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anyone using essential oils for cancer?



  • froid89
    froid89 Member Posts: 4
    edited May 2017

    Wow! Nice!

  • llmartin57
    llmartin57 Member Posts: 1
    edited July 2017

    what was your regimen for using essential oils to reduce cancer? How long did it take to take an affect? I really appreciate your guidance.


  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited July 2017

    Hello essential oils questions;

    I have been using frankincense oil on both breasts since going through treatment. I have had no recurrence in either breast. Frankincense has been widely studied by the NIH and the nci. I am convinced that it does modify breast cancer cells. Lately I have had a bad cough and pneumonia and I'm using an assorted variety of essential oils, including oregano taken internally and also peppermint Lavender Rosemary and eucalyptus. Eucalyptus oil is what they used to put in vicks. I have studied the oils for years you have to do your own research. however I can say with good deal of certainty that Clary Sage has estrogenic properties and so it is lavender.

    I wonder now how I ever did without them. However you do need to research each and every one because some are estrogenic those of the 2 I know and I have used lavender in combination with frankincense and never had a problem. If you want to be absolutely surgeon you can buy a book on essential oils properties and does doTara Brand has a little guidebook, for conditions and hold treatment. They all have antiviral and antibacterial properties but it's the extra ingredients that you don't really know for sure.

    Wishing you all healing


  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    I'm so confused on the clary sage subject. Bad for ER+, but so many are using it? Going to just follow this thread, in hopes of learning more.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2017

    goldie0827 - Will be at an aromatherapy class this evening & ask if the teacher has anything to share about clary sage. She made up a blend of essential oils for me to to use during radiation treatment and since I had no skin issues, believe she is a good resource. I do know the Frankincense is a good one. One warning the teacher has given is to only use high quality, organic if possible. therapeutic grade essential oils.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited July 2017

    Thanks Celia. Being stage IV, you grasp at straws and are willing to try just about anything. I am currently also using medical marijuana.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited July 2017

    Goldie - Aromatherapy teacher confirmed Clary Sage definitely not to be used for those with hormone+ BC. Please feel free to PM me with any questions about essential oils - not sure what specific issues you need help with - happy to help. Aromatherapy class is offered every other week by the local Cancer Survivors Network and I can pose your issues/questions to the teacher at class or privately. Tonight, we discussed the use of Orange Oil, particularly in stressful situations - also helps with depression (as do other citrus oils, like lemon) and helpful for sleep. If using, should apply to areas where "sun does not shine" - sole of foot is good, palms & cup hands over nose & then inhale & exhale (this is what we did at class). (PS - I read your posts on the "drinking" thread, as well - hope you get some relief from the heat.) My thoughts are with you.

  • eastcoastts
    eastcoastts Member Posts: 352
    edited July 2017

    How about lavender and peppermint? ;)

  • sunnyjay
    sunnyjay Member Posts: 143
    edited July 2017

    I have been reading about frankincense and how it helps BC. I haven't learned much about avoiding lymphedema but I regularly used doTerra's Deep Blue rub on the tight and numb areas on my arm and I believe it has helped so much with my range of motion in conjunction with PT. I only had 5 sessions of PT and continue to massage the lotion before bed and the pain has not returned. I still have some numbness in the axilla area but it seems to be going away little by little.

    Deep Blue rub has helped me in the past with relieving soreness after strength training so I thought I'd try it on the arm where lymph nodes were removed and I'm so glad I did!

    I had my first chemo infusion today and thought I would relax at home by diffusing lavender & ylang ylang. But now that I'm reading about the estrogen contraindications I guess I need to rethink this. Does anyone know about ylang ylang? I have hypertension and heard it hrlps, and also with stress, so that's why I purchased it. I diffuse a citrus oil blend at work also from doTerra, basically for the air freshener properties.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited July 2017

    I'm a little disturbed by people using frankincense on their breasts before, during or after cancer. Frankincense protects cells...but it protects ALL cells. So, if you're going through treatment, please do NOT use. it. And Clary Sage and lavender is NOT estrogenic. AND you should NEVER, EVER ingest essential oils. So much misinformation and dangerous information out there...usually given quite freely by the MLM essential oil companies.

    Look up Robert Tisserand. He has been doing essential oil research for over 40 years. Do some research. Consult certified aromatherpists.

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2017

    This is Marsha here. I'm into the oils and I highly recommend them overall. Did you know the Clary Sage has a estrogenic quality? There a lot of reps out there that don't know what they're doing. I don't represent any special interest you're welcome to contact me about the use of the oils through email here. I've used frankincense and I'm stage 4 and it's been successful in treating both breasts for going on 6 years now. No Occurrence at all in the breasts or the underarm but you just have to use it with carrier oil and you have to get high quality as for frankincense it's not available in organic so don't pay too much for it because none of them are organic the frank grows on trees.
    I also would strongly recommend that you study everything you take before you take it some people take the frankincense internally and that's called boswellia and I've done that but I did that before breast cancer so I don't think it's too effective quite frankly. It is studied in the University of Iowa by a doctor Siu on rats and he found that it reprogrammed the cells, got rid of breast cancer. So I'm convinced that Frank is the one for me and I would highly recommend it to all my stage four sisters out there.
    Good luck everyone,

  • marciam
    marciam Member Posts: 84
    edited August 2017

    Hi Sunny Jay;
    I have used lavender oil along with frankincense on the skin near the neck but not on the breast because I know it has estrogen it properties. You feel fear you should avoid it but I've used it safely with no reoccurrence for 6 years to me it's very well worth the relaxation in the diffuser or even on the skin. Although I hesitate to recommend it because of that reason. I also don't know about y'ling y'Lang and I did buy that last year.
    Hoping that you have good results.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2017

    If you look at all the studies, lavender is not estrogenic. There was a paper years ago linking it to breast development in young boys, but has since been debunked.

    Marcia, you gave excellent advice about diluting essential oils. So important.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited August 2017

    From an aromatherapist on an essential oils safe use group on Facebook:

    The studies done that suggest frankincense helps fight cancer were all done with the physical plant itself and the properties were discovered in the resin. The process of making essential oils removes all of the resin and becomes a product that has no relation at all to the plant properties which fight cancer. Unfortunately many people spread this myth because they are uninformed or because a company wishes to boost sales and it has become a pretty big thing.
    So far no essential oil made from any kind of plant has ever shown to be antitumeral. Some EO's in fact are even dangerous to continue using during cancer treatments because they protect the abnormal cells and prevent them from being killed.
    We always recommend that anyone wishing to use essential oils while fighting cancer be under the supervision of a certified aromatherapist who can prevent any harm being done during their treatment

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited August 2017

    Nancy618; I understand your concern about misconceptions regarding the use of essential oils to fight cancer. Unfortunately, many of these misunderstandings do come from people who claim to be authorities on this subject. Each person needs to do their own research and, in their decision making process, decide on a highly therapeutic grade of essential oil. If using essential oils with the proper caution, i.e., topically and with a carrier oil, gives them a reason to hope and therefore a more positive attitude towards their diagnosis while they are waiting for the next step in their treatment, which could be weeks away, I would think they would benefit from using this way to cope, rather than supplementing with megapharmaceutical products. This is just my opinion; no offense is intended.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited September 2017

    I'm concerned for all women who want to use essential oils thinking that they are going to cure cancer. I am concerned for all women who misuse essential oils based on false "research." I suggest that anyone who is given advice to use "neat" without dilution or ingesting essential oils, go to the Robert Tisserand Institute site. Robert is someone who IS an authority, does not just "claim" to be one.

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2017

    Glad to find this thread. Learning about essential oils can be overwhelming. My MO actually recommended Clary Sage and Bergamot to help with libido, menopause SE and Cedarwood and Lavender to help with insomnia.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    ML, are you injesting or just using a diffuser?

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2017

    Goldie - diffusing and I put a some cedarwood between my eyebrows and lavender on my feet and behind my ears. Also my BSO suggested taking Serenol and Relizen ... it is swedish flower pollen extract. He says his patients have had great results with this and better for you than Ambien etc. I am on day 12 of taking this and the past few nights I have slept so much better! He said it takes a while to get into your system. Thankful for drs who are knowledgeable about other alternatives rather than just writing a prescription for everything.

  • goldie0827
    goldie0827 Member Posts: 6,835
    edited September 2017

    Glad you are getting some sleep! I don't have a problem with that, other than the hot flashes.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited September 2017

    ML, I hope you are diluting those oils before applying them to your skin.

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2017

    Goldie - google the Relizen. Specifically for hot flashes. Mine have definitely decreased since using.

  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited September 2017

    I looked up Relizen because I'm dealing with hot flashes as well.

    I found this: Relizen primarily functions through the use of black cohosh, which works to address the symptoms of menopause, while other ingredients balance hormones like estrogen and progesterone. According to the official website, Relizen works to both treat and prevent symptoms.

    My question is, if it balances estrogen in the body, and we are taking anti-estrogen medication (aromatase inhibitors) is this a good idea? I was told not to take anything that could affect estrogen production, including Clary Sage.

  • Artista928
    Artista928 Member Posts: 1,458
    edited September 2017

    Nancy, you are correct to have your concerns. I attended a talk last night given by a researcher onc at UCSF who specializes in breast cancer. All these supps and oils and such, there is no real research on because it's not FDA approved. One thing he did say is essential oils, supps, herbs ARE medicines. You need to treat them all just like to you rx drugs. And they really don't know the interaction of them with what meds you are on, and not just cancer meds- other meds you may be taking for another condition. When someone brought up the $ in rx meds, he counteracted with the $ in these essential oils/herbs/supp "natural" which there is nothing natural about any of this as they are all MEDICINE to your body. Just because something is tooted as "natural" doesn't mean it works better or as good, and isn't actually harmful to your body. The focus on just shutting down estrogren has taken over many people from truly understanding what they may be doing to their body. Not everyone is the same. The research on this stuff is sparse compared to rx meds. Iffy at best he said. So the message on this part of the talk was tread lightly with this alternative stuff. He's a researcher at UCSF which is very highly acclaimed institution. Tread carefully. GL to you all.

    Also brought up how some chemo is plant based like Adriamycin, Taxanes. Aspirin is plant based. He says 1 baby asa a day helps prevent colon cancer in addition to helping prevent blood clots/stroke etc. But if you bleed easily or are on blood thinners, check with your doc first before just doing it.

    Gave this website to check on the supps/herbs stuff for cancer.

  • ml1209
    ml1209 Member Posts: 153
    edited September 2017

    Nancy - as always talk with your dr first. As we all know, none of our drs seem to be on the same page when it comes to so many things. I am a nurse, so my drs are used to being "grilled"Happy. I trust my breast surgeon oncologist .... he did his fellowship at MD Anderson and was Vice Chair for Breast Research for the American College of Surgeons Oncology Group. He travels all over speaking and teaching. The only issue I see with the Relizen would be if you are allergic to bee stings - then definitely avoid. I am giving it a 3 month trial to see how it works. I listen to my drs, research myself, and then listen to my gut. It can be complicated because of the many different opinions. For example, my drs are all in agreement for me to use premarin for the vaginal dryness, etc. Some drs are not on board with that. Anyways - praying we find some relief from all these crazy SE's :). We do have to stay on guard and advocate for ourselves for sure.

    Oh and another example, both my MO and BSO said Clary Sage was fine to use :). The different opinions can make you crazy!

    Prayers and hugs all around.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited September 2017

    ML1209 - Have you looked into how premarin is derived/harvested? It is pretty gruesome (pregnant mares' urine).

  • Icandoallthings
    Icandoallthings Member Posts: 28
    edited September 2017

    I am new to the EO world. After my second diagnosis Ive been researching EVERYTHING. I recently heard about Copiaba oil.

    Worth looking in to!

    Also Ive been researching Vitamin D (I just ordered a vitamin D pill that is 10,000IUS fingers crossed it helps!)

  • 53nancy
    53nancy Member Posts: 295
    edited September 2017

    Husband11, thank you for your post about Oil of Oregano. I am so glad to hear that it is helping your wife. I have been using a high grade Oregano Essential Oil for the last three years and no longer have issues regarding stomach and yeast infections. As well, I had a huge toenail caused by a fungus, and the Oil has helped to kill that. I should mention that I do take one drop of Oregano Oil with one drop each of Clove and Lemongrass every day, so the other two may take some credit, but I do know that Essential Oils have changed my life and my health is so much better than three years ago. I do take a break from the Oils now and then. Now, as I face treatment for cancer, I am hoping my oncology team will find a way to let me continue using Oils, even if it is only to diffuse them. All the best to you and your wife as you continue your journey together. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

  • kbram
    kbram Member Posts: 63
    edited September 2017


    Your post caught my eye about essential oils helping to kill toe nail fungus.  Could you please explain your procedure for this?  Do you take it internally and topically?  I think my husband would benefit greatly from this!  I have never used oils but would love to learn!  Thanks for any help.


  • Nancy618
    Nancy618 Member Posts: 318
    edited September 2017

    53nancy, are you ingesting these oils?

    If any of you are on Facebook, there is an AWESOME group that is very much into the safe use of essential oils. Please, if you are, join SUEGEO group. Search for it in the search box at the top of the Facebook page.

    And please, please, please....if you are using essential oils, read and research at

    Arista928: while I do consult my doctors about the use of essential oils, I also do a lot of reading and research. Doctors, as a general rule,are not "up" on eseential oils, just as they are not all educated in nutrition. They are also tied closely to the pharmaceutical industry. Just saying.

    But I can say unequivically, that if you are ingesting essential need to stop. And if you're using essential oils need to stop.

    Maximum dermal limits are so important....

    Excellent source of information: