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Moving On......After the Flap



  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited March 2014

    Bosumblues, see what some positive energies can do? Congratulations!

    Janet, I laughed so hard when I read your comment with accent!  You got it exactly. 


    klanders, my only recommendation is to write, write, write.... document everything and include collections people. There is also an insurance commissioner in your state that you can write to and have them investigate the matter. Keep it brief.  Doctor told you to get MRI. Got MRI and now insurance doesn't want to pay. Get NOLA on board to back you up if you can and that you will follow their recommendations. So sorry for your paperwork nightmare.

    When I was being rushed into emergency surgery, all I could think about was letting everyone know here because I was scared and needed my pocket filled quick. I was posting as they wheeled me down the hall into the OR. 

    A friend on here told my story to her husband and he said, "man, she is fierce!"   I have decided that I will put my warrior bluebird wings on and be known as FierceBluebird. Smile

  • sbelizabeth
    sbelizabeth Member Posts: 956
    edited March 2014

    Klanders, if you PM me with an email to which I can send an attachment, I can email you the letter I wrote to BCBS appealing their decision to deny my cardiologist's claim.  It's a completely different situation, but you're welcome to peruse the wording I used. 

  • Ridley
    Ridley Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2014

    Hi all,

    FIERCEBLUE  -- you sound amazing!!   I'm adding more support to the collective view -- you get to decide on what the next step for you is re: reconstruction -- with advice when asked for, and your own inner wisdom to guide you.

    Bosum -- congrats on your day in court -- sounds like karma was alive and in action.  I'm sorry about your insurance woes.  I don't know anything about insurance in the US, but I listen to Dr. Radio on Sirius (I love that channel) and there is a weekly show on health insurance that I sometimes catch.  The folks that are on the show are very helpful from what I can tell, and I've heard the main host (Andrew Rubin) tell people over and over to send him an email with a question on his website (  I think you have to register to ask a question, but I don't think there is any charge.  Might be worth a shot for some free advice as he seems to really know his stuff.  Good luck with this next step!

    Janet_M -- I think I would have fainted as well at the thought of having a surprise procedure, despite the company. Glad you have a date to plan for now.

    I changed my avatar to a "sign of spring", in celebration of the good news this week on the board and in hopes that at some point, spring will actually come my way.  We are awaiting freezing rain tonight, flurries on Tuesday and wet snow next Friday (uhhh).  Winter has really kicked butt this year.


  • Ridley
    Ridley Member Posts: 95
    edited March 2014

    hey bosum - sorry my message was not clear.  You don't have to listen to the show and call in.  That's just how I heard about the website and that people could email questions to the website  that I believe they will respond to.  If you are interested, go to rubinhealth,com and check it out.  I'm fairly certain that there is no fee, but you do have to create an account to submit a question to the website.  Or... You could move to Canada:)

    Good luck!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2014

    Well, HELLO WARRIOR FIERCEBIRD!!  Now that the real Bluebird is back, I  am changing my avatar back. But FierceBird, know that I am still in your pocket and sending lots of loving, healing energy your way. You are my warrior hero.

    Bosom , glad everything turned out well. In addition to deserving it, it must have felt good to know that your ex wasn't able to fool the judge. You clearly had someone watching over you. 

    Nihahi, now I have a picture in my mind of a group of ladies with wonky parts doing yoga and laughing all the way through it.  Well, laughing is good for the soul, too, so hopefully we will get double benefits. 

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2014

    All hail Fiercebluebird!!!!!! Cancer doesn't want to meet you in a dark ally! I can see you going all ninja........:-)

    I was excited about spring but Tuesday high is only going to be 40......boooooooo.......hisss........boooooooo!

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    Zenful.....I love that "image" it comes true. Wonky is a descriptive often applied to me by my friends...that, and bizarre, comic relief...whatever, all seem appropriate given my history with them! 

    sweet....I have NO SYMPATHY!!!! I went out for a run today....windchill was -13....NO SYMPATHY WHATSOEVER!!!!!!!! But I'll send you a hug the avatar, btw, and how is the "work from home" coming along??????

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2014



    Bosom - YAY for a good day and a good outcome!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited March 2014

    Zenful, now I want to change my name to Warrior Fiercebird!  

    I was devastated by this turn of events and in so much pain. (Nothing quite like getting your head cleaved in two and they can't give you any pain meds so they can watch your pupils and reflexes)

    Movie called my husband and must have told him everyone was changing their profile pics to bluebirds. He actually cried when he told me, (he never cries) and then when I was finally able to log in and see them, I got my spark back.

    It reminded me of that old song "Tie a Yellow Ribbon".  I was a kid when it came out and never really got it then, but small things can be HUGE!

    "Whoa, tie a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree
    It's been three long years
    Do ya still want me (still want me)
    If I don't see a ribbon 'round the ole oak tree
    I'll stay on the bus
    Forget about us
    Put the blame on me
    If I don't see a yellow ribbon 'round the ole oak tree

    Now the whole damned bus is cheerin'
    And I can't believe I see
    A hundred yellow ribbons 'round the ole oak tree!"

  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2014

    ThumbsUpThumbsUpFiercebluebird ThumbsUpThumbsUp

    Your moxie makes me happy.


  • liefie
    liefie Member Posts: 761
    edited March 2014

    Fiercebluebird, you are one heck of a woman! Love that old song. And that doctor made a very stupid remark that was totally uncalled for - ?????? These people are supposed to be so clever, but some of them have zero EQ, and this one is a woman herself working with ca patients every day. . . unfrigginbelievable! Let it be like water off a duck's back; no use to get your knickers in a knot over this idiocy.

    Nihahi, I will bring my yoga mat. Not into the heavy stuff, just very relaxing stretch yoga. Will only do what my body allows. Hope we can set up outside somewhere if the weather allows. And yes, some of my parts are also wonky - lol.

    Bosum, YAYYYY! I don't think cases get overturned on appeal very often. So I'm cautiously optimistic for you. Hopefully the ex has now been put in his place. This has surely gone on long enough.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    okay ladies....let's make something PERFECTLY CLEAR.....anyone into the "I can twist myself into a pretzel and put my feet on top of my head and don't I look SPECTACULAR in spandex" is gonna have to find somewhere ELSE to practice their yoga....Sick

    Anyone who comfortably admits to being one of "Wilbur"s Wonky Women" can play with me! Nerdy

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2014

    Aw, Fierce, you reminded me of our friend Tony Orlando.  He is a truly generous and kind man who would weep to know his song gave you strength.  Many, many years ago, right after the POWs returned from Vietnam that song had just come out and was little known.  Bob Hope called Tony and asked him to come to a special gathering honoring the guys and to sing that song.  Tony replied, "but Bob, no one knows it".  Bob told him not to worry, that everyone would.  He then got his people to get to all the radio DJs and blanket America.  When the POWs got to that event the song was theirs and their families.  I have held onto a yellow napkin or ribbon attached to another wife or POW and danced around many a room to that song.  Last May, Tony presented his Gold Record to the Nixon Library's POW exhibit.  That little song has given a whole lot to so many people.  

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2014

    Nihahi- Its going great thanks. I am averaging about ten to twelve hours a week. Tuesday I am driving up the mountain for a sales meeting and I will take some pics of our mountains for you :)  

    Bosum- Hope things start looking up for you soon!

    MartyJ- My mom and I used to watch Tony Orlando and your story and I never knew that. What a great guy!

    Fiercebluebird- I can't fathom what you have been through and I am so sorry for your pain. (((hugs)))

    I found an old picture of me and my boys today and when I showed them, they asked who the lady was. Say what? I know I have aged and all but it was only five years ago when it was taken. I miss the old me sometimes.


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Sweet, you are beautiful inside and out, hair and makeup or not! 

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    sweet.....can't wait to see YOUR mountains...I bet they are green and forested and magical. The comment from your boys.....honestly, when I read that I didn't know if I felt like laughing with you or crying with you...such a toll this whole thing takes. But like jeannie were beautiful and you ARE beautiful. (then again....maybe it's just a guy thing???). I recognized that smile and gorgeous eyes right away!!!

    marty....I've gathered from the past that hubby is an Air Force vet.....didn't realize he was a POW. I cannot imagine his courage, strength, resilience and sacrifice. He is indeed a very special person, as are you. You've been quiet lately, hope it's because life is moving along and you're doing well. 

    jeannie...just heard about a tragic landslide in WA state north of Seattle.....didn't catch more than're safe and ok????????RIGHT!!!!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Nihahi, the slide is terrible but not near me. The worry now is that the slide has dammed the river so those people and towns downriver are at risk. It's so sad about the deaths and injuries. So much rain and more on the way...

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    Sigh.....we just can't control nature and it is worrisome what humans may have done to affect the weather and the land. Glad to hear you're ok, so sad for the people involved or who may be affected in the future. My SIL and family in Vancouver lost their home  in a slide about 10 years ago. Their home wasn't "in the slide", but right next to it, and their lot was so compromised that their home was deemed unsafe for habitation and was torn down. They've never fully recovered, emotionally and financially.

    movie....I just spotted your new avatar pic on another here so everyone can see how gorgeous you are!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Oh, Nihahi, I'm sorry about your family. That's rough.

  • nihahi
    nihahi Member Posts: 1,068
    edited March 2014

    The "family history" made me anxious for you I said....stay safe. AND THAT APPLIES TO EVERYONE OUT THERE!

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2014

    Nihahi, you are a genius!  We just might have a name for our September gathering...

    The W3 Rendezvous (Wilbur's Wonky Women).   Comments, anyone?  

  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Zenful, you're funny! We are wonky, but so much more....

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited March 2014

    Marty, that was really touching about Tony Orlando.

    Sweet, I look back at pictures with my kids and it seems so different somehow. (You guys are all just as cute and beautiful, by the way!) One time I had my son on the table at the pediatricians office and my daughter was digging through my purse and pulled out a photo of me and my husband and said, "Who are these WEIRD people?"   lol!

    Living in South Jersey, (an alluvial plane a.k.a. a big sandbar) we do mountains with the best of them!


    NJ can't do anything right. Even our one rolling hill isn't a challenge. On Gravity Hill you can put your car in neutral and it will roll up the hill! 


  • Jeannie57
    Jeannie57 Member Posts: 1,314
    edited March 2014

    Let's have fun with this....Wilbur's Open-hearted Women (WOW), or Optimistic, Outstanding......oozy, odoriferous, official, ornithoid (for fierce bluebird)........I love words.

  • sweetpickle
    sweetpickle Member Posts: 185
    edited March 2014

    Jeannie-  You have me rolling with your fantastic words!

    Fierce- How crazy! What causes the cars to do that?

    Nihahi- Our mountains wont be green until the end of May but the views are amazing. It may snow when Im up there on Tuesday.

    Zenful- lol I like W3

    Thanks for the compliments ladies, I laugh and I cry about how I look now. Most days I dont care but every now and then I get down.  

  • MartyJ
    MartyJ Member Posts: 819
    edited March 2014

    Quietly moving ahead, Nihahi. Actually in the process of fulfilling one of my pre-recon goals.  I promised myself that I would learn to paddle the Dragon Boat this spring.  When I checked the schedule, I found an 8 week intro group being formed for survivors.  First major step to putting the past 30 years behind me!  Soooo excited.  

    I have also been bra shopping.  I bought 2 Wacoal at Nordstroms last May.  Nice bras, but they were old lady minimizers.  Never felt "right".  Got a cute OnGossamer with softly molded cups a few weeks ago and yesterday I bought 2 Marie Jo's that are wonderful and give me a hint of cleavage (not being a skin saving, I will never have the "real" thing).  And and Anita Athletic - a great sports bra that doesn't "compress", but holds you in place nicely.  To all who are saying- oh my, those are so expensive I could never spend that much, I say hog wash.  You can get a really good comfortably well fitted bra - just one.  Break the bank for it if you must.  Once you love the style and brand, go on line to somewhere like and see if you can get more on sale.  I found several in my brand, style and size that were almost 50% off.  Because bras are an everyday wear, get something you will enjoy.  Something that feels right and good.  They will last a really long time if cared for.  And just to help your brain, do the math - if you wear one of your bras for 50 days of a year for 2 years, that's 100 wearings which means a $100 bra only cost you $1 per wearing.  Don't laugh, I do that a lot if I am buying something expensive.  Personal brain training SillyHeart.

    By the way, this is our mountain.  So if you are buying a new car and want to see how it might take a hill should you drive 4 hours to where those things are, you drive this big guy.


  • bailey6760
    bailey6760 Member Posts: 380
    edited March 2014

    Good morning flappers! So nice to see you Marty HappyLoved your yellow ribbon history, thanks for sharing. 

    I spoke with my parents this morning! They sound very well. They come home on Friday this week. They are more than ready. Dad started walking this week. He says it's very slow and not pretty, but he's doing it. He is using crutches and taking small steps. He has to still be very careful because of the fracture that is still healing. We have the house almost all ready, will be picking up a wheelchair for him this week and my sister is having the house cleaned. 

    Here he is! Sorry it's sideways....I can't seem to make it rotate.


  • Janet_M
    Janet_M Member Posts: 500
    edited March 2014

    Bailey - What does he mean ' it's not pretty'. He's beautiful!

    Thank you for sharing the picture. What a lovely, uplifting, inspirational, handsome fella. I wish him well every step of the way. 

  • Zenful
    Zenful Member Posts: 394
    edited March 2014

    Oh, Bailey, it is so good to see your dad up on his new legs. Since he is also a warrior, it feels like he is a natural member of our group. Please continue to provide updates. I'm sure it is a difficult, long process, but he looks very happy!

  • FierceBluebird
    FierceBluebird Member Posts: 463
    edited March 2014

    BAILEY!!!!!   This time I really am shouting!  Your Dad looks so wonderful and happy! Such a cute photo with his Bulls shirt on!

    I am so excited for your family and admire your mom and dad!

    Marty, I agree.  I've had setback after setback and keep moving forward but I've finally learned the difference between moving forward without expectations and to stop struggling so hard to return my life back to the way it was.  I am envious of your bras! As a large breasted woman my whole life I've always had bra envy.  I love my Bali bras that everyone recommended and will look up the ones you like too.  That is a beautiful bridge! 

    Sweet, love your profile pic. I just mentioned window boxes to my husband. He looked at me and said, you want me to climb two stories to put up window boxes, so I felt bad.  But they are so pretty!

    Happy Sunday!