CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2017

    great to see you ducky and it figures, you disappear from our board for a few days and reappear with a new little bundle! Enjoy your concert

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited December 2017

    Ducky great to see you ..just not the same without you ..Wow you're new diet is really working...that's a lot of weight loss and great to hear that it's helping with the aches and pains ! Kerian is a real little bundle of joy 😃

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472
    edited December 2017

    We knew our Ducky, the "holiday family-wrangler," would check in here safe & sound. And kudos for that weight loss. Time for me to ditch the sugar & starch too!

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2017

    ducky, that is one great diet for you

    Me, got the sniffles today, have not decided if cold or flu so not going too far today,

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2017

    Kerian is gorgeous Ducky! (No surprise there). Kudos on the weight loss!

    Hope those sniffles are gone in a hurry, Iris. Put your feet up for a restful day.

    Hugs to all


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,645
    edited December 2017

    You ladies rock.........hope your all feeling good on this Monday morning.....I am happy with the weight loss, just too bad I didn't do it much sooner...but I guess lookng back doesn't help my efforts.....its isn't easy as far as giving up so many (what we consider the good, but it does help to finally say “enough is enough"....

    Looking forward to the holidays although I am truly a “Bah Humbug" person......sometimes it all so much “ado about nothing" poor grandkids (married ones) caught in the middle of “where should we eat this year".......each set of parents insisiting it “has to be with us"....ony putting stress on them....then you have the ones who have “divorce" inthe family and they have to share themselves with 3 families......"the biological Mother and FAther, who have remarried and do their own thing.......then you have the mom and dad who stayed together but yet have to split their time with the 2 families who didn't.......I told my grandaughter the other day.......Hey nip this shit in the bud......its not your fault that you husband's Mom and Dad are divorced.....and what is expected is they have to go to “her Mom and Dad's"....then to his Mother's house...and then to his Father's house......when she has 3 kids under 6, and one is in a wheel chair.....know what I told her......"stay home, and do your own christmas".....probably not much fun, but at least you get rid of the stress.....they want to see your. kids.......Let them all come to you......and don't worry about entertaining them.....they caused the new arrangement......LOL

    So on we go....with what is suppose to be a glorious time of the year, and it is turned into a families....been there done that....and what did I do.....exactly what I told her to do....and you wonde why I say “Bah Humbug".....LOL.....with me my husband wanted to go to his Mother's all the time....and my mother would say ...Hey don't get in a fight over it, just go there...fixed it........I said “you want to see the kids, come here, cause I am not taking (at the time) my son who at the time was 8 months old.....running all over town to see anyone......he is staying here..comfy and cozy in his xmas PJ's......and that is what I did and still do 60 years later......Xmas eve at my house.....and my 6 kids come with their 18 grandchildren come with their wives/husbands....and my 8 great-grand children will be here too........I don't insist.......everyone is welcome....if you can make it fine....if you can't no problem.........and so it goes.....hugs.

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited December 2017

    Ducky ..I love Christmas ...really I love the whole month of December...the excitement of the kids etc ..but I know what you mean about the stress that Christmas Day can cause ...trying to be in 2 or 3 places !!! ...I remember when our kids were little Christmas lunch was with our family , then we'd have to drive to Hubby's family for dinner that night ...and I was shattered by the time I got home !!!!...and I'd eaten way too much 😃 It's too much pressure to see everyone on the day .. This year we will have 27 family members for Christmas lunch ...which is about normal for us ..some years there's a few more , some years a few less ...then we spend all Boxing Day cleaning up after it 😱...but I'm looking forward to it anyway !

    Iris ..hope you are feeling better !

  • pepper43
    pepper43 Posts: 14
    edited December 2017

    I'm back in Crazy Town. Having my first post-treatment CT scan on Wednesday- it will be of pelvis & abdomen. I've left a message for my onco to see if she could include head b/c I've been having some headaches (which may be stress related due to upcoming scan).

    I just want it done and over with so I know if the R or M words are coming. Not looking forward to the IV experience or the waiting by the phone as soon as I get home.


    Were it not for the synchronous malignancy (chromophobe renal cell carcinoma they found in a PET scan after breast cancer dx), I wouldn't be up for one right now.

    I feel like climbing up the walls.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2017

    pepper, you and me both have scans on wed.! So working on my cold or whatever, went out quickly to drugstore but keeping it cool. Did my fav cold remedy, lemon ginger tea with a dose of scotch. Feeling better

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2017

    Pepper: CrazyTown indeed. Aren't tests always like that? But thinking we need to add climbing walls to the CrazyInn, in addition to the sunny porch, treehouse et al.

    Ducky: glad to see you back. Let us (me) know how Andrea Bocelli was live? (and weight loss and Thanksgiving and yet another amazingly gorgeous adorable grandbaby)

  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited December 2017

    Pepper and Iris both your pockets for your scans on Wednesday .

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472
    edited December 2017

    Jumping into the "pocket party" for both Pepper & Iris. Pepper, before you get a head CT or MRI you might want to see an ENT--those headaches could be sinus-related and a simple exam (no radiation, just light in a darkened room) could rule congestion in or out.

    Ducky, I'm getting flashbacks to the "dueling parental households" aspect of the holiday season. Bob & I are both from NYC and moved to Seattle for our graduate educations the day after the wedding. Christmas vacation was always a tug-of-war between sets of parents--his lived in eastern Queens, without a car and a long walk plus bus ride to the subway; mine were in Brooklyn with both a car and a two-block walk to the subway. His parents lived extremely simply (never dined out except when we were in town and my parents came along and split the tab, rarely watched TV, and had weird dietary habits--FIL was a Zen Buddhist at the time, and a strict no-sugar-no-fat-no-white-flour vegan, and we had to sneak MIL out to Burger King & Baskin-Robbins so she could have the beef & ice cream she craved). Mine eagerly dined out with us and my mom was an expert cook--Dad had only to watch the fat & sodium, and "watching" was about all he did in that regard. They would sit and argue about who got more time with us; especially when Bob's folks paid for our airfare (we were poor as church mice back then and air travel, even economy, was much costlier then than it is now). They would argue that time spent in the city & with friends didn't count as time with them--to them, only time spent exclusively with them counted. We solved that problem once we both got full-time jobs and could buy our own plane tickets, though both sets of parents refused to let us stay in hotels until my in-laws were unable to keep house well enough to allow anyone but themselves inside--that was ten years after Gordy was born. By then, my dad had passed away and my mom retired and had moved to FL to be near her friends (her entire lodge sisterhood had moved lock, stock, and barrel from lower Manhattan to Boca).

    We're about to get a taste of our own medicine now. Gordy (who still lives with us) has been spending nearly every weekend since Labor Day with his girlfriend. She wanted to take things slow and finally agreed to let us meet her & take her to dinner in a couple of weekends before she heads down to Houston to spend Christmas with her family. Today Gordy broke it to us that he will be joining her in Houston for an extended New Year's with her and her folks. In the past, he's been able to have dinner with us before doing a late evening show. But this is the first New Year's Eve since he was born that we will be without him. I think the two of them are starting to get serious. I'm glad they make each other happy, but it'll be sort of bittersweet. Our baby has truly grown up. (Yeah, he's 33 but he's our only child and will always be our baby).

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2017

    Also joining the pocket party!!

    Sandy, I can relate to the baby growing up: I have two of them, and while my daughter has had her own family for quite some time, my son, who is also 33, has been a bit slower. However, he is getting married in September. I am thrilled, but his bride to be lives on the east coast, will always live on the east coast (and he seems to be more than happy with that; he has really taken to New England quite easily for a kid born and raised in California)....daughter is in LA. So I will have to be a bi-coastal Mom and G'Ma and I have the feeling I will be the one traveling for holidays......

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2017

    well new england is a favorite of mine octo! You will need to make a trip! Gee my magic gingèr tea spiked with bourban has me feeling better this morning! So today is a no,doc appt day need to figure something good to,do

  • queenmomcat
    queenmomcat Posts: 2,020
    edited December 2017

    Iris: I can well imagine that bourbon-spiked ginger tea would improve one's mood. Gotta try that myself sometime. Enjoy your "no doc. appt" day.

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2017

    yeap, and a hit of honey too

    Cheaper than cold meds and tastes better

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472
    edited December 2017

    Consumer Reports says that honey works as well as cough suppressants for coughing, and chicken soup works as well as OTC expectorants for thinning phlegm. I've found that a combo of tea, honey, lemon and a tsp. of whiskey or brandy not only quiets my coughing but also helps bring back a strained or fatigued voice. (A trick I learned decades ago from a record producer).

  • proudtospin
    proudtospin Posts: 4,671
    edited December 2017

    i totally agree, tastes fine as well

    Well they just called to to confirm tommorrow, wooppee, ii can flavor my morning h2o with fresh lemn, how fun

  • 7of9
    7of9 Posts: 474
    edited December 2017

    well, despite the lumpy bumpiness of scar tissue after capsular contracture surgery...nothing on today's ultrasound or in the old surgery bed of the axillary surgery. Sure wasn't expecting that! Not to say it's probably not lurking, hiding.. today goes in the win column. 6 yrs, 4 surgeries, two occurrences...

    Time for a break.

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2017

    yay 7of9 for good news! Celebrate tonight!


  • rainnyc
    rainnyc Posts: 801
    edited December 2017

    Pepper, good luck with the scan!

    And lovely news, 7of9!

    Lucy, chiming in late to say your granddaughter is adorable.

    Welcome back, Ducky!

    Octo, I'm a bit clueless with geography, but are you anywhere near the latest forest fires? Jan? Tomboy? Anyone else? Stay safe!

    Sandy, it actually sounds like wonderful news that Gordy's, er, stepping out. I hope Bob feels better--and more adventurous--soon.

    Crazytown: trying to pick next year's ACA insurance.

    Hugs and Ativan to all crazies!

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2017

    oh yes, Lucy, adorable is the word for your Granddaughter!

    Speaking of adorable granddaughters, I made a quick trip to LA (before the fires started, thank goodness!) because my own adorable granddaughter had her debut performance with the nationally ranked children's chorus she just joined this fall. I am SO proud of her (and am not sure where she got the singing gene, certainly not from me :-)). Here is a pic of her receiving well deserved flowers after the amazing performance they all did at UCLA this weekend.

    Rain, the fires are hundreds of miles from me, thank goodness. They are impacting my DD and family: they are quite far from the biggest fire in Ventura, but DD does work up that way one day a week (She teaches at several local colleges, including one near Ventura). Classes today were cancelled at her college; a relief. One of the smaller fires is close enough to her to be causing bad air quality, but so far at least they are safe, as winds are blowing away from them. We are watching closely with them and hoping for the best for all involved. As someone was quoted in the LA times, there aren't too many disadvantages to living in California, but these fires are one of them. Praying all in the path of the fires stay safe.

    Jan, like me, is well out of the range of these fires. I believe that Tomboy is as well; the fires are pretty far north of the area where she is...though would be great to hear from her.

    Love and hugs to all...


  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited December 2017

    Ducky!! Glad to see you and your dggs is adorable. Octo, your dgd is lovely! My niece is in choir and can really sing too. No idea where this girl gets it. No one can carry a tune in our family. We are Southwest of the Creek fire and so is Tomboy. Smokey but no threat. I am crazy, crazy busy at work so I miss you all! I did want to share I see my NEW MO in January. Young guy but I will take him. :)

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited December 2017

    Glad you are well away from the fires Molly! Stay safe! Keep us posted on how things go with the new MO!

    The older I get the younger all docs seem...I thought my ortho surgeon for knee replacement was pretty young, but he did an excellent job so what the heck!



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,895
    edited December 2017

    Been stuck in CT Hades today. So today I had my routine CT Scan, chest only now. Well got home and I was trying to relax when I get a call from the APRN at the cancer center where I go. She starts off with everything looked good as far as the cancer concern goes and then proceeds to hit me with "you have blood clots all throughout your lungs, so you need to come in so we can make a plan of action to treat this problem now". I was in tears as I called my hubby and then my mom to let them know what was going on now. None of my family was happy about this news. So for most of the day, I have been an emotional wreck over this. So just a bit ago I get another call from the APRN with more news. Now all of a sudden after she and my oncologist consulted with my cardiologist and after looking at the results from the last scan and after comparing them to this one, they decide I don't need to come in for an emergency consult on this issue and that it can be dealt with by continuing with taking the blood thinner!!!! The flipping idiot APRN and oncologist had me and my family all upset over a minor issue that should have been discussed and a course of action decided on before I was even called the first time! Needless to say my hubby and the rest of my family aren't very happy right now!!

  • Molly50
    Molly50 Posts: 3,008
    edited December 2017

    ((((((((((((M0mmy))))))))))) Those are giant hugs from me! I am so sorry. It sure sounds like someone overreacted! 7of9, I am so thankful your scan was clean! Hugs everyone!

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472
    edited December 2017

    What blood thinner are you on? Maybe switching to another might dissolve those clots in the lungs.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,895
    edited December 2017

    Thanks Molly.

    Sandy, they have me on Eliquis twice a day

  • 7of9
    7of9 Posts: 474
    edited December 2017

    mommyof 2... Nothing like being freaked out in life or death panic mode. I'm so sorry they put you through that!!! And they tell us to exercise, do yoga, lower our unnecessary and awful!

    A sincere thank you to my pocket buddies and well wishers. It was just an ultrasound and even with aggressive radiation, I am still scared to fall into the 10% to recur locally (I already hit that 100% of the 15% once). I probably should be more worried of all the colds, stress, vs staring at myworkk computer screen and not sleeping...had dizziness on and off in November. I did mention to nurse...anything consistent and they'll probably ck me for brain mets. Well we just never get to relax anymore after diagnosed. ....but I did get a refill on my attivan (!) and I'm planning a spring break vacation in and out of Vegas to see Bryce and Zion wirh my husband and 8 yr old. Take that cancer you MF er (sorry). I wish everyone here gets a break, good news, or has something beautiful happen to them this holiday season.

    My son was 2 1/2 when I was first diagnosed. He's now 8 1/2 and gets mostly As, loves roller coasters, we've saved for college (somehow, state school should be covered) and now I'm teaching him a love of travel. I've seen Yosemite, Disney, relatives I hadn't seen in ages and my husband and I bought a boat (used) and remodeled our kitchen (too bad we tore down our crappy shed and haven't put up a new one yet....we have everything from a snow blower, to bikes, a wheelbarrow etc in our garage so I still feel like we're hillbillies ). Oh well...

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,472
    edited December 2017

    Well, I am in the Wi-Fi Hell neighborhood of CrazyTown. Over the past few weeks my wi-fi signal has gotten more and more erratic, to the point where my voice teacher & I can't connect via either Skype or FaceTime. I've had to tether my iPhone (AT&T) and iPad (VZW--bought to get online in rural areas where Verizon's the only carrier with signal) to my MacBook Pro and have burned through a month's worth of data in two weeks. I have an older iPhone still active on Sprint, which has unlimited data (that, and the fact that Gordy is the main user on the plan, is why I still have it so I can stream internet radio on the road or navigation in rental cars without built-in systems). But the catch is that Sprint won't let me tether my phone for use as a hotspot.

    So I called my ISP last night, and the support person on the phone said the problem was likely that I have slow service (50 Mbps was the fastest they offered when I first bundled with them but now they go up to 1 gigabit). So had a service call this morning to install the new hi-speed modem; but the tech says my signal's plenty fast enough and the problem is my router. For the past 7 years I've been using an Apple Time Capsule as both a router and wireless backup disk; I bought the last one, a 4th generation, in 2011 and an AirPort Express extender a couple of years ago. The Time Capsule lives upstairs at the rear of the house next to the modem, but I use my laptop in the front room downstairs. I brought the extender downstairs to be near my computer and it worked well most of the day; but now it's down again. (I'm tethered to the iPad right now). The tech suggested I get a whole-house "mesh" system like a Google or eero. So I went to Best Buy, bought an eero (after finding out the only Time Capsules currently for sale were made in 2013, are no longer being updated, and Apple has gotten out of the router-and-storage business). I told the salesman I wanted to be able to connect my Time Capsule to the eero to use as strictly a wireless backup disk for TimeMachine automatic backups, and he said that should work.

    Meanwhile, I don't trust myself to set this up so I made a GeekSquad appt.--the earliest they had is this Tues. after my breast surgeon's 6-mo. followup appt. I've been doing some research and found to my chagrin that in order to "bridge" the TimeCapsule to the network, I have to first connect it to my computer via Ethernet to set it up. Thing is, my laptop has only USB-C ports, not Ethernet; and I've read that the adaptors for that don't work very well. So I might have to do all my backups hardwired by the little portable drive I use for travel. And that, my friends, will be a royal pain because Time Machine is supposed to back up automatically every couple of hours.

    Meanwhile, Bob can't log on to his own PC laptop because it keeps ordering him to change his password and he doesn't know how. He had GeekSquad do that for him only a month ago (and a couple of months before that). He thinks it's malware (I put the fear of scams into him when he very nearly fell for one). I told him it's time to ditch that 5-yr-old machine that was never meant to run Windows 10.

    Gonna log off the iPad hotspot right now and see if I have signal again. Isn't tech supposed to make life easier?