CRAZY TOWN WAITING ROOM - TESTS coming up? All Stages Welcome.



  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited September 2021

    Just got drop-kicked into a a deep hole. My best friend and unofficial “sister” of 32 years passed away today unexpectedly. I just found out a few minutes ago and my heart is shattered.

  • mcbaker
    mcbaker Posts: 1,892
    edited September 2021

    Mommy, I am so sorry to see this. I have been through sudden and unexpected death of a loved one, and I know it rips through everything.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited September 2021

    I had been in contact with her almost every day until recently. We had made a promise that we were going to live to be old ladies that would create so much chaos and drive people nuts.

  • Messenger77
    Messenger77 Posts: 9
    edited September 2021

    Oh that’s awful! So very sorry to hear Mommyof3.

    Thinking of you Sad

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited September 2021


  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,460
    edited September 2021

    (((M0mmy))), may her memory be for a blessing.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited September 2021


  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2021

    I just found out someone I feel close to but don't see nearly enough has had a recurrence of ovarian cancer. It's a tough one. Wish I could spend more time with her.

    Take care and hug your loved ones, Crazies!


  • Lucy55
    Lucy55 Posts: 2,703
    edited October 2021 sorry to hear about your friend's awful.

    Last month my son-in-law's sister ( husband of my daughter that you met when you were here ) passed away from breast cancer ..she had just turned 40..She originally got BC at 30..small with no nodes , and it came back when she was 38 . She had her hubby have two wonderful girls ..14 and 11...I have felt too sad to even come on here before to talk about it .They live close by ... everyone is trying so hard to help/comfort them.

    Yes..we all need to hug our loved ones 🤗

    Hugs to everyone here 🤗


  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited October 2021

    Hugs back at you Lucy! How awful for your family, and so sad to leave two girls....


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    Lucy, ;and all my other friends here on BCO…I am still here and still above ground and taking nourishment…getting older ..86 now and feeling every bit of it…LOL…on some days.

    When I think back to 10 years ago and all the beautiful ladies I have met, and the ones I have lost..I am so grateful that you kept my head above water when I felt like I was drowning..the ones I got so close to and was tough..I just hope all of you are doing well after all this craziness of the past 1 1/2 most of us don’t have enough on our plates..praying day to day that we live to see another day..

    Lucy, I am so sorry to hear we have lost someone prayer to you and your family…

    My family keeps growing and growing…I now have 15 great-grandchildren, and another on the way this November..we are now our own party..we don’t need to send out invitations to make it look like we have a lot of people to invite…we grow them..LOL

    I had my mammogram done last week and it was another year for good news…have the usual aches and pains, but try to get up every day, get dressed and do what I can do…a far cry from what I use to be…but time does take its toll…

    For those who remember Grayson..she is still in a wheel chair..the big settlement that was awarded to her by a jury…she has never seen..The Dr. appealed it, and they have to go thru another trial..while my granddaughter still carries her from point A to point B…but she is a trooper and does it all with a smile on her face…Grayson is now 10..brilliant and beautiful…but in a wheel chair all the time..cannot sit up without a huge brace, and cannot walk..and has to wear a diaper..with an Aide in school to tend to her needs…as you remember…the Dr. severed her spinal cord trying to deliver her after her identical twin came out first….Grayson was feet first..and he was in a hurry to get instead of a C-section he pulled her out..thus tore her spinal cord…Jury awarded Grayson $40,000,000 when she was 2 years old…never saw a dime….

    Fast Grayson’s Mom was an identical twin also….my granddaughter’s twin sister married and got pregnant with a beautiful baby boy….he was born, and everything thought all was well….no so, not to be…now she has a son who has something called Fox G 1 disease..he is 3 cannot walk, talk, sit alone, crawl and has a feeding tube, and has frequent seizures…so sad..there is no cure..this is a rare disease..300 in the entire country….you wonder how does this happen to twin sisters….I will send you a picture of Grayson now, and also one of Christopher..we have a Fund raiser going for him…I am not begging for money….just this picture has his story…someone started a Go Fund Me page for him…


    This is my youngest daughter’s article on FB..she is Christophers aunt..just want you to see my little man….my granddaughter and her husband had genetic testing…neither carries the gene for this disease it is a mystery how this happened to them…

    I just hope you all are doing ok and making the best of these trying times…I so enjoyed all our crazy conversations we had over the years, we were like a huge family…some of us closer then others…but always had each other’s backs…please let me know how all of your are..I promise I will get back on more often…

    I did spend time with my kids at their shore homes (with the ones who have them)..which is a great change from being home …not that I do much..the damn knees are not kind to me…but I try…I am blessed with wonderful kids who told their Dad when he died 30 years ago..we will tak care of Mom…and they have..some more then others..but always there when the need to be…just glad I have them….and also glad I still have all of you…much love and prayers to my beautiful ladies..and I promise I will continue to keep in touch..Missing Blondie, and Slow Deep Breaths so much…2 beautiful people…love you all..

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    Hi Lucy…so, so sad…I cannot even begin to imagine the loss…God help the family…why ca’t these insurance companies lower the age..Really lower the age of first mammograms…if that was an option to younger women…we would have less dying…either way…such a horrible thing to happen to a family…thinking about you Lucy..and have missed all of you..just so much going on in a large family like I have..sometimes..even though I have nothing to keep me from doing it…time goes by…other things come up..and you just don’t get to do everything you want to do…I am still not over the loss of our Mayor of Crazytown…She was amazing..and meeting her here in Phila. made it that much harder…since I got to hold her…and also Blondie,…JOan is still in contact with me..and I have lost touch with Firecracker…(Carol Fahay)..but think about all of you quite often…especially this past Oct…hugs girlfriend

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    OMG..tomboy went back to the very beginning…and lived our old days of 2012 over again…I hope your doing ok…I am a hell of a lot older now..86, but still hanging in there…love ;you girlfriend

  • minustwo
    minustwo Posts: 13,454
    edited November 2021

    Ducky - good to see you.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,460
    edited November 2021

    Good to see you as sassy as ever, ducky. I prefer the brilliant satirist Tom Lehrer's description (last year at age 92, on PBS introducing an old taped concert of his): "still vertical and ambulatory." Long may you stay so!

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    Hi Chi…Hi Minus….so happy to be back..many, many still here..some not…yea, I’m an old gal now..the mouth still goes…the body not as much…it goes..a bit slower…you ladies are toddlers next to hope all is still great with both of you…I went back to the beginning and was reading many of our conversations..some made me sad because those ladies are no ;longer with us…oh how we poured our hearts out to each other…things we probably shared with no one else…we had/have a bond…and it really hit me when I read many of our texts…just glad to be back…no reason for not….just dropped the ball a bit…but here I am again…was thinking about Beppy, Blondie, Proud, and so many others…but also smiling and happy for who is still here…love you ladies

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    I am sorry to say that the sister of my gradaughter who had Grayson…the one the Dr. disabled at birth (if yu remember her)…well the other granddaughter had a baby boy..he is now 3….this little guy w;as born with a genetic disease…its called FOX G 1…..Chi your husband might know something about it…there is no cure..he cannot walk talk, sit up alone, has never crawled..and is now on a feeding tube…imagine that could happen to 2 sisters…one caused…the other Gods will….but I have 15 great-grandchildren now and another due this month…I will show you a picture of Christopher…he is so sweet…it amazes me how my 2 granddaughters both with disabled children handle what has been given to them…image

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    Nikki is my daughte who is handling him getting to Boston for special PT to help him…there are only 300 cases of this disease int he country..hard to believe…but he was accepted into this program so they have to go to Boston and stay…insurance will not cover his care….Chi if I remember’t your husband a Dr….and how is your son…you spoke of him so many times…as we all did about our families…that is what made this all fun…remembering how many laughs we had over them…good times….with great ladies…glad to be back…just had a good mammogram..hope that continues…now if I could get rid of the bad knees, arthritis, and the “wrinkles”…I would be in great shape….LOL….you ladies have a great day today

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    Chi…how are you doing in Chicago…forgot to ask, and ;just realized you did live there…not sure if you remember I have a grandson who lives we keep a close eye on what goes on…he is about 1 mile from Michigan Ave. not sure what that area is called..we of course worry a lot about him…WTH is going on….I live right outside of Philly, and you know we have made the news….The Rape on the train in Upper Darby…that is the Township I live in….but not close to where this happened….but its not getting any better…Going to vote today and hope we can turn Drexel Hill, where I live around…its not good anywhere anymore….I hope your doing well..and staying safe…my grandson said…its getting closer to him and they do’t go out much at night…very sad…

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,460
    edited November 2021

    Ducky, we're fine here in Chicago. Michigan Ave, is analogous to 5th Ave. in NYC (not quite sure what the Philly equivalent is). The north part of it is the Gold Coast & Streeterville; south of the river it's the east end of the Loop, across from Millennium & Grant Parks. It's the fashion & tourist area, as high as rents get within city limits. South of the Loop (to a little s. of Roosevelt) used to be seedy, but over the past decade has become trendy and expensive. We live 7 miles north in a quiet residential area near the lake that's almost like a small town in the city.

    There's crime & violence in most large cities, but there always has been. It's just more widely-reported now, but you still have just as high a chance of getting caught in a tornado, hurricane, flood or in a car or bicycle accident. I've always lived in cities--born & raised in Brooklyn, spent 7 years in Seattle, and now (since 1978) Chicago. When I was a kid we spent summers in the mountains, but I've never lived in a small town or even a suburb.

    Bob (my DH) is a cardiologist who got his PhD in Genetics. (Our 50th anniversary was in June). I'm not sure how conversant he is with genetic diseases as rare as Christopher's. Any drugs for them are also so rare (and unprofitable for pharmaceutical companies) that they're called "orphan drugs." There is a site called that deals with very rare diseases. I found it while (depressingly) Googling my own ocular iris-ciliary body melanoma discovered quite accidentally in July 2020. Ocular melanoma--which is genomically different from skin melanoma--is very rare: 4 cases per million worldwide, 5 cases per million in the U.S.--but the type that is in the part of the eye called the ciliary body (that works the muscle that opens & closes the pupil inside the iris) occurs in only 10% of ocular melanomas, and iris melanoma is only 7% of ocular melanomas. Mine is at the junction of the iris & ciliary body, so rare that it occurs about 0.25 cases per million. Not quite in Christopher's boat, but still... Mine was treated with plaque brachytherapy (a little tiny gold disk studded with radioactive seeds surgically inserted against the eye-wall and then removed 5 days later); and now we just examine & scan it every 3 months and keep fingers crossed. It hasn't affected my vision and is not outwardly visible. There are no drugs yet that work against it, even after it metastasizes.

    Gordy, our son, is engaged--the wedding will be in New Orleans in April. His fiancee is a teacher from Houston, and is delightful. They live about 3 miles south of us, about a mile from Wrigley Field. He is a Second City/i.o/Piven-trained improv actor--but his own troupe which he led disbanded when its theater building, located in a trendy neighborhood, got bought and the landlord doubled the rent. He's been working for ticket reseller Vivid Seats for the last three years and is now one of their top fraud-mitigation specialists.

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited November 2021

    Hi gals! Been a bit busy lately, hence my absence. Last scan showed a Big, Fat Nothing still (sigh of relief!)

    Was going to wait until the coming weekend to get my turkey for Thanksgiving but my hubby jumped the gun and bought one today. Turkeys are in short supply here, was only 5 left in the store when he was there! Was only going to get a turkey breast but there was none to be found. He got a 16 lb. bird! Looks like he’s going to have turkey sandwiches for a week! lol

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021
    Hi ladies…quick hello and the right off..always something…my daughter was going into her attic on a ladder, and whatever happened she ended up falling backwards 7 feet to the floor below..her husband was in the attic doing something..heard her fall..but could not get down to help her because she was laying on the floor with the ladder on top of her..and him jumping was his only way down…there are not stairs have to use a ladder…so luckily she had her phone which landed ;on the floor beside her…she called 911 and them her up..and her husband down from the attic…she hit her head, and the EMT’s took her to the hospital…she is still there..not sure if she broke her vertebrae CT ordered..but she has a huge knot on the back of her head and a badly banged up elbow…..I said “oh boy wait till tomorrow”. we all know how that goes…waiting for more info from my son in law….always something, right…will let you all know…Phew..
  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited November 2021

    Oh no Ducky! I pray everything is not so bad with your daughter.

  • chisandy
    chisandy Posts: 11,460
    edited November 2021

    Yeesh, Ducky--there's a lot of falling-down "going around" CrazyTown these days. Hugs and healing thoughts for your DD.

  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    Hi Ladies…well my daughter did get pretty banged up..she fell from the top of the ladder when it moved and she was 7 feet off the ground standing at the entrance to her attic…she fell bakwards..they did a lot of testing, but finally did send her home….I think everyone (if you have enough kids) gets that one child that everything that can happen does….plus everything that comes up the Pike they get…My daughter Ginny is that child..even though she is 63 years old…thank God she is ok…she had a brain tumor several years ago..had surgery and did well…6 weeks old Double Pneumonia…Epilepsy…the one child hat brought every disease home to the other kids..mumps, Chicken Pox, before there were any vaccines…a few years ago..she got a bacteria infection in her lungs…that came from her bathroom shower…kind of like Legionaires disease if any of you remember that one….plus…just got over a TIA caused by a severe case of Shingles on her face and eye…so nothing shocks me with Ginny…LOL…just thank God she manages to survive them all…Thanks for your thoughts and prayers ladies…hugs

  • alicebastable
    alicebastable Posts: 1,969
    edited November 2021

    Ducky, my goodness, your daughter reminds me of the old Timex commercials: "Takes a licking and keeps on ticking!"

  • octogirl
    octogirl Posts: 2,434
    edited November 2021

    Ducky, sometimes I feel like that kid in my family...but I am still here and hanging in!! Sending virtual hugs and best wishes for quick healing for your daughter...


  • duckyb1
    duckyb1 Posts: 9,646
    edited November 2021

    Thanks Ladies…I saw her today..she is the grandmother of new twin girls and they came to her house today…so I stopped over…she live only a few blocks from me..

    Have to say she did looked pretty beat..her back is bad..she can barely stand straight..kind of ben over…she a Dr. appt tomorrow which I will be take her to…she did annoy me today..her daughter was there…her son, and daughter-in-law..I as leaving and I said to the kids ..grandkids, great-grandkids goodbye. ..Now I am Irish…husband was Italian….Have you ever see people raised in and Italian home, or married to an Italian man and picks up their habits….Well I have named it over the years….THE LONG ITALIAN GOODBYE….Now today we were only 10 in my daughter’s house….Total we are 62…

    So after saying bye 2 9 of the 10..I could not find my daughter…when I asked where she was..they said she went down the basement to put the clothes from the washer into the dryer…I said “is she friggin nuts” granddaughter said…I told her I would do it Nan, but she said “no I have to move around”…my answer…Well tell her I aid by, and add….I she can go up and down the basement steps then guess what….She canot be that bad….Nothing annoys me more then a martyr…so needless to say…I held my tongue when she called and asked for a ride to he Dr.s tomorrow….

    No sympathy form this Mom….but after I walked out the door…my grandson opened it and said “Hey Nan, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree…she’s your clone”….NO WAY LADIES..IF THAT IS TRUE..SHOOT ME NOW…LO

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited November 2021

    Oh boy!

  • m0mmyof3
    m0mmyof3 Posts: 9,884
    edited November 2021

    As if my day couldn't have gotten any worse, I just got a call from my Mom that my late sister's youngest son passed away unexpectedly.