I appreciate the support - thank you! I may not make a decision whether to proceed with surgery until tomorrow morning.
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wren - thank you for the link. This weekend I heard a nurse express similar frustration and that she was starting to lose sympathy for covid patients who had refused to get vaccinated. As I read the news it not only saddens me but pisses me off, those who make comparisons to Nazis, the yellow star Jews were forced to wear, and Jim Crow segregation. IS it possible to listen and talk to those people? I stop myself anytime I wish ill will on someone, but maybe a little humbling would not hurt.
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Completely preventable.
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Cowgirl - just wanted to add my exuberant congratulations to your 37 years! How very wonderful! Those of us with family members who struggle with mental illness with the associated self medicating abuse have a small inkling of what an achievement that truly is.
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Such a good read here. Love the rants and responses. I don’t know what has happened, but I just don’t have the energy anymore to rant and/or respond. Glad I can do it vicariously. BTW, even though I had Pfizer vaccines in February, I was hospitalized for 4 days earlier this month w/covid. And every doc I saw assured me I would have been on a ventilator if i had not been vaccinated, given my underlying medical problems. This is serious 💩
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GoldensRBest - I'm so glad you were able to avoid a ventilator. Being fully vaccinated had reduced the severity of the illness. I'm sure the HCW were pleased to discharge you home. Hope you continue to improve so you can do a proper rant.
The cases of COVID patients needing lung transplants or other organs make me sad for those whose place on the transplant lists dropped. When I was a student, I worked as a unit clerk in pediatrics. There were a few cystic fibrosis kids who were regulars. They and their parents must be so angry.
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Cystic fibrosis is awful too. I remember being in elementary school and had a friend who had it and was restricted on what they could to in school and after school her mom had to put her on a big flat board and a help do something to help clear her lungs from being in school a few hours. Her sister had it as well so their mom was dealing with them both. Her sister died I know while we were living there and it was so sad. First person I knew who who had died and it was a little girl. As a parent I cannot imagine that grief.
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Runor, I too have lost where/what the hell I was doing. Put eggs on to boil the other night (mind u husband was at stove cooking) and forgot about them. He said "did you want to boil these eggs til the water was gone?" Why yes dear I did! Had mammo the other day.. had to wait in vestibule while some idiot argued with the receptionist on why he didn't need a mask. UGH! just put the fing thing on! I wear one at work all day and I'm not dead yet. I did sit at a green light on my way to work until it turned red. Luckily no one was behind me. This shit might be making me dangerous. WTF
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And PS. It is a rant thread so I guess that means it's a free for all bitchfest.
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My rant: Just had my female parts turned inside out, poked and analyzed the hell out them AGAIN, only to get a line worth of nothing conclusive. I mean, really, why even bother to do it? I could"ve writen it all myself without having to suffer thru all this nonsense!!! That"s the aftermath of my sonohysterosomething, so idioticly useless, it"s appalling! I'm just at a loss: how come all gyno related tests and scans have remained so barbaric?!
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Well, if we were poking around on man parts the story might be different! Finger up the butt once every few years...
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Harley07..wishing u all the best for your surgery! I had mine out 1991. Just be careful what u eat after. Greasy foods are no fun after. My DIL is a nurse anesthia person Sorry I don't feel like looking up the spelling. That besides the surgeon is who u want to be on point. Hope u are having it laproscopy.
Goldensarebest: Glad u dodged that bullet.!!
Cf is horrible. My 2nd daughter had twin girls in kindergarden that had it. One passed away that school year. Very sad. Frankly I would rather have me go than a child. At least i've had 60 odd years. If wishes were horses we'd all be riding
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Rain guess at this point I see no point in going for those kind of appointments anymore and putting myself through anything I do not have to do. Not giving up but see no point in putting myself through it.
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Harley07--glad your surgery went well. Hugs and well-wishes for a quick recovery.
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In the Stat News article I posted earlier, a nurse from the National Disaster Medical System said the statement above.
In Texas where hospitals are filling up with patients, there's talk of including vaccination status as a triage factor. Given that hospitalized unvaccinated COVID patients are having a poorer outcome due to Delta than vaccinated, it's logical to consider when resources are limited. The stage IV breast cancer patient should never have been kicked out early. She only needed another day or two. An unvaccinated COVID patient stay is unpredictable.
There's a real benefit to getting vaccinated, but it takes at least 5 weeks to become fully vaccinated. Everyone should wear a mask when around others, but the unvaccinated should wear a really good mask.
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Harley I am glad your surgery went well. Hope you feel better soon.
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Spookiesmom< Good one!
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KID I had a good chuckle. I sat at a stop sign one time waiting for it to turn green. I still laugh about it. Thanks for the memory 😂
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Those of us who ended up doing all the work hated them in school all the time while the slackers got by and got good grades off my work. Only now we are prisoners in our home to be safe while they go out kill themselves and pray they all die off and it goes away and we live long enough to live a life again outside in the world again.
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Florida 🤬
I see Orlando wants residents to restrict water use to conserve liquid oxygen. Hospitals need more liquid oxygen to treat COVID patients so there will be less liquid oxygen to treat wastewater. May need to issue boil advisory. How about promoting masks, vaccinations, and physical distancing? Instead they'll sacrifice clean water. Surely that shouldn't cause any problems. 🤢
I have several relatives throughout Florida. Found out yesterday that one in Tampa recently got COVID. He's fully vaccinated, but had a sore throat and fatigue. His sense of smell is still gone.
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Spookiesmom, really funny!
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molliefish, I'm glad I'm not the only one who has sat at a stop sign waiting for it to turn green!
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Went to the GI doc. She was nice. Huge practice. Had to wait, it was the end of the day appt. Left there expecting a phone call to schedule the stretching the esophagus procedure but instead they called to say doc wants lab and abdominal ultrasound sound due to elevated alk phos level. She did not mention this to me during our visit! I hate that! Why? Why aren’t my GP and MO worried about my alk phos? It’s been elevated since I started this..,….CRAP Another test Io pass. Hopefully ugh.
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Ctmbsikia, tests and scans are draining! No matter what kind, my mind gets into that neurotic mode, with battering grim thoughts. I hope you'll get answers soon and then be done with tests at least for a little while.
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BCinColorado--I hope I didn't read your post correctly, that you "pray for them to die?" Seriously? If you are fully vaccinated, why do you feel the need to hate people who made a different choice? If you don't feel the vaccine protects you, then why did you bother to get it? I just don't understand the vitriol that has become commonplace in this world. (And if I read your post wrong, I apologize.)
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No vaccine is 100% effective at preventing infection. Vaccinated people are less infectious, less likely to get seriously ill, less likely to die, and less likely to produce variants. Unvaccinated people are overwhelming hospitals.
Seatbelts don't prevent all deaths, but we still use them. Also it's mandated by the government that we use them.
Please get vaccinated. Wear a mask. Wear a seatbelt.
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No you did read it wrong. I do not want anyone to die. Just sometimes see no point in fighting all of it. Tired of t all and see no way out out right now to live a life at all. Why should I bother to put myself through more tests and to pokes and everything. I will probably never be able to live a normal life again or travel before I die so why brother prolonging things? I was told 2 years I had probably an average of 7 years left of a life that I could actually do things due to other health issues I have and we should travel and see family and do things now before I could not anymore. Then COVID hit and I've been inside now for a very long time and I do not have that long to live anyway. Hate it all and people not letting me live any life at all I have left. DH is immune suppressed from transplant. We cannot go anywhere. Dad lives in COVID TEXAS right now and is isolated at home but is 87 now. Can't even go see him again either. Just sad.
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I hear your frustration loud and clear and I share much of it. I am in fairly good physical shape but also feel restricted in terms of planning travel or even a restaurant visit! I am not close to the end but at stage IV, I do have a lot of resentment towards those who will not mask and vaccinate. As serenity stated, no vaccine is 100% effective but the evidence is strong. Those getting critically ill and dying are overwhelmingly unvaccinated. And don’t even get me started on people who object to wearing masks or claiming their children can’t breathe in masks*. Once kids were on campus last year, all grades and staff were required to wear masks. I taught first grade. None of my fellow first grade and kindergarten teacher colleagues reported any students being unable to breathe when masked. I watched some footage of anti-mask parents pounding on a car and threatening a pro-mask parent who was trying to leave a school board meeting. What would possess grown ups to behave like that? The only good news is vaccination rates are on the rise.
I also wonder why people are so black and white about the vaccines. They are eager to say that because of break through cases that the vaccine doesn’t work! In that case perhaps we should stop brushing our teeth because I know someone who brushed regularly and still got a cavity 🦷. Sheesh, it’s unbelievable, isn’t it?
* I am not talking about folks who truly have legit medical reasons for not getting vaccinated or masking.