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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    DP. I hope you don't think we are overstepping. Just your docs suck! We are ready to kick some @ss and take names. @sswhupping gets everyone ready for the holidays!

    I know how frustrated we are, so can only imagine how you feel. Of course you may feel too bad to care or too scared. Why do you see an np? What does bond or grands say? Are you not telling?

    Did you stop xeloda? If so, you'll feel better soon and can start kicking and screaming.

    Sorry for all the questions and I haven't had coffee yet!

    In your corner.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    DP, I don't know what to say that the others haven't already.

    Ideas, sorry to hear about gma.

    Everybody stay warm

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Morning all!

    DP, you know how I feel about you too Mwah, Mwah!! But fuck, it makes me so mad, when I feel you're not being treated right and there isn't anything, any of us can do to help. You just shouldn't have to put up with this apathy, I am certain there is a lot that could be done for these side effects, not to mention all of these other health issues which aren't even related to the ca. I don't want to overstep either, just like the others, it is just that I care so much...big smooshy hug to you!!!!

    I hope you got some sleep and feel a bit better after that fluid was removed, like my Mother used to say "Better out than In" :)

    Glennie, I have never seen those kinds of burners, mine is just a ceramic pot with a well at the top for water and I float the Essential Oils on the water, it warms up and diffuses the oils. There are also the standard kind, with the small candle under a small saucer which works the same way, but I never burn real candles in the house, simply because of Colin, in the wheelchair and the possibility of a fire. I do love candles though, and have these amazing LED's everywhere which are by an Aussie woman, called Enjoy candles, not just the usual single fake flame thingy, but with 3 small LED's that make the real candle look like it is actually lit. Anyway, I digress, Zills, there will be burners at your health food stores and make absolutely sure you buy "Pure Essential Oils" none of these "fragrance" oils, they are nothing more, than a headache in a bottle and won't do anything for antibacterial or anti viral in the air. I am not certain if you have any of the brands we have over here, like InEssence or Balanced Essentials, my favorite, but there will be aromatherapy oils that are already pre mixed for burning, like Relax or Breathe (for respiratory) Calm, Revitalize, Sleep etc There are plenty of sites on Aromatherapy online too and you can blend your own, that can get a bit pricey though, because you may only need a couple of drops of one or another oil. I also make my own room spray, from Essential oils with water and a shot of Vodka. I take those with me if I stay in Hotels, and spray in my car, just to freshen and to kill any germs. In Winter, I lightly spray the mats in my car with pure Eucalyptus Oil.

    Happy Anniversary Andrea! I feel the same way about the girls here!

    Spookiesmom, I just read the stay warm, LOL we had the hottest night here, I slept with no covers over me and the fan blowing directly at me and I was still boiling hot! It is a little cooler today, but will likely heat up later.

    Zills I need a kids at the Aquarium report, did they love it? Were there Stingrays? I mentioned the Stingrays to Colin yesterday and he went on and on about how it was just so weird, how they all came to me. It was the same week that the Aussie Steve Irwin died, while swimming with the big Stingrays and we were so blown away by how many Americans new about it and were asking us all the time about him. It was kind of funny, really, because we had never really taken any notice of Steve Irwin and didn't watch his shows over here. He grew up right near Colin and played at the same creek at the back of their houses, younger, of course, but the outpouring from the people we met when they realized we were Aussies was incredible.M x

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hi PRB, I hate that, I have lost a few posts recently. I kid you not, those bags of leaves are my Nemesis. Thankfully they were not all at once, but you can imagine doing 40 bags or so, the place looks great and then you get another high wind and another 40 bags have to be filled and then it happens again and they aren't even your leaves, infuriating!!!!

    I am with you, safety first, always. I doubt I would drive anywhere if there was snow where I lived. I have had black ice in Melbourne and that was scary, but the idea of skidding through snow and slush scares me. Colin, of course was a ski nut, so he's happy to put chains on the car and go up the mountains. Not me, he can have that on his own. I was very pleased when he gave up his sit skiing, water skiing too, for that matter. I cope well with his sailing, so that's ok, I hate that awful feeling of fear for someone else, not fair either!

    I am in Andrea, pick me up any time for a cruise through PRB's basement! M x

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    Andrea, you could come here and go saling with DLLP. She loves garage sales and I never let her go. Where will we put all that junk?

    Hi DP! **waving** I have to say, I have been sending some choice angry texts to our Z about your dicktors because I am trying to vent my feelings while not swearing too much on your thread. But, since others have started in, I feel I can join them. Oh my bloody god and fuck, angels, cherubim and seraphim. Who do I have to fuck to get DP an assist in to her appts? Which hospital are you going to, I am not kidding. I am going to call up and make somebody cry. I know M would place a choice phone call as well. Hope I do not overstep my bounds here as I request assistance in exchange for fucking someone.

    I need you to be comfortable and well-treated and listened to asap. With all the shit you are taking it would be natural for you to have some SEs that are difficult to bear. You need a PCP who works out of the hospital and you should see her at every hospital visit, I feel. No residents, fellows, or NPs.

    I am putting my foot down. It's one of the few body parts I have left that still has hair on it, since my lola is still bald from the waxing expedition I chose to undertake before the last sx. Did your GPs get a house yet? I am not thrilled with them right now either, to be honest.

    Bond! Bond! Let's get something going! If I tell you to slap someone, will you do it? XXX

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014

    I'm sorry. I reply to myself. I meant, 'Whom do I have to fuck.'

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Hahahahaah Bobo, I am so glad you used the correct "whom" do I have to Fuck! I love that!!!

    I am imagining you with one hairy foot!!!! bahahahah

    I am with you, what is wrong with these people? I want to pack up DP and bring her over here, to my Doctors and I want to make her Viitamix soup and take her sailing! Bond is welcome too, DP. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    I don't think you guys are overstepping. It is just a bit overwhelming to try to find another team. I don't know anyone to ask for a Referal. I'm afraid I will be in the same situation somewhere else. I think that the the medical profession has become such a cookie cutter, churn and burn industry , just like everything else. Just take a look in the other forums. They are doing the same treatments from city to city. They've been given little to no advice by their drs about the drugs they are on. Or they all have such wildly varying things they've been told.

    Maybe this is just what it is like at this stage of the game. They would ply me with pain meds if I asked but they don't help so I don't ask. I only see the MO on chemo weeks. I check in with the NP on all other weeks. She has seemed to pay more attention lately. I do plan to ask if my pleural effusion grew so alarmingly fast, since I has a chest xray last Friday. So did it grow that fast or did no one pay attention to my xray?

    Being that I'm on Medicaid, I also can't go anywhere that I want. It knocked the wind out of my sails a bit too when md Anderson rejected me for being stage IV or whatever reason.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    wanted to post that before I lost it.

    Congrats Andrea. That sounds funny to me but there are no words to sum up the shit pile of a year you've made it through. I say do your best to not worry and don't spend your time looking over your shoulder for this monster chasing you. I wish I had followed that advice.

    GPs have a house being inspected on Tuesday. I am involving myself as little as possible.

    Thinking also of bobos hairy foot.

    In bed all day again. Came to the couch around five. Super tired. Back and side are really sore and tender. Cough still te same and I have to get up and pee every time I cough. Even if I just came from the bathroom. Grrr. Is there a z remedy for that?

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Thank you DP. I will heed your advice dear Cuz!

    I am not surprised your back and sides are tender with what you had done the other day. I don't know if anything that helps with leaking when you cough. Maybe Kegel exercises??

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    DP, MD Anderson refused you because stage 1v?? that is so wrong!! and Medicaid should not make you have less choices. our health system is so screwed up. I see a NP except when I go for cancer checkup at Mayo and I swear she is just so good and very concerned, I feel very confident in her decisions... and she listens to me!! She is about 50 and knows what cancer is all about.. her hubby is now fighting stage 1v cancer as well. I love her and her wisdom but most of all her down to earth/patient skills. Wish I could scoop you up to see her! But you may be frozen up north here!!

    Andrea, happy cancerversary!! wish we didnt have to say that but you are right, these boards and meeting all the terrific ladies is the only good thing about bc.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    M:  I LOVED Steve Irwin.  I was so sad when he died. Sometimes I catch reruns of his shows and it makes me feel sad that he died so young.  He was just so alive and SOOOO into what he was doing. Quite admirable.

    And I have to say our local health food store, (Bobo will back me up) is not that good anymore. So I think I'll buy some essential oils and a burner online.  I rather liked that electric one with the soft lights. A little present for myself.

    Bobo:  you swear so well! And you are willing to f*ck someone to get DP the help she needs?  You are the bestest friend!!  I would help out with that as soon as the GYN says I can have sex again. Have not gotten the all clear in that department. Not that I'm in a hurry as there is no one chomping at the bit to do so. Maybe after Weds it will be approved. And I loved that you corrected your grammar.  You are da bomb.  You and your hairy foot. Is it the right or left?

    DP: I'm sure you are sore about having all that fluid drained out of you yesterday. And there could still be more? They just stopped at one liter. What is next week's plan?  You have appt? Another X-ray to check pleural effusion? Kegels could help with the leaking when you cough, but it takes practice. Wearing a panty liner helps so that your panties don't feel wet. Not a great solution, but probably feel better than sitting in wet panties.  ((gentle hugs))


    **waving at everyone** 

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    M. I keep forgetting about the weather difference. I am currently using a heating pad at night for the ice blocks that once were my feet. They get soooo cold they hurt. Where's a hot flash when you need it?

    My house doesn't have central heat and air, either hot or cold in my bedroom. Summer time I have the ceiling fan on hurricane speed, and another fan blowing on me. Poor little Spookie almost gets blown off the bed

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    OHHH, Spookies, we could not survive here without heat or aircon. we are the land of extremes!! Are you close to the ocean? I would love to live by water, maybe not ocean, but would love to have a house on a nice lake!! On Golden Pond?? dreams!!

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    We have a big wall unit that does both, but doesn't get to my room very well . I am one block in from the Gulf of Mexico.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DP, Try to remind yourself to cough while you are still on the toilet. Even tho you think you're done, you'll go some more. Also second the panty liners. And remind yourself to go often. Sure wish you felt better.

    Spookie, We have baseboard heat in the bedroom and I'm afraid to run it at night, so the bedroom is cold. We do have an electric blanket. In summer we have a big window fan that's so noisy you can barely sleep. Luckily it doesn't stay hot for long here.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014


    this is the end of my street

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    nd, they didn't say that was why but that's how I felt. It was not an encouraging phone call.

    My feet are always like is too! Even with socks or slippers. I hate slippers anyway. I just stick them on bond or under Reggie. They are both portable heaters.

    Yes bobo, your grammatically correct swearing is awesome. And I have to say you being willing to fuck someone for the sake of my healthcare is truly thoughtful. Hopefully when I find out who it is, they like bald vaginas and hairy feet.

    Back in bed. Since 8 actually. Took a pain pill and thought i would be sleeping but got sucked into a movie. Feeling a tad better at this moment but it's probably just the pills talking.

    If I can manage to get dressed and leave the house tomorrow, bond will take me to see mockingjay for my birthday. I only like to go to the earliest show though. I hate crowds.

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    DP, I love that you have such a great sense of humor with everything going on in your world, you are such an inspiration to me!

    Spookies, beautiful!! can i come live with you for the winter??? Love the picture!!

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    DP is it your Birthday tomorrow? Awwww, I wish you were feeling better, so you could have a great slap up lunch, after the movie. I too am in awe of the almost hairless, save 1 foot, self proclaimed slut, for you, Bobo! I'd gladly do it for you too, but if anyone other than Colin saw me naked they'd run a mile! Don't think I'd do you much good. LOL

    I have always got super hot feet, I have to dangle them out the side of the bed, both Winter and Summer, we have reverse cycle heat and cold in every room, but I don't like sleeping in air con, so I use the fan. We have always had overhead fans, but couldn't put one in here because of the overhead beams and the slope of the ceiling.

    Spookiesmom, do you get the lovely cool evening breeze in the Summer, from that beautiful water at the end of your street? We call it the 5 o'clock Doctor over here.

    We have a few men here playing around with Colin's model yacht, I have tried to stay out of the way, except to refill the beer and wine. I used my new outdoor vacuum to do all the paving and I tidied everything up, outside. Then I tackled the FoobMoire, OMG, I am embarrassed about how many bras and foobs I have in there. I had no idea I had so many Genie Bras, I don't even wear those things. I think they have been quietly breeding in the dark in there. M x

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    yep tomorrow is my birthday m or is that today to you? Lol. I can never keep up with the time difference. Sitting in bed eating graham crackers. Had the hollow stomach feeling that I get so often lately. Started worrying about ulcers which gma always told me I would get for skipping meals. They don't seem to be helping but now I have crumbs and Reggie drool in the bed. Oops.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Tomorrow is Monday the 23rd November here,it is Sunday 5pm now.

    Is it a gnawing feeling, like you may be hungry, but then you eat and you feel like you're a bit full? I had terrible ulcers from the RA drugs and I felt shit like that, all the time. Can you take pro biotics and Digestive enzymes? I know you thought you couldn't have the Vegan Smart, because of the vitamins it contains, but it you were to ask your Doctor if it is just a food, not a supplement, you could have that with some Green Vibrance, which is all food too, no added stuff, you may find you get a lot of relief like I did. There is more nutrition in these foods than you'll get eating bits and pieces all day and your body does not have to work to digest it. If you find you can't have the powders, then there are capsules of pro biotics and digestive enzymes that really help with those bad stomach issues. They help to clean up the immune system too which has 70% just in the lining of your gut and is so easily killed off by all the meds and the stress. Just having an overrun of bad bacteria in your gut can make you feel so shitty and tired. It may be worth asking if you get the opportunity. I know I sound pushy about this stuff, but it's just 'cause I love you too and I know how it turned me around. Tell me to fuck off, if I am annoying you! or as Bec will say "Talk to the hand, Mum!" with her hand raised. LOL

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Ariom it is Sunday, November 23 here in USA. Does Australia have a different calendar? Lol


    You really should try and have a piece of cake today. What's your favorite type of cake? I like vanilla (yawn).

    Birthday Hugs! But very gentle ones

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Happy Birthday DP! I hope you enjoy your day with Bond. Was going to say.. why of course you're a Scorpio...but just looked and today starts the Sagittarius sign. That's ok, I guess ;) I don't really believe in that stuff, but there are some basic traits that seem to prevail. So many of my good friends have been either Scorpio or Sagittarius.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    imageThese are two of my daughter's dogs. They say Happy Birthday to DP too.... They actually sing better than I do.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    Awww beautiful dogs!

    Andrea, when I worked for United, I got on the plane here in Aus at 11 am and arrived in the US an hour before I left here! It doesn't matter how old I get, I still don't "really" get it. LOL

    I hope you have a lovely Birthday DP! xxxx

  • ndgirl
    ndgirl Member Posts: 950
    edited November 2014

    Happy Birthday D P, hoping Bond, grands, and Reggie all spoil you today and everyday! I make a mean red velvet cake, if closer and you like it I would bring it!

    I like to take probiotics too, as usual Ariom has good advice,

    Andrea, beautiful dogs!

    Hello to all.

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    DP happy birthday!

    ND, come on down!

    M yes, the sea breeze kicks in about 3, it helps, not enough

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    thank you everyone for the birthday wishes. I feel better about not being able to keep the time straight if the 23rd is Sunday here and Monday there. That's kind of kooky.

    M, that is exactly what I feel with my stomach. I know the gnawing is hunger and it actually hurts a lot of times. But as soon as I take two bites, I feel like I've eaten so much I've made myself sick. It is horrible. I told mo and she can't get past thinkig it's nausea. I started taking culturelle last week, in addition to the green vibrance. First couple days were great. Then I started feeling weird and SOB and stomach pain. So I stopped taking them. Perhaps it was bad timing with the pleural effusion. Will try again this week.

    What beautiful puppies. I have a soft spot for huskies. My favorite boy ever was a German shepherd and Alaskan husky mix. He was so beautiful and sweet. The best boy ever.

    Not sure what my favorite cake is. Unlike weird things like carrot cake and lemon. Red velvet is good too!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you!

    What's mocking jay?

    I love homemade red velvet. Right now red velvet everything replaced pumpkin spice everything. M&Ms, coffee, fudge, cookies. Also saw maple bacon cookies and donuts. Yuck!

    I'm hungry! Not usually a cake fan but like the edges without icing. Usually white or yellow. Chocolate has no flavor.

    Kids loved the aquarium. Lots of turtles, sting rays, jelly fish, sharks and penguins. You had exit out into the gift shop. Came home with a turtle and sting ray. Big Galapagos turtle walked over and laid next to BG.

    As far as coughing and peeing, great advice by everyone. I would add cranberry to make sure no infection. They also make liners for that issue. Some panty liners are thin. I prefer always. I think their lining is like diapers and keep the moisture away.

    Ok MAd Anderdon out. What about cancer centers of America? If you want to stay local, ok. We can ask the boards from recommendation. You deserve better! And for bobo to offer her body! What a true friend!