nopink - It's close, isn't it? We can't count on people who get basic science facts wrong to follow the science to beat the pandemic. At this point, if you're an anti-vaxxer/anti-masker, then you're anti-science. Time for mandates.
Cowgirl - Unbelievable is right! I did tell the oncology charge nurse. He should listen to her. I go back in 4 weeks. If it's still a problem, I'll check who else I need to notify. I need to be diplomatic. He handles scheduling of appointments.
Alice - 🤬 That's frustrating.
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ctmbsikia - I was in Sterling NY area last July and we went to Lake Ontario and I absolutely loved it. It was so pretty and looked like an ocean. Your picture is great!
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Erie county in N.Y. is making masks mandatory in all schools this year. Let the lawsuits begin! There are already signs on lawns saying "unmask our children". Come on already!! Idk how much more people need to hear/see to understand that we need to take whatever steps we can to help stop this virus. My niece and her husband (not vaccinated) contracted covid at a wedding last week. Stupid, stupid.
AliceB, you are spot on in regards to that asshole that thankfully is not in office anymore.
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Beautiful picture! What a pretty place! So glad you got to spend time there with your daughter.
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ctmb, where about was this on the lake? we live an hour or so from there. Olcott beach. I realize it's a big lake so maybe u weren't anywhere near there. We spent a week at Welesley Island a few weeks ago. But that's the St.Lawerence
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wrenn: I just posted elsewhere about the vaccine mandates. About time. I am so sick of anti-vaxxers. The "hesitant' are just going to have to get over it and roll up their sleeves. I would like to see a mask mandate back on public transit, vaccinated or not. Especially not!!
ctmbsikia: What a fabulous picture. I doesn't even look real. It looks like a totally cool painting.
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Just poking around online. USA facts states for the flu season of 2017-2018 61,000 people died of the flu. I think this is about average for most years. Per John Hopkins as of today 629,384 have died of covid in the US. I started writing down the stats in April of 2020. At that time 12901 people had died of covid. I guess it's morbid but I'm keeping track of the data. I hate when people say it's no worse than the flu. A "friend" of my husbands said that the drug for worms in animals is a cure/preventative. I see now people are being poisoned by it. I'm sick of ignorant people thinking this is nothing, blah,blah.
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interesting post by a doctor in LA who said patients used the excuse that the vaccine only had an emergency use approval and they didn’t want the government experimenting on them- but , when they got sick they took all sorts of drugs- not approved or also with an emergency use approval. She asked a sick patient if he wanted the monoclonal antibodies since they are also only emergency approved- he said “doc- save my life!” ( he had already tried hydroxychloroquine from the internet.)
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Saw breast cancer PA today. I wanted to get her thoughts on the different Al's. What a waste of time. Talk to the onco office she said. UGH! And of course see you in 6 mons.
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wrenn; Even after the mandatory masks mandate was lifted everyone in my neighbourhood still wore masks inside shops. Some walked on the side streets off the shopping area, mask in hand, but put them on once they hit the "high street" Lots of ma and pa shops have "Please wear a mask" etc.
Masks in schools for sure!
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KID1919 there is a lot of information and a whole PDF thing you can download on side effects on hormonal treatments in the main site in case you did not remember. It was helpful to me I know I trust them with the information they provide here at least.
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wrenn: heard on CBC radio this a.m. that masks are back to being mandatory in public places and transit until the vaccine passport stuff is in full effect. Yay! Yeah, a nose poking over the top of the mask or the mask just on the chin makes me crazy in the head.
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I have come here to yell. One of our dear stage iv sisters, in the midst of dealing with her own progression and treatment change, is caring for her sister who is in a nursing home dying of metastatic breast cancer. And now, one of the STAFF at the NURSING HOME has tested positive for covid. Bet you $100 this stupid, selfish person is not vaccinated. And now the sisters may not be able to visit properly because of this.
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The hardship that unvaccinated and unmasked people are continuing to cause everyone is so immense. i'm yelling with you SP.
If someone doesn't want to get the vax or mask, then stay TF home. Go nowhere. Stay home,
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🤬 All healthcare staff members need to be vaccinated.
Anyone who hasn't been vaccinated due to a valid concern of vaccine side effects needs to reevaluate their risk of exposure to the Delta variant. It's more infectious and likely result in worse symptoms. At least vaccinations are controlled events. You can prepare for side effects from vaccination.
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I'm taking care of my LE arm so I won't need to go to the ED again. So far that's the only time I've had to go. Also being extra careful in the kitchen. And keeping away from milk crates!
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USC just Released a study that I’m sure surprises no one -there were many more unvaccinated people going to bars and going to indoor large events also the unvaccinated are much less likely to wear a mask at these events even though we’ve had a voluntary wear a mask if you’re not vaccinated. Of course now we have a mask mandate regardless of vaccination status which I must say everybody here is sighing with relief because no one ever trusted the unvaccinated to mask up. a whole Lotta stupid going on
I feel very bad for anyone who is hospiced, hospitalized, nursing homed and facing lifeall alone due to stupid choices of others.
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SP--- Thank you, my friend.
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The hospital in Elko County, Nevada is begging its citizens to get vaccinated and wear a mask. Only 26% is fully vaccinated.
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That is a great letter.
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Here in Backassward Central, aka Missouri, the state attorney general, who is as rotten as Gubner Evil Goober Parson, is filing a lawsuit AGAINST the mask mandates in some school districts. Fuck him, with a Sequoia log covered in fire ants.
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Bcincolorado, Thank you so much for the reminder. Idt I've ever looked at it!
Ctmb, Not far from us. Hope you had fun!
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Ooh Alice! I'd always heard sideways with a cactus, but the fire ants are a nice touch!
I haven't lived in MO since 1984, but yeesh, I hear you, and I'm sorry. Hope sanity and sense of obligation toward others return at some point in my lifetime.
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Oh Alice the visual! But I whole heartedly agree. A large chunk of our population is nuts.
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I'm a (mostly) retired nurse. I spent most of my time from January to May volunteering to give vaccinations. In the very beginning, it was heartwarming to give our elderly citizens their shots. They were so grateful. "You've given me my family and freedom back."
Fast forward to today, where self-centeredness, zero concern for one's fellow man, and an arrogant sense of immortality reigns. "I won't get COVID, but if I do, it will be like the flu. I'm not worried. My healthy immune system will protect me." In these, the unvaccinated, the virus replicates and mutates and becomes more infectious for EVERYONE. This is the crowd that beats the drums of personal freedom, unconstitutional mandates, junk science.
OK. Exercise your personal freedom. Don't take the vaccination. STAY HOME. You're not welcome at schools, restaurants, sporting events, concerts, church, public transportation, stores.
It seems to me that in the past, during other severe public health crises, communities were eager to work together toward a common good. Mothers stood in long, long lines with their children, grateful to be receiving polio vaccines. People wore masks and helped their neighbors during the Spanish flu. Today, though, we have airplane passengers assaulting one another over requests to wear a mask. Conversations in social media deteriorate into name-calling, taunting, sometimes threats.
What have we become?
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sbelizabeth- So true.
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sbelizabeth - I share your anger and frustration at the utter selfishness of those idiots who reject vaccination. They put the rest of us at risk without a second thought. As for those contemptible individuals who invent and disseminate vaccination conspiracy theories, I can't put into words what I'd like to do with them.
Take care.
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sbelizabeth - We've crossed the line where public health requires mandates that people claiming "my freedom" will fight against. I saw the Pentagon released a statement that all military will be required to be fully vaccinated including those who had COVID (in addition to their other required vaccines). Someone posted it should be called "Operation Valley Forge" since Washington mandated his troops be vaccinated against smallpox.
Starting September 1 Quebec will require a vaccine passport to gain access to non-essential services. We've had mask mandates back since Delta began surging.
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Rosiecat - What I would like to do to the anti-vaccine conspiracy theorists? Vax, mask, and turn off their WiFi.