CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited March 2016

    Ducky, I'm so relieved to hear Michael is doing OK. I was thinking about you and your family tonight while I was walking at the Y. That is a roller coaster ride your family has been on. I hope things smooth out and your family can enjoy better health.


    Eggroll, I hope you feel better soon.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2016

    Good Evening Crazies,

    Ducky, Good grief you're going through a lot. I'm so happy to hear that Michael is out of surgery and doing OK. Please lean on your Crazy Town family. We are all here holding you close. Keeping all of you in my prayers. (((((Ducky)))))

    Katy, Thank you for posting your pictures here! Such a warm and friendly table setting and a great gift of caring. The yard looks wonderful!! Your menu sounded fabulous!!

    Tomboy, hahahahahahahahaha.....great picture!

    JAN, I'm so happy to hear you're feeling a bit better. Don't push yourself!! We need you good and healthy at the end of the month. On second thought, you don't have to be GOOD, just healthy.


    Molly, I hope your voice is returning and you're feeling better. Thinking of you and Wyatt. :)

    Rainy, Come any time. Just give me a few days notice to clean!! haha I bet the scones were yummy.

    Octo, What a cute ocean explorer!! Thanks for sharing that article. The ocean is so vast....who knows what could be down there. I can't wait for our get together!! Thank you so much for all the work you've done planning everything. I woke up this morning to very loud thunder. It rained on and off all day. My plants and the grass are very happy. I was so sad to watch the last episode of Downton Abbey. I can't believe it's over. :( What a great series it has been.

    Funthing, If you're down in our area next month, you should come to our get together. Your picture was so cute. I often feel like a very slow turtle. Nice to look at it in a different way!! I can fly!! haha

    Lucy, You are a gracious hostess!! I hope you all had a great time at the beach.

    Cubbie, Hugs to you. I can really relate to how you're feeling. Your stamina will slowly return. I'm just now getting back some of my get up and go. You're body has been through a lot. Be kind to yourself sweet sister.

    Sandy, Thanks for posting the picture of your get together. It's such a wonderful experience when you get to meet in person. Beautiful ladies!! I do recognize some of those names. So nice to put a face with the name. Nice to hear you're back performing.

    Iris, Thanks for letting us know about Ducky!! I love that you keep improving. So nice your PT team acknowledged your progress. You deserve a vacation with of the hard work you've done. I hope you get good news on the taxes.

    Tang, Any news from the doctor??? I hope you felt us all in your pocket today. Hugs to you!!

    Molly, I'm happy to hear the Excedrin took away your brain mets.

    Queen, Don't you worry.....I've got an idea for a great picture!! hehe

    JerseyGirl, Sending best wishes to your friend, Glynn. I hope all goes well for him. He is so fortunate to have a friend in you.

    PMR, I hope you're coming to the drain finish line soon. Sending drain drying mojo your way.

    Robin, I hear ya on the strange new lumps our bodies produce. I call it lumpanoia. I'm sorry you're going through so much. Great big hugs to you!! It can all be so overwhelming.Let us help you off that ledge. This one is for you.


    Thank you for sharing the pictures. Very relaxing indeed!!

    Eggroll, Good to see you! We will all be in your pocket tomorrow for your appointment. Please let us know how it goes when you can.

    So many of us going through so much these past few weeks. I think it may be time for a group hug.


    I love you all and I'm not sure how I would get through my days without my daily dose of crazies!! Comforting hugs to all that need one!!

    Edited for my dumb typos. Too tired to look for more. Sleep well crazies....quiet crazies too.

  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited March 2016

    PMR, haven't started Arimidex yet... sitting on the counter. Actually waiting for the call from my onc. They ran the blood work and it all shows I'm in menopause, so it looks like the AI will be started as soon as I get her call... I have another Herceptin infusion on the 14th, sooooooo

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited March 2016

    Dearest crazies--

    Once again I step away for a day or so and come back to find so much crazy. Ducky, glad Michael came through surgery okay. Your family certainly has had more than its fair share!

    Jan, so happy you're on the mend. Now that does not necessarily relieve DH of his chef duties, at least not quite yet. When you're fully yourself again, cook him the meal of his dreams. But for now, you rest up!

    Patty, hoping the drain gods are merciful and give you that 5 ml you're looking for.

    Yeah, food. Here's the thing. BC treatment is so unpleasant. Yes, it's all bearable. Yes, we can get through it. But is it any wonder that when small pleasures come our way, we seize upon them? If the chemo stole our taste buds, who are we to blame ourselves for loving that pizza when those same delinquent taste buds stroll back into town?

    Robin, lovely photos. Remind me of when we'd visit DH's father in AZ many years ago (he died in '03). Those landscapes were overwhelming.

    Molly, hug your boy. That is all.

    Cubbie, you have rabbits and deer. We have squirrels, a.k.a. rats with furry tails. Evil little so-and-sos.

    ChiSandy, I also freak out with the LE arm. Just a process of getting used to things. Good ole' breast cancer.

    Tomboy, loved your photo. Can I have some?

    Katy, your garden is just beautiful. So calming, even from this many miles away.

    Brunched with some of my mom friends on Sunday. This we have in common: we love our 16-17-year-olds, who could not be more impossible! Though I do feel fortunate that I was not the mom who came home to find her DS and his girlfriend in the shower! Small mercies.

    Waving at Beppy, Queen, Proud, Sula, Shorfi, Eggroll, Gaia, Octo, Tang, Jersey, and love to all Crazies of the noisy or quiet variety!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2016
    yeah, food. Was doing great but been lax of late with junk food in the house so sort of fearful to step on scale

    Back pain is fairly under control with pt program but legs are scary weak so need to work on that

    Holy but it seems I will get major tax refund. I pretty much lived on a workman's comp settlement this last year and now since my med bills are so hi it will all come back. Job left me with serious asthma.
  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited March 2016

    Tutti wants to know if anyone wants to snuggle. She's waiting in the guest room for the ear scratcher to come back. I don't know. She may have gotten into the sprinkles too.


  • JerseyGirl22
    JerseyGirl22 Posts: 186
    edited March 2016

    Katy, can you send Tutti to the tree house, please?

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited March 2016

    oh she would love that! She often climbs to the top of my willow tree in the backyard.

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited March 2016

    Jersey- (and anyone else in the treehouse) I opened the kitchen window of the mansion with the Mayor's permission. Can you smell these? I'll send them up in the dumbwaiter.


    And this below will be ready tomorrow.


    I'm laughing at myself because I'm so transparent. Guess who's feeling better? I also filled the bird feeders and cleaned and filled the hummingbird feeders. I've already had my first customer!

    Gaia (waving hi! 💁🏼) tells me tonight is a new moon and a solar eclipse 5:54 pm PST. She (and she knows her shit) says this means lots of old patterns are coming up for release. I so desperately need to do that. Cheers to all, releasing what needs to be released tonight!

    Hugs to all crazies. You are my anchor.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited March 2016

    Katy: (cheers loud enough to be heard from way over here) Yeah, kinda figured you might be feeling well out of the rabbit hole!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    Katy, so glad you are feeling better! The cookies look yummy. If this crummy cold will let me I want to make oatmeal chocolate chip cookies tonight.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited March 2016

    hmmm, sort of believe that cookies are good cure for all alments

    Hmmm, cookie monster on the prowel,tonight

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited March 2016

    Rainny, we have the squirrels too, and they are worse than rabbits because they try to claw their way into my house (and have sometimes succeeded). And those damnable chipmunks! They dig their way under everything, into my basement, undermined my landscaping timbers, poop all over my breezeway and leave their walnut shells on my doorstep.

    You are right about the food, and don't forget the comfort aspect of food as well. When you're feeling down, and nothing else seems to work, there's nothing like some cold pizza and a Pepsi with real sugar.

    Iris, yay for tax refund, but it sounds like it's already spoken for, huh?

    Katy, I'm glad to see you are feeling better. Virtual cookies are about the only ones my doctor would be OK with me eating right now, so those are perfect. Plus I gave up chocolate for lent, which was a big mistake. I'm thinking that's why my anxiety is so high, chocolate deficiency! And you've talked to Gaia? I miss her posts.

    I'm seeing my nurse practitioner tomorrow for a followup visit on my CrazyTown medications. Maybe I'll get out of the padded cell someday! Loopy

  • funthing42
    funthing42 Posts: 236
    edited March 2016

    So much compassion and caring ! And food ! It just really makes you realize what it's all about.

    I sort of have good news. It looks like all of the nodes are on the left. Which means it's like I'm starting all over. Fresh new start. Yes!! Everything has been about the right.

    Gee whiz So cal I would love to go to your neck of the woods, I have more time off eventually. I need to use my March days off for these blasted nodes. Unless someone has a steak knife who needs a professional. Im Going to Colorado to visit a cousin in July.

    I'm one of those work alcoholics but almost cured.

    Stuck in Jersey for now. I absolutely love it here too. So near New York.

    Cute kitty J. Birdie.

    Hey Jersey your almost finished? :)

    Hi Molly may I ask what the Chek2 Mut is. I was tested for the BRCA because my sister who is 4 years younger had breast ca a year before me. Tamoxifen, Rads but thru a inscion done at John Hopkins she had in situ DCIS. Never to return again. :)

    Eventually I will learn and remember everyone's name.

    Until then big hugs to all.

    By the looks of it, no such thing as chemo brain.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited March 2016

    Hugs to all the crazies!! and waving at Gaia!

    There is something in the air today for sure. I even went hatless at work today for the first time. See the pic! It is more grey and lighter in color than my previous hair, but hey, it is hair! Big day in my life, going hatless!




  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited March 2016

    Yay, Octo! I remember how anxious you were about Taxotere hair loss possibly being permanent, so here’s a virtual long-distance Bronx cheer /raspberry at the Big T!

    Katy, those cookies look yummy--chocolate or ginger? Hard to tell on my laptop screen. I’m about to bite into an Alyssa’s chocolate-almond (kinda like one of those 1970s-era hippie health-food-shop brownies, with a teeny square of Chocolove 77% on the side). Trouble with Alyssa’s is that they’re expensive--and go stale pretty quickly once opened.

    Cubbie, I remember a few years ago I walked into my upstairs office only to be confronted by a squirrel standing atop the bookshelf in front of the windowsill; it had a “what’re YOU lookin’ at?” expression on its face. I opened the window and shooed it out; that was the last straw--we had the soffit repaired the next day. A mama raccoon had clawed it open a couple of months earlier, set up shop in the ceiling, had her babies in the closet wall and then climbed back up into the ceiling--where she fell through a crumbling ceiling tile, trashing a computer and terrifying two 15-lb cats before scurrying back up & out of reach. We never found her, despite using a Havaheart trap laced with peanut butter--but we did hire a trapper who found the babies, extricated and euthanized them (city law did not allow him to take them to a forest preserve, only release them back on to my property--where they’d have died a horrible death at the hands of coyotes and feral cats--or gas them humanely). We get opossum (an officially protected species in Chicago, along with coyotes and bobcats) that are so bold that at night they come up on to our deck and peek through the kitchen window. They look like giant rats under construction.

    Another LE scare. Last night I was getting ready for sleep and lotioning my arms--when I saw what looked like a mosquito bite on my right arm--pink and raised, with a small raised red dot center. Feels like a small zit with no white head. I didn’t feel any bug biting, and it’s the only one on my body. Nonetheless, I washed it with Hibiclens, dabbed on Bacitracin and put on a bandage. Took the bandage off this morning--it’s faded a bit, and doesn’t itch. I am still sort of freaking out. I have no idea how I got it--no bedbugs or fleas; and out on the deck yesterday I was wearing long sleeves under a light jacket.

    It was warm enough today that I went out in a denim shirtdress, bare legs and sandals. Felt surreal descending my back stairs and trying not to get any residual grains of ice-melter rock salt in my sandals!

  • 7of9
    7of9 Posts: 474
    edited March 2016

    Octogirl... Congratulations on your hair! I'm starting some type of chemo in April... If it's Taxotere this makes me a tiny bit more brave. Thank you!!!

  • JAN69
    JAN69 Posts: 731
    edited March 2016

    Octo, What a liberating step that must have been. And a bit courageous too? It looks like a beautiful color and texture. Congratulations!. I'm enjoying the Jeanne Robertson videos. They have cheered me up while I laze around trying to recover. Jan

  • eggroll
    eggroll Posts: 117
    edited March 2016

    Doc said it was a virus and didn't give me antibiotics. Boo! Probably going to be fighting this out for a few more days. See you all after I get well. :)~

  • Jackbirdie
    Jackbirdie Posts: 1,617
    edited March 2016

    Cubbie- yes I am in contact with Gaia. She loves and misses you all but has had some obstacles requiring all of her focus and energy. She says she will be back soon. In the meantime, she is Hugwaving and blowing kisses to you all!

    Funthing- I love your attitude about a fresh start. Good for you.

    Sandy- They are ginger! An old easy recipe (I used to make these when I was a teenager!) that is almost as comforting as the cookies themselves! Almost. Haha.

    Octo-🐙🎉🎉🐙🐙🎉🐙🎈🎈🎈 I am so happy for you and Proud!!!! of you. What a huge step forward. Your hair looks nice! Great color!

    Eggroll- thinking of you. Hope you kick this thing to the curb very soon!

    Ducky, Tomboy, Sula (where are you..?), Lucy, Shorfi, Littleblue, Italychick, Iris, Molly, Jan, Beppy, 7, QMC, Rainny, (my kitchen inspiration) and all other Crazies, mentioned or not, quiet or not, I am always sending love and mojo your way.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    7of9, how are you doing? Are you recovering well from surgery? Octogirl, your hair looks great! Sandy, sad about the racoon mamma. You always tell great stories. Funthing, chek2 is a genetic mutation of the checkpoint kinase 2 gene which increases the chances of breast cancer, small increase in chance of colon and prostate cancer possibly others. Since I had breast cancer my chances of a new breast cancer is up to 30%. I am on the every 6 months plan until I decide if I want to do a prophylactic mx on the right side.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    Katy, oh yummy I love ginger.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited March 2016

    Hi Crazies,

    I can't sleep tonight.

    Rainy, I do agree about the food. When my taste buds came back, I started liking things I never cared for before. I craved chocolate and carbs. Food DID equal comfort. Like many of us, I'm dealing with the aftermath.

    Iris, I'm glad you're getting a big refund. I remember one year we were told we owed a ton of money. After that experience, tax time stresses me out. I always overpay our estimated taxes so we are sure to get some back.

    Katy, That is a beautiful picture of Tutti. What a lovely quilt. Did you make it??? I'm looking at the picture of your cookies and bread dough....I'm aint pretty!! haha I'm so happy you're feeling better!!

    Gaia the wise....I'm working on some old patterns myself. :)

    Molly, I hope you were able to make your cookies tonight. Also hope your cold is getting better.

    Cubbie, We will all be in your pocket tomorrow for your appointment. I've spent some time in that padded cell....I know it well. The padded cells in Crazy Town have cookies, happy sprinkles and lots of hugs.

    Funthing, A new start....I love your attitude. I figured you would be going through treatment, I just didn't want you to feel left out in any way. I'm hoping we will have more get-togethers in the future. You are always welcome!!

    Octo, Wow! Your hair has really grown since your last picture. Looking GOOD!! I know just how difficult that was for you to go without cover. You rock!! I hope it was freeing.

    Sandy, I'm sorry about your recent LE scares. I hope you wake up tomorrow to find the raised spot gone. That was sad about the raccoon mom. It's a shame they couldn't call a wildlife rescue.

    7of9, Really good to see you posting. I've wondered how you were doing. Welcome back!

    Eggroll, Wishing you a speedy recovery. We will keep your seat warm while you're resting.

    Ducky and Tomboy, I'm thinking of you both tonight.

    Lucy, JAN, Shorfi, Sula, Littleblue, Italy, QM, GMA, Jersey, PMR, Robin, Poppy, pennsygal.....there are so many to list here in Crazy Town. I think of you all before going to bed. I say a little word of inspiration to every person on our Crazy Town list. Even when you don't post, I hope you all know that you're thought of each day. I love how we all stand together to face our fears. No one understands as well as each of us do. This is a wild, crazy ride for sure - so many ups and downs.

    I got a letter today saying that my CT scan was normal. It came from the RN at my PCP's office. When I first read it, I thought maybe the lung nodule we all looked at could possibly belong to someone else. Could they have mixed up my scans? A little bit of new hope crept back in. I sent emails to both my MO and PCP and so far they haven't responded. I scanned the letter I received and sent it in the email.

    I've spent a good amount of time reconciling in my mind that I may need more surgery to cut that pesky little bugger out of there. I thought I was doing pretty good at staying away from the Crazy Town Inn. Just taking one day, or sometimes one hour, or one minute at a time.

    Tonight, I'm left scratching my head and feeling a bit confused. I'm so hoping the scan was a mistake and the letter is accurate. Do I dare hope?? Thanks for listening as you always do.Life is certainly a trip. Please pass the sprinkles....I think I may need them to sleep tonight.

    Love to all.....quiet crazies too.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited March 2016

    Twinnie.. I am praying that the letter is accurate.!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited March 2016

    Beppy, remember lung nodules are quite often ephemeral--souvenirs of previous inflammation trauma. Bob had a 2 cm one in May....that was gone by Nov. I know that living here in CT makes us skeptical of good news, that life seems to be a perpetual wait for the thud of a fallen shoe. But good news is, most likely, the real thing. Rejoice. We don’t get that chance very often these days. Take it when you can get it!

  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited March 2016

    Beppy, I could not say anything more eloquent than what ChiSandy has just posted. I hope you hear back today! My fingers and toes are crossed for you, so please excuse any typos!

    Katy, which ginger cookie recipe is that? Because my recipe is also an old one, and they look just like yours: Maida Heatter book of great cookies, first ed. They also look delicious!!! Might need to make some myself!

    Proud, hooray for a tax refund!

    Cubbie, I keep fixating on the words "gave up chocolate for lent." Yikes. So you are going to need a major infusion of chocolate bunnies on Easter morning! Good luck with your NP visit today.

    Funthing, glad you're almost cured of workaholism.

    Octo, nice hair! You are braver than I am....

    ChiSandy, I love it that possums are protected where you are. We do get the occasional raccoon in Brooklyn. We also get hawks. I remember many an afternoon in the park, watching a little league game, seeing the hawks circling overhead. What were they thinking--that they could swoop down and snatch up one of the kids on the Pee Wee teams?

    7, you are brave. We all are. Truly.

    Eggroll, Molly, feel better. Jan, glad you're mending.

    Watched the end of Downton last night. Big happy sniffly sigh. Miss them already! DH hasn't seen it so will need to watch it again.

    Love to all crazies--hope you have a splendid day!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    Slow, I am going to be praying that letter is accurate!! I pray we are all rejoicing over much needed good news. No cookies. I have developed some mild vertigo. Hopefully it's related to this cold and not the anastrozole.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited March 2016

    Slow...joining those with crossed fingers and toes, and yes, Sandy said it best! Hope there is rejoicing in your very near future, and please let us know! In your wonder you couldn't sleep!

    Rain, it was a happy few hours in my life when, last year, hubby decided he needed to catch up on 'this Downton show' and I got to binge watch the entire series up to that point with him. and I am not sure at all that I am braver than you. It does feel freeing to ditch the hats, I will admit.

    Molly, I've been experiencing some slight vertigo also; really bothers me when that happens. I go straight to the center of Crazytown! It last happened two days ago. I started drinking water like crazy, hoping it was just a bit of dehydration. That did seem to help. Some cold medications can be dehydrating, if you are talking any. Drink lots of fluids and I hope you feel better soon!

    Jan and eggroll, hope you both get over those virus' quickly!!!!

    Sending love to all of you. Back to this crazy work week.....


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited March 2016

    Thank you, Octogirl. I do drink tons of water but maybe I will drink more to see if it helps. I think it's my clogged sinuses. I woke up with a bloody nose. That would be better than the anastrozole causing it. I did skip it last night. Some days I feel so lousy I just don't take it.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited March 2016

    Molly, if you have clogged sinuses it could also be in your middle or inner infection or blockage there can definitely cause vertigo. I had a friend who got so dizzy he couldn't stand, and we took him to the ER, where they ran test after test for every awful malady you could imagine, before finally diagnosing him with an ear infection! Just something to consider if the congestion doesn't get better soon...
