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Moving On......After the Flap



  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Bailey, I called my sister on my way home from work just to yak. She was wrapped up in a blanket on her sofa, freezing, and couldn't figure out why she felt so lousy. THEN she described her LE arm. She'd fallen on her elbow a couple of days ago and was concerned the red "bruise" was growing bigger and getting hotter and more painful. I said, you have cellulitis, call your doctor. So she called her doctor--got the oncologist on call, who focused 100% on "trauma" and said (and I can't believe this) even if it's broken, it can wait until Monday.

    I said, go to urgent care. So away she went, where she got some IV antibiotics, followed by oral, and will be re-checked tomorrow to see if she needs to be admitted.


    And girlfriend...just keep walking past that infusion room. Don't take yourself there, even mentally, unless you're called to. And we're all praying that call does not come.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Oh, Sbel! I am so glad you called your sister when you did. Why aren't we and doctors and nurses better informed about cellulitis?? I remember long ago my brother had it. Nobody told me how serious it was. I have learned a lot from you sharing your experience here. Thank you. Prayers for your sister.

    Bailey, I feel queasy every time I go to the cancer center. Thankfully, the infusion area is on a floor of its own and I don't have to see it, but I can imagine how hard it is for you to even walk by it. I can remember the smells of everything there, for some reason. I am praying hard for you! You are strong and brave and not alone in your "waiting room." And, Christmas is only a month away!! You're going to hear about that scholarship before you know it.

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited November 2013

    I am convinced there is a special PTS syndrome just for breast cancer patients. I started with anxiety after my mom died. Just going into a hospital or even a church caused me to think about her awful experience. Not sure why church caused it, since went my whole life  before her funeral, but I think about her service while there. Still working on moving forward. 

    Got a date for expander placement, but may just cancel . Need to get through rads before I can think of that. Started oxycontin last night and not in good frame of mind to make decisions but don't want to lose skin elasticity from waiting either..

    But to end on a happy note, enjoying a new fish tank next to my bed. It's very relaxing and peaceful.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Bluebird, I love the idea of a fish tank by the bed. We haven't had one in a long time but I remember it being peaceful. Of course, I didn't have to clean it. I'm sorry for the anxiety and pain you feel. You are doing the right things, taking care of yourself in good ways. It's hard to "live in the moment" when the moments can be so miserable. I do know that time passes and that helps. And hope. Hope gets me out of bed in the morning. When you wrote about your mom, I thought of my kids. All three daughters are seeking therapy, a good thing, but one of the reasons is my breast cancer. I hope I can find a therapist soon, too. As for TE placement, my story is that my TEs were placed after my bmx. During rads, the TE in the noncancerous side was partially deflated so they could get a good angle for rads on the other side. My PS was very happy and relieved about this. It was filled up again after I healed. Even with my horrible burns, the quality of my skin is now good, even though it is discolored with little broken vessels. Hang in there, Bluebird. Hope, hope, hope.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Hi ladies, on a course today, hence the lack of OMG response to sbe's "sister" tale! HOLY CRAP BATMAN!!!!! Now crossing many body parts that things get sorted out for her without the need for more intense intervention. sbe...Please tell her we're all thinking of her and sending positive vibes and prayers.

    jeannie..hope your brother is tolerating his meds and care well. Is he able to stay in his care facility or did he need to be hospitalized? Hoping for non-drastic news re: your Mom too....sheesh!!!!! You and hubby must just sit and stare at each other, with the "what next" look on your faces!

    bluebird...hope you are soon finished with rads, and find the recovery from them goes quickly. How is life with your new doggie.....?

    bailey...still having trouble walking, as everything crossed for thing 1 has remained crossed. Waiting is the bane of life, even outside of test results, etc. I hear you on the "gulp" of even passing by the chemo location. When I first took one of my neighbours for her session, it was the first time I had been down "that" hallway in decades.....Wasn't sure my knees were going to keep me upright! As I sat there waiting for her to be treated, I could "see" myself in the faces of the patients, waiting for their appt. Gradually though, I became more aware of the people WITH the patients, and it really hit home, on how difficult, emotional, taxing, etc. the whole thing is for family and friends too. My hubby was with me for every chemo session....but, I'm not sure I really registered at the time, how much he dreaded sitting in the "co-pilot's" seat.

    Take care friends. Time to get supper dished up.

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Thanks for the good vibes for my sister Kane, ladies. I just talked to her. She's still running a low fever, but the hot redness hasn't spread any further, so the doctor at the urgent care who did her re-check tonight gave her another injection of antibiotics with a plan to re-check again tomorrow. She barely squeaked by without getting hospitalized, so keep everything crossed, Nihahi, that the land mass will begin to recede and she can stay out of hospital-jail!

    Jeannie, I was really hoping to do the tissue expander thing when I had my umx, but my RO was dead-set against it. He didn't want any expanders anywhere when he was calculating the radiation. It really didn't make any difference for me--they had to take as much skin as they could with the mx, and I don't know if they could have fit an expander in there. It just meant I had to wait to have the "healthy" breast removed, and I'd wanted to have them both off at the same time.

    In your pocket, Bailey. We love you.

    Have a wonderful Saturday evening!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Love you, too, Sbel! Y'all are n the pockets of my size SMALLER pants :) whoop diet and exercise SUCCESS!

    So glad to hear your sister is not darkening the door of hospital!!!  Prayers for her.

    Jeannie....f#?k the f#?kery honey...chin s GOT to get better! Prayers for you, too. 

    DH is asleep at 8:49 pm on Saturday night.....remote clutched in his hand.....thing 2 is online and thing 1 is on a date.....just me and the puppies....and a strawberry/raspberry smoothie made with crushed ice and sparkling water. I keep thinking how good a shot of vodka or rum would be in this thing but I don't want the calories lol. 

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Good news for once! The Vancomycin is working and my brother is doing better. They did not find any mass in his abdomen that might have pinpointed the source of the infection. He should go home in a couple of days with a PICC line for 4-6 weeks of more antibiotic treatment. I do wonder about damage to his heart valve but they haven't said anything about that yet. Also, DH and I had a fantastic walk along the waterfront and saw a gorgeous sunset later. Good for my soul to breathe the crisp air, hear the water lapping, watch herons fly overhead.

    Sbel, good news that your sis is doing better! Sbel, I didn't meet my RO until well after my bmx so he had no say in the matter...I had skin-sparing bmx. Just sharing different stories is, I hope, helpful to somebody.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jeannie....Well, woo hoo!!!!!! Great news about your brother, and flying under the radar at the license renewal!!!!! Sounds like you had a lovely day with hubby too. I'm so hoping that things keep rolling in this direction for you.

    sbe...hope sister's "invasion" has retreated even more while she slept. Does she live far from you??

    bailey....I read your description of "Saturday Night Life" and chuckled. Hubby is down in the gym at the moment, but when he returns, I think I might as well kiss the rest of the day "bye-bye". Today in Canada is Grey Cup Sunday, which is our version of the Super Bowl. It's going to be football, football, and more football talk, then late afternoon, they actually get around to playing the dang game! The Calgary team got knocked out last I could care less about watching, but likely will eventually sit down to keep hubby company. It's a good thing the weather looks promising for a long walk today!!!!

    movie.....hope you're home safe and sound...or are you still in the car?????

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Haven't had much time to post. We are leaving for Seattle in the morning. Can't wait to see my DS ans DIL. We will meet up with Jeannie and her hubby for lunch next Monday. I am glad I can deliver a much needed hug.

  • kdoole01
    kdoole01 Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2013

    bailey6760, when you wrote about your almost panic attack as you walked by infusion it made me think of a crazy near panic I experienced last year. I work in NYU hospital and we had to prepare for Hurricane Sandy. I came in the night before to sleep over in case I could not get in the AM. When my original sleeping arrangement in the med students dorm was "double booked" I was reassigned to the infusion center over on 34th st. I responded "You mean the Cancer Center?!" They said yes...and I said no way was I sleeping there! And I wasn't even treated there!

    I actually slept on the floor in my office instead, lol!

  • kdoole01
    kdoole01 Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2013

    bailey6760, when you wrote about your almost panic attack as you walked by infusion it made me think of a crazy near panic I experienced last year. I work in NYU hospital and we had to prepare for Hurricane Sandy. I came in the night before to sleep over in case I could not get in the AM. When my original sleeping arrangement in the med students dorm was "double booked" I was reassigned to the infusion center over on 34th st. I responded "You mean the Cancer Center?!" They said yes...and I said no way was I sleeping there! And I wasn't even treated there!

    I actually slept on the floor in my office instead, lol!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013 safely to Seattle, and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!!!! Can you please give jeannie a super big hug from me?

    kdoole.....I would have slept in the parking lot before I would have accepted the Cancer Centre as "my spot"!!!!! Rain/wind/ regardless!!!!!

  • mammalou
    mammalou Member Posts: 293
    edited November 2013

    I'm driving 4 hours to UCLA to take my 20 yo son for a 2nd opinion on his congenital heart issues. Then my twins are going with us to Vegas to celebrate his 21st birthday. I can't wait to spend time with my kids. I don't really gamble but my son wanted to do Vegas, so off we go. Hopefully my bumm can handle the drive!

    Maybe this will clear up the BC blues

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    hehehehe.......mammalou.....I'm chuckling a bit after reading your post. Either there is a typo, your son has a birthday soon, or that is ONE HECK OF A LONG ROAD TRIP....if he is going to age an entire year!!! Loopy

  • Kat-ski
    Kat-ski Member Posts: 63
    edited November 2013

    Cherrie, have a safe trip. I know you will enjoy your visit with son's family. Have a great visit with Jeannie!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Mammalou, I hope the appt. goes well and you have a blast in Vegas. Pretty cool that your DS wants to spend his 21st with you! It's good to have something to look forward to. DH, DD, DSIL and I just bought Groupons for a float trip (brrrr) to see bald eagles in the trees and feasting on salmon. We'll probably go in January in between all my appts. I was diagnosed in January 2012 and it's also when all my preventative appts. are, plus the MO checkup and now the eye thing. Grrrr. Bring on the eagles to inspire me!

    I'm looking forward to hugs from you on Dec. 2, Cherrie and Nihahi, physical or virtual!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    jeannie....eagles are very significant to me....they touch my soul. An eagle circled over me, on my last "walk" before my surgery, and I just "knew" I would come through it strong and move forward.......may they bring you strength {{{{{{{{{{{{X}}}}}}}}}}}}}

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013


    Nihahi, this is for you! It is a Russian eagle at our zoo here, so awesome. I hope it isn't sideways for you like it is for me. :/

  • mammalou
    mammalou Member Posts: 293
    edited November 2013

    my son turns 21 on Tuesday☺️. My baby

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Jeannie and Nihahi- I was sitting by my bay window today and a bald eagle flew right over our house. I have never seen this at my house before. I love them and enjoy watching birds, wildlife (from a distance), and whales. I took this as a good sign.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    An excellent sign, Cherrie! We see them and hear them in our neighborhood in the summer but haven't seen one in a while.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited November 2013

    Beautiful jeannie....thanks!!!!!!

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Hawks are my Nihahi described, but it happens for me with hawks....but the eagles are beautiful, too! I love birds too....but outdoors not in the house. That freaks me out.

    Ya know Kdoole, and others, I walk by the infusion clinic every week (on my way to therapy) without incident or heart palps lol....I have even gone in 3-4 times to say hello to the crew...but this incidentaloma just gets to me now and again. Before this I could hack sleep there as long as they gave me one of the little private rooms and not a recliner in a chemo bay....

    I am in an accupuncture clinical trial (to see if it helps with AI side effects). I had to give them blood the other day. I swear the needle was the size of a toothpick....and the tech  had to stick me three times since my veins were being very shy. And while she was poke, poke, poking I was thinking I pray I can have a port again if I have to go round 2 on this cancer' s @$$.

     Not too much longer now...Will be busy right up until the 5th so that's good. Nothing like the possibility of cancer 2.0 to make you get your Christmas shopping done. What a motivator. 

    I am not normally a jealous person but gosh I wish I could meet some or all of you! Have fun Jeannie and Cherrie!!!

  • jlbloom
    jlbloom Member Posts: 126
    edited November 2013

    Hi ladies,

    I've missed you all while on vacation. The tornado warnings sent us to the basement a week ago, but nothing hit close to us.

    Jeannie, hope things are starting to turn around for you. You are certainly in my thoughts and prayers. Bailey, hope the waiting time passes quickly. We are all holding our breath that all is well and you will just be taking care of Thing 1. Sbe, those shoes are amazing. I'm afraid of heights so they wouldn't work for me. Nihahi, love the pictures.

    All of you are very special to me. If I see Wilbur tomorrow, I will say, "hello" for all of you. Lots of love. ...Julie

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited November 2013

    Oh Julie I was thinking you were on Tuesday for some.reason.....all the best to you ! We are in your pockets!

  • Cherrie
    Cherrie Member Posts: 921
    edited November 2013

    Bailey- We WILL get together this year. If I could only quit galavanting all over. I will be home next April. Sending hugs your way. No one should have to go through this waiting! STINKS

    Julie- We're all with you.

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Thinking of you, Julie! I kinda wish I could see Wilbur, just for a break. No ORs for me, though. You will do well tomorrow. I am very happy with my abdominal revisions, especially. I am excited for you! You'll be that much closer to being done.

    Bailey, I am hoping and praying for an extremely merry Christmas for you, with great health news and scholarship news. You are so awesome. We are here for you, no matter what. We have a couple of resident hawks nearby that feel like "family" by now. I'm with you. I prefer my birds outside. With an 8 1/2 pound dog, and eagles, hawks and owls, he never goes outside without us!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited November 2013

    Bailey, WHY do you have to wait so long?

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited November 2013

    Whew, busy day. Church, shopping, lunch, nap SillyHeart, bicycle ride, library, more shopping, dinner, and now the Broncos vs the Patriots. I'm sure I'll have to drag the DH off to bed after the game, because he'll have slept through the last half.

    Jeannie, I'm glad the vanco has kicked in and doing its job. I hope your brother feels better soon.

    Bailey, just keep moving. That's my strategy. Don't stop long enough for scary thoughts to build a nest in your hair. And you KNOW we're all here for you!

    Nihani, there is life after football. I'm pretty sure. Oh, your football the same as our football, or is it what we call "soccer"?

    Just three days of work this week. YAY...!