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Maybe a dumb flat question?



  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    OMG. 'Oh, I am Andrea's Lola, I am naturally nearly hairless, no one has to do anything, just tie a Tiffany bow on me and I'm ready to go.' Andrea! You are humble-bragging about your vagina again! I have to watch you every minute. All of us with larger or ungainly or naturally robust vaginas that are in need of an industrial-strength wax job which uses up an entire vat of wax are going to feel inferior! Can't imagine whom I am talking about here... (my poor inferior lola).

    How are you today DP? **waving**
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I can't imagine how much wax it would take to wax my Lola.  And I can't imagine the pain either.

    No, DP, i didn't have to work late, boss found other coverage!  YAY! Of course, I don't sleep, so I probably could have made it to 2AM, but I think it is important to try to sleep!  Glad you had a nice time at dinner,,,, sorry that stomach is still jacked up.  In the bag for liver MRI.  And the drainage,,, geeez,,, you think they would have noticed it on the old one! 

    **waving to all**

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    In the bag, DP! **GF beer**
  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Hey. Well that's an interesting list there Bobo. I don't know half of them, and I have to admit, I have never sat down and thought about the men I would like to 'do'. Did M say she'd do DP's new, handsome and caring doctor too? What a shocker! hah Next thing ya know, Andrea will be donating her cute one for the cause.

    I like heavy white cake and chocolate frosting... specifically, my sister's white cake. I don't care for red velvet either. It is too rich for me.. and chocolate with chocolate frosting is too much for me also.

    So, I was unfortunate enough to catch DD's nasty virus that had her down for the count for 4 days (I threatened to take her to the ER on Sunday if she didn't get out of bed by noon). Such a f*ing bummer, cause I haven't had a cold in maybe 10 years. I have managed to cough so much that I have injured my ribcage. Maybe have a rib out of place? Hurts like hell, and now that the cough is finally getting junky, I have to bend over, hold my side, and try to gingerly cough. Man, I have a new appreciation for people who have broken ribs. In hindsight, I should have taken the cough syrup. Fuck eating oranges and putting honey in my tea. Next time that virus will be assaulted with every useless product in the cold remedy aisle at Walgreens.

    Do you all remember the 'infected hair follicle' I had this past summer? Surgeon said not to worry unless a pimple forms near my scar. Well, near my mx scar and one on my other boob...same location. I'm hoping it's just some reaction to the heating pad I had held over my rib cage to ease the pain...I mean, they are in line with one another. Or maybe it's stress. I've had a couple come and go since this summer in various spots and since they heal up, I'm hopeful they are not skin mets Hard to find pictures and info on skin mets. Guess it's fairly rare.

    DP, I hope you have a good day today. I have been just feeling like SHIT, but I know you are going through SHIT times 1000, so please excuse my whiny rant on my whiny cold. How you keep your wits about you amazes me every day.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    PRB . I can do that?? Well, it would be for a good cause!

    Let me just explain that to my husband. Lol.

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    in your Pocket DP. ((Hugs))

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    PRB, you misapprehend the game because you are stoned on cold meds! It is your short list of people of the gender you do not usually sleep with. In your case, it would be girls. Please do not put Ellen on the list. That is so tired.

    Andrea, so glad you are joining the fluffer twins! DP, just give us an address for your new excellent doctor. :)
  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    Ok, I'll play. My first choice would have been Farrah Fawcett. Long story .

    But since she is gone now let me think...

    I would like to be Ellen's friend, but that is all. Maybe Pink, but she scares me a little. crap this is harder than I thought it would be!!!

  • AndreaJ50
    AndreaJ50 Member Posts: 704
    edited November 2014

    I really hope this doesn't offend anyone. But it make me laugh everytime I see it.image

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    LOL Bobo. No No, I wish I was stoned on cold meds!!! Why can't I use Ellen? You should not be able to tell me who I can and cannot sleep with just because you are a bonafide control freak! M might need a forum all to herself for her list. She probably met a lot of globetrotting women while working for United. OMG I love teasing M about her sexcapades.

    Well, miracles of miracles, I was able to get into my PCP today. She adjusted my back to try and help my rib pain. Had her look at the red bumps and she didn't think they were anything.

    Is DP having something done today? Did I miss it?

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    PRB:  hold a pillow next to ribs when you cough. That will help. I've had horrible coughs like that before. Can you get doctor to give you cough syrup with codeine?  (assuming you can take codeine)   Robitussin AC. Makes you drowsy but stops the cough.  If not,, get Robitussin DM to stop cough. If it is dry hacking cough,,, doing you no good,,, the more you cough, the more you irritate everything. Need to suppress cough.   If it is wet cough,, like you are coughing up crud, that is different, cuz you need to cough that stuff up.  Drinks tons of water to thin the mucus and take Mucinex 600 mg twice daily.  There is no charge for this "house" call.

    Opposite sex list:  Sigourney Weaver.  She is hot and bad ass.  Salma Hayek is sexy too.  Will have to ponder this further.

    DP is having liver MRI tomorrow.  Let's all bring treats in the bag.  Is Pumpkin pie too messy? 

    **alert** Trader Joe's has cranberry sauce without high fructose corn syrup!!  Real sugar. I am happy camper.

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    DLLP will not let me get those cranberries. She wants them from scratch.

    Laughing, PRB! Yes I TOO can tell you who can be on your list, because girls always put Ellen on their lists, it is a default option.

    Andrea, peeing myself over that cake. Farrah Fawcett? That is interesting. You can still choose her. She is just too tan for me.

    PRB, are you going to take those red bumps straight to the very top? To a good MO? A derm? I just don't want you to worry about them. I get the feeling you are not trusting the responses you are hearing so far.

    God help me, I am taking the children to get pictures with Santa tomorrow (this means dress them up, hair, etc.). And before that, I am going to try to get to yoga. Will I make it? Will I do one thing for myself? Yoga. Santa pictures. Then unlimited french fries. Then home to make the Thanksgiving desserts. OMG.
  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Thank you for all that doctor advice Bobo! Damn, I wish I had asked earlier before I put my mid-section into a loopty-loo session of pain! Yes, my doctor did give me the script for cough syrup with codeine. Codeine makes me sick, but sometimes you have to choose between 2 evils. The dry hack is about gone, but now comes the junky cough, and I need to get that stuff out,, hence the doctor visit and the back adjustments. I will go pick up the script and the Mucinex tonight.

    DP has another scan? WTH? Why can't all this stuff be done at once? Doesn't anyone in fucking Texas understand that our DP is tired of running around day in and day out? How about they put their stupid heads together and try to help her instead of ordering yet another test that confirms they aren't doing their job. Pisses me off. So MD Anderson is out, but what about Cancer Centers of America. Nearest is Tulsa, OK. It's 4 hours away from Dallas, but might be worth the drive for a second opinion.

    University I work at had a bomb threat today. I was home with my sick self, so glad I missed it It was determined to be a hoax. Yesterday, area schools were in lockdown because of a random threat. They were able to trace the IP address to a student on campus within an hour and arrested him. Crazy people everywhere it seems.

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    OK, OK, forst of DP, I looked up that drug to see if we have it by another name here, but I couldn't find anything else and I have never heard of it by that name. All I could find was that it is a Biologic, like Embrel, but sorry, I don't know anything about it.

    I am in the bag for the MRI, tell me what to bring and I will be ready to spring if there is a hint of bad behavior, by any of the Medicos. How did those assholes miss all that fluid? This is just beyond me!

    PRB, oh my, I am so sorry that you have such a bad flu.I had a girlfriend staying with me once who broke a rib coughing. It was awful. I can imagine how painful that is for you. The flu is so miserable, Glennie has the best advice, all I can add is Olive Leaf Extract. It is so good for respiratory ailments and is a Bacterial and Viral destroyer. Colin and I take it all the time as a supplement, it has helped Colin enormously, with UTI's, but this one got past it, for some reason.

    Girl crushes for the cause.....hmmmm Pink is good! so is Sigourney, Ann Hathaway is cute, Helen Mirren is interesting Ellen doesn't do it for me at all and Portia, cough, cough, she's an Aussie, but she's be way down the list for me. You know me, I'll do whatever, for our DP!

    Bobo, do the Yoga, you need to have some "me" time! Santa pictures, I remember those. The first one I have of Bec is when she was about 10 months old and she is bent over double straining to get away from him! We didn't use that one as a card!

    Andrea, I love that Birthday cake, how funny!

    Glennie and Boobo you both cracked me up this morning with the "Lola" talk. I have never, ever, had mine professionally waxed, instead, I have taken myself to my own bathroom, after buying every known waxing aid, known to man and did it myself. Oh dear have I had some dreadful "waccidents" over the years. I have fallen over, while trying to rip, with one foot high up and flat on the counter, had wax that stuck fast to the cotton strip and me, then had to tweezer it ALL off!!! I have burned myself with hot wax many times. Oh joy, I am able to take any kind of pain for the sake of beauty treatments, except this one. The anticipation of someone else doing the "BIG RIP" was just too much for me. I know now it would have been infinitely better than what I managed to put myself through. The upshot is, when you get older, the need for waxing diminishes, or is it that the Buddha Belly, just obscures it more? M x

  • spookiesmom
    spookiesmom Member Posts: 8,178
    edited November 2014

    May not be all MDAnderson fault. Rick Perry refuses to expand MediCADE, as did Rick Scott here in F

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited November 2014

    PRB, posting at the same time! You're as fired up about DP as the rest of us, it's appalling isn't it! It makes me so furious too.

    I used to work at a TV station in Melbourne and we had a live entertainment show live in the studio on Saturday night. I worked in the video tape department where we had a director, who ran any taped program and we also played all the advertising from there too.

    Every Saturday evening, just as the audience was seated, there was some crazy, who would call up and say there was a bomb planted in the studio. They would have to evacuate the whole studio and staff, but guess who they wouldn't call? Yep, me and the director! We were in the "MONEY" spot, so we had to keep the station on the air, rolling the advertising to keep the revenue flowing. Naturally the bomb scares never came to anything, but still!!! M x

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    M: I was thinking Helen Mirren too, as she is such an interesting person.  Judi Densch is a bad ass too, but Helen is hotter.

    My Lola has never been waxed. I figure hair was put there for a reason. Nuff said about my muff.

    Am working,,, will look up that drug for DP. I am not familiar with it.   Back later.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    After reading M's message.. I apologize to Glennie. Of course the resident pharmacist would be the one giving the great cough medicine advice...and all for free too! :) Thank you Glennie.

    My mind is going... did DP say MD Anderson turned her down because of Medicaid? Is that true? So, people with no insurance aren't supposed to get excellent care? That is so wrong.

    Yeah.. well.. what can we say about Florida, Spookie? I like the temperature, but that "RED" political climate is not for me. I'm a blue kind of gal...maybe that's why I'm always cold? *smile*

  • bobogirl
    bobogirl Member Posts: 2,083
    edited November 2014
    Wait a minute. Which one is red and which is blue? Is red Democratic? If so, Florida is definitely not red.

    M, I feel you did not give your real short list choices, but rather you just recycled some other names that have been mentioned on the thread. Come on girl. You can do better than that!
  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Am I the only one who likes Sigourney Weaver???  Really??  Did you not see Alien?? She is SOOOO bad ass!!

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    In the bag. Lots of snacks! Eating the house down tonight. Craving deviled eggs. Tis the season. Had a whole bottle of water after Zumba so don't think it's thirst. Probably just fatigue.

    Mucinex is my lifesaver. Dose kids with it often. Missed my senior prom due to bad cough. It triggered the hurling reflex whenever there was any pressure. Coughing, sneezing, laughing. Be sure to drink, drink, drink.

    Never waxed there. Too chicken but understand port numbing cream works well. Have considered it. Was an SE of chemo.

    Maybe Shania Twain in her heyday. No way to Ellen. Like Pink music.

    Boy out tomorrow. Was supposed to go to work with daddy but... DH driving dump truck so. Guess he's going with me. Yoga and pies on my list. Already did family pix for cards. Santa next week.

    Maybe not relevant but I was given Ativan at night to help my stomach. Made me nap the next day. I would eat kix cereal dry, one after another or soup crackers.

    Had the best sandwich at panera today. Southwestern chicken with black bean hummus, corn, and napa cabbage on flatbread. Yum! Triple chocolate cookie was hard on the edges:(

    Cognitive test said I'm in normal range. Recommended posit science for brain games and a planner. Glad I'm not paying for this advice.

    DP. Do the grands know about your results? Thanksgiving plans improved? Be selfish! That's what my therapist says to do. I hope they pull more fluid tomorrow. How often can they do that? Can you take Ms olive leaf?

  • Zillsnot4me
    Zillsnot4me Member Posts: 2,122
    edited November 2014

    it's 9 pm. Boy out, dog out. BG hoarse but fighting it. I'm so tired. She wants music. Told her I'm cold, tired and legs hurt. She asks did the dog bite it. Silly girl. Mommy did too many (read more than one) ball squats.

    Have taken x and Advil plus soap under the sheet. Hope to sleep all night!

    Nighty night.

  • prb1956
    prb1956 Member Posts: 401
    edited November 2014

    Red is Republican and Blue is Democrat. Quite honestly, I think I am a socialist. I want everyone to have equal access to, education...all of it. I typed up a nice little rant about our political system today, but deleted it. You guys are so lucky! You know I like to rant! lol

    I like Ellen, but not sure she'd be on my list. I have always liked Jessica Lange and Sigourney Weaver. Other than that, I am fresh out of ideas.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    oh man. So many posts. I will never remember everything

    First I can't believe bobo didn't pick up on the fact that Andrea was sneakily showing us the cake she made for her tiny Kuka.

    Md Anderson didn't turn me down for insurance. They just didn't want to consider treating me. Tulsa isn't far to drive for a second opinion but it would be a lot for treatment. Still thinking about it.

    Liver mri canceled due to not being approved yet by insurance.

    Have to take trial drug for two weeks before starting chemo. Probably abraxane. MO basically said she didn't think if be dead in two weeks so I have time to participate in trial. They did my lower skull ct. Have not heard yet. Said holding off on brain mri for now. Wtf?

    The ENT is cute btw. But I don't think ducking him would get us very far.

    I don't did Ellen attractive. I mean shes not ugly or anything but I also agree it's a lame answer. On my short list: Jessica Biel and Liv Tyler. They are both practically perfect in every way. Ashley Judd maybe. I'm constantly tryin to foote out what it is about her that makes all men attracted to her, across all socioeconomic boundaries.

    Felt crappy this morning. Stayed in bed until one. Then I got up and cleaned the house. It was bizarre. Tackled a couple of little cleaning projects that have been on my list too. Super tired now and my back/side (what I now assume is my lung) has been hurting all day.

    Stomach rx has me in a wacky schedule again. Take four times a day but don't eat for at least an hour after and not for 2-3 hours before. Just started them this mornjng. Ohhhh maybe I can get free advice from glennie too. It's called sucralfate. MO had told me I would crush pill and put in water but bottle just says to take the pill. Thoughts? If it works just as well by just taking pill, that would obviously be preferable.

    Thanksgiving at uncles house. Grandma going to help the wife cook tomorrow. Shes not so good at it. It will be an interesting and crowded day.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    DP, I took that once for stomach ulcers. I think it mainly coats the throat and stomach. We just finished giving it to our cat, who had mouth and throat ulcers due to a virus. We put it in a syringe with water and let it melt. No way we could get a pill that big (he only took half) down a cat with mouth sores. I think the instructions are trying to have you take it on empty so it can do a good job coating.

    Be sure to give us a blow by blow of the interesting day with Grandma and the wife.

  • wren44
    wren44 Member Posts: 7,921
    edited November 2014

    PRB, We just elected a socialist to city council here.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    I agree about Liv Tyler.

    Lower skull CT, but no brain MRI??No liver MRI?   I agree,, WTF??? Damn insurance.

     You can just swallow pill.  It is big pill, maybe he thinks it is hard to swallow. You could break it in half if it is too big to swallow. Don't bother crushing it.  Just take it 1 hour before eating, and you will be OK. If it is really hard to swallow,,, put tablet in about 1 oz of water and let it dissolve, then drink it.

    And WTF,,, you won't be dead in 2 weeks so you can participate in the trial?? WTF???

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    Wren is correct,, it coats the stomach,,, that's why you take it before eating,, so it has time to do its job.

  • DeliriumPie
    DeliriumPie Member Posts: 1,186
    edited November 2014

    those weren't her exact words glennie but it was kind of the gist of the conversation.

  • glennie19
    glennie19 Member Posts: 4,833
    edited November 2014

    That sucks, DP!!

    Weds before Thanksgiving:   What is everyone doing today?     I'm off tonight.  Have GYN appt this AM.  Internal exam to see if everything is healed up.  I *think* it is my last doctor appt for the year!  (there is PT but that doesn't count)  Seriously thinking of trying Paxil for the hot flashes. Two months in,, and really,, they are driving me nuts.  I could give it a couple of months and see if it helps. **desperate**

    Will check back later.   **waving to all**