Moving On......After the Flap
Sbel, I wish I had the thighs to go up and down the canyons.
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Love the pics sbe....!!!!!! I think I'll sit back in the chariot and have you pull me up those trails...looks like some hard, dusty work, but I bet it feels good at the end of the ride, eh! and sbe can be our pilates people at W3! Good Lord, we may have to stay for a month to get everything in!
bailey....I'm thinking your "green" theme means your MichState team is doing the basketball thing??
I'm going to go eat a tube or two of cookie forecast for the rest of the week..snow....
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Jeannie - that does sound like it would take advanced skills post from the app to the forum!!
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This is what I say to the irs......
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Can't fight the IRS or insurance screw ups. This happened to me years ago. I broke my foot 7 years previously. I was working full time with no insurance, but we had insurance through hubby. I was a nurse at a veterinary hospital so I took MY OWN xray, just to see if my freaking hurting foot was broken. It was. I drove myself to doctor, showed him xray, he told me to go to hospital, they looked at xray and said, "nice radiograph!" "yep, it is broken", gave me a stupid flat wooden shoe thing and told me contact an orthopedic. "What, no cast?" I asked "Nah, just go see an orthopedic guy. Here's his number." Had to wait 2 effin weeks to get an appointment with an ortho. even despite telling them my foot was broken. Walking was so painful I made my own cushioned cast thingy at the vet hospital. Finally get to see ortho guy and he says, "Why have you been walking around on a broken foot all this time?" I wanted to kill every single person in this chain of events.
Ok, so the foot bones (....connected to the ankle bones...
) heal, We had USHealthcare at the time and we paid all our copay's and hospital deductible. The insurance asks if I have my own insurance and we say no. Never think anymore about it until 7 years later when we get a notice from the IRS that our income tax return is being withheld for non-payment of hospital bill seven years previously. WHAT? It was a good chunk of change too, probably a couple thousand dollars.
I call the hospital and they don't even have a record of me. They purged their records after seven years. I call the IRS and tell them it is over seven years, the hospital doesn't have me in the system anymore, and the IRS basically said, too bad for you. I tried to provide copies of all my paid insurance statements and they were not interested in even spending 5 more seconds on the phone with me. Too bad, so sad, boo hoo. "Hardworking Americans are sick of people slacking on their bills." WHAT?!!!
If I hired a lawyer it would have cost me more and good luck finding a lawyer who will go against the IRS.
It was one of the most frustrating experiences. I took my own xray, got my own diagnosis, the hospital just gave me a phone number which I could have also done myself, and then I get whomped with a having MY OWN money just taken away from me. Grrrr....
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Fierce....For you........
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Fierceblue - you are truly a warrior. I am glad that you are recovering so well.
Bailey- your Dad looks fantastic, except for the Bulls tshirt.
Bosom - I am glad that things worked out so well in court. Looks like karma is definitely on your side.
Good night ladies.
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I'm in with the yoga. Been doing it for years. It's so healthy. I particularly like it over sliced bananas and strawberries.
As for the real body is like a strong board. Useful in its way, but worthless for bending. This will be interesting.
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Haha gwenny raz'em!
The IRS is watching us right now. I kept trying to type "raz" and autocorrect kept putting in "tax"! Tax'em!
Sbel, I am ridiculously "core strong". I can't bend to sit up. I thought it was just surgery range of motion issues, but turns out I had a pedicled flap on one side and muscles cut. When they told me in the hospital I wouldn't be able to do situps, I thought "who cares, I don't like situps!"
Movie, I meant to add that siblings are jerky! (Well they can be) make YOUR needs known as well! (I know easier said than done.)
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Good morning, sisters!
0 - guys are TOO funny....!!!!!!
sweet...I LOVE the "here's to you IRS" pic....totally on target!!!
fierce....noooo, they got you too??? Gosh, I'm starting to feel like part of the "in" group!!!! I did not realize you had a pedicled HAVE been through it, eh!!!!
sbe....I had to read your "i love yoga" post a whole bunch of times before I got it....hahaha....I'm thinking....she's "bent" alright!!!!!! You're probably in a permanent bike position,eh! Thanks for the latest Aubrey that hair getting more blond or is it just my eyes???? Could NOT sleep last night, guess I was just excited to wake up to ......more snow.....should've eaten that cookie dough!!!!!!!
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Oh my goodness, but you girls are a crazy bunch, and I love ya for it! Sorry for all the troubles with the IRS. It is like a mindless. faceless monster that you are fighting, and there seems to be no winning . . . As for myself, I am tackling the tax monster myself soon as our tax have to be in by end of April, and I have done zero/zippo so far. I HATE doing it with every fibre of my being. It is the bane of my existence every year this time.
Sbe, you are surely strong. I will not be able to do that. Just realized this morning in the gym how much work I still have to do to get as strong as I want to be. Trainer put up an ab and butt bootcamp, and chased me around that circuit. Leglifts, crunches, lunges, squats etc. etc. Afterwards I had to go buy some groceries, and could hardly walk. Moved around the store as if I was 90, but everything was just paralyzed from the waist down - lol. Aubrey is adorable as always!
Fierceblue, every time you post it makes me sooooo happy, even if you tell a harrowing tale. Love your attitude.
So had my pre-op visit yesterday,as well as bloodwork and ECG. Now I'm 'ready' for stage 2 on Monday. Can one ever be ready for surgery? Hopefully it will not be too debilitating or painful. I've had enough of starting over with exercise, and working my strength up again. Enough is enough!
0 - that little girl! Very jealous of your biking will be hard to keep up with on a hike, I can tell already!
Liefie....think of it this way....after this next surgery, you are DONE! You can do it!
Love you ladies!
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Liefie, you will do really well after Stage II, I just know it! You will bounce back quickly.
You know, I feel myself starting to compare my physical fitness with others and I really don't want to. We are all alive, doing what we can. I tell myself, again, "comparison is the thief of joy!" Those of us going to Mt. Hood will be just fine no matter what shape we are in, what activities we do or don't do. OK, off the soapbox....
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Oh. My. Goodness. Ladies, I really didn't post our Sunday outing at Sycamore Canyon to prove how hearty we are...the strength of our massive thighs...the Super-Power fitness we've developed! I just wanted to share our Sunday outing at Sycamore Canyon with you!
Truly, it is all what you're used to. Jogging, swimming, skiing, tennis? I will be gassed and gasping within minutes. Yoga? Hahahaha....wait till you see. Bring any leftover pain meds, I'll need them.
When I ride with women who are much younger and stronger and faster...boy howdy, it hurts. But Jeannie is right. We are who we are, beautiful and unique and powerful in our own ways.
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And now for something completely beautiful DIL and grandbaby, who DOES possess super-powers. Just ask me.
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Oh, Sbel, your family is beautiful! And I can see why you thought my post was a direct reaction to yours. Not. I'm GLAD you posted your canyon pics. You and hubs looked so happy and we can all take joy in each other's experiences. I hope we continue posting. I wasn't writing about any particular posts, just my frustration in sliding into comparisons lately and wanting to be so much more fit than I am....
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good grief what a beautiful DIL and of course Aubrey!!!!! Thank you for sharing!!! problemo AT ALL here, with seeing your pics, and I hope you post many more...goodness knows I post a lot of my outings. You are dead right, when you say it's "what you're used to", and we are all different in that. That is the great thing about so many of us getting together....there will be a wide range both interests and abilities.
Trust me, five minutes of chasing a tennis ball like Tammy...I'd be begging you all to put me out of my misery. Or 15 seconds of mind would explode....blow itself to smithereens, it would. No way would I even try to keep up with Liefie and her trainer....couldn't do it....and very honestly....don't WANT to try. The list goes on....we each have our strengths and weaknesses....what would be gained by comparison.
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Hmmmmph! Guess that means the soccer game I was planning for the September gathering is OFF the table..........I was SO anxious to show off my MAD soccer skillz........
Jeannie, this is for you......
Love the picture, Sbe!
Love to all......
0 - "moving on" ...... we're going to have coffee at the W3...right....I mean.....please dear lord let there be coffee!!!!! Nobody gets between me and my cuppa in the morning....once I get both feet moving forward...I have a homing beacon for the place has a coffee pot right?????
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Nihahi...yes sir, yes sir, three bags full. I love my warm wakeup in the morning, and it was miserable weaning myself off before DIEP! When I was finally un-addicted I thought "why don't I just stay off the bean?" ...NAH... It's just too much of a great reason to crawl out of bed in the morning.
Too bad most of us have had our ports removed. We could really slam some high octane java, really fast.
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Jeannie, this will make you laugh. My son the radiologist was having fun poking through my old PET/CT scans on the computer. "Mom," he said, "Do you know you have a big-ass appendix?" And, "Wow, look at those thighs."
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See??? I told you!
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Seriously???? Your son made "big thigh" comments???? oh my....not a smart move! Nope, not smart at all!
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Hey, he didn't say BIG, did he??
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I stopped drinking coffee a year ago when I started chemo. It just didn't taste right or set well with me. I just recently returned to Joe and I am in love all over again!!
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I am all about the morning coffe too! I am sitting here this morning counting down the hoir I have to wait before I can have my first cup. I take my thyroid med first thing but have to wait for coffee because it screws up the absorptiin. grrrrrrrrrrrr
Great pictures! I wasn't able to get any good pics when I drove up the mountain yesterday, all foggy and snowing but I snapped some coming back down out the window.
sbe- Oh boy, gotta love our I say go big or go home.......heeheehee
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Sweet, I take thyroid in the morning too, but I hadn't thought about avoiding my cuppa joe for an hour. Does it really mess with the absorbtion? Gah...
It might RAIN a bit today! Turn on the news! "STORMWATCH CALIFORNIA!"
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I take thyroid meds, too, and didn't know about the coffee thing. Hmmmm...
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I never heard about the coffee thing either and have been taking for 22+ years. Sweet, where did you learn about this?