bcincolorado - I'm so sorry. Your family is the reason we as a community need to get the pandemic under control. Transplant recipients and others with severe immunodeficiencies are at higher risk than everyone else. It's too risky for you to be exposed to others who are not vaccinated and not wearing masks. Hopefully more people will be vaccinated as some of the vaccines get full FDA approval soon.
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exbrnxgrl - I don't understand people against masks either. HCWs wear them for hours without passing out. I wore one even with a rash on my face. Yes, it was uncomfortable. Still did it.
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Thanks serenity. As a recently retired teacher, I still focus on education a great deal. I really think that children are very adaptable and as I said, even our youngest students had no problems masking last year. The anti-mask,parents especially ones threatening people who disagree with them, are the problem.
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Not to mention that in some places, someone with a not-preventable acute medical problem like a car accident or heart attack -- or complications from stage iv breast cancer -- may not get the care they need from a hospital that is overwhelmed with (unvaccinated) covid patients. People's choices affect other people too!
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There are many articles on people not getting proper medical care due to hospitals running out of resources due to COVID. Orlando is running low on liquid oxygen because of them. They decided sacrificing clean water was the solution (I don't think so).
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Seriously friends, unless you live all by yourself on an island you will always need to think about how your actions effect others. That is part of being a member of society. When did so many people stop caring about others and how their action or lack of of action effects others?
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exbrnxgrl, It happened because several asshole politicians who got powerful during the last administration, headed by that malevolent egotist who they try to emulate, turned a public health issue into a political one. Sometimes I wish I had just enough religion to pray they'd all rot in hell.
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Yes, I understand what some of those self serving politicians did. What I don’t understand is why so many folks chose to believe them. That is what I find mind boggling.
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Don't forget the media that spew anti-vaxxer misinformation, but they themselves are vaccinated due to a mandate from their employer.
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not to mention the health care workers who will die taking care of the non vaccinated who don’t seem to understand doing something for the greater good of all. Law suits are beginning of the unvaccinated who got covid and caused death from infecting people. I’m exhausted with the politics My daughter is a K teacher- her 3 year old wears a mask all day at pre- school.
please get vaccinated, wear a mask, take care of the vulnerable- it is us0 -
my daughter had only been out of nursing school 1 year when all this shit started. First time around she was on a covid floor for 12 weeks. Back then she was the only one in the room. Doctors relied on her assessment. They stood outside the door. No tech. She changed the bed and did the baths. No phlebotomy, she drew the labs. She did respiratory treatments. She did not sign up for this. They wanted minimal staff in contact with the patients. Somehow she still remained empathetic.
Second surge she had help this time around but patients crashed fast. She constantly transferred patients to ICU. She remained empathetic.
She is over it. Hopefully she will not have to work a covid floor again but I have my doubts. It doesn't have to be this way. There are unvaccinated nurses out there. Maybe they should take care of the unvaccinated patients. My daughter has done her time
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To take your seatbelt analogy a little further, wrenn, choosing to be unvaccinated in the middle of the worst global Pandemic in a hundred years is akin to driving drunk through a crowd of vulnerable people, including children, the elderly, the immunocompromised. Yeah, there's a small possibility you won't hit someone and kill them, but why the hell take a chance?
Get the damn vaccine.
Rant off.
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wrenn - I only brought up seatbelt use as an example of something we do that doesn't work 100% of the time and is mandated by the government. Same for many vaccines, but seems people have forgotten.
I have a few HCWs in the family. They're all vaccinated and COVID free. Remarkable given that throughout the pandemic one works the COVID ward in LA and two are in Florida (paramedic and trauma nurse). Vaccines and masks work!
Vaccines given worldwide: 4.19 billion!
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That "they made a different choice" is way too close to a certain malevolent egotist describing the neo-Nazis in Charlottesville and the people who bravely stood up to them as "good people on both sides." Absolute horseshit.
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I am in agreement with all of you and equally frustrated by those who refuse to vaccinate or mask. What frustrates me even more is what to do about it. What practical solutions might there be? I am at a loss to think of anything. In my area, SF Bay/Silicon Valley, we have a high vaccination rate but we have also had massive public campaigns to educate and inform the population about the need to get vaccinated. Billboards, TV/radio ads, ads on buses, you name it, but it’s clear that even that is not enough for some.
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We need more vaccine mandates. Easier once there's full approval for some vaccines. All HCW should've been vaccinated long ago. Add COVID to the list of mandatory vaccines for military, travel, and school.
We need mask mandates and improved ventilation in schools. I know people say that remote learning is not good for kids, but kids need consistency more. They need to not have their teachers dying or becoming disabled. Classmates dying is bad. I still remember one girl in my high school dying by suicide. Can't imagine more than that.
Businesses need same mandates. Beating the pandemic is good for business.
We also need to vaccinate everywhere. It's horrifying that vaccines here are thrown out due to expiration when other countries are begging for them.
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I agree that we need those mandates but enacting them, at least in the US, has been rough. We have governors (TX, FL) who make it illegal for school districts to mandate masking and people who are willing to sue or throw up any possible legal challenge to mandates. And, they appear to be willing to fight to the death, literally, to defend their “rights and freedom”. Never have two words been so misunderstood!It makes me want to cry.
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exbrnxgrl - Lawsuits have been filed against the ban on mask mandates. Some school districts are going around the ban by adding masks to dress codes. The majority of people are for vaccinations and masks. Vaccinated people are losing patience. Unvaccinated people are dying. When they die, some of their families convert. It's terrible that people won't change their minds unless personally affected. The vaccinated need to speak up.
wrenn - We have crazies here, too. Fortunately not as many. But the majority of eligible people in the US has been fully vaxxed. Unfortunately we need more than a supermajority to beat the pandemic.
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Many of the unvaccinated young adults will get their shots if mandated for work or to gain access to concerts/bars.
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“When they die, some of their families convert. It's terrible that people won't change their minds unless personally affected."
Google Phil Valentine, a conservative talk radio host in Tennessee. Pay particular attention to what his family is saying now about Covid19 vaccines. He died from Covid19 yesterday.
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wrenn - We still would have smallpox and polio here if people rejected vaccines then like they're doing now.
exbrnxgrl - Here's the info on the unvaccinated anti-vaxxer influencer who died of COVID after a month in the hospital. He never made it back on the radio to promote the vaccine that he ridiculed before being hospitalized.
Please get vaccinated.
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It’s a real shame that far too many people have been endangered by his idiocy. I feel bad for his loved ones but have not an iota of sympathy for him.
Fun fact: I was one of the last hundred people or so in the US to receive a smallpox vaccine before it was declared eradicated world wide. The Peace Corps required it and we got our vaccines at the CDC in Atlanta. There were so many people who bore the scars of smallpox in Afghanistan and theywere more horrendous than most of us could imagine. They were the lucky ones. They survived.
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San Francisco is requiring proof of vaccination for all indoor activities. Hope it spreads
My daughter went to an outdoor event in LA - proof of vaccines required and people were happy to do itand happy it was required.
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Vaccine and negative test requirements help reduce transmission. 👍 Rapid test availability would be an improvement.
Went to the cancer centre today. I saw only one person not wearing a mask properly, and it was one of the clerks! He had it hanging off one ear. He sits behind plexiglass, but that doesn't stop the airborne virus especially when the plexiglass is open at the top and sides. I mentioned it to my new bud Anne, the charge nurse. Guess it's been a problem with this guy. Instead of waiting in the waiting room, I waited outside.
Saw the Pfizer vaccine has FDA ful approval, but who approved the name?
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We need vaccine and mask mandates! And better education.
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I thought the sun revolving around the Earth % would match the non-vaxxed %.
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Aren't Monday's after vacation the worst? Ugh. Almost over. My daughter turned 35 today. We went to NY for a few days last week. Saw a concert in the rain and found this gem of a park on Lake Ontario. Came home to a mess of grass everywhere so my son re-mowed and I used the blower. What the heck was the LL thinking? I took a pic of that mess too so next time he wants a rent increase I will tell him to hire a professional crew to mow--then at least I would feel I getting something for the money instead of paying AND having to do it myself! Then, off to the mailbox I go. The test orders were in there. I hate tests. I called this morning and got them scheduled. Not going to worry about it until then. Sept. 8th. Still a little upset this isn't going as planned. Better to check and know, I know, but I really rather just not.
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Wow. What a gorgeous place.
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Serenity, I absolutely can't believe that the clerk was allowed to wear his mask incorrectly. In a cancer center full of immunocompromised patients. I would have reported it to a supervisor. Not saying that you should have. Unbelievable.
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The last time I saw my PCP in June, there was a guy checking in with no mask. I had to bite my own mask not to scream "Give him a fvck!ng mask!" You know they've got a supply of them. Then he sat down in the regular waiting area, which is no longer marked off for distancing. Grrr.