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Thin Slices of Joy



  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2020

    Since my plant care is going better than expected, I've ordered a plant.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2020

    It's so cute! It's an aloe arborescens.


  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited October 2020

    Isn’t it amazing how much joy looking after a plant can give you? I have been amazed at how much fun I had with my tomatoes. This week I finally chopped them up and put them in the compost, which I also really enjoyed. For next year I have ordered a glasshouse so I’ll be able to grow even more stuff

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2020

    Yes! After I decided to be better at caring for my plants, I read that plant care can be part of self care. I'm leaning towards plants that have other purposes like aloes, herbs, and a few veggies. I like orchids, but I don't want any more.

    My main rosemary plant is still outside, but I did root a cutting. I'm going to try to make a rosemary topiary. We'll see how it goes. It's wee.


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited October 2020

    Happy Halloween! 🎃

    Remember, if you don't weigh yourself, you didn't gain weight! 😁


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    A bubble bath for your mind!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    My PVR didn't record Seth Meyers last night. Fortunately, clips of the show are up on YT. I have loved Tracy Chapman since her first release. I still listen to her. She still sounds amazing.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    Waaaay ahead of you!


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    Why I don't wear hard pants...


  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    Snow is gone. It's almost balmy today.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2020

    Love all the music you’ve been posting Serenity. That version of Redemption Song, absolutely love that guy from Congo on the beach. Love Bill Withers and Tracy Chapman too. These songs all bring back happy memories for me.

    My daughter was playing “fast car” on her guitar recently and I was trying to sing along - which made me realise how difficult it is to do what Tracy makes look completely effortless. She is amazing. Hope you are doing well. I am enjoying a very restful Sunday, nothing I have to do. Bliss.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    ScotBird - The music does take me back to simpler, happy times. I love that your daughter plays Tracy Chapman on her guitar. Chapman does make it look easy. How's your hip? I'm doing ok. Sad to read that Alex Trebek died. I used to watch Jeopardy when I was young and smarter. I used the topics as areas to study for Brain Brawl in high school. On top of reading reference materials from front to back. My husband and I were a mean trivia team. Now I don't keep up with pop culture.

    Am I just old when I say the music was better?

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Serenity - Tom Petty is one of my all time faves & his music is my go to for road trips (which will hopefully happen again in 2021). What with the election in the US, I found myself thinking of his song "The Waiting is the Hardest Part"! You are absolutely right that the music was better & I think you have great taste in music!. Never heard the song you posted on Nov 5th - Loved it!

    RIP Alex Trebek. Jeopardy is a nightly routine for hubs and I. His shoes will be hard to fill.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    Celia - Thank you! The song is Redemption Song by Bob Marley. One of his sons is singing in the video that does include a concert clip of Bob Marley singing. He died in the 80s. If you loved it, there is a world of reggae that you'll love. I'll post some of his music.

    I came across this acapella group named Kings Return today. This is beautiful.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    I'm sure I Shot the Sheriff was the first Bob Marley song I heard, and you probably heard the song before. Eric Clapton had a version. No Woman, No Cry is fantastic.

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited November 2020

    I saw Bob Marley's last live concert before he died. Providence 1982.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    That must have been amazing!

    We had snow last week, but it's like spring today. I like the video.

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Bob Marley and the Wailers - Oh yes! As I said before, you have great taste in music, Serenity!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    Celia - Not according to my family! I like a wide range of music. Even disco!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    My homemade yogurt with cinnamon was particularly tasty after an extended fast (about 40 hours).

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2020

    Mmm that does sound good. I’m going to start doing alternative day fasting next week. It gives you something to look forward to!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    I do like fasting. I just started the tablet version of Ibrance. I needed to eat a meal with capsules, but that's no longer required with the tablets. I want to do 1 36-hr fast a week. It's easier to do weekly instead of once every 4 weeks.

    Are you avoiding all foods in your alternate day fasting or doing the low calorie option? My husband prefers the low calorie option, but I prefer black coffee/water/tea fasting. I have added a small amount of aloe vera gel in my lemon water to help my immune system. It's made fasting easier.

    I had my Xgeva shot and port flushed today. They always pull out a kit for the flush and then toss it when done. I noticed they had plastic tweezers with pointy tips. Just what I've been needing for my orchid and aloe plants! The nurse gave it to me. Now it's next to my gardening chopsticks. I'm the queen of repurposing! 😎

  • santabarbarian
    santabarbarian Member Posts: 2,311
    edited November 2020

    To think of all of them that wind up in landfill... good you did!

  • celiac
    celiac Member Posts: 1,260
    edited November 2020

    Seremity - I think we have similar musical tastes. Gloria Gaynor's - I Will Survive - what an anthem for many women, for many reasons. I was out there discoing away! Good memories!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    santabarbarian - I hate all the waste created. I'm glad the schedules for my port flushes and Xgeva shots are extended. Even my MO visits and labs are further apart. It may be due to a combination of my response to treatment and the pandemic. Fewer visits mean less stress and waste. Hate seeing the surgical masks thrown on the streets.

    Celia - You have excellent taste in music!

  • scotbird
    scotbird Member Posts: 592
    edited November 2020

    My foot is getting better thank you. I have no idea what I did to it but there was a sudden pain inside it and there is still a lot of bruising and swelling. Visited hospital twice, x ray etc but they couldn’t say. Very strange and random, just as I was starting to feel fully well for the first time in about 7 years!! Today I managed to take the dog for a walk around the park, which was lovely. I’m going to start my alternate day fasting on Tuesday. On fasting days I allow myself to eat as many apples as I want (usually only 3 or 4 but 10 has been known)and am also allowed tea, coffee and one glass of wine!

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    ScotBird - That is very weird about your foot. Hope it heals soon. I've never done an apple fast, but my husband did try it once. I have done the potato fast. That wasn't so bad. Some people have had dramatic weight loss eating only potatoes.

    This cover is so beautiful.

    Rosemary and thyme plants are now indoors. We'll see if they survive the winter.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    I love the Proofing setting on my oven. It makes baking bread faster when the house is cooler.

  • SerenitySTAT
    SerenitySTAT Member Posts: 3,534
    edited November 2020

    I'm swaying!