CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    I just have the dreaded ass-cancer. everything is such a pain in the ass. But my ass cancer is temporary! It feels better after dessert, or two shots of espresso! Love you all

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    well I just got booted off the weightwatchers thread, seems they did not like me complaining when someone said I would become a drug addict for taking 4 pain pills over a week long period for a back problem I had been dealing with for almost a year.

    doctor approved but they felt they knew better than my docs, so today is a crazy town for me

    yeah maybe I have ass cancer too

    a soft shell crab will likely help

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015

    well I can assure you they wouldn't tolerate me on that thread FOR SURE. I feel like going over there and junk punch someone on your behalf. That is ridiculous! So sorry. Stick with us crazies here. We sound less crazy.

    Hear you on the ass-cancer a Tomboy. EVERYTHING seems a pita, and my friends and family don't like going to crazy-town with me.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Ah, sorry, Iris, that sucks. Their loss. I am going to go have to check out that place in LA Sula talked about. I only had it one time, when I was about twenty, in LA funnily enough, when I had traveled here with a friend. Everybody at our table had gotten two. From the very first taste, I couldn't hear a word. I was in crab heaven! So some of the people only ate one, and pushed there plates away. Me, I was very shy in those days, and also very poor. And skinny. I never ate at restaurants! But, I was afraid the plates would get taken away, with those succulent crabs on them, so I spoke up. I didn't stop until I had eaten 5 altogether! So good!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    well I good go back to the market for a few more soft shells, it is such a short season!

    I am being stingie with myself although they are cheaper when I make them myself than in a restaurant

    thanks for you support on the crazies

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    I will go and look in my good fish store first. But, hey, he hasn't taken me out in a while! I cook almost every day.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited August 2015

    Iris, if they booted you out that WW thread really IS Crazy!!! That's why I like hanging out here! Not nearly as crazy when I am just one of the crowd! :-)

    I am partial to Dungeness crab myself, being a West Coast gal. Sadly season doesn't start until late in the meantime I am making do with ice cream. It is a good treatment for that crappy ass cancer!


  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    thanks all, hey I love any fresh fish really. I even like the local Jersey Bluefish!

    many do not like it but I do, grilled with a heap of lemons and garlicccccccccccccccccc!

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited August 2015

    Get a load of this: Notified on line that the report of my MRI of my ANKLE (!) is ready, but won't let me see the results. OK. I was to have an MRI of my HIP (!) I'll try to keep my cool when I call imaging place tomorrow to see where the mistake is. You know when they roll you into the tube, who knows where they are aiming. Keep cool. Keep cool.

    Crab or shrimp swimming in butter and garlic ought to cure you-name-it cancer. Especially pretzel cancer.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    Ah, soft shells. Keep this talk up, and I'll be forced to get some myself. Proud, I'm with you on the bluefish, but it has taken nearly two decades to get DH eating shellfish and bland white fish; bluefish may have to come in the next decade. Or lifetime. He grew up in the midwest, where seafood came in a box with a Mrs. Paul's label.

    Hope the assorted ancillary cancers are cleared up in short order.

    Spent the morning harvesting coriander seeds from cilantro, then cutting up cucumbers, brining, and pickling. Also put the sauerkraut I've been growing for these past few days into crocks and refrigerated them. For some reason, I've been all crazy probiotic this week and had to do this. Let's hope the family eats them and they don't turn into science projects in the back of the ice box. (No, I did not grow up in ice box times, but my late father did.)

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    rainey, years ago a pal asked me to go bluefish fishing with she and her two sons. It was one of those party boats and she did not want to be the only woman. Went. had fun and dang if I did not catch several big blues! now that is my one and only fishing story

    wow on the pickling, have never tried that although my mom used to do it, hmmmm maybe next year

    I have a Mennonite Community Cookbook, most of the recipes are desserts or pickles!

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Ok, this thread is always making me hungry! I want to try and make sauerkraut one of these days. I love calling it the icebox! It IS !! But I know what you mean: I worked on a house that had the icebox built into the wall of the kitchen. Apparently , the iceman would go up the back stairs and deliver it to the outside opening, and then there it would be, in the kitchen side! It was really cool, and we left it when we re stored the house to it's former craftsman glory!

  • SuzyBlue
    SuzyBlue Posts: 84
    edited August 2015

    Proudtospin, just wondering, were you literally or figuratively kicked off the weightwatchers thread? Can that be done? It's a bit sad to think that people on these threads can be so judgemental, I would expect a lot more tolerance here than in the 'outside world'. I take nine pain inhibitors a day as well as pain killers, and sometimes sleeping tablets, so I'm guessing that wouldn't be seen to be ok haha

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited August 2015
    Suzy-exactly. Very sad. My guess is those who judge haven't experienced the kind of pain you have. I still have mastectomy pain from December. I've tried a lot of things. It's very slow to heal. My range of motion is ok, but I have a lot of pain. Chemo exacerbated it. Tamoxifen not helping much either. There's not much I wish for more than just to get relatively pain free. My Crazy Town exit says drug rehab someday. But I never get any... Not the least bit.... of high or well- being from pain meds. On a good day, they just bring it from a 6 to a 3. Never stops.
  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    hahahaha..standing in line at whole foods this afternoon I asked my husband if he thought I had knee cancer..or maybe it's running up and down all the stairs in our house all the time. I'm sure the check out lady really thinks I'm nuts now. 25 yrs ago I went to my MO at Cedars certain I had gut cancer as I felt something..turns out I was pressing on one of my organs which was supposed to be there...who knew?!

    Anyway, we've done a bunch of stuff, the most recent which you'd know was Chaos Theory with Ryan Reynolds...we did a final uncredited rewrite on the script which is Hollywood speak for they pay you but your name isn't on it. Actually our union rules changed a few years back giving the final credit to the original writer which is a good thing as too many people who came up with good stuff would lose their credits to guys like us who were brought in to rewrite them. Things take years (sometimes decades) to go from the page to the screen in our business so in real life I'm all about the instant gratification.

    I think I have a headache now which I'm sure is forehead cancer..or maybe it has something to do with not eating enough today. The herceptin and arimidex gives me heartburn so I take prilosec an hour before eating twice a day.

    Are you taking iron pills for your anemia. My MO put me on them after my first round of Taxol as I have a tendency toward anemia...I'm now off the iron.

    Where are you moving to? It's 102 degrees where I am right now and everything seems to be on fire.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    Oh, Katy/Suzy, I'm so sorry your pain is ongoing; I hope over time it disappears. I'm even sorrier, though, for those who judge without having been through it.

    Tomboy, that house sounds grand!

    Proud, I think the amish/mennonite food traditions include quite a bit of pickled/preserved foods. My mother grew up in amish country and has an enormous fondness for sweet/savory. The pickle recipe came in a CSA newsletter; it's supposed to take just 24 hours to cure (though it's not a canning recipe so needs to be refrigerated). Sometime tomorrow afternoon, I'll know if it's any good!

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015

    Jacki, Tomboy...

    ass cancer yeah!!! I was pretty sure I had that a few months ago but it was just the Taxol


    I should have harvested the seeds from my cilantro when it bolted buy I was too lazy, so I cut it all back and gave it to my oncolgy nurses chickens. I seem to be bringing her all my compost when I go in for Herceptin.


    I cook almost everyday too especially now that my tastebuds are back. I also call it the Icebox!


    I can and pickle and preserve done it for years. I even cure my own bacon and Guanciale (roman bacon made of pig jowl) and yes..I'm a vegetarian. I make it and don't eat it.

    Have you ever had pickled cherries? I make those every year. Delish and my friends who drink say they're great in cocktails.

    Ok, on to cruise around here some more. My knee still hurts, but less, maybe the cure for knee cancer is not sitting at ones desk like a pretzel and oh I just discovered wasps are building a house in the eaves over our back deck, gotta call Robert the Exterminator Wielder of Death To Pests tomorrow

  • susanhg123
    susanhg123 Posts: 257
    edited August 2015

    Ass cancer. Bet i have it also. Or will get it tomorrow.

    Sula-I have not seen Chaos Theory-but now will. And will tell people I know you.

    Anemia. I have had it for years. Pointed that out to my MO and he replied "Sure--and you used to have periods". Good thing I love that guy and his wife. He could have been dead meat so many times for his smart mouth. I tried 3X the daily dose of oral iron--and my counts still dropped. Added red meat-am not a big meat eater-a friend who grows their own without antibiotics and hormones supplied. Still dropped. Added super Bs. Dropped more and my internal stores were at squat. That is when I got a new port and started IV iron. Went up a slight bit after dose 5 and a bit more after dose 6. Thought I was good. Repeat in 2 weeks and dropping again. Bad iron! I have joked I should eat a placenta. I am symptomatic so know it is dropping more.

    i grew up in the mid-west and beef, pork, and chickens went from Uncle Arnie's farm to our freezer. I just cannot do grocery store slimy meat and knowing how it is grown and processed.... I am happy for others to consume and the growers to make a living.

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited August 2015

    Sula, my DS looks after the neighbor's chickens (yes, in a backyard in Brooklyn) when they're out of town. They get a lot of our compost, and we get eggs (plus they pay the kid an indecent amount of $$ for what is essentially 20 minutes of work/day).

    I have only been canning for a few years; I started with tomatoes and peaches. I also freeze a fair amount of stuff, but there are limits to what can be achieved in a city apartment. As long as we have enough pesto to get us through the year, I'm content. As for the coriander, I discovered today that harvesting it is no big deal. Cleaning it, however, is an enormous nuisance, and I'm not sure I love coriander all THAT much. Oh well.

    Susan, I will not eat supermarket meat any more. We buy very little these days, but either from a neighborhood butcher or the farmer's market. I will buy seafood in Chinatown, though.

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    It's a cute movie....the original writer ( the credited guy) is also a cancer survivor...which is why he wrote the movie. There's no cancer in it but it deals with a guy who finds his life getting a big monkey wrench put into it. When we get asked to rewrite it's usually to humanize or improve the characters, make them realer. We finished a TV pilot before I got sick and they've been through 3 directors already! Yikes. Hope they get someone and stick with them.


    I had to stop being a vegan for chemo as I got the fear of death put into me if I didn't eat some meat etc. so, what I do us when I cook our lunch every day, I have meat ( always organic or free range or grass fed etc) for my husband , I eat about a two square inch piece..then I have vegetables out of the garden which is mostly what I eat. Pretty pissed off tonight as I tried making done Guam and the blade on my food processor just broke in half!!!!! I had the thing for 10 yrs now I have to get a new one fast as we're having a dinner party next week and I need that thing!! Maybe my processor has chopping blade cancer

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Sula! I just was thinking my blender had cancer! I tried to make a mango yogurt pineapple smoothie, and it was screeching and smelled hot! I just never did like that blender, I think I will give it to my onc.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    but right now, my sink has cancerous dinner dishes in it, better go apply some chemical dawn

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Who wants to take a train with me, to go visit Susan?

  • suladog
    suladog Posts: 837
    edited August 2015


    Only if it's the crazy train..

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Haaa haaa! well, yeah! With us on it, it couldn't be anything but!

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited August 2015

    I have cancer everywhere.. I have a tickle in my throat, making me cough. .. and have headed straight to Crazy Town with it.

    I'm a wreck over my first mammo / ultra sound since dx.. and just wondering what happened at yours.. If you don't mind sharing.? How long did it all take ? Did they just take 2 squeezey -squishes ( like in a screening mammo) ? Yeah.. not half obvious my stress anxiety levels are through the roof. 😰

  • Alyson
    Alyson Posts: 3,737
    edited August 2015

    Come on you lot I am the cancer queen. Even now I develop cancer everywhere. Problem is I have fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis and several collapsed discs so have lots of pains. Funny thing I didn't have any pain just a lump when we found something n the chest wall. 

    Any way I am always very anxious before tests but luckily have always had the results quickly. 

    Have visit to specialist re back tomorrow. But at present there is nothing to be done. Unfortunately chiro etc does work with my spine. 

    Hugs to all. 

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    Suzy, not officially but when someone keeps accusing me of being a drug addicted person, I sort of leave. Was part of that thread since 08 and knew some lovely women who were so helpful to me during early stage. Love the memories of one who warned me to watch for burning during rads and such but the group has changed.

    I still do a bit of consulting for my old job and dang do not want internet saying I am a, I am allergic to most pain meds so my tummy sort of determines if I can take a pain med. I took one for 4 or 5 days, tummy yelled back and that according to that thread made me at risk of drug abuse

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited August 2015

    Lucy55, that is a nerve wracking event for sure. But they know you are nervous, they will be very gentle with you. For me, I did have to have xtra, because sx changes the way things look, as does all treatments, really. So they will be very care full with you. Good luck, and you can do it! look what you have already done! So will keep you in my pocket.

    Ha Alyson! Good to see you here,yes You ARE the cancer queen!

    Proud, what a dope that person was. They need to get over themselves. Of course, I am the drug addict.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited August 2015

    hey, may I say thanks for the kind words! here is too all the normal crazy folks!


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