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anyone using essential oils for cancer?



    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited January 2020

    Hi Celia and thank you! I have been spending a lot if time looking at Robert Tisserand's site. Lots of information there and some of it is putting my mind at ease. It's also a bit of an overload too. Loopy

    I would definitely appreciate any book titles your teacher can give you. Thanks so much!

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited February 2020

    Hi dear;

    I use CBD the most oftern i n the day. I use MMJ at night its very low dose to help me sleep. For me, in Illinois I take 1/2 cbd, 1/2 thc in a small tiny chocolate the size of a pill. It cannot be during the dy as I get sleepy from it. MY MO gave me the RX .I truely beleive that it has life saving properties other wise why I am sitll here with everthing I've gone thru.

    I use esseial oil of Frankincse with a carrier oil too ocasssionally on both brests sine with de. Sunils reserch on Frankinsence appears promising. I see my Ocongogist today I wonder when they'll alow him to study MMJ? they have so far prohibited it! Figures!

    Illinosi legalized MMJ and therfore he might be able to do a studay now.

    I saw an alterntive dr. in Illinois who advised me to use equal parts CBD to THC. I think he was right. It helps with arthritis pain mine is retty bad these day thanks to arimdex! I'M offthat now. MMJ appears to be a phyoestorgen hence blocks the repetores to EP B cancer!

    I wish all of you well. If you would like to connect with me feel free to write me an email.

    all the best


    PS forgive typos my brain tumor took out my right hand1 Im well now from the brain Met 9 years ago!: )

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited February 2020


    Just a quick not on the lack of research on cannabis. As long as it remains illegal on the federal level, it is a Schedule I drug just like heroin, research will be greatly limited. I live in CA which has been a legal state for over 10 years (medical) and recreational for about 2 years. Due to federal illegality, research is still limited. On a slightly different note, dispensaries also wrestle with federal banking regulations due to the fact that their product is not federally legal

    JACK5IE Member Posts: 654
    edited February 2020

    Thanks for your input Marcia! 🙂

  • K9Kim
    K9Kim Member Posts: 47
    edited February 2020

    Wow! I am so happy to hear this! I see this is from 2014 and I'd love to know how you are doing! I too chose the natural route and a search on cancer fighting essential oils brought me to this post. I have had breast cancer since 2000! Diagnosed when I was 30. I made it until 2016 before it ever spread to lymph nodes. At that point it then went to lungs, bone, spine, brain. BUT, it's 2020 and I'm still here and I am doing unbelievably well! I have some mets that are subcutaneous so I treat those topically as well. That's what I use the essential oils for. But I have a bunch of other protocols I do for internal. Anyway, that's a little about me and what brought me to this post. But I mostly just wanted to say bravo to you for going alternative route as well. It's not a popular one for sure, but a lot of that is fear created from the oncologists. But they just know what they were taught in medical school. So I get it. Anyway, I hope you are still on this site and I hope to hear back.

  • exbrnxgrl
    exbrnxgrl Member Posts: 5,250
    edited February 2020


    The op hasn’t signed in in a bit over 5 years., however it does seem as if a few other members are following this thread. All the best

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56
    edited February 2020

    I'm all for essential oils! When first diagnosed almost 2 years ago, I was taking food grade frankincense orally. I took a couple of drops under my tongue, twice a day. I also smothered my breasts with caster oil and a few drops of different essential oils and sat under infrared light to help it soak in. I love the smells of most of the essential oils, so I use them for perfumes. I like to buy bar soap that is all natural with essential oils added. I'll wash my hands before I sit down to watch TV so I can enjoy the smell. The natural essential oil fragrances linger for so long and I find them very relaxing. Whether going traditional or alternative, everyone can enjoy the benefits that essential oils bring, both physically and emotionally.

  • roseo
    roseo Member Posts: 15
    edited March 2020

    Careful with some oils like lavender and tea tree oil, which have been found to be hormone disruptors.

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56
    edited March 2020

    Thanks, roseo, I'll have to avoid those ones! I'll do more research on all the essencial oils.

  • HelloItsMe789
    HelloItsMe789 Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2020

    Tea tree - seriously?! I started making my own deoderent in 2012 and use tea tree and peppermint in it. And I use tea tree castile soap often. :(

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited April 2020

    Hi All

    So it’s not true that either tea tree or lavender oil promote estrogen. These were studies of two people in the case of lavender oil . Tea tree is very antiseptic and good for psoriasis which I use in shampoo . I still use frank in both breast no sign of disease breast cancer 10 years out now .
    I love the essential oils for a variety of ailments .
    Mitch seems they need studies but wyth big pharmacies getting all the monies we have to look at little studies or use our own common sense to investigate them !

    Thank you all


  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited May 2020

    Hi K9Kim

    I’m happy to know you’re using the essential oils and staying alive . That’s wonderful .

    Have you also tried carrot juice in large quantities? Vegan diet ? I was stage four in 2012 had a craniotomy and rads to brain one large net . I have been using all essential oils vegan diet and some meds as well as mediation yoga and exercise. I’m still no evidence of disease . Small studies do incidicate all those methods work !

    Best to you ! feel free to be in touch !

  • L-O-R-I
    L-O-R-I Member Posts: 56
    edited July 2020

    I did tons of carrot juice mixed with some other veggies like beets, parsley, zucchini, any greens, etc. I have a 30 year old Champlain Juicer that I boughtnew but didn't use much, for some crazzy reasone!!. I did that twice a day and as well, several herbs and mushroom teas. I totally believe that it has helped me! I am still doing an all organic diet. No chemical or gmo's, period. I buy organic veggies every week and also eat only the meat from this certified organic farm where I buy my veggies. The few cows that they raise eat only their organic scraps and graze off of their organic fields. I ;am so much more healthy since I was diagnosed with breast cancer, than before I was. I love feeling good and enjoy eating and drinking all organic! It's been over 2 years since I rejected the second surgery that my Drs. believed that I needed, to clear my margins and to test my lymph nodes. I appreciate every minute now and focus on not being too stressed out, as I believe that stress is a great contributor to disease. Life is good!!

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2020

    Hi K9Kim;

    I'm sorry to hear of your diagnosis, but I am still well. the oly worrisome thing is that I went off arrimedx to side effects of severe bone loss. I also changed my CBD oil brand. I was on Charlottees web out in colorrado, CW hemp, . Well Ive decied to go back to that . I found out my ER , estradiol went up to 17. I got cancer from bio identical hormone for seizures. well that is too high. so I am back on Evista and that is SERM. I didn't want to take it but figured I canot let ER get too high as that is what caused it. I quit taking my sziure meds because although I had a large brain tumor removed the meds don't control the slight sizures i have .i never black out. so anyway I do a bunch of protocals.

    I use Frankincnse on both breasts, take an oregano oil caplet once a week and that cleans the gut you have t o use probiotics. I used to love jucing but I cannot bring poeple into my home to help me anymroe due to dovid crisis. so I buy organic carrot juice. I eat salads and kale each day and take a estogen bloking supllment named Indol 3 carbinol.

    I do yoga often, walk , swim and cycle in summer. I m very thin but no cancer recurance that I know of . Once in while I get a brain test to see the tumor bed. Usualy it is claer. However I'M glad to be alive. Ive written 5 boks since the cancer diagnois. while all this sounds good I have good and bad days! I sitll use a tiny amount of TCH/cbd at night to help me sleep. My alterntaive dr in Illinois, where it is legal, told me mix equal parts of CBD to tHC. by the way I've written a a book cookdbook for vegans. its recipies taht taset like old fashioned cooking, with the use of lots of new vegan meatless meats, and its got few nce reipies in there icluding how to to jiuce and make cakes cookes brownies al vegan surgra free. Forgive typos due to my right hand being permantly damaged. there appears to be no spell check here!

    if you want to be in touch for any reson and support just send an email!SillyHeart

    all my best
