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Moving On......After the Flap



  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2014

    Happy Thanksgiving, Canadians! 

    Jeannie...the birthday card was such a hoot I about wet my pants.  For the rest of was a photo of an nekkid "older" lady, dressed in a gardening hat and holding a pot of flowers to strategically cover her lady bits.  I CERTAINLY don't know why Jeannie would have associated happy naked old ladies with me, but there it is. 

    Nihahi, we'll be in your pockets for the ink party.  I still don't know what I'm going to do--paint them on with lipstick every day, let my PS do them, or find a 3-D artist.  I had the origami nips done months ago, and yes, they've shrunk a lot, but that's great with me.  They're pretty cute.  And I don't want constant high-beams.

    Love you all!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Katy, glad you liked it! You are free and easy with "sharing" so it seemed perfect for you! I hope your birthday tomorrow is great. Every birthday is, isn't it?

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited October 2014

    Love hearing about all the cute, loveable nips. In preparation for tomorrows festivities I am going to touch up my toenails, listen to my guided meditation, have half a glass of red wine, and go to bed. 

    And as per Jeannie's suggestion, no trapezing. 

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2014

    Janet - a perfect plan!

    Katy- happy bday!

  • lahela
    lahela Member Posts: 145
    edited October 2014

    happy birthday sbe  xxx

    Janet, all the best for your nip day! I love my nips and hope you'll be as happy with yours. Saw my PS for a follow up yesterday and she was asking about when I'm having the tattooing done... I'm still on if because I'm just not sure I need it... and insurance will not pay for me to fly to England and visit a tattoo parlour!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited October 2014

    Lahela - Thank you! I hope my nips are as nice as yours.

    SBelizabeth - Happy Belated Birthday! You're a Libra! I should have known.  Librans rock. My dad, my best friend, my favourite niece are all born in Sept/Oct. And oh yeah - me too!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    Happy Birthday, Sbe. Good fipples day Janet. Have good ones, yall.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2014

    Janet, best of luck with the fipples.

    Here's Emily yesterday morning.


  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    Sweet little EM.

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited October 2014

    Liefie - what a sweet baby.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2014

    Thank you, everyone for the birthday wishes!  And Cherrie, happy belated birthday to you!

    Nihahi, thank you for the lovely card.  Where on earth did you find my notes from the Mirror Lake hike?

    Liefie, baby Em is a soft, sweet, yummy baby.  I just want to pet her fuzzy little head. appears that the bairn swimming abooot in me dooooter-in-looo's wame has a wee dangly bit.  

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Great news, Katy!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2014

    Happy Birthday an Congratulations Katy!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited October 2014

    Good Morning - 

    It's done! My new nipples look like someone cut up cocktail weiner and sewed them into my noobs. But my dogear removal is fatnstic. I can't stop looking in the mirror at my new smooth waistline- bloody bandages and all. 

    The freezing was the worst part - after that it was just 90 minutes of quality time with my handsome doctor. The only really icky thing was looking over at the instrument tray and seeing to gross shiny blobs of yellow gunk. I asked if it was my skin, but was told it was the stuff from inside my dogears. Yuck. The Surgeon told the nurse to get rid of it right away. No kidding! Did they forget I was wide awake?

    On the way home Jim asked if I wanted to pickup some fun food - maybe some ice cream? But I thought of that yellow fat and couldn't handle it. Came home and had a salad. SO SO SO glad that's over. Thanks for all the support and 'can do's'. It means a lot to me.  


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Janet, you did it! Cocktail wieners is a good way to describe it! Goodbye, SpongeBob! I'm glad you are so happy.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    Yeah, Janet, goodbye dog ears, and hello smooth waistline! Happy healing!

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2014

    Great news Janet! It has been a long time waiting ! Rest and recover!


  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    Janet.....soooo happy for you that the nerves and dog ears are now behind you....the nipples will sort themselves out...hang in there! I'm betting in a rather short time, you're going to be so happy you braved it!!!!!!

    sbe....congrats on the "grand-boy"!!!!! Now, boys......THAT you and hubby have lots of experience with! I thought you'd get a kick out of the Mirror Lake notes. I found them when we were blitzing the kitchen to leave the house. 

    liefie....Em is adorable.....peach face and all!!!!!!

    Hugs to all.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2014

    being awake during a surgical procedure can really help the diet.  Janet glad you are done!

    Tammie - there is a road named for you just outside Manitou Springs, CO - Morning Sun Drive  couldn't stop fast enough to get a photo 

    Happy days for grannies!  Yummy babies  

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    Thanks for thinking of me, Marty! What are you in CO for? Vacation? Must be really beautiful this time of the year. Love to the yummy babies and their happy grannies with tummy boobies, and everyone else.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    Making a scarf for my sister, she is turning 60. Question, how long should I make it?


  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2014

    Tammie - I think 60" is appropriateHeadphones

    We are in Colorado for DH's 45th Air Force Reunion.  Because I get altitude sickness, we come out a few days early.  This year we went to Vail for a few days.  Sooooo beautiful.  The maples were an amazing brilliant yellow.  The first snow storm of the season hit as I was driving from the Denver airport to Vail,  they closed the passes behind us.  It was miserable.  I was white knuckling and Chuck was not the happiest passenger.  I think I really don't like driving I-70.  We went south to C Springs on Hwy 9 through the continental divide at Hoosier Pass.  Wow!  Photo coming when I switch to my phone.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2014




  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited October 2014

    Marty, Vail is so beautiful. Serene.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    Gorgeous pics, Marty! I'm guessing you aren't tempted to move to the mountains, though??? October is the first snowfall??? WIMPS!

    Seriously, though, I hope you have a wonderful time. Do you go to the Academy every year for the reunion, or does the location vary??

    Did the BRA day thing last went ok, I talked to a number of women and am glad I did it. I also had a chance to meet the tattoo"ist" face to face and have a chat with her. Came away discouraged though, I will admit. She won't do the tatts until there is no redness left from the nip recon and I still have redness. It's fading, but still there. I'm going to send her a pic this morning, but likely will have to wait awhile longer for the finishing....last thing....end of process procedure. (Insert giant sigh, here......). I understand her reasons, I appreciate her attention to detail and wanting things to turn as good as possible...I just really wanted to be done. Anyone else been told this info????

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2014

    oh, Nihahi, my DHA would love to move to the mountains.  Not sure my body agrees, but I am better now that we are a bit lower in altitude.  This morning I dropped him off at the golf course and was stopped by a flock of wild turkeys crossing the road at the Academy.  We only come out for reunions every 5 years.

    For tats, Vinnie told me I needed to wait 6 months.  Perhaps that is to let the scarring settle down and become less red.  I am sorry you have a delay, though sometimes I wonder if we will ever really be done.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2014

    Marty, what beautiful photos.  I grew up in Colorado Springs and went to high school on the Air Force Academy.  I miss fall!

    We've been to some mountain bike races at Vail, which are held in summer, of course. Truly gorgeous.

    Nihahi, sorry about the disappointment.  But like everything else, you'll be ready before you know it.   

    Janet, yay for getting through surgery!  Almost to the finish line!

    We took today off so we could hang with the boys, DIL, baby, and...the new lady friend our son brought home from Washington DC to meet the 'rents.  She's beautiful.  I SO hope they're in love...

  • LiLi-RI
    LiLi-RI Member Posts: 160
    edited October 2014

    Marty: Lovely photos....would love to go back to CO. I visited in the 1990s! Lisa

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Nihahi, sorry for the disappointment. There are so many ups and downs and this way and that way. I agree with Marty, will we ever be done? And you have waited a l-o-n-g time. It will happen. I am meeting with a local cosmetic tattooist who does nipples for free on Tuesday. 

    Right now I am at the airport waiting for my flight to Michigan. So excited to see my girl and her (our) guy. Not too excited to see their dog, though, as she had a recent encounter with a skunk. The fall colors will be fun to see.

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2014

    Beautiful photos, Marty! Living in South Africa I never understood why autumn was called 'fall' here, but now I do. What a marvellous time of year it is.

    Janet, congrats on the new nips and dogear that's gone now. Yellow gunk will put me off food too . . .lol.

    Nihahi, I was never told anything about the redness that had to fade. For me personally it is better not to have expectations, then there are no disappointments. Just my way of dealing with it. Time flies by so quickly these days, and before we know it, we will all be done.

    Jeannie, enjoy your visit, skunk and all!

    Sbel, enjoy your kids' visit. Hopefully 'Love is in the Air . . . .' By the way, do any of you know of a nice girl for my 30-year old son? He is soooo slow! LOL.