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anyone using essential oils for cancer?



  • Blubelle
    Blubelle Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2015


    Are you still dealing with cancer? I used essential oils to reduce cancer. It took time, but it worked. Let me know if you have questions. Of course, my new mission is to share this.

    Love, Blubelle

  • Blubelle
    Blubelle Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2015

    I began by using a product line called "Viz". They were water soluable. Unfortunately, they are no longer in business.

    Now, I use any organic products. In my opinion, they must be organic, or wild crafted. I do use NOW brand, which does not specifically state they are all organic, but my research suggests they are all organic, but to keep the prices down they don't label this way. I'm not positive this is true. I always go by how I feel. I still experience sensations in the areas where I had tumors. I take these sensations as signals and pay attention to everything. If an oil creates that sensation, I would stop using it.

    There is a nice line called Simpler's Botanicals that I've been happily using. I loved the water soluble line because I'd put it in water and drink it. Get it into the blood stream. Honestly, the colon is the best way without an IV. I figured out how to make my own natural cancer killing chemistry. I did a lot more than just using essential oils, but these are a foundation if you ask me.

  • Blubelle
    Blubelle Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2015

    I began by using a product line called "Viz". They were water soluable. Unfortunately, they are no longer in business.

    Now, I use any organic products. In my opinion, they must be organic, or wild crafted. I do use NOW brand, which does not specifically state they are all organic, but my research suggests they are all organic, but to keep the prices down they don't label this way. I'm not positive this is true. I always go by how I feel. I still experience sensations in the areas where I had tumors. I take these sensations as signals and pay attention to everything. If an oil creates that sensation, I would stop using it.

    There is a nice line called Simpler's Botanicals that I've been happily using. I loved the water soluble line because I'd put it in water and drink it. Get it into the blood stream. Honestly, the colon is the best way without an IV. I figured out how to make my own natural cancer killing chemistry. I did a lot more than just using essential oils, but these are a foundation if you ask me.

  • muska
    muska Member Posts: 224
    edited June 2015

    Abigail... May I ask who is the russian nobel winner cured of intestinal cancer with artemesia absenth?

  • Blubelle
    Blubelle Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2015

    I wrote a reply, but I don't see it here. So sorry, I'm not so good at navigating the site. I may have posted it to the wrong page. If you didn't receive my answer I'll figure out how to send it again.


  • vespersparrow
    vespersparrow Member Posts: 10
    edited June 2015

    Blubelle, would you mind sharing your successful recipe, how much CO and which oils? Thank you!

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2015

    after bleeding a lot every time I changed a dressing I googled for help & was told cypress oil will curtail a bleedd. have some now. also gary said peppermint oil & especially lemon grass essential oil will cure a headach: just a drop of the lemon grass on your hands, rub them together & breath the scent. I now have both & looking to try them as needed

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2015

    Hello dear BC ladies;

    Boswellia Seratta organic essential oil New Direction Aromatics oil. About 10 drops on my chest well and left breast , lymphedema arm, and head. I used it for the brain tumor. I also do juicing, carrot and greens take Indol 3 carbinol, and use other essential oils of rose absolute. the Lavender oil is estrogenic ladies.

    I am amzaed that one eprson here prefented a mastecomy. I wish I had known then.

    best of luck in your joureny,

    Marcia M

  • Nagoskwe
    Nagoskwe Member Posts: 3
    edited July 2015

    I started using oils very shortly after diagnosed. I always make sure to use a carrier oil that is easily absorbed into the skin, and dilute them to avoid to much issue with reactions. I hsve also incorporated Native american oils as well as teas recommended by my Elders. I truthfully don't know how effective they are on the cancer, but I klnow that when I follow the directions given by my elders I feel better.

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 115
    edited July 2015

    Essential Oils are a huge part of my daily routine, I use alot of Frankinscense in various blends that I make for specific purposes, I always put Frankinscense in a carrier oil over the area where my breasts use to be, my lymph node removal area and over my entire field where they did radiation. I consider myself a student of EO's as I am always studying and reading about them, I am huge on saftey so as not to become sensitized to them and I am not a fan of ingesting essential oils so I use them topically, always diluted and I diffuse them through out my house all the time. If anyone is interested in checking it out, I have a Facebook page called "Essential Oil Info" my aim is to share my love of EO'S with education and safe information, I also sell DoTerra Certified Theraputic Grade Essential Oils and the link to my website is on the page. I share credible information from the countries leading experts in EO'S such as Robert Pappas, The Atlantic Institute of Aromatherapy and many more. Please stop by and say hi.


  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited July 2015

    gavinsgrand what a wonderful post. I've finished the month with the frankensence, now on artemesia absenthe, but before the month was over I tried your suggestion of putting the oil on the soles of my feet. kept thinking of a silly ditty I won;t share as it could cause offense, but those nights with the frankensence there were delicious. if expensive. I didn't dilute it as I'm doing now with the oils

  • ceanna
    ceanna Member Posts: 3,120
    edited August 2015

    Found an interesting article about essential oils and what they can be used for

    Also a helpful chart from Dr. Mercola. If you click on a picture of each oil, you will get more info:

  • courtleboo
    courtleboo Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2015

    So glad to see this thread. I am just learning about essential oils. I have a few samples coming my way, I plan to start with only diffusing them. As I learn more I may use them topically. I have read great things about some of the blends to put in the diffuser. I am excited to get started.

  • dlb823
    dlb823 Member Posts: 2,701
    edited September 2015

    Peppermint Oil has been a very effective pain reliever for me... therapuetic grade... massaged directly into painful areas like ribs and back when I've had pain flares.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited September 2015

    just learned if you put a cloth with ordinary peppermint lil on it where the mice come in they won't

  • leggo
    leggo Member Posts: 379
    edited September 2015

    Just a quick note for anyone using essential oils topically. I found this out quite by accident. Many oils that say 100% pure have been processed using hexane and the ppb that remain can be quite high. That floored me, and quite frankly angered me. Nothing like labeling a product "100% pure" and finding out it contains high amounts of a carcinogen. I'm no expert, but it seems to me there are more oils out there made that way than not, so be dilligent when purchasing.

  • courtleboo
    courtleboo Member Posts: 27
    edited September 2015

    Ordered a diffuser today. And 3 oils to diffuse from Eden's Garden. Can't wait to try them. One for immunity, one for sleep, and to uplift mood.

  • Chloesmom
    Chloesmom Member Posts: 626
    edited September 2015

    Got some EOs from my cousin. She uses Spark Naturals brand. Don't know how they compare with others listed here. The Frankensence is great.

    Why should we not use basil? Should we not eat the herb too?


  • amberyba
    amberyba Member Posts: 180
    edited September 2015

    i am a 7 year survivor and have been interested in alternative additions since i developed BC. recently I became curious about essential oils,

    only recently started using Frankincense....there are many resources on the web about all essential oils, one in particular spiked my interest

    due to cancer treatment Johanna Budwig. you all may be interested too. Frankincense is the key essential oil found in the kit offered on the Budwig site:

    I will share that Frank. has helped me greatly. when I first purchased it "NOW" brand, I put in a diffuser and enjoyed the aroma. I am a nurse and long hours send me for a nap sometimes on my first day off after a stretch of days. on the day I used the diffusing of Frank...I noticed on rising from the bed I had no lower back discomfort>

    for years I have risen from my bed and pain is normal and I only get relief if I have taken anagesics prior to sleep. but on i experienced pain free on this particular rising. and have since made Frank my pain killer. Lol.

    but I have noticed other benefits too. positive mental alertness. I work in Hospice. and I keep Frank in my pocket and just the smell of him keeps me calm. :.-)

    right now I am using a blend with Frank. he gets along with Sandal wood, JoJoBa oil, Lavender, Lemongrass and Rosemary. Yes I share Frank. I am using this concoction for my skin issues,

    A suspicious area on my face is dissipating after a week of application. and it has helped calm Roscaea and dandruff.

    you can also create a natural deodorant with virgin coconut oil. Frank works when added. and citrus oils are great.

    would love to hear how other s are using their oils!

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited September 2015

    gary null has said one month on 2 months off. so that makes 3 different therapeudic oils: boswellia, frankensense; artemesia absenthe, & 2 a dual" camomile & thyme. that last is too new to review & I even ran out before the first month (now) was even half over. I've been using too much of these expensive & small vials. the frankensence is probably the most curative, one woman here puts it on he feet at night: so now I will share this silly bit may offend some: diamonds on the soles of her shoes; god stuff on th e souls of her feets. this feels wonderful and leads to a delicious sleep. I enjoy however the moon stuff best because of the wonderful realistic, sometimes emotionally great dreams, & because unlike boswellia it's not an endangered herb. gary, however has never mentioned it to my knowledge.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited September 2015

    of course frankensence isn't herbal it's a resin like amber,

  • Pocahulan
    Pocahulan Member Posts: 1
    edited September 2015

    I've been surviving cancer for over 11 years now with way too many treatments. I finally added oils to my daily regiment. Because of the multitude of side effects I encounter, I use the oils to help curb many of those. I keep peppermint oil beads with me at all times for sore throats and breathing, I put drops of ginger oil into my herbal tea for tummy issues, I use coconut carrier oil and mix Frank, Peppermint and Lavender for tension headaches and neckaches or the PastTense doTerra oil. I need to try recipes for my feet and sleep that is suggested here. Thanks for everyone's sharing!

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited October 2015

    after a 3rd heavy bleed today I decided wtf & used a drop of cypress oil pretty much knowing I'd hear of a death soon. the internet mentions this, of course not mentioning anything h idden or occult, but that it's found in graveyards. sure enough, a death, but of a dog, a beautiful german shephard bitch. no bleeding even when deal ing with i rritation..

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited October 2015

    for anyone fighting insomnia: 2 drops of eucalyptus oil on your pillow should take care of that

  • gavinsgrandma
    gavinsgrandma Member Posts: 115
    edited November 2015

    Good morning ladies, I have not been on here for awhile, it is so nice to be back😄 I am still riding that very conflicting train of wether or not to take my Letrozole, I just had some hand surgery last week " Trigger Thumb Release" among many other SE'S due to the Letrozole. But on the Essential Oil vain I am so glad to see many of you are really getting interested in them, I decides to take my interest in EO'S to a new level since cutting hair is no longer an option so I am going through an Online Class to become to get my Certified As an Aromatherapist so that I can deepen my knowledge and hopefully help others down a more natural path especially as it relates to breast cancer.


  • Aga
    Aga Member Posts: 77
    edited November 2015

    Hello ladies 😊 I would love to learn more about all the oils. Where is a good site to order them from and learn about them? Thanks

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2015

    starwest botanicals/organic infusions

  • chisandy
    chisandy Member Posts: 11,408
    edited November 2015

    Years ago when I was recovering from postpartum depression and trying to kick that last 1/4 gm. of Xanax every other day, I discovered Kneips botanical bath oils. I began taking tub soaks daily. If I was tired, rosemary invigorated me. If I was congested (especially sinuses). eucalyptus worked. (In a pinch, you can put a dab of Noxzema--in which eucalyptus oil is the active ingredient--on the bottom of your tub, stopper the drain, close the bathroom door, turn the shower on full blast hot, and breathe deeply). For muscle aches after a workout, nothing beat juniper oil soaks. But for insomnia, a tepid (not hot or cold!) soak in hops oil did the trick every time. Once I get the go-ahead to take tub baths again (now that I have artificial knees that allow me to climb in & get up out of a tub), I will head to the German apothecary in town and pick up some more of those oils.

    But I wonder--if lavender, clary sage and lemongrass oils are estrogen-raising and thus contraindicated for those with ER+ tumors, are they also unsafe to consume in quantities normally used for seasoning--such as in Thai food or those Herbes de Provence blends? A few months ago, before that fateful screening mammo, I bought a little bottle of lavender oil when I heard it is more effective than even aloe juice straight from the leaf in soothing minor kitchen burns. I will reserve it for other members of my family and go back to cutting pieces of aloe for me.

  • abigail48
    abigail48 Member Posts: 337
    edited November 2015

    immediate remedy for minor kitchen burns" ice water, If you live in such a place cold tap water will be icy & will work

  • vanessahammond
    vanessahammond Member Posts: 1
    edited November 2015

    There are many uses to essential oils, they won't be called essential if they are not "essential". But if you want to be sure and since it's for a serious medical condition, do some research first online or go find a reliable essential oil shop like Healing Solutions. It's their field so they can provide you with the answers you're looking for.