CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2016

    it is so weird to hear that it is three hours at Oakland today I waited maybe ten mins, and then when I got to the front the nice TSA screener pointed out I had pre-check...which I hadn't even noticed on my boarding I could have avoided even that. There is no way I could do several hours without a wheelchair either. I hope it goes smoothly, Sandy....It is crazy indeed out there!



  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited May 2016

    .....and more hugs

  • cubbie2015
    cubbie2015 Posts: 773
    edited May 2016

    Welcome, LTAfun!

    WenchLori, I wish I could put people in their place with finesse and grace. I just do it with a big mouth, unfortunately.

    Sandy, glad you found a solution. One of my relatives has LE from her mastectomy, and it sure does suck. Trying to travel alone with a guitar through major airports and while not aggravating your LE would be really hard.

    Can I go on a rant for a minute about communication in doctor's offices? I call in, speak to a nurse, who then goes and speaks with the doctor, and then a different nurse calls me with instructions, an answer, whatever. Inevitably, something gets completely backward in this process. For instance, if I called and said I had a sore throat but no fever, I'd get a call back that said, "well, since you have a fever..." Of course, the nurse calls me back late in the day after the doctor has already left the office, so we just have to wait and start the whole process over the next day. It's a wonder they get anything done sometimes.

  • Tomboy
    Tomboy Posts: 2,700
    edited May 2016

    Cubbie, that's funny that you should mention that. It is the thing I get riled about the most, and I am starting to wonder, since it is the single most thing that pisses me off worse than anything, that, maybe there really needs to be some spokes person who is a heck of a lot smarter than me (like you, I can't do it with finesse and grace either- though I still try), to do something like start a ground movement to make us immediately be able to see our clinic notes and talk with the doctor about mistakes and outright fabrications, and we BOTH sign off on their notes. Maybe no one will ever read them but me, but the amount of pure crap in my notes from them is unbelievable! It has really affected my relationships (!) with them, because I reaaaaally don't trust them, and they don't like me. Not necessary, I know, but it would be nice. So, I just write about it, but, unlike other things I write about that bother me, it doesn't make me feel better.. I guess when I get to the end of my anger about some of this stuff- - - nah.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited May 2016

    Morning hugs to all

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2016

    Wow Sandy! I'm exhausted just reading your itinerary! I can't imagine how exhausted you are going to be with the airport wait alone! Please take care of yourself while traveling.

    My DD was going to fly up and help after my surgery. She twisted her ankle getting Olivia into her car seat and will be wearing a boot, plus she is 4 months with baby #3. With the hours of waiting in line and everything else she has going I've asked her to stay home and recover from her ordeal. I'll work it out with my friends from church to lend a hand. I'm in good hands.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2016

    Invitation to my pocket party today - Scar Revision Surgery with Steroids at 2 pm pacific. Come keep me company in the doc office! Bring me lots of chocolate!


  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2016

    I'm with you GmaFoley! Good luck and prayers coming your way

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited May 2016

    GMA......I"m there!!!!!!!!!

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2016

    #8 surgery total since BC Dx. If this one is successful, I will only need 2 more revisions on the other scars and then will be done done done... (They have to be done one at a time so he doesn't overdose me with steroid) You wouldn't like me the week after that... Winking

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,891
    edited May 2016

    I'm with you in spirit all the way Gma!!!

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Posts: 934
    edited May 2016

    Had a scan yesterday....follow up scan from December on my liver. They saw what they think is a cyst back in December and wanted to recheck it. So, I'm waiting to hear back from doctor today. I'm starting to feel crazy though, did good yesterday but today all the terrible "what-ifs" are popping up.

    Not to mention that I'm just plain tired of dealing with this crap. :(


  • LTAfun
    LTAfun Posts: 2
    edited May 2016

    Octogirl, thanks for the welcome and tip. RO wants to start rads ASAP-to hit a "sweet spot" post surgery. I will have chemo if needed after rads.

    Cubbie, thanks for the welcome as well!

    I have never wanted a low test score in my life until Oncotype testing! BC sure changes everything!!!

  • lcm123
    lcm123 Posts: 66
    edited May 2016

    I'll be there GmaFoley. Bringing some Lindor Truffles.

    Tangandchris, hoping they call you soon to tell you it's still okay.

    LTA, your story brings back all the craziness of me at that time. I'll be praying for you. Welcome to crazy town, too.

    Wow, Sandy, I don't know how you do it all. Good thing they will have a wheelchair waiting for you. The fatigue alone would make me want to cry.

    One of my sisters (#3), is going to have some tests done today, right now, actually. Her platelet count has dropped drastically. She said one thing that could cause it was the bad thing, I hate to name, because she is my sister. So I won't name it. But, she is also always having sinus infections and taking steroids for different stuff like that. I pray not one of my sisters has to go through this. I want my experience with it to be the only one any of us has. I don't mind saying I am scared for her. They may have to admit her into the hospital because of how low her platelets are. Does anyone know anything about this sort of thing?


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    Tanga, I am praying for good results! Lisa, I hope your sister is ok. Beppy, always thinking of you. Hugs to everyone.

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited May 2016

    First post-diagnosis mammogram today. NED. And the radiologist suggested downgrading to a mere screening mammogram next time.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Posts: 934
    edited May 2016

    Thanks for the good thoughts....

    I don't know if this has been discussed before, but anyone else play back the conversations they have with the techs that deliver the scans? Like analyze their faces or what they say for any clue or sign of whether or not they saw something on the scan that is worrisome? lol, I know I can't be the only crazy one that does this.

    The guy who gave me the scan yesterday said he got some "great pictures". Was he trying to tell me that everything looked good w/o coming out and saying it....or was he just making small talk, or did he just mean what he said, the pictures were good and the Radiologist will be able to see everyting good.

    uggggg crazy!!

  • kiks1
    kiks1 Posts: 118
    edited May 2016

    Yes Tang, been there done that and realized its paranoia. I don't think these techs ever pay attention that closely. I think the only time they were serious was when I was first dx but then they rushed to get the radiologist right away. I hope you got good news by now.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Posts: 934
    edited May 2016

    I haven't heard....I did call though even though I told myself I wouldn't until tomorrow.

    When I was first dx'd they told me right then and there that it looked like cancer. That was my first expierence in the world of cancer, now I don't ever really know where I stand.


  • Smurfette26
    Smurfette26 Posts: 269
    edited May 2016

    Hope you hear something soon tangandchris. Waiting is the pits.

    Congrats queenmomcat. NED is fantastic news.

  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2016

    Done with surgery. Heading home.

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited May 2016

    Gma, glad you are heading home. QMC!!!!! Woot Woot!!!!

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Posts: 934
    edited May 2016

    Can we talk wait times......I mean what is a normal or realistic wait time for results? 24-72 hrs is what I'm thinking, even if something is wrong.

    I have a very well meaning friend that has been texting me on and off today asking if I've heard anything. She keeps telling me...."no news is good news" boy do I want to believe that!!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,463
    edited May 2016

    Tang, just as long as the tech didn’t mean he was going to sell the pix to TMZ....

    Gma, glad you’re home.

    Pre-trip craziness: hairdresser didn’t get back to me yesterday--so I was stuck with roots & frizzies. I couldn’t get an LE massage appt. on short notice; the repair shop had my suitcase ready since yesterday but screwed up and thought they were supposed to UPS it to me instead of e-mailing or calling me to come & get it, so by the time they straightened out the mess so I could drive up to Winnetka and get it it was after 2--and just as I was getting there the hairdresser called. So I had to drive down to Evanston and get chocolates for my showcase-room hosts and didn’t get to the salon till 4:30. He had to squeeze me in between other clients, but we managed to get the straightening, root touchup and trim done before 8 pm. Then had to go home, pack, charge up stuff (stupid Fitbit ran down midday), make myself a quick dinner (all I had since my bkfst omelet were three pieces of sugar-free dark chocolate bark.

    Had already checked in online via cellphone for my flight...but couldn’t send the boarding pass to my phone. Got home, and when I tried to print it out, SW issued me a “security document” instead. I have to go to the damn gate to get a boarding pass. It’s bad enough that we have to spend 3 hrs. in the TSA line, but then another effin’ line at the gate podium???? Are they really trying to make things so bad that we'd cancel our flights and make less work for the TSA screeners? Meanwhile, Homeland Security Theater is apologizing to Chicago travelers and will be sending investigators O’Hare.

    Oh, yeah, cording is really getting to me (I can actually palpate knots in my forearm & elbow). While my color was “taking,” I did armpit and arm MLD at my seat....nobody noticed, thank goodness. (And I discovered a new AI side effect this morning--jaw dislocations. Great).

    F this S. Gonna catch some semblance of sleep so I have time to dress, scarf down a shot of espresso and a protein bar before calling for the Uber.....and that driver had better help me with my bags. (My luck it’ll be surge pricing, the guy can’t find my house, and a long cab line into Midway).

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited May 2016

    GMA.. That's great.!! Sleep well :-)

  • WenchLori
    WenchLori Posts: 1,027
    edited May 2016

    Yay! Great news Gma! Glad you are home!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited May 2016

    Hi all;

    Just checking in from Phoenix where it is not unbearably hot yet...Meetings going fine....seeing my friend (hubby's BFF's widow) tomorrow, we are going to do a bit of retail therapy and have dinner! I need new sneakers!! And Sandy, I feel your pain. Literally. I just read that Phoenix is one of the airports with TSA problems...and they are advising getting to the airport three hours early. Sigh. I could barely walk when I got out of bed this am, not sure how it is going to work on Friday....

    GMa, glad you are home and woohoo for clear results Queen! Sending hugs from the road to all the Crazies!


  • gmafoley
    gmafoley Posts: 5,978
    edited May 2016

    Not a happy camper today - incision really hurts. Maybe the day after the steroids? Or just being cut open yesterday LOL... I got up and worked this morning but I see alot of sleep this afternoon... Thank goodness I only have to work until noon today. Thank you for being in my pocket..

    The doc explained why he could only do one scar at a time. He talked to all of his colleagues and they all agreed to only do one scar and steroid. That way I don't get the systemic steroid side effects. He will inject the scar again in 6 weeks and re evaluate then - He did use the different dissolvable stitches and said being he injected the steroids, I shouldn't have trouble with them. Oh I hope this works.

  • SlowDeepBreaths
    SlowDeepBreaths Posts: 6,702
    edited May 2016

    Hi Crazies!!

    Lots of catching up to do! I just realized I missed Mother's Day well wishes. Hope it was a good holiday for all. I was sure missing my mom on that day!!

    Ducky, Stephen is very handsome!! The prom pictures were gorgeous. Although, I'm a bit sad those kids are growing up so quickly!! Your grandson can almost use your head for a shelf. He is so tall!! haha I also got that "good cancer" comment when I was first diagnosed. If this is the good cancer, I sure would hate to have the not so good cancer.

    Eggroll, How are you doing?

    Lucy?? I'm home!! Hope all is well with you, Twinnie. I hope you're busy planning your trip to the states!!

    JAN, Here is a picture just for you!! hehe


    Love you dear sister. You've been quiet, like me. I hope all is well with you and you're feeling better?

    Jackbirdie, I think we need some new food porn pics. I think I'll make something this weekend. Any suggestions?

    Calidancer, Great news for you!! I'm sorry for my delayed response.

    QM, That welcome basket was a hoot!! Thanks for the laugh. I'm doing a very special happy dance in your honor.


    Great news!!

    Molly, Great big hugs to you. I think we may need to drive out to your neck of the woods and take you to lunch!! I hope Wyatt is doing well this week. Sometimes a break away from everything BC related can help a lot. I've taken breaks too, but in the end, I realize that no one else can understand what we all go through except each other.

    Poppy, I really liked the celebration of women of influence. Great idea! I'm happy to hear your pea sized lump disappeared. I can definitely relate to the deranged llama. hahaha....that one cracked me up.

    Tomboy, That's a great link you posted about Amazon giving to BCO. I've been doing that for over six months now. It doesn't affect your account at all, you just need to make sure you're ordering from the "smile" address for it to count.

    Littleblue, How are you?

    Momwriter, Waving to you!!

    Rainy, Thinking of you!

    Sula, Hope the restaurant is doing well. I may just drop in when I do my cross country trip!!

    lcm, I had that same frizzy halo!! It always makes me chuckle when I meet other BCO sisters because we all have the same hairdo!! I hope all turns out well for your sister. Please keep us updated when you can. In the meantime, sending good mojo her way!

    GMA, My best healing thoughts are coming in your direction. Good grief you've been through a lot. I hope this works out well for you. Keeping my fingers crossed! I'm sorry you're in so much pain.

    rleepac, When I read your post about the doctor not thinking that Tamoxifen had anything to do with your pain, I felt like reaching through the doctors computer with one of these.


    I swear they always say...not from my meds....not from my chemo....not from my rads. I guess it must all be in our heads. I hope your appointment with the rheumatologist will give you some relief. "I'll just end up with really expensive piss." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Thanks for that well needed laugh. I sure missed my crazies!!

    Italy, "Tomboy, fuck that LE therapist." You go girl!!! I was thinking the very same thing when I read Tomboy's LE therapist story. I hear you about the popping pills and having surgeries. The well meaning suggestions can be so overwhelming. Some of us used to post on a thread where we could throw all things that bothered us in the fire. I think we need our very own fire here in CT!! Not too close to the tree house though!! haha

    Blondie, Your presence here put a big smile on my face. So nice to see you posting dear friend!! Sorry I missed you. I was busy feeling sorry for myself!! Get over it, right?? :) I'm so glad you're in my life.

    M0mmy!! Welcome back. How the heck are you? How did the class go? I'm betting you did really well. So nice to see you posting again. I missed my daily hugs!! I hope your DHs wrist heals quickly.

    Octo, Welcome back from Mexico. I'm sorry I missed the welcome home party!! I can't wait to see the vacation pics!! Now I see you're off on another adventure. I hope all goes well with your friend in Arizona. It sounds like she has been through so much. I know she will be so happy to see you!!

    WenchLori, Welcome to our thread.


    Sorry I wasn't around to greet your properly. It looks like you've settled in nicely. I'm happy you found us!! "Redneck TV!!" hahahahahahahahaha

    Pennysgal, Good to see you! I wish all of our doctors where on the same page and gave us the same information. They seem to be all over the place. Hugs to you!

    Valstim, It's always nice to hear from a quiet crazy!! Especially a fellow triple negative sister. :)

    PTS, Oh no!! Not the neuropathy!! I hope they are able to give you some relief. I've got horrible neuropathy in my feet from Taxotere. The pinched nerve sounds painful.

    Cubbie, Good to see you posting. It sounds like work and home has really been keeping you busy. That may not be such a bad thing. I find when I keep really busy, I have much less time to let my mind wander into crazy thoughts. I'm really glad you checked in! Communication in the doctor's office is an excellent rant. Boy could I tell some stories!!

    Sandy, Great picture of you and your cat!! They are both adorable. The one with the black cat showing his teeth cracked me up. They look so vicious, don't they? Thanks for posting it here. I hope your traveling isn't too hard on you!!

    MiriamWillits, Welcome to our Crazy thread!


    I'm very glad you found us. Please pull up a chair and make yourself comfy. You're in good company. The PA population is growing in Crazy Town. Thanks for posting the link. I'll take a look this evening when there are no distractions.

    Shorfi, I'm very happy to hear the leveling off of Lexapro is making it better for you. You are always in my thoughts. Gentle hugs to you!!

    LTAfun, Welcome to our thread!!


    QM should be along soon with some awesome welcome baskets. I bet she is out enjoying the spring weather. It's always nice when a quiet crazy comes out of the wings. You'll love the women here....all very different, but all equally amazing!! Please pull up a chair and get your crazy on!! I hope you get your test results soon!

    Tang, It's funny you mention that about trying to read the techs face during a scan or test. When Poppy came with me to one of my ultrasounds, she was trying to get a read on the technician. We sort of double teamed her!! haha I'm hoping you get some good news today!!

    Kiks1, Welcome to Crazy Town!!


    You've picked a wonderful place to work through your crazy. Please pull up a chair and get comfy. We've got snacks, entertainment and plenty of comfortable chairs.

    Smurfette, Good to see you!!

    I've been keeping busy! I've actually started walking again because my RA has been taking a much needed vacation. Woooohooooo. Both MO's want me to start Gemzar/Carbo combo. I've got a petscan scheduled on the 27th and I'll make my decision once I get results from that test. In the meantime, I've been planning my cross country trip and enjoying time with the family.

    Love to all....quiet crazies too!!

    P.S. Haven't you all missed my novels?? NOT!! hahaha I'm sure I'll be back to fix my many typos.

  • tangandchris
    tangandchris Posts: 934
    edited May 2016

    Scan is fine...still have the liver cyst and also some kidney cyts...but all benign!! whoo-hoooooooo