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anyone using essential oils for cancer?

inga6060 Member Posts: 6
edited July 2020 in Alternative Medicine

Just curious.  I started using 4 different ones on my feet at night.  And a couple on my liver, and oh boy, I'm going to the bathroom 3-4 times a day, with very interesting things in toilet.  I know its the oils, cuz it all started the very next day.  A lot of healing in those oils. And they smell great, at least to me.



  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Hi Inga I have been using Essential Oils for about 18 years as an analgesic for the pain of Rheumatoid Arthritis. The main one I use is called "Be Relieved" by Balanced Essentials. I also used them post Mx surgery, both for pain and for their antibacterial properties. I have them mixed in 3 different carrier oils and use them daily myself and have a massage every 2 weeks using them for myofascial release by a therapist.

    Aromatherapy is a very interesting therapy, but I don't know anything about using them for Cancer per se. I do know that some oils are avoided, for their estrogen properties.

    I love how they feel and how they smell!

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2014

    the russian nobel winner cured an intestinal cancer with artemesia absenth

  • txsadlergurl77
    txsadlergurl77 Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2014

    For my own personal reasons this 3rd time stage4 around I have chosen to fight cancer naturally, no chemo, no meds, no surgeries. So far I am eating strict all organic foods, no sugars of any kind, starches, carbs or fruit, stopped using any products on my body with any toxins and chemicals in them. Getting plenty of exercise, physical therapy to heal my degenerative damaged spine. No sugars as my Dr says starving the cancer cells :) and not doing chemo my healthy cells are thriving instead of getting damaged by toxins!!  Great Dr and his fiance the nutrionist, they are a God send! I am feeling great!!!! I am on natural supplements essential oils, and on a major cell and body detox

  • inga6060
    inga6060 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2014

    That's awesome.  I wish I had as good of a you do.  Which essential oils are you using?  Are you applying them to your feet?  And how often.  I am too fragile to do to much detox, but you naturally are going to detox by eating right, and killing the cancer.  Nice to know someone else is out there.  Right now I'm struggling with my weight. And anemia.  I seem to be staying at 90 lbs. At least I'm not losing. I do have an appetite.  

  • goodie
    goodie Member Posts: 39
    edited August 2014

    Inga what oils are you using?

  • inga6060
    inga6060 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2014

    I'm using frankincense, lavendar, tsuga, and ledum.  The frankincense and lavender are from nature's sunshine.  The other 2 are from young living.  Both are very reputable brands.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2014

    they all burn a bit at first.  the frankincense has been the worst.  the artemesia by far the most soothing.  but who knows if the burning means curing

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Just wanted to mention, most Essential Oils are not suitable to be placed directly on the skin and the strength and amount is something that you should get advice about, from a trained Naturopath or  Aromatherapy expert. Like many things, Essential Oils come in varying grades and are one of those things, that you get, what you pay for.

    Not saying they aren't a good idea, they are excellent if administered correctly, just that they can be very potent and some should never be used together.

  • inga6060
    inga6060 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2014

    Good information ariom.  I don't seem to have a problem putting them on my feet.  Also put some on liver and chest.  You are right they are strong.  Still waiting to see an aromatherapist.  I don't get any burning.  Thanks for the tips.

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited August 2014

    lavender oil has oestrogenic properties, i take frankincense and artemesia orally 

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited August 2014

    I alternate the artemesia with cedarwood oil.  it like artemesia also contains a good deal of thujone.  thujone itself isn't estrogenic I think

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    How do you do it Lily? Drops under the tongue? or in a carrier?

  • inga6060
    inga6060 Member Posts: 6
    edited August 2014

    There is really a misconception about herbs and oils having estrogencic properties.  I am not even gonna address it for fear of backlash.  But as an herbalist I have studied extensively on this.  There is a huge difference between raising estrogen and balancing estrogen.  There r 2 pathways that r used.  There r some oils you shouldnt use.  I know basil is one.  A lot of research about lavender having a positive effect on breast cancer.  You just need to do the research.  Just for what its worth.  

  • Lily55
    Lily55 Member Posts: 1,748
    edited August 2014

    Ariom i take both in supplement form, i love lavender oil so would be very interested to see research Inga........there is so much conflicting info around

  • Ariom
    Ariom Member Posts: 4,027
    edited August 2014

    Thanks Lily, I understand now, I took Boswelia for years, for Rheumatoid, in supplement form as anti inflammatory. I thought you were talking about neat Essential Oils.

    My Naturpath and the Aromatherapist who makes the blends that I use for pain and massage, both had very compelling data about how Lavender Oil is safe to use.

    I have several different types in my garden and love the fragrance when you brush past it!

  • tessy
    tessy Member Posts: 38
    edited December 2014

    These are the essential oils that I have read that they say to avoid if you have hormone positive breast cancer. I am just getting started with using essential oils as part of my continuing treatments now that I am done with chemo and radiation. I am interested in anyones use of these wonderful oils (not the ones listed below) and the outcomes.

    The following potentially estrogenic essential oils should be avoided: Fennel, Clary Sage, Melissa, Lemongrass, Lemon Myrtle and Geranium

  • thrifty1
    thrifty1 Member Posts: 15
    edited December 2014

    Anyone use Thieves essential oils?

  • bcfighter2014
    bcfighter2014 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2014

    Hi txsadlergurl77, I was curious to what type of cancer you were diagnosed with? I too am going to try the no sugar diet to see what it does for me. Thanks!

  • Annie88
    Annie88 Member Posts: 124
    edited February 2015

    Hello everyone. I am new to this forum and to using essential oils. Please give me suggestions on some of the oils you have used for fighting BC or just for living well. I have Young Living oils in the starter kit. I would love to also hear about Thieves oil if anyone has used it. Thank you

  • Joysley
    Joysley Member Posts: 25
    edited March 2015

    Annie88, I've been hoping someone would reply to your question about the essential oils. I have ordered the starter kit and would love to hear what oils other BC patients are using.

  • Annie88
    Annie88 Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2015

    I am still hoping to get some feedback! I have been using them in my diffuser, but hesitate in applying them due to the hormone situation. My knee had been sore due to exercise, so I used the pan away w/ coconut oil. It did make the pain subside. I use the lemon in my water to help w/ immunity. Maybe some others will weigh in on the oils they use.

  • TeriMP
    TeriMP Member Posts: 10
    edited March 2015

    Hi, I am very interested in essential oils but do not know a lot about them. I saw on a previous post lavender being "ify"; is that if taken orally or applied topically diluted. My friends mom made me a lotion that contains shea butter, coconut oil, frankincense, lavender and rosemary. I have 100%+ ER BC.



  • Annie88
    Annie88 Member Posts: 124
    edited March 2015

    Teri-I have heard that Frankinscence has great benefits, either rubbed or diffused. there was an article that I read somewhere to be careful about rubbing certain oils if one has hormone positive due to some oils mimic hormones. I have diffused sandalwood and cinnamon because I enjoy those smell. Lavender has many relaxing traits too! Maybe some others will post.

  • mmccall
    mmccall Member Posts: 5
    edited April 2015

    Hey Ladies,

    I have been using Frankincense for two years sporadically for more than two years . I became a member and have Sacred Frankincense on my monthly essential rewards order . I consider it my go to oil ! The healing properties are in various forms . First and foremost studies have been done that indicate Frankincense has the ability to change the Dna in a cancer cell and restore to healthy. Many Young Living oils can be ingested, applied topically and diffused . I have taken internally for pain or Applied topically . Other benefits are relief from anxiety , immune boosting, anti viral and bacterial anti inflamitory and I could go on.

    I wish I could tell you I can prove personally through test results that it is the medicinal gift of God , but my inconsistency in ingesting may be the reason . I do carry it with me everywhere and apply or inhale often . Love love love

    I recently began Protocel 50 in hopes to lose any cancer cell remaining in my body. I am monitored monthly so I can update you . 22nd is my first appointment since initiating the Protocel . If you are interested in Yl oils . I can help . Also added lemon oil daily three months ago and my markers are gradually decreasing. As mentioned on another thread alkalinity is important as well . Best wishes !

    stage 4 lobular ER positive,bilateral mastectomy 2011 , 20 out of 21 pos nodes , chemo,rads , reoccurrence 2013 .

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited April 2015

    I've sent for thyme oil & camomile oil as gary null has suggested for this trouble. will report back. will use them during the 2 months off from the oils I've been using most.

  • labelle
    labelle Member Posts: 134
    edited April 2015

    I don't put a lot of faith in essential oils for treating BC, but after my diagnosis I threw out most of my regular beauty products containing chemicals and parabens and other nasty stuff. I started making my own scented body oil/lotion with coconut oil, sweet almond oil (neither smell like anything) and decided to add scented essential oils for fragrance. Having read frankincense is one of the best oils for BC I added that to my body oil, but because I really don't like the smell also added lemon oil and ylang ylang to the recipe. And an odd thing happened. I have a acetabular labral tear in my hip and some osteoarthritis (diagnosed with MRI and bone scan after BC diagnosis-I was so scared I had mets to my spine/bones but OC said no way and my orthopedists got the scans approved by my insurance company). Anyway, the orthopedist said surgery was the only cure for the acetabular labral tear in my hip but I've noticed a significant reduction in hip/joint pain when I remember to moisturize the area with my homemade body oil containing essential oils. Coincidence? Maybe, but I 'm going to keep using it. If nothing else this combo seems to help with my pain issues and that's worth a lot to me.

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited June 2015

    Hello Ladies;

    I've used Frankincense oil on both Breasts after my shower for 4 going on five years. I also use a little carrier oil. I like Rose absolute for perfume. Rarely do i ever use lavender, as I know from having my estrogen levels measured that in fact it does raise the estrogen levls. i used it with Frankincense teh first year after treatment, and then I had a brain tumor. I never thought that was the cause though, just a misdiagnosed. I felt blessed to use the Frankincense and I don't sell YL. I like it also for arthritis and it works on my left knee. I am also using a bit of oil on my head where the tumor was removed over 3 years ago. it is studied in rats and found to be promising, and i am a firm believer in it having had no recurrence in either of my breasts. I began taking bowseilla for arthritis recently too.

    All the essential oils require research and time but are wonderfully healing, and i wish our gov would get with it and study them. They are all too interested in big profits from drugs which harm us more often than cure us.

    take care1


  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited June 2015

    using the thyme and the blue camomile. topically. the thyme burns a lot but seems to be disolving the mushroom white stuff. not sure this is a good thing as I've always noticed it seals & prevents an outpouring of blood. the blue amomile is soothing & incuces sleep

  • Blubelle
    Blubelle Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2015

    Essential Oils were essential! I made spice infused oils with coconut oil and added essential oils. I placed this in the colon by way of an enema bucket or made suppositories. It knocked the last of the cancer out using this method. I heavily used and relied on essential oils for the past 2 years.

    I was successful, over 3 years, in reducing the 9cm of tumors spread across both breasts down to an 8mm lumpectomy last July. I did not start out as a candidate for lumpectomy. I had my last scans in March and got a smiley face from the radiologists report when she reported, "No cancer seen" on my report! I don't have to go back for a year.

    I avoided a mastectomy and a likely double mastectomy, chemo and radiation. Do not take this to mean that it was not the most harrowing, difficult journey in absolutely every way. It turns out that I had an infected bone from a rancid tooth that was causing a lot of the problems. Getting that out began the journey back. I did not get out of the near death portion of the journey, or pain and agony. But, it was the healing that was needed to bring me back to balance.

    Today I'm back to Bikram Yoga and beginning to stitch my life back together without the fear that I've done some unforeseen damage. I've healed the body through and through.

    Love, Bluebelle

  • new2bc
    new2bc Member Posts: 254
    edited June 2015

    Which brand of frankincense are you using and how do you apply it?