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Moving On......After the Flap



  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited September 2014

    Janet M, love your new quote!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2014

    Suggestions needed - Def Not Boob related!  If you were going to be in San Diego in December, what would you do?  Where would you want to stay?  Best food recommendations?  I know about the obvious stuff - hotel Del Coronado, Zoo, etc., but I would love to hear about those crazy things that don't always rise to the top of the tourist stuff - even if it is out of town a bit (may rent a car for a couple of days).  Thanks bunches!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    pick up sailors, def boob related.  Loopy

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    jeannie would be your resident expert on San Diego, marty!!!! Sounds like a lovely time of year to be there....of course, where you live is likely lovely all year round!'ve been drinking that high octane coffee again, haven't you!

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2014

    Marty, rent bicycles and ride around Mission Bay; there a bike path that's flat and scenic.  The tide pools (at low tide, of course) at Point Loma are a fun exploration, and La Jolla Cove is another pretty spot.  Have fun!

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    might have been the Vicodin speaking this time......

    By the way, how was hubby's event when we were at Mt. Hood, Marty?

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Marty, there is a good restaurant in La Jolla with a great ocean view--of course I can't think of the name but maybe you could research it. The zoo also has another site in north county where I used to live. It was called the Wild Animal Park when I lived there, called something else now. A lot of the animals roam around together there like they would in Africa, etc. It's a great place to walk. I love it. Carlsbad is a cute town with lots of shops, restaurants. It is north of San Diego along the coast. You can also bike/walk on a path along the beach starting in Pacific beach or Mission beach, can't remember. Old Town (?) is an obvious place to visit with good Mexican food and shops. There are a lot of hotels on Mission Bay and nice ones in La Jolla.  If you want to drive, Julian is a nice place to visit in December. It's all about apples and pies and is northeast of San Diego in the "mountains." Honestly, when I go to SD now I go to the beach or the animal park but spend most of my time just hanging with family. I have a lot of family there now and spread out (San Diego county is huge). I haven't lived there since 1996. You will have a great time discovering it.

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2014

    Hey guys,

    Just had to say how great the trip looked, and how great you all look!!!!  Glad the whole experience was such a success.  Thank you to all that shared the pictures.  

  • goldie4040
    goldie4040 Member Posts: 404
    edited October 2014


    San Diego zoo is awesome whether you have kids with you, or not.  The Sea World was a destination when my son was little, but now we boycott any place that has a whale in captivity. 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    Goldie....hope things are coming along for you. Good to hear from.

    I've been asked by my PS if I would be willing to participate in the local BRA day in Calgary, and my immediate response was yes. Although I'm more of an "unusual" scenario, I hope I can be of some help and support to ladies who are "newer" on this road.

    I also found out today that the estimated time of appt for tattoo via the PS's office is not likely before Jan or Feb!!!!!! I have to talk $$ with hubby, but I have now already booked an appt for consult and possible tat with a local tattooist who is affiliated with a breast cancer support "service". I want this longer interested in the "wait your turn" of Canadian healthcare, not thrilled about the cost, though, either. I know it's peanuts compared to what you US gals have to spend, but it's just not part of the Canadian psyche to pay for healthcare. Gonna have to put on my stars and stripes undies for this one, I guess.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    I've copied this from one of the "Pinktober" threads......I'm going to complete the survey. Not sure of how the responses will be used, but it can't hurt to "vent" sometimes!

    Av_bco_adminModeratorsJoined: Sep 2007Posts: 9,349

    Post a reply

    10 minutes ago Moderators wrote:

    Hey All, Just a reminder to take our survey on BC Awareness Month! I

    n summary, we have already had 168 respondents to the survey. While most recognize find it important to discuss detection and “prevention”, the month of October appears to evoke primarily negative emotions: anxious, annoyed, angry, sad, frustrated, overwhelmed, excluded to name a few. Overall, respondents wish that there was more of a take home message and education around all the pink and survivorship: what is going on in the research, what could one actively do to prevent/reduce chances, sharing of more stories of MEN and women already experiencing breast cancer, more than one day acknowledging MBC, more clarity on where the money is going. Too much sexualization, silliness, impudent phrases and activities, and commercialization that do not seriously enough represent the seriousness of disease, feelings and experience. There is a concern that the pink and fundraising around it in October is going too much toward awareness, and not enough toward research and help in general for those who have already been diagnosed. There are many comments also discussing if “prevention” really exists, and resentment around that word. The survey will be up all month, so pass along, and we'll provide all findings at the end of the month!! Take the survey now >>


  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2014

    Good for you Nihahi!  I think it's extremely important for women to know their options. You will be great!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2014

    Yes, Nihahi, you will be a great representative for sure!

    Got a date for tattooing - Nov. 19. It will be done by a nurse in Victoria. In the meantime I have found Sandra, a tattoo artist in Nanaimo who does 3D tattooing. She became a tattoo artist 10 years ago solely because she wanted to help bc patients. So I'm a little confused . . . 3D or not? Will BC Health pay for that? Do I really need 3D, how competent is that Victoria nurse, Nanaimo is much closer to drive to, etc. etc . . . you get my drift. Decisions decisions, I'm so tired of this.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    Correct me, if I am wrong, liefie. I thought 3d tats are for when you do not have reconstructed fipples, and the 3d tats would look like you had fipples... Anyhoo, would Sandra be able to answer your questions?

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited October 2014

    You will be great in the BRA day, nihahi, we will all hop into your backpack/pockets for that...

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited October 2014

    3D tats can add dimension to the man-made ones.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Liefie, I am in a similar situation. Do I have my PS's PA try again or should I go to a nearby cosmetic tattooist who does it for free as a community service? I think I will check the latter out and see what she says. I have my six month Onc. checkup next month and today I scheduled another ab scar revision to fix a couple of things for December. Compression for Christmas---whoo-hoo!  I just want to be DONE in 2014. It'll be three years in January since this whole fbc began for me. 

  • Teacher64
    Teacher64 Member Posts: 402
    edited October 2014

    I'm going to do 3D once my PS's med assistant gets trained. It will have to be in 2015, so I don't know what that will do for my co-pay only resolve.

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited October 2014

    Hi MorningSun - while my fav RackPack was hiking in the Hood, I was being very patriotic.  Actually it was a wonderful 3 days.  At the golf tourney, DH and 2 friends were assigned a player from the AFB.  He was a recent Academy grad who played on the golf team for 4 years.  They placed 2nd.  DH spoke to a few hundred military members the next day - sort of a one on one about his experience and got rave reviews from officers and enlisted.  On Friday, he spoke at the annual luncheon.  All through he emphasized the giving of oneself and being able to depend on your Wingmen.  Because of torrential rain (yes, cute shoes survived), the Retreat Ceremony was held in the Nose Dock (a cavernous metal building).  Boy was it moving.  Especially when they got to the 21 gun salute - that first round nearly scared the heck out of me (even the Colonel beside me jumped - at attention, no less).   All I can say is, WOW, and I am so glad we were able to participate.

    Nihahi - you will be a fantastic BRA day speaker.  

    Nips - I got "wo"man made in August.  Took 6 wks before stitches were all out and wearing nip protectors for 2 more - those are done on Tuesday.  I understand they will flatten (thankfully) somewhat. I plan on 3d tats with a tattoo artist.  Unless the inks that the PS uses have changed in the past 20+ years, I want something that will last longer.  All color faded from the originals within the first 10 years, save for 1" dia cream-toned circles.  Talk about an odd look.  I figure if some of those old sailors' tattoos from 40 years ago still have their color - nip tats from a tattoo shop will last for my lifetime.  It is a tough decision, but so was the DIEP decision.  I am going for the whole enchilada.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    jeannie...I didn't realize you were still wanting things "tweaked"....hope this last time will be the final touch for you.

    liefie....I know that Alberta Health won't cover tatts done outside the PS office. The main deciding factor for me, was the discussion I had with my PS, and a bit later with his office manager. Both lovely, compassionate, supportive people. They both said the "office ones" that were done were very good. My PS then went on to voice his opinion that someone trained and experience in the profession of tattooing would in his opinion be more skilled and give a better result. When I brought up the fact that I was 64, not 24, so maybe "better than very good" was not really necessary....he gave me "the look"....said he understood what I meant, but he didn't necessarily agree I should factor my age into the decision. Later, when discussing the "wait list" with his office manager, she said she had seen tatts done by the woman I'm consulting with, and they were awesome. Kind of swayed my thoughts into looking further into the trained tattooist. She does do 3D, but I'm more interested in the ability to recreate the varied colour tones that are part of natural areolas, and the PS office doesn't do much of that. It's more of a one shade throughout process. The other factor was the jeannie and liefie.....I just want to be done.

    I'm sure I'll be very nervous at the BRA day event, but I'm determined to do it. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Wow, Marty! What a great weekend! So proud of your husband's service.

    Nihahi, I have a stitch that has scar tissue around it and the incision dives in there. The other side has a bulge that will be a little more challenging to fix but I want to try. It will be done in the procedure room at PS's office, which is actually in the hospital. No more ORs for me. I'm sure you will rock BRA day!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    marty...must have crossed posts...your husband sounds like an amazing person and well deserving of kudos, respect and applause. Sounds like a perfect match for someone as special as you!

    jeannie...I'm sure your PS will sort things out for you. I is the time to "try", if something isn't quite right for you. No sense in hanging on to "maybe I should have" in the process of putting all this behind us, right!

    We woke up to snow covered roofs this morning, but today's sunshine melted it off.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited October 2014

    Nihahi you will be great at BRA day. Wish I could see it!

    Marty your tripwith DH sounds great...and so does San Diego!

    I had quite a scare this morning getting an ultra sound of my foob and axilla (where I've had some pain) but they say the two small spots they found are just cysts. I was very relieved all day....(but now I'm wondering why I have cysts.....and second guessing the radiologist who went to school and looks at these sorts of things every day, all day for a living lol.) But I suppose there are icky bits in our bodies all the time, coming and going. I just need a few days to get past it.

    This FBC is like Hotel California..."you can check out any time you like, but you can never leave". 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    hugs, bailey.....giant hugs!!!!!!! GREAT BIG HUGE HUGS!!!!!!

  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited October 2014

    Marty, sounds like a wonderful and moving occasion you attended! I have great respect and admiration for soldiers everywhere. 

    As for the tattoo, I made up my mind. Phoned Sandra in Nanaimo, and booked an appointment for Feb. 6, 2015. She is really busy, but I've decided to go for it even if I have to wait till February. She will charge me $131 to tattoo the left breast areola/nipple in 3D. For me this will be the final cherry on the cake. My new 'fipple' is really very flat, and needs all the help it can get. 

    Bailey, just once again wish tell you how happy I am for the good news you got today! Speaking of Hotel California, in 2012 when we were in San Diego, we attended an open-air concert in a park where the Philharmonic orchestra played the music of the Eagles, sharing the stage with a rock band. There were tables and chairs on the grass in front of the stage, and we had a nice meal there with drinks while listening to the wonderful music. It truly was an evening to remember.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2014

    Bailey, what fabulous news.  I'm so sorry you had to endure the ultrasound and anxious anticipation, though! 

    I find this time of year difficult, and not just because everywhere I look there are breast cancer marketing campaigns.  I love fall, I love October, but the changing of the season and the crispness in the air brings back October 2011, when I started this whole fandango.  I'm grateful to be three years out.  But there's something of PTSD about the whole thing, and I wish I could stick my head under the faucet and wash away the memory of fear, as well as my tendency to instantly "go there" whenever I feel a twinge in my back, a hiccup in my liver, a delayed-coffee headache.  Where's that mental "delete" button?  DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.

    The tattoo process still has me stumped.  Some days I'm happy with the thought of buying a red Sharpie and just drawing them on.  Then...I'll let my PS tattoo them...then, no, I want to look into the 3-D thing.  I looked at the "PinkInk" website, and there are tattoo artists within driving distance who offer 3-D medical tattoos.  So I'm going to call them today and at least get the conversation started.  Liefie, I think $131 is extremely reasonable, and I bet you'll be very pleased.  Hey...let's all go to Nanaimo and see Sandra!  Instead of hiking next year, it will be an ink party!

    In a nod to approaching Halloween, I bought a life-size plastic skeleton at Costco.  She's sitting in the passenger seat of my Prius, all strapped in and grinning at other drivers.  It's such a hoot to see people staring and checking her out in their rear-view mirrors on my daily commute. 

    Happy Friday, everyone!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    wowzer.....$131 is a GREAT price, liefie!!!!! Things always seem "better" once a decision has been made, eh! Just wondering, are you heading to Calgary or Edmonton for Thanksgiving???

    Frost on the roofs today.....-5 but sunny.....Mountain tops are white....I wonder if wearing mittens and a toque are going to help my golf game? Wear did I put that long underwear again????

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited October 2014

    Sbel, I think it was you who said FBC is like an elephant filling the room at first; then it shrinks to a mouse in the corner, but can expand again at any time, only to shrink again. That and the Hotel California  words are good descriptions. How does that DELETE button work??? I wish I could delete a lot of thoughts. PTSD, indeed.  A group trip to Sandra's sounds perfect! As for the skeleton, you are a hoot!

    Nihahi, enjoy your golf game. Sometimes the blessing of beauty that you described comes with a price, eh? Practicing my Canadian...

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited October 2014

    Hey, Marty--a co-worker just strolled by and told me he was going to San Diego for the weekend, and planning to visit their favorite restaurant there, Phil's Barbecue:

    Nihahi, we have a heat wave here.  It's going to be a windy, sweaty 103 degrees tomorrow.  I would gladly join your golf game, mittens, toque, and all.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited October 2014

    no comment comment!!!!!!!