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January 2017 Surgery Group



  • farmdream
    farmdream Member Posts: 74

    Hello all....I haven't said hello for a good to see you all still here.

    annoyingboob - my surgery was January 4th, I think I thought about it more than my diagnosis date.

    BeachBabyK - thank you for establishing the facebook group.

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    always great to hear everyond is doing so well . Varga , your babies are beautiful . Can’t believe how big Charlie is already! Time flies.

    Hope everyonesnew year is off to a great start. Love to all

  • Pyrrh
    Pyrrh Member Posts: 89

    Hi friends! Nice to see everyone still checking in and progressing right along with this adventure we call life :) Lovely holiday pictures too! Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, Happy New Year ....

    I was reading and thought "Oh, I bet I am close to my one year anniversary..." missed it by 5 days. Everything has been going relatively well, my extra cautious OBGYN keeps me on my toes monitoring a thickened endometrial stripe, so far it's just thick though. Nothing else worrisome. Still plugging away at Tamoxifen, which only seems to be causing my OBGYN to be watchful.

    My little terrier (medium sized terrier?) keeps us on our toes, she is starting to learn manners but it's slow going! Other than that, I spend my time teaching (or preparing to teach) TKD classes and chasing my children around to band events. Texas bands keep families on their toes.

    Claire says hi!


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Pyrrh- so good to hear from you!!! Beachbabyk made us a FB page if you want to join us!!! So far their are 12 I think. Clarie is adorable!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    Hello January ladies! I went for my 1 yr check at the BS office today. I was a bit concerned bc after my Nov 29 revision, I noticed a hard knot about 2" below my right collarbone, right after surgery. I gave it a couple months in case it was swelling from surgery, but it never went away. I told my PA who saw me today I wanted an us. She palpated it and did a cbe and I got the all clear \:D/ Turns out it was my RIB!! I never noticed it before the revision. I guess the PS pulled my skin tighter and now it sticks out ..."new normal" haha. I have a "surviviorship" appt with the PA I saw today (at BS office) on Jan 29th. It was supposed to have been months ago, but since I switched ps, I guess it fell through the cracks. (My original ps was part of my breast surgeons practice.) Basically diet and exercise tips, and she outlines my plan. I told her since it was trip neg dcis, no microinvasion, the bs had said I didn't need an oncologist. But I feel kind of out there on my own, with no imaging or monitoring. She said she hears that a lot from women w/my dx. Said keep doing what I am doing, report anything suspicious no matter how small. And see her back in 6 months for another cbe. Any how, I am so relieved!!

    Oh, and she was really interested in my fat transfer plan. She had asked why I switched ps. I told her the one in her office didn't do extensive fg, just small amts around the upper poles and a ripple here or there. And he doesn't do nipple recon. She said I really look good, but understands my wanting to be implant free and smaller. She did say the ps's PA is getting really good at the 3D tats. I may just let her do mine next fall. That gives her another 6 months of experience. She has been doing them for a year. She said she is not as good as Vinny but pretty darn good, has pics I can view. She can tat over nip recon. But honesly, the way my new ps sewed me up, it almost looks like nipples. I have vertical scars that go from nipple area down to IMF, then along the IMF like an achor. She left a little extra skin at the nip area and it protrudes a bit, maybe I won't do surgical nip recon. So, it was a good visit!

    My thoughts and prayers are with you all as the anniversaries come. Good vibes to all!!

  • Pyrrh
    Pyrrh Member Posts: 89

    I requested membership in the Facebook group. My first name is Tiffany :) someone needs to approve me!

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Pyrrh- BeachbabyK is the one who approves the request. I can only add people that are my friends. Hope to see you on FB sooooooon!

  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    Shoregirl, thanks for the update! So glad its all clear. I was dreading my anniversary, then realized I blew right through it (yesterday)!



  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    Wanted to post my baby's pic... she is back in LA, CA... here at the pony races ;)

    Love that gurl!


  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    Trying again with the picture of Isabel... at the ponies in LA.Miss and love this GURL!!


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    dcbc, is that your daughter?! Soo gorgeous!!

    Ladies, sorry to say, but I won’t be joining the Facebook group - I’m trying to cut down on social media this year, but please log in here every now and then to keep me posted!!Xo


  • dcbc
    dcbc Member Posts: 122

    Yes, it is! I can't stop looking at it... miss her so much!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    dcbc your daughter is beautiful, she looks like an angel!

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    omg what a gorgeous faughter you have. Hope all ate well on here. Nice to see pics of everyone on the FB site. I do miss a-boob though. But understand .

    Have a great week ladies ❤️💗

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    im here elem!!!

    It’s HARD to get off social media, but I’m trying!! Please do keep me posted here from time to time and say hello to all for me. I feel like you girls are moving on together without me, but you will all always have a big place in my heart.

    Welp - Jan is over so we made it through our 1 year anniversary!! Congratulations to all you girls and big sigh of relief that’s over. I’m going to celebrate again in March for 1 year end of radiation anniversary. I bought some pretty bras the other day, as I’m guessing I’m probably my final size. They are almost too pretty to wear!

    Getting ready to change my handle from annoying boob to AMAZING BOOBS!! Cheers to body positivity in the new year, scars and all...let’s all love ourselves and be gentle to our bodies this year. Xxxxooooo

  • Elem
    Elem Member Posts: 246

    good to hear from you Amazing Boobs.. you are missed on Fb , but yes social media can become all consuming very quickly if not careful . Glad we have all come so far . Yes in March is the radsiversary for me as well . March 20 Iwill have completed a yr on tamoxifen already. Boy what a yr. Cheers to you all . Love to everyone

  • DCISinAZ
    DCISinAZ Member Posts: 135

    Tomorrow morning I am heading to California for the funeral of my friend who lost her valiant fight against BC. She had been fighting hard for the last almost 4 years. It was aggressive and she was stage 4 from the beginning. Am I a terrible person that I really do not want to go? I know I will be selfishly thinking "this could be me" the whole time. She was only 45 years old and is leaving behind two teen daughters. This disease is just awful.

    Side note - did anyone have an MRI as part of their one year follow up? I am having one next week then my six month ultrasound about a week or so later in preparation for meeting with my oncologist at the end of the month.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    DCISINAZ - I'm so sorry! I understand your thoughts about "could be me" and even stretch a little farther to "still could be me!". BC changes us forever! Physically, mentally and emotionally. The emotionally one seems to be the hardest on me because I think that' were all "those thoughts " come from. Hugs to you are you travel for the funeral. No one has mentioned a MRI. My BC was caught early and I was low on all the grades. Onco score was 14 which is high in the low side to me!

  • Shoregirl
    Shoregirl Member Posts: 338

    DCISinAZ, so very sorry to hear of the loss of your dear friend!! No you are not bad for not wanting to go to the funeral. As Varga said, BC changes us and I believe a sense of morbidity is something that affects each and every one of us. Sending positive thoughts and gentle warm hugs your way as you travel to lay your friend to rest.

    I was not scheduled for an MRI although that would make me feel so much better! I too had dcis, no micro invasion, triple negative so no hormones. The only monitoring I get is a clinical breast exam every 6 months for 2 years then once a year after that for the first five years. MRI only if something is suspicious. That doesn't make me feel very well looked after!! Not even an ultrasound?!

    I had to put my next revision on hold as the MRI for my spine revealed severe stenosis and spondylolisthesis. I just had my first epidural Wednesday but it's looking like back surgery for me as physical therapy has not helped.

  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Shoregirl - I'm so sorry you are having to deal with a back issue! It sure does make life hard! Keep us posted on your progress! Prayers going up!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    question for you tamoxifen girls: has anyone had spotting between periods? I’ve been off tamoxifen for months bc it made my uterus huge. Uterus seems normal size now, but I just had spotting for like a week after my last period. Maybe I’m starting menopause? I’ll wait another cycle or 2 to see if it persists, but thought I’d ask you experts if you had noticed anything like this???

    The gift that keeps giving....

    Here is a snowy Paris:


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Beautiful AB! Tamoxifen has stopped my periods. My last one was January 7th 2017. Surgery was February 7th (today a year ago, I'm a wreck today!) Started Tamoxifen in March and haven't had a period since! There are times I feel like I am going to start but then nothing. Stay on top of everything! Enjoy your snow! We have a messy rain for a few days!


  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    oh that’s right - I forgot it stops them. Silly me. Well, that answers that question!! Thanks Varga!!

    Anniversaries are hard - hang in there - I’m thinking of you!!! Think of it like bowling - knocking down one pin at a time - you got this!!! Today is one pin knocked down. March will be another. We will keep knocking those darn pins down together!!

    Love you girls!


  • vargadoll
    vargadoll Member Posts: 1,942

    Annoyingboob - some of the other girls haven't stopped. They ae younger than me by 5 years and I think you are to.

    Yesterday is over and today is a new day! I'm think I'm just tired of fighting this stupid lymphedema. Tired of the ugly bras, my spider boob lol! Adjusting to The New Normal.. Love to you

  • Cowboy-Up
    Cowboy-Up Member Posts: 161

    Annoyingboob, I haven't had any spotting but mine used to be 28 days exactly. Now it come a few days early or a few days late. I always wonder if it is the Tamoxifen or menapause. I think you are the same age as I am, right? 47

  • Pyrrh
    Pyrrh Member Posts: 89

    Hi AB & All - I am also 47 - period did not stop on Tamoxifen. It was heavier for a couple of months, but now it seems fairly normalized. I missed one month inexplicably but then it started back up again. No spotting.

    It has made my endometrial stripe thickened (although when I research other people's thickening mine is tiny in comparison) and my OBGYN has so far done two biopsies "just to make sure". Not a comfortable procedure at ALL.

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    thanks girls. I just turned 48. I’ll see how the next 2 cycles go for me before I get an ultrasound or any kind of work up. My cycles used to be long - like 35 days, but are getting shorter, maybe like 30 days now. Then last month was the spotting, just for a week after my period. I’ve been off tamoxifen for 8 or 9 months, so it can’t really be that. Plus I recall MO saying since I slough my endometrium on my own, it’s unlikely T would give endometrial cancer. I’m thinking it’s menopause, and perhaps it was a big hormone surge that caused my cancer. Who knows?! Or just a fibroid moving into my endometrium. Gah - I was feeling so good and not thinking about my health everyday at all. Now it’s back to being hyper vigilant.

    Signed, annoyinguterus but amazingboob

  • beachbabyk
    beachbabyk Member Posts: 148

    A-boob: I also have not had a period (or any spotting) since last January. I'm not sure what would happen if I stopped though. I am 48. I am going to be tested before my next MO appt (in 3 mo) to see if I have been medically pushed into menopause. If so, they will take me off of Tamoxifen and change me to an AI.

    Anniversaries can suck, but I truly try to remember to just be so incredibly thankful for how far we have all come!

    Love you Ladies! Stay Strong!

  • annoyingboob
    annoyingboob Member Posts: 459

    keep me posted beachbabyk - I wonder what the test is to see if you are menopausal - do they just measure a bunch of hormone levels? If it’s easy enough, I’d be interested in getting tested too! Guys have it so easy, don’t they??!!

  • 3bears
    3bears Member Posts: 161

    Annoyingboob- I hope you’ll reconsider. We ❤️You and Facebook is just us moving to another room where it’s easier for us all to gather. When my chemo group went over there I at first said no too. But I’m so glad I did. We are all closer and it’s so much easier to post.

    Anyway, we love you!! You’re so funny and loving.