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Moving On......After the Flap



  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2013

    I am completely lost... what is WD-40?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    it's like duct tape in a that it can "fix" just about everything......beware though.....duct tape = sticky, WD-40 = slippery. Shocked. Ok , I am NOT gonna continue this....or I'll get a "reputation"!!!!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Y'all - I check out for a day and things progress rapidly down hill. Slip sliding away (hopefully, that is). Liefie - travel safely. Nihahi - stay warm. SBE - watch those fifty shades librarian shoes. Jeannie - whew, what a week!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    My PA at the gyno office offered the same thing. She thought quality of life now was equally imp. I think I would rather live a long time. I said no.

    Liefie- We will miss you. Have a great time and enjoy family. Have a wonderful Christmas. See you on Jeannie's birthday.

    Jeannie-tomorrow HAS to be a better day. If not I think the F tattoo is appropriate. Sorry you are going through so much right now.

    I went for a 3 mile hike in the woods with my SIL today. 7600 steps. Gentle walking tomorrow as I have that 5k on Friday.

    Leaving for Seattle on Monday. My son says they are calling for decent weather next week. Woohoo!!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    I was offered E too for vaginal atrophy and dryness. Opted for testosterone cream instead (my T was very low as well). Has definitely helped with the hooha issues. Seems like there was a study of women on ai' s and using T cream instead of E cream.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    And another damn thing....I got the date for my follow up scan ( to look at the internal mammary lymph node that lit up on my last scan). So.....two more weeks of worry and wait.  Aye yi yi. I've done well so far....just a few more weeks to CHOOSE (like dear Nihahi said) calm and peace and strength. 

    Jeannie "f#+k the f#+kery" that's what my tat is going to say!! If I ever get brave....or crazy (crazier???)

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Bailey...don't you hate the wait. IMHO, especially toward the beginning of this mess, that was the worst part. Wait for the biopsy. Wait for the results. Wait for the lumpectomy...bla, bla, bla.

    I will choose calm and strength and peace with you. And you are in my prayers.

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited November 2013

    Bailey- So sorry you have to wait, I agree that is the worst part of the whole experience. Sending prayers your way!

    Jeannie- I am sending special prayers your way and just hang on until things turn around for you! We are all in your pockets.

    I am finally seeing the lyphedema person today, the irony is that since starting the cymbalta, the pain has gone away.  I still swell up though so Im keeping the appointment.  Also waiting to hear back on when they want to do an MRI on my shoulder.  Ive noticed it hurting more this week and I think its from missing my workout and yoga.  I am convinced that the exercising has gonea long way toward alleviating my pain somewhat.

    Happy Thursday ladies and stay warm my northern sisters!

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Sweet - isn't it amazing what exercise can do for healing!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited November 2013

    I'm convinced my starting the Estring contributed to my cancer rearing its ugly head. My doctor had me try testosterone which helped but when I read that testosterone gets converted to estrogen, I told him I didn't want to use it anymore. I went in for my normal checkup and breast exam and everything was fine. Had normal mammogram earlier. Doctor suggested Estring and said there would be "no detectable blood values" so I agreed. Two days later breast puffed up like a balloon and redness. And we all know how this story plays out. 

    Bailey, hang in there. Like the fu*k fu*Kerry!   Ha ha ( spell check must hate Kerry)

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    I do hate the wait. Hate the wait. Hate the wait.

    Back on testosterone a order for T to get converted to E you have to have the enzyme aromatase. If you are on a aromatase inhibitor (AI, like letrozole or femara) that enzyme isn't produced, therefore the T can't convert to least on paper, right? This is how it was explained to me....I have enough info to be dangerous, most likely. I was also E+, but not strongly, like some of you. Talk to your doctor (i recommend somebody who deals with obgyn.....not necessarily your MO.....seems some of them are not up o n the ins and outs of hormones, surprisingly enough) if you think it might be worth it. 

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Bluebird, did you have IBC?  My sister was diagnosed with triple-positive IBC in July 2012 and she's doing great.  She'll finish herceptin next month.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Bailey, I'm in your corner! Or pocket! Or wherever you need me.

    I am waiting, too, "watching" the vision in my right eye deteriorate a little more each day. This is not unusual for this condition but I don't like this f$&kery, either. Wouldn't you know, I have to renew my driver's license with an eye test before the end of the year. I better hurry up. I did just work out and that feels so good. My brother is getting an echocardiogram today and I just learned my 87 year old mom is scheduled for a colonoscopy next month because of the results from her f. o. blood test. Life's a trip! I'll start wearing my ring again that says, Love Life on the outside and Be Brave on the inside.

    Sbel and Movie, have a great lunch and visit!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited November 2013

    Jeannie, your words of wisdom make me cry!

    The kicker is I had a form of cancer that I don't think any of the doctors could figure out. The specialist oncologist told me my diagnosis meant nothing since I wasn't following any of the "rules". The cancer tested triple negative but reacted to hormones.  Go figure! 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Got out for a play on the snowshoes today. Hope you all didn't get too chilled hanging out in the backpack!






  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Nohahi- WOW!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Lol Nihahi....I've been FREEZING all day! No wonder! Looks cold but wonderful!!!

  • Moviemaniac
    Moviemaniac Member Posts: 242
    edited November 2013



    pics from my delightful dinner with Katy and her DH Jerry AND the always enchanting Aubrey....what a fun evening I had! SO happy to have met Katy in person! I am feeling so very blessed to have made the acquaintance of some amazing, dynamic, and lovely women through BCO.....and Katy is certainly all of the above..... Thank you , Katy..... For a memorable evening! XO

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited November 2013

    Cheers to Katy & Jackie for a great meet-up!

    Nihahi - that snow looks delicious. So beautiful. You are one of the only women in the world who can wear that many layers and still look trim. Me, I'd look like the Michelin Man's wife. Thanks for sharing.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    What a wonderful evening, Movie! We had such a great time meeting everyone and sharing lives. My DS and DIL brought Aubrey (as you can all see!) and Movie brought her lovely DD and SIL. Yummy, authentic Mexican food, conversation so rapid-fire it was hard to find time to eat, and everyone got to cuddle the baby.

    Nihahi, breathtaking photos. I'm SO there with you. The crystalline beauty and silence of a snow-filled wood is like nothing else. I brought my toasty Smartwool socks for hanging out in your backpack so I could pop my head out of from time to time. Next time, walk backwards so I can see where we're going, not where we've been!

    Bailey, how you hanging, girlfriend? And when will you hear about the scholarship?

    Blessings, everyone. Today is FRIDAY!

  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited November 2013

    Good morning - It is SO nice to see the photos of you ladies looking so radiant and happy and healthy.

    Bailey - Two week wait? That sucks. Although I like that you said you've 'done so well so far'. Let's concentrate on that - and other major past achievments. Before your know it, you can add 'two week wait with excellent results' to that list. Also, any news about the scholarship for the Number One Cutie?

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    AWESOME photos of the SoCal meetup! You both look beaming in health and happiness. Thanks for such a lovely way to start the day.

    movie...LOVE the new haircut....makes you look about 21....did they card you? fyi....can I chime in that I think it's INSANE to do that drive back to Portland in one go....especially with your Dec 3 date coming up!!!!!!!

    sbe..might as well confess.....I am uber jealous of movie's cuddle time with Aubrey! FYI....going backwards while on snowshoes....not a good idea! I HAVE gone backwards while on skis....unintentionally....also....not a good idea. You'll just have to peek over my shoulder next time! Nerdy

    marty...hahaha.....I doubt if you could ever resemble Mrs. Michelin.....I had on long underwear, top and bottom...windproof insulated pants, a vest, a long-sleeved top, and a long sleeved fleecy underneath my coat....toasty warm! Of have to keep moving to stay warm...that's the downside of stopping to take photos!

    Have wonderful days everyone....They light our town Christmas tree tonight....carols, hot chocolate, hayrides, fun times!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited November 2013

    Wonderful photos!! Breathtaking scenery and happy memories with a dash of cuteness thrown in helped cheer me up! 


  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2013

    Hey ladies I wanted to post a link here for you all to read. I use a PS group out of San Antonio, TX PRMA. Dr. Ledoux is my PS. They are one of the top in their field in the United States. This year they have published a couple of studies that have to do with DIEP flap that I thought you all would be interested in. The most recent is they they are using a superficial vein along with the main vein to increase success rate of the transfer. The study has a 99% success rate. The other two studies are using the Vascular Lymph node transfer for those suffer with Lymphodema and also a study for obese patients using DIEP successfully. The group does over 500 DIEP flaps a year. Here is a link to their news media and articles you can check out. Hope this is helpful to someone.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Those photos sure are a pick-me-up! Happy, healthy people and God's beautiful creation. Love it.

    My day consists of renewing my driver's license, complete with eye test, bwahaha, and then visiting my brother in the hospital because he has endocarditis, an infection on his heart valve. I need to find out more about his condition, treatment, prognosis. Also, I just received a Facebook note from an acquaintance who has just been diagnosed with Fbc. She is in the shocked, today I get an MRI phase.

    I will carry on, put one step in front of the other, choose hope, live here and now, be grateful for the multitude of good things in a day, starting with my warm bed that I hate to leave....

    Hugs to everyone!

  • Sherryc
    Sherryc Member Posts: 4,503
    edited November 2013

    Well seems that I am being questioned about my motives here. I am a breast cancer patient and I do not work for PRMA. I just happen to love my PS. I had a very bad experience with my first BS. Although I did not have DIEP flap because I was not a good candidate not because I did not want to and I have been lucky not to have lymphodema but I do not let my guard down because I am aware it can happen years down the road. I think the work my PS group is doing is amazing and I am passionate about spreading the news of new work being done out in the breast cancer world. I have always thought knowledge is power and if it can help someone else then it is worth it. Sorry if I offended anyone with the multiple post that I had.

  • Morningsun1
    Morningsun1 Member Posts: 238
    edited November 2013

    Wow, nihahi, snowshoes-ing is going on to my bucket list.

    "happy memories with a dash of cuteness..." indeed! TGIF

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    I've experienced an amusing miracle today. While renewing my driver's license, they forgot to give me the eye test, went ahead and took my picture and gave me a temp license. Everyone around me was taking eye tests and my renewal notice said I needed one, too. I just hope they don't call me back there!

    I am at the hospital now with my brother. He is resting comfortably, on Vancomycin IV for endocarditis. They are still running tests. He could have an abdominal tumor that leaked bad joojoo, infecting his heart.

    Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts. I am handling everything very well today and you deserve some of the thanks for that.

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Hey friends! Thank you for your concern....doing fine. Very busy, fortunately, I guess! I had therapy at the cancer center yesterday I have every Thursday for work on shoulder and lymphedema, etc. I walk by the infusion clinic every week to get to the elevator to go the the next floor for therapy. Yesterday as I rounded the corner, thinking about a million other things, it hit me....I can't go back there....I cannot do that was an overwhelming feeling of dread. I just kept moving past it as fast as I could. I got upstairs and was so glad to spend time with my OT and a student who had come for observation. 

    And of course I can do it again. IF  that's what I have to do, of course I can. 

    But man I DON'T WANNA!!!!! I feel so good I can't believe there is anything brewing. 

    I am more anxious about the scholarship for Thing 1 than anything else. They said we will know "by Christmas"......So about 500 years from now lol!!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Sbel, so happy your sister is doing well and finishing Herceptin soon! Great drug....LONGGGGG treatment. Hugs to you both.