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anyone using essential oils for cancer?



  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited January 2018

    Thanks Nancy618.

  • TinyDancer5
    TinyDancer5 Member Posts: 217
    edited February 2018

    I am looking for an essential oil that will help with hot flashes, insomnia and all the other menopausal issues. I am on Tamoxifen and Lupron and do not want to take anything that may interact with them. Any suggestions would help.

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited May 2018

    Tinydancer, this might help.

    Female Specific Conditions

    See also Hormonal Imbalance, Infertility,Ovaries, Pregnancy/Motherhood, Uterus.

    Oils— TAMister (during time of month when you are out of sorts), TAclary sage, TAanise, TASacred Mountain(female balance).

    —Abnormal Pap Smears

    Recipe #1—Add 10 drops Immupower and 5 drops frankincense to 1 Tbs. V-6 Oil, and insert into vagina. Use tampon to retain overnight. Take Master Formula Hers to support nutrient level. May continue daily for as long as necessary.

    —Balance Female Hormones

    Oils— TAYlang ylang, TAbergamot, TAsage lavender.

    —Hemorrhaging See also Hemorrhaging.

    Recipe #2—Combine 10 drops helichrysum with 1 tsp. V-6 Oil, and massage on ankles, lower back, and stomach.

    —Hot Flashes

    A hot flash is a sudden, intense feeling of heat in the face and upper body, often accompanied by an increased heart rate, sweating, dizziness, headache, weakness, or anxiety. Hot flashes are generally associated with the symptoms of menopause and premenopause.
    Oils— TPeppermint, Tclary sage (estrogen), TEndoflex, Tbergamot(estrogen), Tfennel, TDragon Time, TMister(estrogen—works for women in Canada).
    Apply these oils on the ankles at the ovary and uterus Vita Flex Points.
    Blend #1—If hypoglycemic, use Aroma Siez with M-Grain. Apply over ovaries, pelvis, ankles, bottoms of feet.
    ***Comments—Some women have had success using a drop of Endoflex under their tongue three times a day. Be cautious as it contains nutmeg and an overdose could cause problems.


    Oils— TABergamot (general), TAMelrose, TAfrankincense
    ***Comments—You may mix the oils listed above and insert in vagina at night; may alternate with the blend below.
    Blend #2—8 drops juniper, 8 drops melaleuca, and 8 drops Purification. Put in water and douche or add 3 drops of each to 1 tsp. V-6 Oil, and insert at night using a tampon to retain.
    Blend #3—3—8 drops juniper, 8 drops lavender, and 8 drops Melrose. Alternate with Blend #1, and follow same instructions.

    —Infertility (Female)See also Fertility.

    Oils— TClary sage, TSclarEssence, Tcypress, Tfennel, Tgeranium, Tmelissa, Tnutmeg, TRoman chamomile, Tthyme.
    Recipe #3—Before the cycle, rub 10 drops Dragon Time around ankles, lower back, and lower stomach. During the cycle, rub 4 drops basil in the same places as before.

    —MenopauseSee also Hormonal Imbalance.

    Menopause is the permanent ending of a female's menstruation and fertility. For most American women, Menopause occurs around age 51 and is often recognized by hot flashes, irregular periods, vaginal dryness, mood swings, difficulty sleeping, thinning hair, abdominal weight gain, and decreased fertility.
    Oils— TCypress, Tlavender, Torange, Tfennel, Tsage, TRoman chamomile, Tangelica, Tbasil, Tbergamot, Tcardamom, Tclary sage, TDragon Time (add V-6 Oil and use in douche, enema, or in rectum), TEndoflex (on throat, parathyroid, and thyroid), Tgeranium, Tjasmine, TMister, Tneroli, Tnutmeg (balances hormones), Trose, Trosemary, TSclarEssence, Tthyme.
    ***Comments—The possibility for heart attacks in women increases by 5–10% following menopause.
    Oils— TClary sage, Tfennel, Tsage lavender (helps raise hormone levels naturally), TEndoflex, Tlavender, TMister,Tnutmeg (balances hormones), TSclarEssence, Ttarragon.

    —MenstruationSee also Endometriosis, Hormonal Imbalance.

    Menstruation, also known as a woman's "period," is the regular shedding of the uterus lining and vaginal discharge of blood when a woman is not pregnant. A woman's period lasts between two and seven days and reoccurs on an average of every 28 days.
    Amenorrhea is the absence of menstruation. The oils listed are those which induce menstrual flow (emmenagogic).
    Oils— TBasil, TDragon Time, Tcarrot, Tcistus, Tclary sage, Tfennel, Thyssop, Tjuniper, Tlavender, Tmarjoram, Tmyrrh, Tpeppermint, TRoman chamomile, Trose, Trosemary, Tsage, Tsage lavender.
    Dysmenorrhea is painful menstruation. Apply one or more of these oils to the abdomen. It may also help to use a hot compress. Each of us has different body chemistries, so if one oil doesn't work, try a different one.
    Oils— TTarragon, Tclary sage (followed by basil), Tlavender, Tcypress, Tpeppermint, TDragon Time, TEndoflex, Tfennel, Tjasmine, Tjuniper, Tmarjoram, TRoman chamomile, Trosemary, Tsage, Tsage lavender, Tyarrow.
    –General Care
    Blend #4—Before and during cycle, combine 10 drops Dragon Time with 4 drops basil, and rub around ankles, lower back, and lower stomach.
    Oils— TSage, Tpeppermint, Trosemary, Tclary sage, Tfennel, Tlavender, Tmelissa, TRoman chamomile, Trose.
    Menorrhagia is abnormally heavy or extended menstrual flow. It may also refer to irregular bleeding at any time. This situation may be a sign of a more serious condition, so please see your doctor.
    Oils— TCypress, Tgeranium, TRoman chamomile, Trose.
    Oils— TLavender, Tpeppermint, Tjasmine, Tmelissa. See also oils listed under Amenorrhea.

    —Ovaries See Ovaries.

    —PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome)See also Hormonal Imbalance.

    Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is a group of symptoms such as irritability, anxiety, moodiness, bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, and cramping that occur in the days or hours before menstruation begins and then disappear once menstruation begins. PMS is thought to be caused by the fluctuation in hormones during this time, or by the way progesterone is broken down by the body. Caffeine intake from beverages or chocolate is also thought to enhance PMS symptoms.
    Oils— TAClary sage, TAtarragon, TAfennel, TAangelica, TAanise, TAbergamot, TAExodus II, TAgeranium, TAgrapefruit, TAjasmine, Alavender, TAnutmeg, TAPeace & Calming, TARoman chamomile.
    Oils— TAGeranium, TAgrapefruit, TAbergamot, TAfennel, TARoman chamomile.
    Blend #5—10 drops Dragon Time and 4 drops basil. Rub blend on ankles, lower back, and lower stomach. Use before and during cycle.
    Oils— TABergamot, TAclary sage, TAnutmeg, TARoman chamomile.
    Blend #6—Before and during cycle, combine 10 drops Dragon Time with 4 drops basil, and rub on ankles, lower back and lower stomach.
    –Violent Aggressive
    Oils— TABergamot, TAgeranium, TAnutmeg.
    Oils— TABergamot, TAclary sage, TAgeranium, TAnutmeg.

    —Postpartum DepressionSee Pregnancy/Motherhood: Postpartum Depression.

    Usage Instructions


    Dilute as necessary, and apply to the abdomen, lower back, groin, shoulders, or Vita Flex Points on the feet. Dilute with V-6 Oil for massage oil, and massage on abdomen, lower back, and shoulders. Apply as a warm compress to the abdomen. Add 1–2 drops to 2 tsp. olive oil, insert into vagina, and retain overnight with a tampon.


    Diffuse into the air. Inhale directly or applied to hands.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited February 2018

    Some of those recommendations are scary. I believe I know where they come from and frankly, I wouldn't trust them. They advocate using oils undiluted which can be very harmful. And a drop undiluted under the tongue???? YIKES!!!

    My MO told me not to use Clary Sage. Nothing that is estrogenic.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited February 2018

    Nancy618, in general I am leery of anything claiming to alleviate menopause symptoms. Many herbs, oils etc. have estrogenic action it seems, and action strong enough to, for example, help hot flashes. If it is strong enough to alleviate hot flashes, there is a good chance that it might also make an ER+ cancer go "Yum!"

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2018

    EXACTLY Momine!!!

    I do use essential oils....diluted. And I've found one combination that is working for pain for me. 3% dilution of cannabis essential oil (from Edens Garden) in hemp seed oil. I also diffuse for sleep/calming and just because I like the smell, on some aromaterapy jewelry I have.

  • Indigo29
    Indigo29 Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2018

    Hi ladies, someone earlier asked the question that if basil oil is estrogenic then should we also be wary of eating basil. Would be interested to hear what people think

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2018

    Indigo, I have seen advice to avoid pesto, because it is very concentrated basil. I do not, however, worry about a few leaves of basil in a salad or other dish. I would so like to see some real research on so-called estrogenic foods in the context of ER+ BC.

  • Indigo29
    Indigo29 Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2018

    Momine, I’m crushed because I love pesto!. Oh well never mind , I’lll just have to find another favorite food!.

    Like you, I would like to see some real research on foods that have estrogenic properties.

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2018

    Indigo, I said I had seen advice to that effect. What exactly it is based on in the end (not just for pesto, but in general for this class of foods) is still unclear to me.

  • Indigo29
    Indigo29 Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2018

    Momine, yes of course and right now advise is all we can rely on. Today I googled this topic and the consensus seems to be that it is best to limit the amount of pesto eaten.

    According to :

    “When basil is used as a food ingredient, it is safe, but basil essential oil might cause cancer in extremely large quantities since it contains estragole. Estragole is an organic compound that acts as a rodent carcinogen in large doses. The proportion of estragole in basil oil can be significant. Pesto sauce, which has basil as the primary ingredient, can also have a significant estragole component. Pesto can also contain moderately high levels of copper, which could contribute to angiogenesis and metastasis of breast cancer, especialy in women with inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) or triple negative (ER-/PR-/HER2-) disease. Therefore, we recommend against consuming all but small amounts of basil essential oil or pesto.“

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2018

    Indigo, right, and thanks for looking it up. So yes, it is probably a good idea to avoid it. On the other hand, for it to cause cancer, you would probably have to eat a jar a day. Again, it would be nice to know more, especially some studies to look at how these various compounds act in the body.

  • Indigo29
    Indigo29 Member Posts: 87
    edited March 2018

    Momine, yes, I totally agree on both points.

    Pre cancer my concern used to just be whether an oil, herb, food etc was organic and now I look at these same things and my first question is; does it have estrogenic properties?

  • hopeful_36
    hopeful_36 Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2018

    Hi all. What do you know of thyme EO? I've read an article about its benefits for BC, and started applying it on my chest where I had a thickening, which was believed to be a scar tissue from a biopsy. So I thought, a nurse I asked to feel it, and a MO who's checked it manually when I pointed to it. For about 2 weeks of applying undiluted thyme EO (and sometimes frankincense mixed with castor oil) on the spot, I first noticed a black dot on the surface of the skin. Then, an elongated lump started growing underneath, and now is pretty much visible when I look in the mirror.

    What's puzzling is that black dot (like a blackhead on a pimple), and how fast it resurfaced above the low lying "scar tissue". That is, the thickening believe to be a mastectomy and/or biopsy scar lied deep under the skin. But once I started applying thyme on it, it thickened and came up to the surface with a black dot. What can it be? Its pretty long and thick, about 5 cm. Anyone had anything similar? Or knows if thyme can be used in a pure form?

  • Momine
    Momine Member Posts: 2,845
    edited March 2018

    Hopeful, please get a doc to check that out.

  • Valentina7
    Valentina7 Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2018

    hi everyone,

    I finished rads 3 weeks ago and I want to start using frankincense oil of course with a carrier.. Do you know if I should better wait a bit longer? Could this oil increase my estrogen levels?

    I have been using in the other breast for already 2 weeks...

    thanks a lot

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2018

    You may want to read this by noted expert in essential oils, Robert Tisserand, before you use Frankincense.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2018

    Hopeful36, essential oils should NEVER be used without dilution.

    Thyme has a safe maximum dilution of 3.3%. You could have a burn.

    Prayers that you can get some answers and relief.

    This is a VERY important article and list.

  • Valentina7
    Valentina7 Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2018

    nancy618 thanks a lot.

    I happened to read another article on the same site..saying frankincense oil is not that good against I am now confused 😐...any help? And is it estrogenic?

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited March 2018

    Valentina, I don't believe it's estrogenic. However, according to the link I posted, it protects cancer cells as well as healthy ones. For that reason alone, I wouldn't be putting it on my breasts!

  • hopeful_36
    hopeful_36 Member Posts: 11
    edited March 2018

    nancy618, thank you for the links. I should read those to educated myself. I applied without due education on EOs. I've just read in multiple sources that thyme is great, so kept rubbing it in its pure form.

    Thyme EO has obviously done something to have hardened and enhanced the tissue, and brought up to the surface what's previously was undetectable..

  • vampeyes
    vampeyes Member Posts: 523
    edited May 2018

    Has anyone tried and had an essential oil work on the scar tissue pain from surgery. Between the scar and the tightening from Radiation I am ready to try anything to get it to ease up.

    Hopeful - what came about with the Thyme oil and the black dot?

    I am using some different blends on my back for arthritis. Gardening season so the pain is bad.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2018

    I found a combination of hemp seed oil and Copaiba in unscented lotion or magnesium lotion helps me with pain of any kind. I have to rub it on my hips at bedtime.

    I tried CBD oil (internally) and my pain was gone. Unfortunately, it also made me feel wired at night and I wasn't sleeping well. So I've given up on that.

  • vampeyes
    vampeyes Member Posts: 523
    edited May 2018

    Thanks Nancy for the reply!

    I have the CBD oil with TCH in it and I don't like the feeling of being "stoned", so I only use it once in awhile and right before bed. I haven't tried hemp seed oil on my body though, I should look into this. I started magnesium again yesterday in drink form. Hopefully there will be some relief in the near future. :)


  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2018

    I should clarify that it's the hemp essential oil. There is also a hemp carrier oil..

    THC is not legal in my state, so that's not an option for me. It would probably eliminate that jittery feeling. Unfortunately after not using the CBD for two days, the aches and pains are coming back.

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited November 2018

    I am so confused regarding essential oils that have estrogenic properties. It seems like EO's are in many organic products, including medical marijuana. This has a list of the EO's I heard are estrogenic. Does anyone have any solid info on which, if any, EO's to avoid? Thanks.

    The list is here:

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2018

    Jack5ie. While it doesn't list hemp oil, I find the Sloan Kettering site includes comprehensive information about various oils, herbs, botanicals etc. Just click on the specific item and you can then scroll through and click on side effects, interactions, uses, and such.

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited November 2018

    Thanks ceanna! I am familiar with that portion of the MSK site and also find it very helpful.

    There is so much different info regarding EO's that it makes you afraid to use anything.

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited November 2018

    Yes, it's hard to know what to use, if any, and why or why not. There is often conflicting advice and information online. Someone I feel like information overload!!! I try to remember that often the old options are better than new and untested. I have too many allergies to try much.

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited December 2018

    I use Essential Oils for health in general, including some of the ones that are considered to be anti-cancer; what they are, in essence, is anti-inflammatory with other benefits as well; I diffuse or apply them to my feet, and I feel they have done me a lot of good. They definitely have helped with allergies and with coughs and colds; I use Young Living, but have been sampling some others; one company I am drawn to is Plant Therapy.