago, they did that to the lady in the next bed... right there..just closed the curtain. I will always remember it cause it freaked all of us out because Jeopardy was on and the doctors and nurses were answering questions while they did it. Is anyone with you DP? I hope so..and they should of dropped you off so you didn't have to walk all the way from the parking lot. *hugs* to you.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Wow, you're all done? Amazing. Glad it went smooth and hopefully you will start to feel better. I guess before I post anymore I better look and see if there's been an update. Really different being home all day and being able to keep up with whats going on.

    Go home and rest..oh.. and now we know.. you kept condoms in your step-sons closet!!! LOL Now we have Andrea, M, Bobo and you to tease. Love it. :)