Rosiecat - What I would like to do to the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists? Vax, mask, and turn off their WiFi.
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Great visual of responsibilities but we have a large population that feels they do not have shared ones nor do they observe all personal ones. My masked DH was confronted by a woman who got in his face to ask if "he was incognito". He was too astonished to muster a response. Wish it had been me, I'd have handed her her head and then some. I have no kind words left for their ignorance and behaviors.
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Betrayal - People unable to do their part is why we need mandates. For your husband, I recommend a phrase I used when I stepped between a friend and her stalky-ex who wouldn't let her leave: "Back the F*CK Up!". I had to repeat and step forward each time, but it worked. I'm under 5' so I need to be more forceful. 😁
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COVID is bad for business. There will be more of this.
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Pretty clever of Delta Air. Rather than issue a vaccine mandate or pay incentives, they're recouping some of the $$$ paid out. Employees have to provide proof of vaccine to stop the automatic premium of $200 each month. Vaccinations are free. Do the math.
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Oh, I hope we see more hits to unvaccinated peoples' wallets, the bigger the better.
And of course those who can't receive the vaccine for valid medical reasons should be exempt from that.
Personally, I'm sick of religion being used as an excuse for anti-vaxxers (or anything else). I don't care what you believe, but it damn well better not endanger or even inconvenience anyone else, at any time, for any reason.
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There should be medical exemptions, but those need validation. There are too many people deciding themselves that they can't take the vaccine. I read someone claiming diabetes makes him susceptible to the vaccine. Puh-lease! Diabetics are one of the viruses faves.
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wrenn - I think there should be a medical exemption for the insurance surcharge (not a worry here in Canada). While the cases are rising, those unvaccinated for health reasons should stay home since anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers are not. Here non-essential services require the vaccine passport.
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I am so angry about people not taking simple precautions about covid, have we not learned anything from the last 18 months of this??? I have to travel 5+ hours each way for my trial, part of it stuck on a ferry. When we got into the parking lot waiting for the ferry, the car next to us had a guy sitting there, coughing, hacking spewing phlegm everywhere. So we rolled up our windows & put the top up even though it was stinking hot, once they put you in your assigned line, you cannot move.
We thought that the way they load the ferry there would be no way this guy would be near us, nope, he was almost right beside us again. Then he gets out of his car & goes upstairs to where everyone is sitting, without a mask, to spread his germs everywhere. OMG buddy, what the F is wrong with you??? I don't care if it was "only" a cold, you don't need to be spreading your germs around. This is why I think we are never getting out of this.
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There's no mask mandate? 🤬
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Thank you, friends, for letting me vent here. I have taken a personal oath to avoid engaging in this topic with friends and family and community members because it will just go sideways. It seems like no one can have a civil conversation anymore, and I have no desire to try to convince anyone that their conspiracy theories and unresearched and sometimes dangerous COVID treatments are not based in reality or science.
Bona fide medical conditions that contraindicate a COVID vaccination are extremely rare. If someone wants to wave this flag they should be mandated to provide a physician's proof, and they should be mandated to wear a mask in public. "My naturopath says I have interstitial inflammation so I can't get the vaccine." Hogwash.
Bravo for Delta Airlines. When an anti-vaxxer is forced to pay up or roll up their sleeve, we'll see how long they stand by their junk science and smug selfishness.
Don't get vaccinated if you don't want to. Just stay home. Let the rest of us operate in a world that cares about public health, wants to beat this pandemic, and move on with life and hope.
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The mask mandate for transit in BC just came back effective today. For a while everyone was pretending covid was over. I'm not happy with our PHO at all..... days before putting the mask mandate back she was at a football game taking unmasked selfies with strangers. Last fall she wrote an op-ed saying masks were bad just days before institiuting a mask mandate. She's a flippety floppity gongshow.
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Quebec has the same problem.
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All right. I’m done sitting here being silent. I’m tired of you all getting to say how you feel while I feel I have to be a mouse in the background.
You DON’T KNOW ME. I am a human being. I have feelings. I’m tired of hearing the bullying. Yes. That’s what this is. You don’t know the reasons for people not being vaccinated. You don’t know jack squat about anyone but yourselves. How dare you with your discrimination. I honestly can say I’ve never been discriminated against until now. You are all high and mighty, and I get that, but I’m no longer going to be silent. Go ahead, gang up on me if that’s what you need to do. I am done feeling shame for my decision. If there is going to be discussion here, it better to be able to be both sides or I want the moderators to put a stop to this.
I am dying of cancer. Go ahead. Shove your fear and anxiety on me. I’m not afraid of your words. If you don’t like me, I won’t care on the other side.
I am NOT anti vax or anti mask. You do what you want. I will continue what I know in my heart to be right for me no matter what the hell you say.
I am usually one who sits in the background and takes the crap people put out. I’M DONE SITTING SILENT.
If anyone else on this site is afraid to put your decision not to get vaccinated here, please feel free to PM me.
For those who I’ve had great words with who feel they can no longer talk to me, so be it. I am here for support. You are the most unsupportive group of women I’ve ever met.
Do you notice you’ve silenced women who don’t want to speak their truth?
Yes, I can just stop looking at this particular forum, but why should I have to?
May the bullying begin. It will bounce off me.
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I was unaware of you being bullied nor am I aware of whether you mask/vaccinate or not. I am aware that there are a number of people who have legit medical reasons for not being vaccinated and that is to be respected. What most object to is those who choose not to be vaccinated due to misinformation orconspiracies. Those who choose to go unvaccinated without medical cause are not only making a choice for themselves but endangering the vulnerable. This is a public health crisis, period and IMO a good time to put aside how one feels as an individual and think of the greater good. That’s not bullying that’s just reality. Take care.
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KBL - Who silenced you? I recall you wanted to silence others like me. Can't play the cancer card here. You're not the only one dying of cancer. No one asked you your reasons for what you're doing or not doing. When I considered not getting the second dose due to the severe reaction I had from the first, I didn't take it personally when people called for everyone to get vaccinated. In fact we've mentioned recently that there are people who can't get vaccinated for valid medical reasons. If you're trying to bully me, please know it won't work. I've had my fill of bullies for a lifetime. Take it easy.
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You may not think it's bullying because you are vaccinated. I don't think it's anyone's business to know if I'm vaccinated or not or my reasons. It's absolutely no one's business.
Saying that people who are not vaccinated shouldn't be able to leave their house, that's discrimination of the highest order as well as segregation. Saying doctors shouldn't treat unvaccinated? What the hell?
Have you noticed the only person who said anything was Runor, and not one other unvaccinated person has felt they could put their feelings out? That's being silenced and bullied, period. My feelings are just as valid.
I refuse to sit silent any longer. This is what happens. Who wants to be ganged up on? I truly don't care anymore. Bring it on.
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This pandemic is probably one of the most unique events in human history, I don't think we've had anything like it before. Sure, we've had deadlier pandemics, but we didn't have mRNA vaccines in less than one year after an emerging disease, add to the that the internet, we're uniquely positioned for a major sh!tstorm that our collective brains didn't have enough time to adapt. We have live front row seat to changing scientific data that is fueling doubts, skepticism and wild conspiracy theories. I blame the education system for not teaching kids how scientific method works.
My local conservative government (Ontario, Canada) has locked us down for a total of 10 months in the last 18 months and if the cases go up, we risk going into another lockdown. So from my perspective if the unvaxxed are fueling this latest wave, I am angry at them. I don't want to be locked up again, it infringes on my freedom. I'm done with that. I don't care how others prefer to conduct themselves as long as it doesn't impact me. I just don't want their actions to lead to another lockdown and delays in critical care. I'm long overdue for my pap test, but things are not normal and I kept telling myself why risk in the middle of this wave. So I wait for one wave to end only for the next one to start two weeks later. I bet there are millions like me who have postponed preventative care all this time.
In Canada at least, the vaxxed are the majority, so it may seem we are louder, but we just have the numbers (close to 74%). Of course unvaxxed should leave their house and go to essential places and emergency care and meet each other, but gyms, concerts and restaurants are not essential. And I honestly think, at least here, it's strongly in the interest of businesses to implement some kind of passport. I hear a lot from people that they avoid indoor places until there is a vaccine pass in place. Some private businesses even implemented it on their own initiative. Small business have suffered enough, dragging on this pandemic with wave after wave, variant after variant is the worst thing that can happen to business, jobs, etc.
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KBL I'm sorry you feel that you are being bullied or ganged up on. Everyone has the right to an opinion. However, the science concerning Covid vaccination is very clear. At present it appears to be our only way out of the pandemic. I wish it were otherwise.
Those who refuse to be vaccinated for anything other than medical reasons are putting themselves and others in danger. Hospitals are under pressure, doctors and nurses are risking their lives looking after Covid patients, resources are stretched to the limit and vital surgeries/treatments are being cancelled as the number of Covid infections rise again. Many of us have been vaccinated in order to protect not only ourselves, but to protect others.
I hope you will reconsider your stance, cancer is bad enough without the additional misery of Covid to cope with.
Please keep yourself safe.
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Oh and speaking of bullying I've been called sheep on twitter multiple times by the hardcore anti-vax crowd! Fine by me
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I feel it is something like discrimination to be told, "Stay home if you're scared" or "Stay home if you are high risk." I waited so many months for a vaccine that I thought would save us all from this mess, and am so disappointed that because so many people rejected it, we are all still in this mess. Higher-risk folks are still stuck at home, and it's not fair to be stuck at home just because one had the misfortune to get cancer or another condition. One can choose to get a vaccine or not, but one cannot choose whether to have a high-risk condition. And why can't people even wear a little mask to help their neighbor?
For the record, I do not advocate denying anyone care, and I do not hate people like my own relative who thinks he does not need the vaccine. I worry about him, and I am frustrated when I see preventable illness and death, while here I am enduring so much to stay alive.
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Okay. I will continue to live my life like I have from the beginning of this pandemic
Wrenn, are you kidding? My attack. Wow! Okay.
I am not scared. Cancer has made me who I am at this point in my life.
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This is the introductory sentence to this thread, when Sas-Schatzi launched it in 2017:
"This thread is meant to be for RANTS and RANTING. Then Rant again. We need a place to simply get rid of the anger. Write it here. Unleash it all. Get it out. This isn't meant for the Stupid comments(great thread). This is for the gut wrenching, tell them off anger."
I've had my rant. It was directed at no one specifically, especially no one specifically on BCO.
KBL, you're welcome to your rant as well. I don't share your opinions, but you're welcome to post them.
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sbelizabeth, this rant page also says rant away about cancer.
There are those that would not agree with you feeling I have a right to rant as well, so I appreciate you saying that.
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While we're at it, let's talk about how there is now a booster because the vaccine doesn't last. Vaccinated have gotten COVID as well. They can also give it to other vaccinated and unvaccinated people. You can tell me the numbers are totally different, but if one vaccinated person gives it to your vaccinated teenager and your teenager dies, who do you blame then?
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The reality is that the unvaccinated are driving up COVID infections, hospitalizations ,and deaths. This is a communal issue and those of us who have taken the communal responsibility seriously are more than a wee bit frustrated by those who choose not to mask and/or vaccinate if they lack a medical reason to refuse. I also am stage IV and have been for a long time and everyone else here has bc too. Many of us have all kinds of other stuff going on in our lives as well. In a world wide pandemic we all need to think beyond ourselves. I have had some less than kind thoughts about those who refuse the vaccine yet later fill our hospitals and consume huge medical resources at the expense of those who have been responsible. I don't wish illupon them but they are selfish as far as I'm concerned.
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We're in a pandemic. It's not my business to know, but there are businesses who will need to know one's vaccination status. Airlines, employers, concert venues, ...
Vaccinated people are tired of the anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers prolonging the pandemic. That's frustration with wishful thinking to want them to stay home. Nobody thinks that will happen. But limiting access to vaccinated for non-essential services limits the spread.
When medical resources are limited, triage occurs. The data show that the unvaccinated have a worse outcome than the vaccinated. They consume more resources, but vaccination status will only be one of the factors. Cancer hasn't listened when I told it to shove off, but I was able to get vaccinated and I still wear a mask.
"You are the most unsupportive group of women I've ever met." - KBL
☝️That's not nice.
The majority of people support all public health measures to end the pandemic.
And this represents "discrimination of the highest order and segregation".
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Of course you can rant away KBL! This pandemic is a very unfortunate situation we're all in with no end in sight and we're all angry in one way or another.
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Needing multiple doses is not new in the vaccine world.
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KBL, I haven't been posting here but I've been reading. I don't recall you being mentioned - maybe I missed it - and I had no idea about your vaccination status.
What I've been reading are posts in which people are venting about a situation that frustrates, angers and scares them. All of our lives have been drastically changed by this pandemic; it's been difficult for everyone and brutally & cruelly hard on some people. Rightly or wrongly, the current understanding is that those who are unvaccinated are worsening and extending this pandemic for everyone. That seems like a legitimate reason to vent.
But bullying? And silenced? Since you haven't been mentioned, I think if you feel bullied and silenced, you are projecting that on yourself. It is true that only one side of the story is being written about here, but as far as I can see, no one is stopping anyone from posting the other side (as runor did). I think a more broad-based discussion could be interesting and possibly informative. Of course anyone who posts the other side should do so knowing that the vast majority may disagree and may respond. That's what will happen anytime someone holds and voices a minority or unpopular opinion. I don't think I'd define that as bullying though.
Re the vaccine. Needing multiple doses and needing boosters is standard with many if not most vaccines. In the case of a virus that mutates and changes, that is to be expected. This is why there is a different flu vaccine every year. Having been vaccinated against the flu last year won't do anything for you this year.