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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    DP! Are you still in the hospital! **waving** Thinking of you every minute.

    Great job taking a picture of that one liter of fluid! That much fluid would make anyone feel bad! Is Bond with you? Do you need anything? Which hospital are you in? Do you need a pizza? :)

    Now we know: our DP is the condom fairy! She tosses condoms around her house like so much confetti! Naughty condom fairy. We love you. XOXOXO
  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    ouch DP. You must feel better after getting rid of that. Hope you are snug at home. We're all very worried.

    Hate that you got the news over the phone. I can hear M now. I know you feel some relief with the dx. You're not crazy.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Oh DP, I am sorry you've got more bad news and over the phone! FFS what is it with these people, who do I slap for you?

    I am so glad they have sat up and taken notice, at last, and removed that fluid. That's gotta make you feel a bit better. You're so right about us being able to handle looking at the photo, I find that stuff really interesting and some of the stuff I have looked at as a Mum defies belief.

    I meant to tell you my friend that I visit on Thursdays was in Hospital last week having fluid removed from her stomach due to Ovarian ca. She is much improved and I hope you feel a difference too. I hope there's another plan for you now, I know it means more nasty shit.

    That condom story, was amazing and in installments, you didn't miss a beat! LOL

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Oh DP, hoping you are ok, I have a story about drs draining my Mom, made me leave the hospital room, just made her put arms and head on the tray by bed and did it, and then walked out and didnt even help her lay back down or comfort her. Then dr came to me with a bottle almost like the one pictured and said this doesnt look good... but he was wrong!! it was ok. You shouldnt have to walk alone and so far, can someone help you in that part? I wish we were all close to give you a helping hand.

    Glennie, I sent you a pm for the crockpot recipe.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    PRB, I know how scary it is when kids are sick. Bec was a chronic asthmatic, Dx at 11 months. I spent loads of time plus nearly every significant Holiday in the ER with her. She was never sick with anything else, but if she picked up a cold she would be in Hospital for up to a week, it was awful. This was where I picked up my assertiveness with medical staff, there were some real numbnuts when she was growing up with Asthma.I must say, although they always said she would grow out of it, she never did, till at about 17, it started to disappear, right about the time I caught her SMOKING!!!! After I had screeched like a banshee and told her I could have bought another house, with what I had spent on Asthma Meds and Specialists. She quietly told me that her Asthma had never been better and I had to eventually, agree, I think she only had one more bout of bad asthma. I never approved of the smoking, but she still doesn't have asthma.

    I have been out at the Opp Shops and 4 Garage sales this morning. Got lots of great stuff, not the least being another rusty rake for displaying the Sun Catchers!!!!! $3 then I got a fantastic, new in the box, stainless steel rotisserie spit roast. Colin had a bit of a fit saying it is for feeding 40 people and I don't even use the barbeque! It was $10, who knows when we might use that! When we win the lottery and all of you are over here we can have a spit roast! I got a huge bag of card craft stuff, including stamps, books, ribbons, stickers and cutters, all kinds of cool stuff. $10 Bec likes doing that, so she can make some cards when she's here at Christmas. I also found a box of really expensive bottling fruit jars with all the accessories, for a friend who makes preserves, just $5.00 bargain. I also found a lovely old timber ladder, which I have wanted to put out by the Fig tree. $3 wooohoo!

    The 2 Colins are a bit of a worry. Colin no1 isn't as well as I would like and he has weeks till the next procedure. He had to go back on another course of antibiotics because it looks like that awful bug has kicked in again. Colin No 2 has had nothing but bad news. He found out as well as the Lung ca, he has Thyroid ca and Lymphoma, all separate cancers. He still has another appointment to see a liver specialist to find out what showed up in his Pet scan on the liver. The worst part is that he got a blood clot in his calf while in Hospital having that 1/2 lung out, they put him on Warfrin and now they cant operate to remove his thyroid. He told me yesterday, that he went in to the Hospital after the accidental finding of the lung ca, he was a s fit as a fiddle, had no symptoms and now 3 weeks later nothing is, as it was before. My heart breaks for him being alone with this. He calls me every day and isn't telling anyone about his new Dx because he doesn't want the sympathetic looks. Shit, but I hate to see good people going through this crap. M x

    Waving to everyone I have missed...M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    it was a very quick procedure. I leaned over the tray too. They used ultrasound to look around then numbed my back. The sweet assistant guy was bracing himself on my arm to comfort me. Barely felt that needle so I thought I was in good shape thanks to nerve damage. I'll just say that the catheter going in was less than pleasant.

    I had to drive myself to the hospital because I had to get there in 30 minutes to have the procedure done today. Grandparents picked me up. Will go back for my car tomorrow.

    Who was talking about canned rams earlier? PRB? I don't think there is anything wrong with them. I have a famous bean soup that everyone thinks is just spectacular. All I do to make it is open cans and dump them in the crockpot. Everyone always wants the recipe and how long I soak the differnwt beans. I say it's a secret family recipe. Lol. Since you are all family though: go to bean aisle. Get 1 or 2 cans of each different bean they have. Not barbecued or anything just plain beans. Be sure to do a can of chickpeas and pick as many different colors as you can. Open cans. Rinse your black beans and drain the chickpeas. Dump them all in big crockpot plus a can of rotel (diced tomatoes with green chiles). Season it with salt pepper and chile powder. Put the lid on an cook over night. Yuuummy! Sometimes if I want to be fancy I'll dice some celery and onion in it. Bond likes to add eckrich sausage.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    posting at same time m. Your finds sound awesome. Tell Colin to stop squawking. He reaps the benefits of your fabulousness! Sorry he's down again. That is so frustrating. And poor Colin 2 also. It just keeps piling on. And being on warfarin is a PITA. That is exactly how I felt after I went to the ER for my headache. I was working and feeling mostly fine. Three weeks later I was in an alternate reality and nothing will be the same again. It's not a fun feeling. But hopefully he can come out of it.

    How is DD tonight PRB? Hope she's feeling better.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    ((Hugs)) to our little Condom Fairy. I hope it brings you much relief now that you are a litre lighter. That is crazy!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Ahem, those of you that are thinking of sending my vagina Seasons Greetings just might not be getting my address. Muwa ha ha.

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Did dinner agree with you DP? You must be feeling better if you're giving out recipes. Glad the grands picked you up.

    Boy didn't like roasted Brussel sprouts. I did. BG wouldn't try them. DH said the house stinks. I think it stinks like lamb.

    Today was the day to score beef and pork and lamb. SAMs had it marked down. Guess everyone's shopping for ham and turkey. Too bad I don't have a deep freeze.

    Our health dept has a basket of brown paper sacks sitting in the lobby. Boy asked if he could have one. I said yes. The sack looked flat and I forgot all about it. DH wanted to know why I had condoms:) It never occurred to me that's what was in the bag.

    Crap on Chapstick. I was so proud. I remembered pix frames, even a 10x10. Got home, put pix in them. Held them up against the "gallery". Bought the wrong size! All the others are matted. These aren't. I am the queen of returns without a receipt!

    Need to take my pills and get some sleep. Aquarium tomorrow. Took me all day to find someone to take DHs place. Tix are notrefundable.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    In the bag, Condom Fairy! Hope you have built a nice pillow palace for yourself. XX

    p.s. Andrea, do you really think we can't get an address for you and your P A F (pretty AUS fanny)? LOL

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2014

    Hi all, I didn't mean to disappear again! My grandmother took a turn for the worse a couple of weeks ago and sadly passed away last weekend. She would have been 102 next month.. kind of sad that she didn't make it to that.. but her quality of life the last two years has been less than ideal. She was an amazing woman who lived on her own in her beloved house for 99 years with no health issues.

    It's been colder than a witches you know what the last 4 days, but I don't dare complain too much considering the folks in NY that got 7 F'ing feet of snow! I can't even contemplate that! It's going to be really nice this weekend, so I probably won't get much of a chance of a catch up here. The leaves took their sweet arse time falling and there's now tons of them to rake up. I'm looking forward to spending a lot of time in the fresh air... this might be the last chance of being outside for a bit.

    And next week is Thanksgiving! I can't believe it.


  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2014

    Read back a bit.. M, I am sorry to hear about the Colins :(

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Wow, DP,, that is a lot of damn fluid.  I hope you feel better and can breathe easier with that gone.  And the condom story was hysterical.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    My sympathies Idesim, what a wonderful story of your Grandma's life. Still hard to lose a loved one but we can all hope we could live like that and be independant. Celebrate her wonderful life. DH;s great grandma lived to be a few days short of 109! She had to go to a nursing home the last few years.

    Glad you arent getting hit with snow, even in our frozen tundra up north cant ever remember getting that amount at one time! Feeling for those poor people. We had just a dusting of snow but after today the green grass is showing again, but probably not for long.

    Ha, a condum fairy... love this thread!

  • ldesim
    ldesim Member Posts: 1,193
    edited November 2014

    Couple more comments...

    I am dying laughing over Glennie's clog malfunction.. sounds like something that would happen to me.. and the way you describe it is just cracking me up.

    I love roasted brussell sprouts..... I just recently tried roasting butternut squash too and adore it... I hate chopping the godamn things up tho.. what a massive pain.

    DP, holy crap.. what a relief it must have been to have that taken out of you. Sorry to hear about more bad news, but as usual I am in awe of your attitude... any updates on treatment plans?

    I bet Pinterest has tons of ideas for you condom hoarders.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Damn, I missed more posts again.  DP: I love that bean recipe, sounds great.  Glad you are back home now. It can't have been much fun to drive yourself there and go thru all of that. I hope Bond is now spoiling you with tempting things to eat.

    M:  sounds like you got a lot of great stuff today!  Worried about your Colins.  I cannot believe #2 has that many cancers. WTF??? That is just so wrong.

    Z:  have fun at the Aquarium!  I love going to those. I would have grabbed that ticket if I were near you.

    Idesim:  Sorry to hear about your Grandmother. Wow,, almost 102. She sounds like she was a badass, living on her own until 99.  Good for her.

    Ava visited with the neighbor earlier. The puppy ran all over and under her. Kept biting at her nipples. Ava stoically tolerated it for a good long while, and finally growled at warning at him. He was back at it 2 minutes later. She ignored him.  Neighbor was baby-sitting 10 month old granddaughter. Ava adores babies. Baby bopped her on the head several times. Ava just stands there, wagging tail. Neighbor rewards good dog with Pupperoni dog treats which Ava thinks is like sirloin steak or something.  No peeing in the house today. I got the porch cleaned too.

    **waving at everyone**

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    M, that is terrible news about Colin2. The poor man! So much to deal with individually; too much at once!

    And your dear Colin. Sounds like these UTI's can be a real bugger to get rid of.

    Lookslike you had a great haul at the garage sales. I wish I could be your garage sale buddy. I used to have a friend that went saling with me back in Michigan. In fact one time we even got our pics in the paper at a city wide yard sale. But woe is me, I haven't found a friend here to go treasure hunting with.

    This does however make my DH very happy.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    couldn't eat much if dinner. Something is wrong with my stomach. But you know how well I am listened to. It isn't nausea I feel. It's something else but I can't describe it right I guess because they always just put down nausea.

    Not feeling a lot better like I wanted or expected. Always feel something in my throat which drives me crazy. Side is still quite sore. Just don't feel good and can't get comfortable.

    Do feel better knowing z gives boy bags of condoms.

    Sorry about your grandma ideism. I marvel at folks with that longevity. All of the things they have seen. Bond and I were talking about it a while back. Don't remember if this was from tv or someone he knew, but someone asked a 103 yo man what the most amazing technological advance he had seen in his lifetime. He said spray on deodorant.

    Ava is such a good girl. Dog on news looks just like Ava. Lady lost her in August, saw her up for adoption and they were reunited today. Awww.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    andrea in Texas we have garage sales year round. I'm going to get you to move here eventually.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Bahahaaha Zillls, lucky you discovered the condoms before they made it to show and tell!

    Zills get yourself an electric burner and some "chill out" aromatherapy blends and fill your house with that. I have it going all the time, I love it when people come over and they love the smell and thy just relax back. It's anti bacterial and anti viral too, so helps keep the bugs away.

    I love the Aquarium, my favorite is in Atlanta. They had a big pool full of stingrays and for some reason, which I'll never know, they all came to me, it was so amazing

    DP, I hope you are feeling better and can get a restful sleep. Sending hugs to you!

    I can't wait till Colin gets in, so I can tell him to stop squawking about my finds and that you said, he reaps the rewards of my fabulousness!!!! LOL He thought I was pretty fabulous this morning when he woke up, it was his birthday and I had found him 10 blocks of his favorite Chilli Chocolate from Aldi! It is the hardest chocolate to come by and it took a few visits to get 10 blocks together. M x

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DP, Sorry the draining didn't make you feel better instantly. Hoping you'll feel better tomorrow.

    Idesim, Sorry about your Grandmother. Living on her own for 99 years is quite an accomplishment. Was she Norwegian? I live in a Scandinavian part of Seattle and the Norwegians all are really old when they go. I think someone must finally just hit them in the head.

    M, Wishing both Colins well. The thyroid CA is pretty easy to cure if they can get the other two knocked down.

    We have a big anti-HIV program here. The community colleges, health department and welfare offices are all stocked with condoms. The welfare dept has theirs in the big commercial jars for candy. We watched an man who appeared quite old fill his pockets with condoms. He saw the whole room was watching and said he didn't want any more grandchildren.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    you will be happy to know that neither thorencentesis nor my latest diagnosis have had any effect on my sleep patterns. Ha!

    See m, what did I tell you? Fabulousness. I'm sure that is also what attracted the stingrays. Now zs DH needs to get on board with her tireless fabulousness.

    Did anyone know that there is actually a Craig behind Craigslist? Makes sense I guess.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    ldesim, how did I miss your posts? I am s o sorry foryour loss, but boy what she must have seen in all those years and 99 years in her home, that's an achievement. Oh my, don't tell me about the bloody leaves, are they all your neighbors? I rake mine as they fall, but my neighbor has the huge trees that drop and blow into my place. I did over 100 waist high big garden bags last year!

    Andrea, you can come with m anytime! I am a garage sale whore of the century, it's like a sport for me!~ LOL It would be easier for you to go with DP, she's a great shopper too!

    DP, I am hoping you feel a bit better tomorrow, it craps me off so much, that they don't really listen and follow through for you.

    Wren, I thought the same about the thyroid ca, it is one of the contained ones, isn't it? The problem is, they can't do anything because of the blood clot and the blood thinners.

    Glennie, Ava sounds like such a lovely girl!

    Dex made friends with my friend who is just back from having her radiotherapy. I have made sure Dex was locked out when she came here before because I didn't want to risk him scratching her with his exuberance, when she was having chemo. Well they met today for the first time and did he win her heart! He is a super friendly little guy, but he's a boof and is a ball of muscle. She loved to pat him and he was loving it. M x

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Today is my one year Cancer-versary. So much has happened in that time. I would like to undo most of it, with one exception: meeting all you wonderful ladies!! I feel so blessed to know you all!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Is there a card for that?

    Idesim sorry about your loss. Have fun with the leaves.

    M where would I find these? Health food store? Do they say chillax?

    DP I hate it when my mo doesn't listen but my RO does. Is there anyone there who will? I saw on the stage IV thread others in the same boat. Carbo and something else work. They also biopsied again and it had changed receptors.

    Off to feed the monkeys.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Last night I lost a big post, closed the computer and went to bed! DP - I just wanted to reiterate how much we all love you and your witty 'altered reality' brain. Bummed that you didn't feel immediately better from the draining, but maybe today?

    You guys and your garage sales! I can save you a lot of running around....just come to my house and take all this stuff from my basement please? I was sitting here thinking about all the stuff that is down there... lots of exercise equipment...which is kind of ironic since I've been thinking of joining the gym. If my basement had an indoor tennis court, I could stay home!

    DD is still sleeping. Hoping she is much better today. Now I have a scratchy throat. NO.. I will not get sick, I will not get sick, I will not get sick. My friends at work seem to get pretty sick a few times a year. I told my co-worker recently ... hey I don't get sick, I just get cancer. Seems I have read here that many of you are like me.. rarely get colds etc. Maybe there is something to that.

    Well flaky weather... it's raining this morning and 33 degrees. Glad DD didn't sign up for the solo ensemble competition that is 30 miles away. Lots of worried parents about icy roads today. Orchestra teacher sent out a letter that it would not be cancelled due to bad roads. I don't get that kind of mindset. I think people come from all over the state for this with their precious cargo of young kids. I'd say reschedule it and keep everyone alive.

    Hope today is good for to drink something warm.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    PRB I am right with you on that one!! Safety first always!!! You can reschedule an event; you can't reschedule a lost life!!!

    And I will be right over to your basement sale, after I run out and pick up Ariom and DP. Lol.

    I also want to join in on the love fest!! We all love you to pieces DP!!!

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Oh geez.. see I missed a couple of posts again. Congrats on one year Andrea. I remember thinking in September when I had mine... didn't they say I wouldn't think about it all the time the further out I got from it? Seems just as fresh today as it did then.

    M - I meant to comment on your 100 bags of leaves. OMG.. I did 11 bags this year and was so proud of myself. 100? You need to hire that shit done... or wave your magic fairy wand.

    DP - I'm with Zills.. someone has to listen! If they won't, then please, please, please try to find someone who will. I had typed this in my previous post, but felt like I was overstepping and deleted it ...but really, it is time to consider going somewhere else if these doctors don't step it up a notch. We want the best for our spam loving, condom partying girl who drives when she shouldn't, and takes pictures of fluids to show her nutty friends. Love you DP.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    M:  do the essential oils work better with the electric burners?  I found this:

    But I also found ones like this:

    So I was wondering which was better. I really do want to get some lavender going in my bedroom. And M: you are full of fab. Even sting rays think so. It should be obvious to mere humans.

    Andrea:  Happy Cancer-versary.  Ava sends kisses.  Celebrate your milestone!! Have cake or ice cream, or both.

    DP:  I am sorry that you don't feel better after draining off all that fluid. SUCKS.  Hope you got some sleep last night and are feeling some better today. Glad lady was reunited with her Ava look-alike dog. I would just freak if I lost my girl.

    Bobo:  did the kids earn football game?

    **waving to Z and the monkeys, Bobo and the kids and everyone else**