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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2014

    We do not have our plane tickets yet. My plan is to fly to Seattle and come down with Jeannie and Nihahi. My son may throw a glitch into this, but my fingers are crossed for coming. I can't come this far and not see my son. We just don't see him enough. 

    In other news Kat has been to tired to post. She has a blood clot in her right lung and two in her chest. She needs words of encouragement. I will keep you updated as she lets me know. She did visit Dr. Massey in  Chicago and was delighted with her. I believe she has scheduled her 2a with her this fall. Get better Kat. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    Wow, Movie! What a beauty! She is a shining star. I'm so glad you are getting hospice help. I know it will help a lot. I wish you had even more assistance! I would like to chip in some money to our Sept. trip since I am driving. Have to wait for paychecks to start arriving in midJuly to figure that out! I could bring food from here, too. 

    Sbel, your photos of Aubrey always make me smile. She is so cute! Sorry about the seroma. I have a little swollen area on one side of my ab scar. The PA couldn't get any fluid out. We'll see what PS says down the road. It could be a weak spot. Thanks for being the cruise director! I don't know if I have any seats in my car. So far, I think it's pretty firm that Cherrie and Nihahi are coming with me.  They have family here so can get a visit in, too. Liefie and I touched on it but flying into Portland makes sense for her, too. If Liefie flies into Portland I will have one seat in my car available. I was hoping to get to Mt. Hood before dark, with my bum eye, but I did get glasses which help a lot for distance.

    My brother is running himself ragged, trying to get my parents established in their new home. He thinks they should be in assisted living, not independent. Sigh. One step at a time. He can see them every day this summer because he is a retired teacher and subs during the school year. I tell him to make sure he takes care of himself. My dad could be much more happy and mobile if he wasn't so proud. He's also had two major strokes so that surely affects his thinking. He needs an antidepressant and a powerchair!

    Enjoying my time with hubs before he goes to work on the 30th. We've been doing fun gardening projects. Today we were interviewed with photos taken of our garden for a new magazine in our area. His 60th bday is next week. Wow!  He figured out he has been out of work for 2 1/2 years in the last 13. That statistic explains our wariness, our holding back our total excitement over this new opportunity. We are very grateful, of course, and feel like we've received a miracle. I still feel like I've run a two and a half year marathon sometimes!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    Kat, thinking of you! I hope the clots are resolved soon.  You are one tough lady!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2014

    Seems like I've joined the ranks of read often/post less. Sorry....There are a precious few of us posting lately.

    Just want to add my get well wishes to Kat...I was so surprised to hear the news from cherrie....hope each day brings you closer to being and feeling better.

    cherrie....hmmm....what's this about "hoping to make it"????

    hugs to all.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    Kat-ski, we are your raft of hope and encouragement.  Climb on and rest.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2014

    Feel better soon, Kat.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited June 2014

    Feel better soon Kat. Having my own lung issues and I can agree it is exhausting. Another CT scan tomorrow.  sigh...  Keeping up with everyone, just not posting much. Lost my spark.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2014

    ((((((((FBB)))))))) hang in there, my friend.

    I got my tickets.

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2014

    Kat and FBB, just wishing I could do a little dance or something that would make you smile!  Sorry for the heavy hearts you ladies are having, with good reason.  We love you and lift you up.  ...Julie

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2014

    Thinking of you, FBB and Kat. Sorry you both are dealing with these issues. We are all here floating that raft.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited June 2014

    Driving by to say I booked a flight for Portland! Woot woot! Will catch up here next week.before I go to Mexico!!! Love to all!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    FBB, there is plenty of room for you on the raft, too. I'm sorry you are having a hard time. Like jlboom, I wish I could do a song and dance to cheer you and Kat up! Even though you don't post much, I think of you every day.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    FBB, you're in our thoughts and prayers.  Surrounding you with healing, peaceful beams.

    The PS drained 120 mL from my abdominal seroma, and since the skin is still pretty numb, it was no big deal.  He wants to drain it each week until the volume is almost dry, to avoid infection.  A good idea, but it means I have to take my carcass to the PS once a week..."nobody got time for that!" 

    Bailey, nice to see your name here, glad to hear you're all reserved!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2014

    FBB, KAT, are on your way to healing. Hang in there. We are all thinking of you.

    Nihahi, I have every intention of coming. My son asked about the dates again and said something about a wedding. We are working things out with him now. Kids!!!!!  He is 28 and his wife is 25. They don't think beyond themselves at times. :(   My point is that it would just be too expensive to come this far if we couldn't see him too. We will know more next week as we work through this. 

    I am one who reads posts when I can, and doesn't post much. Moving on?????

    Bailey, keep us posted on your Mexico journey. You must feel overwhelmed by now. We are thinking of you.

    Happy Wednesday everyone !

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited June 2014

    I read a bit.....enough to know several people need extra hugs and prayers.....sending them out! (Okay throwing them overhand by the buckets lol).

    Sbel.....I got a plane ticket but I've NEVER been reserved lol!!!!

    Everyone's pics are lovely.....such beautiful daughters and granddaughters....we are a lucky bunch, truly.'re gonna rock those suits!!! 

    Yes Cherrie I am floating on empty.....but getting through....thankfully I am surrounded by great family and friends. And I'm feeling better since I had my thyroid med increased!

    Love to all!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2014

    Bailey, glad to hear you are feeling better. Sounds like you are going to need that energy for your trip. Safe travels!

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2014

    Passing along some interesting reading material.  Let's hope these evolving therapies evolve very quickly!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited June 2014

    Kat and FBB, big hugs to you two! Sorry to hear you're not well, but hopefully you will feel better soon, and the spark will ignite again. Just hang in there.

    Bailey, glad to hear you are so much better. You must be so busy with the upcoming trip to Mexico. We like you unreserved - lol!

    Sbe, I hear ya about seeing the PS all the time - such a drag! (Pun intended.)

    Cherrie, kids will be kids, eh? Looking forward to meeting you and all the others at Mt Hood. Woot woot!

    Jeannie, I'm going to fly to Portland on the Wednesday so Movie and I can get a few things ready for our weekend - 92 days and counting . . . must start looking at tickets. Probably first have to get to Vancouver from the island as I do not think there are direct flights out of Victoria to Portland. Sigh.

    Zenful, wonderful that you can still rock a bikini - wow! Still remember the miniscule green one that I had when I met DH back in 1977. I weighed 50 lbs less than now, and looked positively anorexic. On our second date he took me to Clifton, one of the many beautiful beaches around Cape Town. My mom was not impressed with this guy at all. She said the only reason we were going to the beach so soon into the relationship was because he only wanted to see me almost naked - lol.  

    Had a very enjoyable weekend with little Em. She a friendly, happy baby, just adorable. Grandma came home exhausted yesterday. She weighs only eleven pounds, but carrying her all the time was hard work, and my back is still not what it should be. So grateful I do not have to raise children at my age! Phew.

    Have a good evening everybody!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited June 2014

    FBB and sorry you are dealing with "extras"..... FBC is enough on anyone's plate!  I have had each of you in my thoughts since reading of your troubles.  (((Hugs))) to you both!

    Looks like people are starting to book tickets.....can hardly wait!  It's keeping me sane dealing with my Mom!Loopy

    Liefie, your trip to see little Em probably just left you wanting more...I remember well that "First Granddaughter" hunger......

    As far as DH wanting to see you mostly naked in that green bikini.....I about snorted my lime slushie out my nose!  Too funny!

    Tomorrow I have to go to hospital, to have a Reclast infusion, for my osteoporosis.......Bawling  Not looking forward to it, but I have exhausted other, easier means of keeping the bone-eater at bay, so there it is.....would really appreciate your good thoughts and prayers......nervous about SEs.......

    LOVE to all you wonderful Flappers!   XO

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited June 2014

    Movie, I'll be thinking/praying! Is this your first time for the infusion? I hope you can relax and feel good.

    Liefie, I miss my granddaughter so much! I am glad you were able to have such closeness with Emily but sorry about your back. I was just reading a FB post from a young mom who has a painful wrist condition from carrying around her baby! The sacrifices....Your bikini story made me smile. I wore a white one on our honeymoon, almost 40 years ago! How is that possible? You flying to Portland makes sense. I kinda wish I could fly to Portland!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2014

    Jeannie....let's take the train to Portland, then connect with the caravan. No driving stress for your eye, and we can visit all the way down, instead of trying to survive the Interstate traffic. I'm totally on board (or should that be all aboard) with that plan. I hope you agree.

    Movie..dear mountain sister...will be thinking of you today...."remember you just have to show up". 

    FBB and Kat....hope things are a wee bit better today.

    OMG....we actually have sunshine here this morning!!!!! Can it be the flood watches are over????

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited June 2014

    Oh yeah, I was rockin' the 'kini at the resort pool today!  My, does it feel wonderful!

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited June 2014

    Congrats, Zenful!  So happy for you.

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2014

    Jeannine, I am not against taking a train if it is reasonable. It does take the stress off for sure. Would there be room for us in the Caravan, to Mt. Hood, if we did that?  Does it go closer to Mt. Hood than Portland? We will be looking into our flight in the next week or two. I really, really want to do this. 

    FBB and Kat- Hope you're having a good day. We sure do think of you.

    Bailey- Let us know how your trip to Mexico is going. We are in your pocket.

    Zen- A bikini?? You lucky girl. I am short and pudgy, so this isn't happening for me, but I am thankful I can wear a bathing suit and strangers would never know. LOL

    Liefie and Movie- let me know what I owe for food. Thank you so much for doing the preparing and shopping for this. You are the best. I figured we would be eating out so this does save money. We could all go out one night if it is right there. That would be one dinner not to plan for. I am game for whatever most want. 

    Sounds like hiking, yoga, fresh air, talking, show and tell, hugging, etc. We need a group shot of us all. So exciting that this is being pulled off. Warrior Women for sure. 

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2014

    I echo cherrie, thanks so much for doing all the work (food, transportation...), movie, lifie, and sbe. I am good either eating out or stay in. Be happy to pitch in for the food purchase or lend my hand to help the cook.

  • GwennyMD
    GwennyMD Member Posts: 68
    edited June 2014

    FBB and Kat - I will keep you both in my prayers.

    Bailey - Take care of yourself.

    Movie - I am glad that you are getting help.  I know how difficult it can be.

    Hugs to all

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited June 2014

    movie....hope yesterday went ok for you, and you aren't struggling through your day feeling "el crappo". 

    cherrie....I need to go back and check, but from what I remember, the cost of the train both ways, probably would not be far off the price of gas. Plus, no long hours of driving stress, and jeannie could relax about the vision/LE issues. We could connect up with rides from Portland to Mt.Hood through sbe's chain of command, or if need be, rent a car in Portland, for a much, much shorter drive. I truly think the train is the way to go. I have been in the insanity of the traffic in the Seattle area....and have no wish to load that onto jeannie or either one of us. 

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited June 2014

    Hope it went well for movie yesterday. My derm appt went ok, she didn't know what and why. Took a swap for culture, and requested the biopsy report from ps. Gave me an antibiotic to take and a cream to put on. Seems to be working. I will go back to dermatologist in two weeks. "Stupid rash, quit bugging me!"

    Are we due for an report from Mexico soon, Bailey? Hope all is well.

    Love to all

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited June 2014

    Nihahi- The train is a fine idea for me, but it would be nice to not have to rent a car. This trip is very expensive for us. If you and Jeannie decide to do this, give me the details so I can come with you. Is the train station in downtown Seattle? I agree, much less stressful, and we can enjoy each other's company. Let me know.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited June 2014

    I LOVE taking a train ANYWHERE!  I sometimes have meetings in San Diego and take the train whenever I can.

    If a contingent of us take the train to Portland and need a ride to Mt. Hood, we can go in together and share the cost of a rental car.  With a carload of ladies, it shouldn't be too bad.  Again, I can make arrangements for that and maintain a master spreadsheet of who's doing what.

    I have a very nice little scooter...maybe I'll bring it along!?