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Moving On......After the Flap



  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    I'm back!  Hey, Cherrie, I just read your mermaid story.  Well done.  I can hear your happiness through your words, and I was thrilled for you.

    Liefie, I forgot to tell you how beautiful little Emily is.  She is such a unique-looking baby--alert and adorable.  Isn't being a grandma the best?

    OK, I'm signing off.  Dr. Google says drinking pickle juice is curative for leg cramps.  I'll let you know.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    Sbel, I love pickle juice! I get night leg cramps, too. I was wondering if Tamoxifen was messin' with them. Hope you keep healing well, eating small meals often, and don't stub any toes on your walks.

    Yes, Movie, how is the hospice situation? I hope you and your mom get some relief soon. 

    FierceBlueBird, you are never far from my thoughts.

    Julie, we have been toying with the idea of paInting our kitchen cabinets white, which seems to be the trend. However, now that hubs has a job we'll probably put that on hold. It's always so nice to read your posts, Julie. Such an encourager!

  • The1toC
    The1toC Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2014

    sbelizabeth I once worked with a gentleman who swore by a tablespoon of pickklejuice everyday to completely relieve his leg cramps. I haven't tried it though

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited June 2014

    Hi Girls! - 

    It's one year ago today that I had my nine- hour sleep. I can't believe it!  (It's also Jim's birthday - and as he spent last year  in a waiting room - this year he gets to do whatever he wants) 

    I'm feeling very aware this year of all that has happened, and very very grateful for all the support, advise, and inspiration  I've received from all of you during this time. I don't post often but I read daily and love to follow what's going on in your lives.  I continue to get strength from all of you, and send it to whoever is wanting. 

    Luckily for me doing 'whatever Jim wants' doesn't involve getting naked. (I'm not at that rip-off-my-shirt stage yet) . He wants to go to the local diner for breakfast, take the dog for a walk, nap, and go out for fish and chips at lunch, and then nap some more. 

    I'm thinking of all the fathers this weekend and how precious they are. And of all the kind men who are supportive. Mostly though I'm thinking about myself (just kidding, sort of) and of all of you.

    Have a great weekend. Janet

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2014

    Janet, Happy Anniversary and Happy Birthday to Jim!  It's amazing what a year can do, isn't it?  You have been a wonderful support to so many women, and I hope you are able to continue to do so.  Your words are so thoughtful, and sometimes very funny!  Enjoy your day and enjoy your life!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited June 2014

    'Enjoy your day and enjoy your life'. Thanks, I like that!

    In the spirit of moving on, I'm happy to say that I had an article published in our national newspaper. (Globe and Mail). I took one of my blog posts, and edited it and it was published last week. Very exciting. I tried to play it cool but I bought a bunch of copies and left them for everyone to read.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    Janet...hahahahaha....  What a wonderful, self-deprecating tale!  I'm still laughing about the yoga pants!

    I'm pretty sure NO ONE would mistake me for being a native Frenchwoman. 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2014're such a great writer...."Globe and Mail"...woohoo!!!!!! We're a pretty special thread to have a published author as one of "our own"! Congrats on the anniversary....and Jim's birthday...what a difference a year makes, eh!

    sbe....I'm at the door, waiting impatiently for you to show up....(sigh...we would have SUCH a fun time). Sorry about the leg cramps...those HURT!!!!! Have you tried rollers??? No, not for your hair....for your muscles. 

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    Rollers?  You mean the long exercise tubes?  I have one here at home and at the office, but I use it to roll my back and exercise my abdomen.  Should I roll my legs on it?

    Time for an Aubrey photo!  Swimming lessons with her Daddy.



  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    Cindy, my PA who did the tattoos said it would probably look pretty funny to leave some of the circle out of the tattoo. You're right, there are a lot of new normals to adjust to.

    Janet, congratulations on your boob anniversary and your published article! Next step, book! Your blog is so funny, honest and relatable. It sounds like Jim is tired! Have a lovely day together. I'm so glad you check in sometimes. Your posts have meant a lot to me.

    I finally bought a couple more bras yesterday. I hope they work out. They have darn underwire in them because the others just weren't right. Boy, Nordstrom is the place to go. I started at Macys, no help with tediously looking through to find my size. Nordstrom gals know their bras and bring them right to you as well as check the fit if you want them to. I had been fitted there before but only bought one bra then. It's all so weird. I am happy to have boobs but apparently they are a bigger size, which I never expected, and they have flaws my originals didn't which makes it hard to find the right bra. My skin is also a little more sensitive. I am grateful but it takes getting used to! Sometimes I go braless but my boobs are not stationary....

    I can't remember if I'm missing commenting on something from the other page...have fun, Liefie, with Emily! 

    Love you all. Happy Saturday!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2014

    sbe.....yep...there are different types, but foam or hard....they do the same thing. Rolling the muscles helps to smooth (relax) the fibres, release the tension between the muscle and the fascia, and the alternating pressure/release on the blood vessels kicks up the circulation, which helps to flush out things like lactic acid. isn't comfortable to do on a tight muscle, can be down right painful....but the pain doesn't last and it really makes a difference in how you feel afterwards.

    I'm not familiar with using rollers to exercise your does that work????

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2014

    Janet, your story was wonderful.  I guess I will just keep putting my eyebrow makeup on.  I have noticed most of the TV shows have a blonde with dark eyebrows these days.  I'm always way behind on fashion.  Very thankful that really, anything goes.

    Jeannie, next week, the last cabinets in the kitchen are supposed to be ripped out.  I think we will be washing dishes in the basement laundry wash tub.  This part of the remodeling cannot go fast enough for me.  Of course, we don't even have the kitchen design figured out let alone cabinets ordered.

    Sbe, I found the binder did the same thing you described.  I even thought I might have a blood clot in my lung as my breathing was difficult, too.  Happy to hear that I'm not completely crazy.  After my last appointment the binder went out in the trash.  Thanks for a new Aubrey pic.  You, liefie, and Cherrie can keep us smiling with the baby pics.

    BB, I hope you can get some answers soon.  I'm still surprised at the changes after my stage IIb.  It's only been three weeks, but the fat grafting has made a big difference.  I have no idea what Dr. Cacioppo did, but they seem to crease evenly on the bottom where they didn't before.  I know you have been disappointed in your PS saying he wanted you to look good in clothes, but there is a difference in looking okay and looking good in clothes.  I'm getting closer to looking good in clothes.  Without clothes is a whole different topic.  It wasn't good before fbc and it isn't good after.  But I've got several years on you.  Sure hope you can get where you want to be.

    Nihahi, I hope you have found a hiking partner.  That is one thing I know I can't help you with.  I'm a natural born couch potato that makes myself get up and walk.

    Zenful, so happy for your good news.  We all know there is grey matter there, regardless what the doc told you.

    Have a great weekend, ladies.  Love you!  ...Julie

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    California Jimson Weed Flower

    OK, I disobeyed.   The sun was shining, it was Saturday morning, and I can wear a binder AND ride my bike, right? 

    The flowers here now can't compete with springtime in the Rockies--our spring was in February and March--but this Jimson weed, or datura, was beautiful in the morning sunlight.  Creamy white and purply on the edges.

    Julie, how long did you have to wear your binder?  My PS said a week for the hospital one, and then he wanted me to wear a kind of back supporter binder that you see construction workers wearing.  I'm wearing it now and it feels OK, but I can't imagine wearing it to work.

    Nihahi, I have a very firm black roller, and I use it a lot of ways.  I stretch my arms and shoulders by lying on it longwise and doing a variety of ROM movements; it allows my arms a lot of space because my body is elevated off the floor.  I can do abdominal exercises in that position too.  For another abdominal exercise, I lie on my back on the floor with the roller sideways, under my butt.  From that position I can do a bicycle in the air, contract the abs for a butt lift, and other stuff.

    Jeannie, this latest surgery has changed the shape and size of the girls, so I know I'll need new bras.  I have a fitter at a small shop that also fitted and sold me my forms and mx bras, so I think I'll go back to her and see what she can do.  Maybe I can get insurance to pay...!  I have heard from others that Nordstroms is the place to go, too.  Anything but pulling 100 bras off the rack and trying them all on!  I'd rather eat glass. 

  • morwenna
    morwenna Member Posts: 204
    edited June 2014


    You know I am up for a hike, especially if Ade is away, but has to be on a weekend ...... 

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2014

    Sbe, I had to wear it 24x7 for two weeks and just during the day for about 5 more days.

  • The1toC
    The1toC Member Posts: 40
    edited June 2014

    Janet congrats! F&A was my fave saction when read the Globe regularly. Still is the rare times I get to see the Globe anymore. Great writing enjoyed the brow blotches.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2014

    I am so excited... I bought two bikinis today, which I haven't done in, oh, twenty years. So had to share. 



    Both will cover my scars nicely.  Yay!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    Nice, Zenful! You will look great! Do you have a vacation planned??  I am still reminding myself that I don't have to buy shirts to hide my tummy anymore! I am not slender by any means, but I am getting stronger and I love that.

    Good day to think of fathers, past, present and, for me, Eternal.

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2014

    I'm leaving Thursday for a long weekend at a resort in PA. I had planned on spending some time by the pool. Just checked the weather and looks like rain the whole weekend. Guess I will have to find somewhere else to show off my new bod!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    Shoot, sorry about the rain! I know the feeling well....raining today, tomorrow.....

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    Yeah, own father is in the presence of my heavenly father, and I sure miss him here.

    Zen, GREAT 'kinis.  Too bad about the rain.  Maybe you could wear them in the elevator, and just punch the button for every floor to display them at their best! 

    I bought bikini underwear this weekend.  It was ostensibly to wear under the binder because they're low and I can visit the loo without taking off the binder, but they fit great, and I can't help thinking I haven't worn bikini underwear for about 35 years. 

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2014

    Sbe, too funny!!  Actually, there is an indoor pool...I could just act as if I'm on my way to the pool...and the pool...and back...But I'm not as interested in swimming as I am in soaking up a bit of Vitamin D. Looks like we are in for an entire week of rain in Ohio and PA. At least the flowers and plants will be happy!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2014

    sbe...gosh, I bet that datura smelled heavenly. I used to grow them in my garden, under a window, just for the scent! Thanks for the "roller" info....sounds like some good exercise routines there!

    zenful/jeannie...raining here too, with more to come. I like the ride around in the elevator in your bikini idea...I bet you look great in those suits!!!! know I'm more of a weekday hiker, but I can be flexible too! With my new "routine", weekends are the only time I have open. Now if the trails would just dry out!!!!! Did you know they opened the Highwood Pass this weekend??? Of course it's full of snow, but.....I bet the glacier lilies are there.....and the bears, of course...:(

    Morningsun....Wimbeldon coming up in another's that ankle and knee???? always....thinking of you and sending hugs.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2014

    Here in PGH PA, it was rain, rain, rain all of last week, but the weekend was beautiful. Weather report forecasts another week of rain :-(. Great looking kinis, zen. I like sbe's elevator idea. I might try it when I get to stay in a tall building, just have to make sure not to punch the buttons all at once, so people coming in would not get suspicious. Ankle and knee is on the mend, nihahi, I am sure will be well enough to watch some Wimbledon matches and go make a fool myself on the courts here and there.

    Great Aubery pic, sbe. My pt wants me on a roller to do stretches too, but I am only doing it at my pt sessions. I have to start at home too. Oh, don't eat glass, it will kill you, but grass is ok. I've done some bra shopping and tried on more than 100 (not all at one trip) and actually bought a few. I find myself always going back to the one that I got at Target (the most inexpensive ones): Simply Perfect® by Warner's® Invisible Wire-Free Bra TA401. The thing is that the cup size only goes up to a C.

    FBB, how was the weekend weather your neck of the woods? Hope you were able to go out with the dog. If the weather is going to be like ours this week, you may want to dust off your paint brushes and do a water color.

    If the neweat fashion coming from Paris for yoga wear is leggings, we would know who started it.

    Have not heard from Sharon for a while...

    Movie, what time is the "W3 Van" leaving for Mt. Hood from Portland? I am going to get my tickets this week.

    Love too all: jeannie, liefie, jlbloom...

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2014

    Zenful, those are wonderful.  I'm so happy for you that you can wear them.  My thunder thighs will need something drastic done to them before there is anything besides bikini underwear for this girl.  sbe, the elevator idea is great.  I wish I had an ounce of your creative thinking!  

    It was supposed to rain all day, but we have had sunshine since around 11:00 AM.  Wishing sunshine for all of you.  ...Julie

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    Morningsun, here's a link to Amazon's exercise roller.  I bought an extra one for my office, so I can close the door and stretch occasionally.  They're $19.

    My hubs is coming along to Portland in September, and will hook up with his old college roommate for whatever engeezerated roommates emeritus do on a long weekend.  We plan to rent a car--if needed, he's very willing to drive a handful of us up to Mt. Hood and then take off.  I plan to buy my ticket this week, and we might come up Thursday to play around in Portland an extra night. 

    Movie, with all that's going on in your life, do you want me or someone to play shuttle coordinator to track flights and make sure everyone has a ride?  Or has someone already taken on that role?

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited June 2014

    Jumping in for a sec......Hospice started last week, and I have been adjusting to a "new" normal.....I DO get a bath assistant that comes 3X weekly to shower my mom, which really's exhausting to get her in and out of the shower....and she behaves like a typical 3 year old...."No!  I don't want to take a shower!!!"Loopy....I also get a nurse 1-2 times a week, and a volunteer companion once a week for up to 4 hours.  That last thing is good.....I have an infusion this Friday that is to combat Osteoporosis....but it can cause flu-like symptoms.....Reclast, I's once a year.

    I would LOVE a transportation co-ordinator......Sbe!  Thank you for asking!  I think as soon as we know the arrival times, we can start getting things lined up......remember that I will be donating $400 to the weekend for either food, or a car rental, because I had no airline ticket to buy.   Liefie MAY be coming to PDX a few days early to help me with menu planning, as I think we will want to stay in (right?) for most meals........

    Zen-LOVE the Bikinis.......I am amazed that I actually have a "shape" again!  I would LOVE to rock a bikini again.....I bet you will look FANTASTIC! are one funny, talented writer...wish you could join us this fall.......Sad

    Julie-I am sure the remodeling feels is almost guaranteed to drive you crazy!

    Nihahi-I SO wish I could come summer is looking pretty bleak.....STILL trying to make it back up to Glacier in August.....<sigh>Sad

    W3 ladies.....I am thinking of asking a friend (who is a Yoga instructor) to come up and lead us in Yoga.....if it works with her schedule....what say you?

    Eldest DD is filming a movie in Mammoth Lakes.....I think I already bored you with the deets....but here is a picture of her in her "wedding" dress.......Happy


    Cowboy boots completed the ensemble..........Winking


  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    Movie...holy cannoli, she is BEAUTIFUL.  I know someone whose beautiful daughter is a movie star!  And I'm up for anything, including a class in low-fat yogurt.  Since I'm all but frozen in a cycling position, for me, it would be a good idea.  Blessings with the hospice plan, and please take them up on whatever breaks they can give you. 

    For those planning to attend Mt. Hood, please PM me with your flight information, including airline, flight number, and arrival/departure times.  If you're driving and can provide rides from Portland, please PM me with how many can fit in your vehicle.  I'll play cruise director for transportation back and forth.  

    My lovely tummy has a seroma that's been there since long before the drain was pulled.  My PS will have a look Wednesday and stick a needle in it if he feels it's necessary.  It's big enough to push my belly button westward.

    And here's my little Aubrey mermaid, speaking of sloshy things.



  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited June 2014

    Just scrolled through the last two days. There are some seriously gorgeous people in these photos, and some seriously fabulous bathing suits. 

    If I were to say that Aubrey's dad is super-hot, does that make me a cougar?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2014 glad to hear hospice is stepping in to give you some much needed help. 

    I would love to have your yoga instructor come and lead a session. Is there any chance she could get her hands on enough yoga mats/etc. for everyone???? If her style of yoga is beyond me, I'm content to do my own thing in the back row, but, I know I can always learn something from a new teacher.

    sbe...that's a great suggestion on your part to "co-ordinate" the rides....I'm sure everyone appreciates you stepping up!