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anyone using essential oils for cancer?



  • Whirlwynde
    Whirlwynde Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2015

    Hi everyone,

    DoTerra has an info DVD on essential oils and cancer. Haven't watched it yet but if you know a doTerra rep and if they still produce it, they could probably provide you with information.


  • BethinRI
    BethinRI Member Posts: 4
    edited January 2016

    Just started with Young Living, my awesome neighbor is a gold level 'rep'. Ordered my kit a few days ago, have been using Frank every 30 minutes on the site, and lemon drops in my water...SO good! Might get into it myself...we'll see.


  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited January 2016

    nave begun using calendula essential oil. the idea fromthe rads thread I've been reading regularly, this calendula is mixed with olive oil, need to shake it & be careful of clothes but it seems to work for the horrible effects the rads people use it for. I have some purer comming.

  • TNcricket
    TNcricket Member Posts: 2
    edited February 2016

    Someone at a health store told me another cancer patient uses: 2 Tbsp. carrier oil (I use coconut oil) mixing it with 14-20 drops frankincense oil and apply to area 3x a day. I dropped the carrier oil to 1 Tbsp. as I wanted a stronger mix for bc. tumors.

  • ForeverOptimistic
    ForeverOptimistic Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2016

    I have just been re-diagnosed. I've begun using pure frankincense. I put a few drops on my finger and message it onto the lump. Then I repeat using castor oil. (watch the oil - it stains clothing) I do this at bedtime and once or twice throughout the day when I'm able.

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2016

    Hi Amber;

    Great for you that Frank is helping you. I have a diffuse and frankly forget to fill it each night mainly because my right hand is not working due to a brain met from BC. that is history however since i have had no reccurance of stage 4 since using a combination of preventative methods naturally. . I have used Frank since the stage 3 diagnosis that was truly already stage 4. I use Lavender oil in my foot baths all the time and use a bit for perfume. but I want to let you know it can be estor-genic according to some medical studies. interesting that the frank heals pain over night. I have lots of arthritis due to arimedex. And so I might try that for overnight i usually wake up and need 1 ibuprofen. I have lots fo pain in my lame right hand like Ms.

    I also do hypnosis/ guided meditation and diet counseling for BC, side by side on my websites, and via Skype. I'm a reiki master and helped myself and others in sessions to relieve pain. from chemo and rads. Its soothing and beautiful.

    As to the oils i have healed my scars on left breast using pure undiluted Frankincense. I had no harm to the skin although I suffer from excema and psoriasis. Purity is everything and with Frank it comes from a tree and even if said its pure or organic no way to know for sure.

    I have a free meditation download if you feel stressed so you can visit my hypnosis website- and I dont do trance in case you're afraid of that. Ligtht and gentle guided Meditation is what i feel most comforted by.

    Amber I am glad to know you're doing well and helping thos who are not so lucky. Ia m stage 4 and still here thanks be to God. Check out my site at

    Contact me if you feel like it anyone.

    wishing you all the best,

    Marcia M

    PS excuse typos as I have lost use of the right hand. I still use Lavender oil for burns. I dont feel that one drop makes a differnce and it works.

  • lulubee
    lulubee Member Posts: 903
    edited April 2016

    I wondered if there were any EO discussions here on BCO, did a search, and voila'! -- here you all are. Glad to know it.

    I have used oils here and there for years. But then I began using them more intentionally when my BC recurred several years ago, bringing with it all the challenges of unending treatment. I don't depend upon oils for treating BC (though I am aware of the research indicating that some EO's induce apoptosis and prevent proliferation). My intention, rather, is to use them as a means of living as well as I can for as long as I can-- and then if they happen to do more for me than that, fantastic.

    There are some I use daily -- like good old Frank, and a variety of citrus oils. I keep Thieves around (house and car) because my immune system is not so hot after so many years on treatment. I use several other blends for various purposes. They really do help me navigate side effects without needing to take a lot of other meds, and I am so grateful for that.

    Adding this forum to my Favorites!

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited April 2016

    I/ve talked abut essential oils many tmes here and on other bc sits, locked ones here you could probaly join. checkout my oists. I'm now on the month of artemis absenthem, good dreams still, better even than the ones on frankensence. the artemis month fills in though as the frankensence receeds, the camomile/thyme don't know what it does, the camomile has a great scent, perhaps that;s the use

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 80
    edited April 2016

    I use a skin cream made by an aromatherapist that is mostly lavender based for my chest post-BMX. I am ER+/PR+. Should i not be using lavender oil? Thanks.

  • hmc915
    hmc915 Member Posts: 2
    edited May 2016

    where can I find more informations of which essential oils NOT to use with an estrogen Breast cancer?

  • moderators
    moderators Posts: 8,558
    edited May 2016

    Dear hmc915, Welcome to the community. We hope that you connect with others who can answer your questions. Stay connected here and keep posting. the Mods

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited May 2016

    Balthus and hmc915, you can search the Sloan Kettering site and if you click through all the tabs for the oil/herb you search for you will find what to avoid if you are estrogen sensitive. Lavender is listed as estrogen sensitive.

  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738
    edited May 2016

    This just crossed my path and may be relevant:

    Essential Oils - Breast

    The following is an excerpt from Essential Oils Desk Reference Third Edition Compiled by Essential Science Publishing. (pages 303-306)

    Here's the website it's from that may interest you too:

    Healing regards for all! ~ Stephanie

  • Longtermsurvivor
    Longtermsurvivor Member Posts: 738
    edited June 2016

    Yet other references to lavender and its effects on estrogen and also on breasts in men and boys.

    Are Lavender and Tea Tree Essential Oils Hormone Disruptors?


    Healing regards all, Stephanie

  • turtle42
    turtle42 Member Posts: 31
    edited June 2016

    I have been taking Sage essential oils for hot flashes and it has help a lot. I've tried prescription meds but haven't had any luck with those. I put 4-5 drops in a capsule.

    If you have issues with heart burn I wouldn't recommend using it but I don't have any problems at all.

  • kdtheatre
    kdtheatre Member Posts: 145
    edited March 2017

    Does anyone still follow this board? I'm curious if past posters are still using oils and doing well

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited March 2017

    i bought read it was good but dont know what to do with it LO

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited March 2017

    a few drops rubbed in on the bottomof the feet cn be absorbed. hope you have organic or at least therapeutic grade

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited March 2017

    Yes very high grade organic.

  • Lovemymom69
    Lovemymom69 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2017

    My mother's having depression and is on anti depressants that isn't seeming to help a whole lot. Her cancer has progressed to the brain and had to have major leg surgery to the femur and her walking for recovery is getting worse because she seems so down. I personally used Clary Sage essential oil for depression I was having and I know it lifted my depression in 4 days of use. My mom has started injection form of chemo as well has radiation therapies for her Mets. She is ER+PR+HER2- knowing her cancer is hormone responsive and Clary sage can balance hormones does anyone know if using this oil would benefit her or be more damaging due to the hormone balancing of the oil? Of course her medical doctors doesn't entertain or have knowledge of the alternative medicine so hoping someone may know better than I Thanks!

  • peaches1
    peaches1 Member Posts: 53
    edited March 2017

    Hi Lovewmymom69- Is your mother going to a psychiatrist to treat her depression, and has he or she tried more than one anti depressant? My mother was being treated by a psychiatrist for depression, and she had been going to him for 20 years, when her blood enzyme got high, and her MO worried that she had suffered a heart attack. When he found out that she had not, he finally came to the conclusion that one of the anti anxiety medications her psychiatrist had her on, caused this side effect on rare occasions. Her MO put her on IV's to flush the medicine out of her system, and her blood enzyme level returned to normal, but she got major depressed because he took her off all her psych medications, including her prozac, and he did not want her to go back to the psychiatrist. One of my sister's finally talked him into putting her back on an antidepressant. When it did not work, she finally asked if there was another psychiatrist her could recommend., that psychiatrist told her that the MO put her on two antianxiety medications instead. When the new psychiatrist put her back on prozac, her depression lifted.

    I am on an antidepressant too, and I have had to change meds several times because of side effects. I finally got the right medication. Psychiatrists just know a whole lot more about meds than PCP do.

  • Lovemymom69
    Lovemymom69 Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2017

    Hi Peaches

    No she isn't going to a psychiatrist and getting her to add another doctor and Apts to her huge list would be impossible. Helpful but impossible. She's on a couple meds I don't recall the names the anxiety is under control and she sleeps well but the depression part is keeping her from enjoying her good days. Her leg mobility isn't helping either and as she's getting closer to finishing up radiation this round she seems to be coming around better. I just know for me the essential oils for anxiety (geranium and wild orange) and Clary sage for depression has been God sent. Being a natural approach with less damage to the body and has worked wonders. She's on so much life sustaining meds I just hoped a natural solution may be possible. My mother in law took several changes of antidepressants before getting her onto the right stuff. So since writing i think they are convinced in checking with the oncologist onto doing something different or new with her meds on hopes it will help lift her depression. Thanks for sharing your mother's experience with me as well as your own. I appreciate your great advice and will keep it all in mind. Best wishes to you and yours.

  • Xennia
    Xennia Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2017

    Dear Bluebelle,

    May i ask you for an update on your experience of decreasing the tumor so dramatically? was it with frank oil or...?

    many thanks

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2017

    I've read through this thread and I've found some interesting and some conflicting information.

    I'm specifically looking for info about Clary Sage. I've been told that it helps for hot flashes while on the aromatase inhibitors, yet I read several posts here that say not to use it, that it is estrogenic. I asked my oncologists nurse today, but she didn't have any information.

    Then, I found an article, which in the middle, says that it is effective AGAINST breast cancer. Apparently, I cannot post links. But you can find it if you go to RobertTisserand dot com. He's an essential oil "expert."

    So, who and what to believe?

    Just as a little background, I've been using Young Living essential oils since last November, with limited success for just about anything I've tried it for. Lavender is GREAT for burns and Roman Chamomile and Lavender for calming. I just used my accumulated Essential Reward points for Clary Sage, but I'm wondering if I made the right decision.

    Anyone have any imput?

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited May 2017

    Here is a repost of what I wrote in complementary medicine. Not alternative, but it is essential oil related:

    I want to share something, that should not be taken as advice, put purely an observation. When my wife's liver metastasis caused her ascites, the Onc first misdiagnosed it as gas and bloating. After trying everything he recommended, we tried oregano oil, because it is supposed to kill infections in the upper GI tract. Well, it had no benefit whatsoever in that regard, but, we saw the first of the rapid drops in tumor markers. So, my wife continued to take oregano oil during her breaks from xeloda (2 weeks on 2 weeks off, sometimes 2 on, 3 off, sometimes 1 week on, 1 week off), and we saw continuing drops in tumor markers. Fast forward around 8 months or more, and tumor markers continue to drop steadily. I chart this on an excel spreadsheet. Consistent drops. Even during the weeks off chemo. Maybe that's normal? My wife stops taking the oil of oregano for 5 weeks. Figuring, what's the point? Next test of her blood, virtually no drop in tumor markers. Onc says that's probably as low as they are going to get. So, remembering the oil of oregano, I get my wife to start taking it during her time off (2-3 weeks) during the next 5 weeks. And lo and behold, a significant drop in tumor markers again. Some 14% drop. Could it be related to the oil of oregano? Can't say, but she will continue to take the oil of oregano during her time off. I don't feel good about combining supplements with time on the drug. Both xeloda and oil of oregano are known to be strong inhibitors of the enzyme cyp2c9. By the way, I put 10 drops of oil of oregano in a gelatin capsule, so she doesn't have to taste it. She takes 3 capsules per day, only during her breaks from xeloda. I will report back in another 5 weeks when she gets her blood tested again.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited May 2017

    Thanks for the reminder about oil of oregano, Timothy, and for the tip about putting it in capsules, since the taste is overwhelmingly strong. I'm curious what brand your wife has been using. I have some Wild Mediterranean Oregano Oil in a 7:1 almond oil mix from Spain on-hand I'd purchased at least 3 years ago, although I don't even recall what I was trying to treat at the time, and wondering if it's still potent enough to use? Do you think there's any difference in where it's harvested or how it's packaged? I see that several manufacturers have it already in capsule form. Just wondering if you'd researched form and potency when you were looking into it.

    I'm definitely going to try it. I don't see how it can hurt if used during the week off Xeloda. Deanna

  • husband11
    husband11 Member Posts: 1,287
    edited May 2017

    I am not very knowledgeable about essential oils, nor in particular about Oil of Oregano. I can't vouch for the quality of what my wife is using, other than to pass on the brand. It is called "Joy of the Mountains". It is marked Certified Organic by PACS 16-265. It says 75-85% Carvacrol. It also says blended 1:3 oregano oil to certified organic cold pressed olive oil. It was purchased at SuperStore grocery store here in Canada in a 30 ml bottle. Bottle says take 5 drops, 6 time daily. That is how I came up with the 10 drops in a capsule, 3 times a day dosage.

    I would make sure you aren't interfering with any drugs you are on, and stop taking it if you don't see any positive benefit. It can't be good to take for long time periods, as it kills the bacteria in your gut. Which can't be good. And does who knows what else. It is purportedly a blood thinner as well. We are encouraged by what we see as somewhat of a correlation, but can't say with any confidence at all it is giving benefit. Just that when she stopped it, benefit (tumor marker drop) really slowed, then picked up when she started again. We will see again next blood test.

    Do you get tumor markers done? Does it seem to correlate to your cancers progression or regression?

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2017

    Is there any expiration date on your oregano oil in the almond oil? Blends like this with carrier oils are only as good as the carrier oil. I can't imagine that any oil that's 3 years old would be any good. Just know that oregano oil is VERY potent and considered a hot oil. Some people use it to burn skin tags. I'd be very careful with it. And I'd also recommend a reputable company using only organic therapeutic grade essential oil.

  • froid89
    froid89 Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2017

    I'm using cinamon oil as aromatherapy sessions.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited May 2017

    I'm going to answer my own question here. Loopy

    Today, I had my consultation with my RO, and in the waiting room was an Essential Oil Desk Reference book. I looked up Clary Sage and it said that it was known to help produce estrogen and progesterone. Well, THAT is not good if you're on hormone therapy!!!

    I just ordered Clary Sage thinking that it was ok to use....when I got home I called YL and told them what I had discovered and asked if I could return it and get my reward points back that I used to pay for it. I had a VERY nice customer service woman, who not only authorized the return, but wrote a note to return my points to me, AND she gave me 5 extra points because I'd just gone through breast cancer surgery and the stress I'd been through. There is still good customer service around!